Cave Story: War of the Past

Peppermint Patty

Patty of Peppermint

Signup is here. Please include the following information- Name: Age: Species (Or whatever you are): Current Health (This can be changed as you get stronger): Affiliation: Weapons (If he/she/it has any): Tools (Such as a booster, just an example): Personality: Bio (This should be detailed, guys!): Other Details (Optional): Theme:

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Name: Mordigard Gaashiin

Age: 17 (In Earth years)

Species: Nikii (Neptunian variety)

Current Health: 5

Affiliation: Himself/Mimigas

Weapons: None, in his current state

Tools: Power Grip (Gives extreme strength to arms)

Personality: Usually a downer- tends to look at things in the worst way possible.

Bio: Born on the planet Neptune, he was raised in a relatively normal lifestyle (for his kind, at least). As most inhabitants of his planet do, he studied Earth practices from his day of his first birthday all the way until he was a grownup. Though the people of Earth may not know it, the inhabitants of Neptune look up to Earth- literally. They have spent many hundreds of years watching the humans, learning from them, learning their languages, and how they accomplish what they can. This is because they plan to visit the planet someday- just to introduce themselves. In fact, their plan was to visit EVERY planet in the solar system, in order to have ties with their neighboring planets. Mordigard was part of this operation. They had finally finalized all they needed to do in order to start their grand operation- Mordigard being assigned as their representative for Earth. Well, things went well for the first few days of his journey- but it didn't last long, as on the fifth day, he noticed a problem... He was piloting an altered version of their first prototype. This was all okay, from a practical standpoint: it had passed the testing, and even was the fastest of all the other ships used... But this came with a setback- it was using a different fuel, which was less efficient. He found himself trying to rush to Earth as fast as he could, before the fuel ran out, so he wouldn't find himself drifting in space for the rest of eternity. He couldn't land on any other planets, as this one was specifically made to only handle Earth's attributes. After three more nerve-wracking days, though, he saw it- the planet that would fix his problem- his goal. While preparing his landing, though, it happened- he ran out of fuel. The ship began to be sucked with gravity towards the planet uncontrollably, and he had no way to slow it down. But instead of hitting the planet's surface, he hit a certain floating island, where he still remains now- a week later.

Other Details (Optional): He has extremely sensitive ears- don't touch them!

Theme: [media]

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