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One x One Cat's Crossing

When she finally gives her answer, I give a slight sigh. The water begins the boil, prompting me to leave my chair that I'd returned to while talking and take out two small cups, some loose chamomile, two strainers, and lastly some honey. It doesn't take too long for me to prepare everything and hand the robot a cup of chamomile.
"It's chamomile with honey. Might not be much, but it's the best I can do at the moment."
As soon as he brought the tea to her, her pupils spread across her eyes like some cat rolling around catnip. She snatched the tea as she took a moment to appreciate the warm and delicious scent it spreads. She then began licking the tea rapidly like some crazed dog, spilling some tea and making quite a mess. Maybe there’s a reason robots can’t drink. Or at least if they were at least taught to drink properly.

when she was done she licked off the tea that stained near her mouth with a satisfied smile. “This was wonderful!”B835A639-6B98-4A9A-ACD8-4849CAADAE6D.png
"Hah, no problem," I say with a toothy grin. "It's always nice to have a hot cup of tea once in a while. It really warms the spirits a bit when you do." I take a sip of the hot chamomile tea. While I don't have a reaction like her's, I can't help but feel relaxed as the tea warms my body up. The honey softens the taste as well, adding to the soothing effect of the tea. "Ah, if I may ask, what are the biological being in your world like? I also presume there's space travel as well, right?"
“Hmmm.. space travel? Well, there’s definitely that but not where you would immediately arrived like hyper jump in Star Wars. But it is usually fast. Takes a week to get to another planet, but humans can only travel to Mars since they’re still studying of the other planets in the solar systems and trying to figure out how humans can stay there without dying.” She licks the last drops of tea in the empty cup before putting it aside. “But they’re pretty normal is what I could say.. besides getting chased down from the police every so often...”

“But I wanna ask a few stuff too!” She said excited, “Have you ever had anyone stumbled upon this place and they tried hurting you or trashing the place? Oh! And what age do you get your powers and how do you learn them? Do you have to go to school or something to control them? Is it possible to even learn and even earn these powers too??”She asked.
"Hmm... non-so far. I did have a few people highly confused that a random door leading to another dimension appeared, and about my powers, kids can start using them at fairly early ages. However, for any sophisticated travel like I'm doing right now, it usually takes time for them to develop as people before they can properly make the jumps. Though, anyone not native to my realm can gain these powers. They may be able travel the dimensions, but they'll never be able to visit my dimension due to the outer forces that governs this space and outside of it. For me, I usually take a less organized and refined approach for my travels. Those that heavily invest into travelling record their accounts into books. It's rather entertaining listening about other worlds, actually. Though, I must admit that not all books are created equal..." I say that last part with a frown. "Some choose to write about... disgusting things." I shiver a bit at the thought of it.
She stares at him for a second before speaking up in interest. “...Well... can you share at least one disgusting part of some of the books you read?” She said, eyeing away before looking back. “It’s just- with your kind of powers I’m really intrigued on what things your people stumbled upon their journey. I especially Wanna learn how to move across dimensions too! Do you have to focus your mind? Walk around for a couple of minutes before running straight first and hopes you landed at some other world??” She guessed even if she knew that was far from right.

“Also if that really isn’t your body, what does your real one looks like? Are you even humanoid at all? Perhaps you’re just millions of bloody worms all tangled up to form a body!” She guessed again.
"Unfortunately, you can't learn or gain these powers. They're wholly unique to my dimension alone. If you wanted to travel across dimensions, you'd have to do it through other means that are available to you. Sorry about that," I look at her with an apologetic look. "Though, if you're wondering about my real body, this conduit is a close approximation to how I actually look, Asian. Though, I won't actually give my real appearance as I'd like that to stay private." I pause for a moment before continuing on, "Now that you mention it, there were two individuals who had some relation to dimension hopping. One was named Canwr and the other Mordred. They both had different methods to how they dimension hopped and varying degrees of willingness in those hops, if they could be called hops at all."
"Wooooooooooowww..." She applauded, it was quite fatasnic hearing a god-like creatures experiences with their godly powers. You don't see this daily at all. But she was still convinced he was still a body mushed with worms, he was just hiding it. "Do animals in your world also can do this stuff?? Can they stretch their bodies across the world or start wildfires?"
"No, not in my world," I say nervously, "they're actually quite ordinary. Actually, our world is quite ordinary, and from the looks of it, quite similar to yours as well, at least, in terms of the timeline. We're farther back in the past, 2021 I believe." I say as I take a sip of my tea. "The only interesting part is that we're able to travel across the multiverse, albeit not physically but in a sort of mental way if that wasn't apparent before." I shuffle my glasses a bit in embarrasment for unintentionally creating a time dilation, though the little robot wouldn't have noticed.
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“D’aww.. but that would’ve been cool if they had some freakish powers..” Marigold grumbled.

She perks her shoulders up as she swings her head to face the door, glaring as if someone had just called out her name. But not even a echo could be heard.

“I’m really sorry but I have a gut feeling my friends are looking around trying to find me. I must return back to my realm immediately.” She said in a rush, hopping off the bed as she shoves her hand in her fluffy hair, digging through till she pulls a item out.

“Here, this is a gift for allowing me into your wacky world!” She holds the gift to him, it was a nightlight duck.9AB0346D-1796-421F-8E37-83AD85847EBF.png
"Wow, it's so cute!" I say with a wide smile as I take the small plastic duck. "I'll keep it for safe keeping." I place the duck into my pocket and then walk over to the door, but as I do, I remember something, prompting me to turn around. "Ah, I'd also like to give you this as well." I hand out a small white slip of paper to the little robot. "If you still have this piece of paper when you walk out of this room, you can call my door, granted I'm available."
She took a moment to savior this beautiful privilege of a paper before gently tucking it in her hair. “I’m definitely keeping this!” She giggled before rushing to the door. Before she turned the knob, she face him and waved.

“Bye-Bye good sir! Oh! And I forgot to tell my name to you this whole time. The name is Marigold, good sir!” She said before opening the door and closing it as she rushes out, following the calls of her friends.
"And mine Jin-Ho," I reply with a smile as I wave Marigold off and close the door.

And this is your televised copy past advisory that every RP will have. "And that is the end of the session. Depending on whether or not the character is from a franchise or from your personal work, this character's instance may be erased/stored. If the character is from an RP you're currently doing, ask them if they will allow this session to be canon within the universe. Also, try to follow the internal logics of a universe as much as possible. It has been nice RPing with you :')"

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