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Catch me, If You Can

Rachel, who is secretly a sorceress was having a huge crush on her next door neighbor, Zain. Once she met him at the apartment, she fell hard for his looks. She didn't know him long enough to know who really is so, naturally she based it completely on appearance. If she had known that she is slowly falling for a man who has killer instincts to kill her kind. She probably would have avoided him from the beginning. Now, Zain can use her feelings against her because he has bad intentions. @RoyalPhoenix32
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Gerrant, or aka Zain to humans, was meditating as he allowed his dragon blood powers to cool after a 'fight' with a hunter that decided to let go of rules that were in place by past Wardens of the area. It was also a duty he took to heart after leaving the hunter business behind after seeing one too many sorceresses being dragged away screaming for mercy and pleading for anyone to help them.

Being a Warden wasn't a glamorous job and it was much harder than the hunter business since he had to deal with all sorts of beings on a daily basis. Hell, even he had to run from one too many female dragons in heat that wanted to make his 'line' more powerful. By no means was he a full blown dragon but he had the blood of a dragon in him. Something that gave him an edge while in the hunter business and now being a Warden.

He sighed as his dragon blood wouldn't settle at the moment, too high on from having someone trying to display dominance in his territory. Looking at the wall, he wondered what Rachel was doing next door. Girl was fairly nice looking, seen plenty of those but Rachel was a bit special. No idea why but he just seemed to like it.
Rachel had knocked on her neighbors door to see if he'd like a cookie from her. What had happened earlier at her apartment was she casted some spells that involved baking some cookies, but she ended up baking too many which was the problem. She thought it'd be a nice welcome gift for her new neighbor so, she left her house and walked over to his door. She was wearing her apron with her hair in a ponytail, looking like a 'normal' girl. "Hey neighbor!" She greeted him, when he opened his door. " I baked some extra cookies by accident.... would you like some?" She offered him, not knowing his name because she has not yet introduced herself. She's only seen him moving stuff into his apartment. @RoyalPhoenix32
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Gerrant blinked in surprise when he saw Rachel at the door. She was offering cookies...He took a discrete whiff and faintly smiled. The smell couldn't tell him what kind they were but he wanted to guess. His dragon blood was still highly active and the double set of dark golden wings were just little bumps on his back, ready to burst out of his back should the need arise.

"I don't mind. I'm Zain Guild and you are?"

He asked but knew her name, just not full name. He damned his hearing to be so good at times.
Rachel blushed slightly from how she couldn't believe that he actually answered his door. "R-Rachel Paxton," she responded, kind of nervous from meeting a stranger. She was holding a plate of 'homemade' chocolate chip cookies. "Their chocolate chip cookies. No peanuts," she told him, giving him a heads up in case he was allergic to peanuts which is very common. However, she was not going to explain to how she made it because she had used magic. She never cooked or cleaned herself. She believed that's what magic was for. @RoyalPhoenix32
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"Ah. Could've used peanut butter as well. Would've made it taste almost like a Reece's peanut butter cup..."

Gerrant said before trailing off and stilling himself as he mentally berated himself for being such an ass to a lovely woman.

"Sorry. I tend to ramble out loud at times. I would love to have some and you can make some with peanuts. Not allergic to them."

He said before taking one to eat and bit into it while his dragon blood was still active...

'Well, shit. I'm going to be one hyper asshole when reporting to the regional Warden about the hunter. Or be one hyper idiot in front of someone I never met....I fucking hate my life at the moment.'

Gerrant thought as his blood went giddy at the thought of eating chocolate. See, when his dragon blood is active, sugar has him act like a two year old on a whole bag of sweets. Meaning, he can become a devil in disguise or a complete puppy to anyone feeding him the sugar. Hence, he tends to stay away from sugar while his dragon blood was active.
Rachel chuckled, kind of amused that he wasn't a serious guy. He just appeared to be a serious looking guy in her opinion. "Maybe next time I'll add Reese Peanut Butter in," she said, taking note of that. "Personally, I love all cookies EXECEPT plain sugar cookies. Their so boring and way too sugary. I'm not a very 'sugary' person when it comes to desserts. I'm more into savory foods like spaghetti.. fries... etc," she told him, glad that their actually getting to know each other. "Anyways, just take it or leave because the cookies aren't going to eat itself," she added, laughing softly. @RoyalPhoenix32
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Gerrant chuckled himself since he too wasn't much of a sugary person as well. Except when he felt like indulging in some guilty pleasures that haven't left since his childhood. Eating raw cookie dough, watching anime, playing video games, etc. Hell, he even watches chick flicks for the hell of it since he couldn't do much when his dragon blood was acting up.

"Me neither. I tend to stay away from sweets except when indulging in some guilty pleasures of mine but I won't tell you what they are."

He said before his phone inside rang and he looked over his shoulder, curious as to who was calling him....Fuck. His attention span had been cut down since ingesting the cookie and he smiled at her before taking the left over cookies.

"I'll eat these sometime later. Probably my boss telling me to get my ass into work or something. I never know what he wants with me."

He said while still standing there talking to her, with the phone ringing, his attention was so torn. He quickly excused himself before shutting the door quietly and answered the phone.

"What is it, Armand? Don't try to berate me with bullshit on various things I've done wrong with dealing with that person. Or try to tell me of how effective your techniques are to mine...Ignore most of what I said after that Armand. I had sugar."

He said before rubbing a couple fingers on the bridge of his nose. The rush of sugar was so inciting and addictive that he just wanted to eat as much sugar at the moment and passing out on the couch, oblivious to the world. But the world can be a bitch and therefore, his sugar rush had to be put on hold.

"Dammit Gerrant! Do you have to have sugar at a time like this?!"

His boss, Armand, said while Gerrant scratched his chin before staring at his fingers, like they were so new to him.

"....Fuck. Did my fingers grow or something?"

He said out loud, attention taken away with the full effect of the sugar in his system.

Various curses and suggestions were thrown while he examined his fingers like they had grown till he heard the curses and suggestions.

"What sort of deal are we talking here?"

Just complete udder idiot mode activate...

Armand couldn't help but sigh as Gerrant was high on sugar. Couldn't blame his dragon blood though, mysterious shit messed with his body chemistry something fierce. All he could do was talk to the walking idiot that his friend had become while he was high on sugar...

A few hours later, Gerrant was on his stomach in his bed while nude as the day he could be. Purring like a cat while his system worked out the on rush of sugar that he had inhaled just moments ago. Meaning, he ate the rest of the cookies but refrained from diving for straight sugar.
When Zain answered his phone and excised himself, Rachel understood that it was probably an important call from his boss so, she walked back inside her apartment. She's glad that he enjoyed her cookies. Technically, those cookies weren't hers, but he'll never know at this point. Unless, he knows her secret in which she hasn't thought about that yet.

A while later, Rachel let out a scream in her apartment. Apparently, of all things this Rachel SHOULD be afraid of she was afraid of a rat. While she was cleaning her living room, she saw a rat run past by her feet. She screamed and hopped onto the couch. She could of used her magic, but she was too scared to think straight.
Gerrant heard the scream and his eyes snapped open, revealing dragonlike eyes. He rushed to the front door before his eyes returned to normal and he looked down to see his little buddy hanging for the world to see. Sighing, he went back to his room and threw on underwear with pants along with slippers before rushing out his apartment, but not before he closed and locked his apartment. He opened Rachel's door and raced inside to see her cowering from a rat. Not asking what to do, he simply picked the rat up and walked out the door without much fuss. He dumped the rat over the railing and went back to his apartment before laying back down to nap some more.
Rachel blinked, feeling like everything just happened so fast. Like how did he know her door wasn't locked at that moment? She wanted an explanation which was shocking coming from the girl who possessed powers. She followed after him and knocked before she entered his house. "I know I should thank you, but how'd you know my door was open?" She questioned him, kind of just surprised that he somehow magically knew.
For some reason, Rachel had let her guard down and trusted this man. Maybe it could be the fact that he's shirtless and he just came to her rescued when she screamed. She doesn't know much neighbors that would be kind enough to help her even if she was a girl. "Oh... Well thank you," she said, thanking him. "And uh, sorry for screaming so loud.. I-I'll uh try not to do it again," she added, apologizing for interrupting his nap. "If you want, you can join me for dinner. It's my way of thanking you after you helped me take care of that right," she offered, with a nervous chuckle.
"Some other time. Tired right now."

He said while gently pushing her out the door before locking it to lie down on his bed with his underwear on.
The next day, Rachel plays with her spell book by making her cleaning equipment come alive and help her clean her entire place. She had the tv on while she had casted some spells in case her new neighbor decides to snoop. Growing up, Rachel was born with magic. The problem was while she was growing up, she was one of the rare cases where a sorcerer lose control of their magic. She had those signs as a child and those powers were taken away. Only recently a few years, had she regained her magic and learned to slowly control it.

While she was cleaning her entire house, she lost control of the water and flooded the place a but. However, this time she didn't scream. She was scrambling through her spellbook as she tries to fix her own mistake. This wasn't suppose to happen! God, I feel stupid! Now I have to clean up this freakin mess!!
Gerrant couldn't sleep since his blood had decided to be fully awake. He heard water flowing from next door and sighed. He didn't want to help but his body didn't want to fall asleep anytime soon.
Rachel casted several other spells before she gave up and tried to use force. She tries to stop the water from the pipe underneath the sink. She ends up getting soaked wet instead. I hate this! This was easier in the shows!!
He kept reminding himself to not go over there and help his neighbor out. Gerrant could only take so much and he got out of bed, dressed, and knocked on Rachel's door.

"Rachel? You alright?"
Rachel heard Zain's voice ans flinched from being surprise. It's not exactly her plan to freak her neighbor out with flying brooms and a stubborn sink. "U-Uh I'm fine! I just need a minute or two!" She called back, as she tries her best to cast several spells but quicker than usual because she was in a hurry. This time the spell worked and stopped the flying brooms and flooding. The problem was her house was still a mess.
Rachel opens the door for Zain to see. "There's just a leakage that's all..." she lied, hoping he doesn't question more than what she just told him. She was used to lying, but she was never the best liar.
"Ah. Alright. Hope you get it fixed."

He said before going to his apartment. His dragon blood was finally sluggish and slow. Meaning he could sleep, which he did. That was before he had locked everything up, even put his phone on silent to get a decent sleep.
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While Zain was sleeping, Rachel was cleaning up her apartment. She was going to need to find an easy way to dry up some furniture that were soaked thanks to the flood. It irritates her at how her spells can be so outta control sometimes.
(If I stop responding, it cause I crashed for the night.)

Gerrant's dragon blood often rushed in his veins for no particular reason other than wanting to. He had no control over it and vice versa of it for him. It couldn't control his thoughts or actions but he could prevent future decisions.

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