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Futuristic //CAVERNS_OF_CHROME.exe - A Cyberpunk RP with Badd Kharma and Borkus Lazorus

Borkus Lazorus

Senior Member

Welcome to the 22nd century, year 2110, the month of December. Humanity has irrevocably changed to the point where we look like an entirely different species. Whether it’s for the better or for the worse, one thing's for certain. It isn’t what our fore-bearers certainly expected when they thought of the future.

The dawn’s passed and now, we’re in an age where the edge of tomorrow is being fought over like a cookie jar every single day. It is an age of new leadership where the underworld and the corporations have superseded the governments of the old and the concept of nationalism is nothing more than a sock-puppet for those to parade around in. It is an age of over-population where 75% of a hundred billion live in segregated giga-hives that are miniature cities unto themselves, labyrinthian mazes of cheap polycrete tenements, luminescent holo-ads and seedy neighborhoods located on Earth. It is an age of decay as the planet has been polluted beyond repair with its resources being siphoned off at an exponential rate. It is an age of increased inequality as sky-cities of biblical proportions float above the clouds where the rich gossip and gally about in hedonism while the poor and needy swallow what they have left. It is an age of innovation as people have ignored the boring hopeless reality in favour of replacing and AMPLIFYING reality to suit their own needs. It is an age of a new frontier as corporations now dominate the stars, the firmaments of the cosmos, and have united amongst one another in a tenuous alliance in an attempt to restore some sense of civilization. It is an age of conflict as corporations still tangle with one another on Earth and in the stars, fighting to claim the future for their own capitalistic needs.

Our world is a landscape of cutting-edge advanced tech that exists at a stratified level whereby innovation has been re-labelled, re-packaged and re-advertised by corporations. You can expect your average pre-pubescent corp-schooler to have Kera-Syn sub-dermal data-tattoos that operate on a scale of magnitude faster than a archeo-ware Apple phone. Gangoons are armed with anti-vehicle heavy squad gauss cannons that can blow up an entire apartment block. Netrunners surf along the electromagnetic confines of the web, their consciousness trawling through the majestic ocean of cyberspace. Man and machine have melded together seamlessly with the dawn of new cyber and wet-amplifications that further castrate away the soul away from the body. Technology has shifted towards the nano-molecular level, allowing for people to further shed away their humanity in the form of a new all-and-improved body. SHELLING has become a new trend with people freely uploading their consciousness to meat-shells and metal-shells. Genetic engineering has allowed people to alter their bodies beyond recognition and give birth to the rise of new, otherworldly abilities that even the most amplified might consider a little...bizarre.

It is the intrepid dawn of a century and the birth of a revolutionary era of cutting-edge technology.

Who are you in this new age?


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