Cat Scratch Town


Junior Member
Here is the story and the character sheet

James for the first time in his life was actually glad that summer break was over. School would start tomorrow and James knew that meant tonight would be the meeting to select the knew Topcat for the East side Tigra's. James walked slowly puffing on his cigarette making his way to the meeting spot for the Tigra's underneath the Easbay Bridge.

James could see the people pass him on the street linger their eyes on him longer then they used too. "Damn have any of the idiots ever seen a cat with an eyepatch before." James hated how everyday he was reminded how he was jumped and his left eye damaged beyond repair. James hated having to stay in the hospital for over a month and hated more the fact he heard that some Lionhart had bragged about the hit on James.

Finally reaching the bridge James greeted a few Tigra's he knew and waited for the meeting to start. James wondered who the new Topcat might be and there were a few whisper's that he was a darkhorse candidate to win or a favorite to be second. But whatever may happen tonight James had plans to convince the new Topcat to help beat the fur off of the Lionharts once and for all.

Waiting James lit up another cigarette and pulled the case off of his back. finding a piece of concrete to sit on he opened the case and pulled out his guitar he had named Tina and after a little tuning James started playin and practicing untill the other Tigra's arrived.
(btw, is it possible for them to turn into cats? Or are they just nekos?)

Coletto walked along the dry concrete pavement upon the city. The sky was dreary and hardly different from the day before. He scratched his technicolor hair that fluffed this way and that. He was forgetting something...something... What was he forgetting? Coletto had everything he possessed, which basically was himself, so did he leave behind something? No.. What was it again? Coletto hissed, furious at himself for forgetting what he needed to remember. Then he saw a Tigra member heading quickly down the street. It was James.

Then it hit him. Ohh! Today they were going to announce the new leader! How could have forgotten something that important?! He meowed in a hushed tone, careful not to cause much commotion around him. Coletto raced after his friend in a frantic pace, not wanting to miss the initiation. Well, he wasn't sure that James cat was his friend. They haven't talked much, but he knew who he was. Mewling angrily at himself, Coletto's black and grey striped tail streaked behind him.

He finally made it! After what had seemed hours he had been chasing after the scent of Tigra cat, Coletto had made it to the meeting. He noticed James again strumming the guitar nearby, so he decided to see what's up.

Coletto waved a bleak hello to James, sitting half-heartedly on the ground. After a few minutes, he finally said in a raspy teenage voice," You play nice," it was the only thing that crossed his mind. Ever since he had gotten to the bridge his tail had been wavering unintentionally from the tune of the instrument. He hoped the guy wouldn't hate him right on the spot.
"Yeah it's a good idea they can change to cats"

James stopped playing and looked at Coletto. the kid was colorful to say the least and that was the way that James remembered him. Blowing some smoke out of his nose he answered. "Coletto have you heard of the leopards? They are the only thing other then this band that I care for." Placing Tina back inside her case Janes stood up and took account of the guy standing before him and asked "Coletto have you fought against the lionharts yet? I only ask because things could change depending on who gets elected tonight."

James pulled a cigarette from his pack and stuck it in his mouth. Lighting up he dragged down and savored the taste. looking with his one good eye he told Coletto. "The Lionharts are getting bolder they attacked me over the summer and I lost my eye because of them so I am not going to accept anybody who can live in a world with Lionharts so tell me do you fight and why do you fight?" James yawned and he looked out a the water enjoying the sight while waiting for his answer.
"The Leopards...leopards..." He mumbled, resting his chin against the knuckles of both hands. It took him a few seconds, given his terrible memory, but then Coletto snapped," Oh! The music band, right?" He said and grinned to himself, as if he accomplished something valuable. He tapped the black and grey headphones that sat upon his rainbow-colored head," Yeah! Yeah! I heard you bros before! Sick tunes, to say. Real talented, you guys." He then blinked at James' second question.

"Lionharts? The gang not even a city away, right?" He thought for a moment," Heard they were real bad dudes, messing things all the time." Coletto stated. He then spat out a glob of pink chewing gum he had just recently occupied. "Of course I fight against those Lionharts. They're an obstacle to us Tigras." Coletto then paused again. He had a tendency to do so every so often to think. He was a rather bleak cat. Despite his hair, almost everything about him was... grey, in mood and in appearance. He then had an answer.

"I fight because I owe the Tigras my very existance. Without them, I'm just another scrap of junk from the dumpster. I guess they're my 'replacement family' for now and whatever. Whatever they do and wherever they go, I'm goin' in. No matter if it's 'the right thing' or not."

Coletto cleared his throat and looked up at James from the ground he was sitting on.

"So what's your purpose of being here, huh?"

(Coletto kitty form! Kawaiiiii~! View attachment 11912
The sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk filled the empty street as Robin strolled down them. She felt the wind peirce through the thin dress material she was wearing, but it didn't bother her. She held a small pocket watch in her hand as she walked down the street quickly, like she had to be somewhere. Which she was. Looking down at the watch in her hand she muttered to herself "Five minutes. They only give you five minutes to get there."

After a lot of twisting and turning she made it to a large bridge with a lot of familiar faces on it. But not familiar in a good way. She looked around for a moment, quickly hiding in the shadow of a near-by alleyway when someone walked past her. She needed a good place to hide, but where? Her eyes scattered around the scene before she spotted a large pile of wooden crates just at the bottom of the bridge. They might work..

She made sure that no one was looking in her direction before slinking out of the shadows. She quickly hid behind the crates, making sure that no one could see her ears, legs, arms, tail or any part of her body. She just needed to find out who the new leader was and then get out of the scene as quickly and quietly as possible. And she had no back up plan just in case this went wrong. How smart of her.
James stamped out his smoke and looked at Coletto with a serious scowl "Im here because of what happened to my eye Coletto" James stood and grabbed his eyepatch and lifted it showing the three claw marks and his damaged eye "I am here to make sure whoever gets to be leader I can make sure the Lionharts produce the scum who did this to me so I can get revenge." Lowering the eyepatch James sat back down and opened the guitar case. "Tina here has put down plenty of Lionharts and she still plays amazing tunes."

James sniffed the air and smiled "You know something Coletto I told you this loud enough because I want the Lionhart spy to know why I am here I don't know where the spy is I can only smell her around" James looked at Coletto and smiled "Ill tell you this somebody needs take the territory back from the lionhart's and drive them from this town for good or else we Tigra's are going to be bodies in the river" James picked up his guitar and tuned it more and asked Coletto "Do you understand how if things don't change tonight it could get very bad for us we need to take the fight to them or they will take our alley's too" James finsihed tuning and strummed a more bluesy tune to practice and vent some frustration.
Robin listened to one of the convosations that someone was having. She was only listening because they wers the closest thing to really listen to. She tensed up when she heard someone practically yelling that he had noticed her. That got a lot of the other Tigra's walking around trying to find her.

Wow. Great way to blow her cover.

She tucked her body together more to make her form smaller as quietly and invisible as possible. She swore the next time she heard that voice out on the street she was going to stab him. She stayed silent as a lot of the people looking for her just walked straight past her. "Idiots" She thought to herself and carried on listening to ages of the convosaions people were having. A few of them gave her a lot of information.
Coletto lashed his tail in agreement," Aye. Lionharts need to know their own territory." He purred and stood back up, flicking his nose up into the sky and waited for a few seconds. Shortly after, he caught a whiff of a familiar scent.

Coletto sighed and nodded at James's comment. "The new leader better not be a pussycat and try to bring 'peace' between us two gangs," he grumbled, remembering the past few leaders he had witnessed. He turned to James and asked," So who do you think should be leader? I mean, there are bunchas of cats, but it's a real big-o responsibility..."

He kept smelling that same scent. The scent that reeked Lionhart. What was a rival gang doing here, anyway? Probably to report to their own leader. Coletto kept his ears perked up vigilantly, fully aware they could get attacked any moment now. A low rumble arose from his throat, giving off that he was not amused by this spy. Just in case, Coletto darted his eyes near some bushes, as if someone were to leap out at any given time.
Robin growled quietly as she listened to the way they were talking about the lionhearts. She wished that she could just walk over to the two that were talking and smash their heads together, but that would be a stupid move. There was one of her, and literally around 30 of them, so it wouldn't be the best idea if she strolled out and started fighting with someone. Though she did consider earth bending them both where the sun don't shine.

But she also decided that wasn't a good idea, otherwise someone was bound to see her move, so she basically stuck until everyone either left, or the meeting was over and she could flee. She stayed silent as her ear twitched slightly as she carried on listening to their convosation.
James heard one of the alley counsel call the meeting to order. As the rules of the vote were explained James sat back writing song lyrics. This was not his first vote and usually his did not matter since the last few votes were the popular cat instead of the needed cat. James grabbed his paper and wrote down his name. It was a good hour before all the names were collected and the counsel returned after the count. The new leader was announced and it was James. Stepping forward to the high rock which was a concrete slab where the Tigra leader's had always spoken he made his speach. "Get ready to fight and my second is Coletto meeting dismissed." James steped down and waited for the people to leave after a few congratulations he motioned to Coletto to follow him.

James made it to the top of the easbay bridge and lit a cigarette "Coletto you are my second now so that means you might order Tigras into fights that might have them killed can you accept this job?" James leaned on the bridge railing and looked at the sunset before talking again. "I did not just come up here to talk like this but it kills time you see this is the only way our spy friend can get back to her territory since now im sure it was a her she smelled of flowers." James looked at Coletto and pulled tina from her guitar case "She gets here and we are gonna have a little talk with that Lionhart furball" James smiled and laughed whoever this spy was they sure had no idea what they were getting into.
Robin's jaw clenched as she gripped onto one of her swords, making sure that she had it ready. She managed to peak her head around one of the boxes to see two guys talking. She could hear their convosation loud and clear and it was correct. That was her only exit unless she wanted to go the exact opposite way to where she was meeting someone. She cussed under her breath and moved her head back round to its original position before the two of them spotted her. She began trying to think of a different way out.

Swimming was a no. She couldn't swim at all. She could try and use her Earth bending, but it didn't really help that they were on a bridge. There was two of them and one of her and they had more of an advantage. They knew what they were doing. She muttered something in a different language under her breath. She had two options. Number one: Stay where she was hidden and let them find her. Number two: Run out with her swords and fight them...

Yeah. She was sticking with number one.

She kept her sword at the ready though.
Coletto grinned a big feline smile," It would truly be an honor!" He then flicked over to where he had first scented Lionhart. It was now unbearable. He had known for far too long not to let a smell rot in wait.

He walked over and swung his tail, instantly seeing Robin holding tightly onto two sharp blades. He hissed in anger, stepping back a bit in surprise, and spoke," Lionhart! What're you doing?!"

Almost every hair on his head and tail fluffed up in defense. Coletto's right hand gripped the side of his hip, where his long chain settled around his waist. He only used his whiplash chain when needed, but he gripped onto it tightly.

Eiuma akidded through the streets in her blue dress, looking for her Lionhart subordinate. She held a low growl in her throat, frustrated she was so bad at finding other cats. Her nose snuffed a familiar scent. That was it! Lionhart! And it was Robin's too. Running throughout the coarse concrete road, she shifted into a deep blue cat with sapphire eyes. Better for the dark. As she got closer, she saw her friend was extremely close to a whole gathering of Tigras. Ugh. Tigras..they were terrible. The rival gang was always getting into jumk like--like--urgh. Eiuma padded over to Robin, shrouded by the bushes. She whispered," Hey. I got your back." Only loud enough for the Lionhart to hear. Her ears pinned back, hoping none of the cats noticed her.
Robin heard Eiuma's call and flicked her tail slightly as a reply, which ment for her "I heard you." and "Thanks."

She quickly stood up, pulling her blades up. "Don't take a step closer." She warned, hissing at him, stepping back slowly, keeping the blade's pointed at him. She was actually glad that the score was equal now. Eiuma was a pretty powerful fighter which she was glad about. At least it wasn't one of the new weaklings. Her ears flattened as she glared at Coletto. She almost stumbled back against a few of the boxes behind her, but stopped before she touched them. She gripped her glades tighter.
James and Coletto now seemed to face with the Lionhart spy and a friend it seemed. James grabbed his guitar by the neck and stoid ready to fight. His blood red eyes glowed as the twilight started to give way to night and the cherry of his cigarette burned red as he inhaled. "Well it looks like you have two choices spy either you die on this bridge from me and my second or I call my gang who have barely left but 15 minutes ago to tear you apart from behind you. Or you surrender and answer a few questions and I promise to let you go. Besides spy it would be a shame to break your pretty face." James smiled.a.toothy grin and waited for his enemies response.
Robin looked over at the other Tigra for a moment, seeing that he had finally reacted to her. She hissed at him, moving back slightly. She didn't want to die. Especially since she had just found out who the new leader was and she needed to get that infomation back. She glared at him for a moment. "Depends on what questions." She replied harshly, then added "If you try and act cocky or flirty with me again then your brain will be a kabab." She threatened, stepping back more, keeping her swords in her hands.
Coletto lashed out the large iron chain that was strapped to his hips. He whipped it out, snarling angrily. Coletto bared his fangs at Robin, eyes burning fire red.

Eiuma saw this and flitted her tongue out. She jumped out of the brush and shifted into her human form. Her deep blue dress fluttered around, as she took out two silver blades with blue-incrested designs. Eiuma held a fighting stance and yowled at the Tigras.
James smiled and laughed asking "You have seen me fight with my tina before Eiuma so what makes you think you can leave here in one piece if you fight" James whistled and 5 Tigra's appeared from under the bridge James snarled and demanded "Now tell me spies who gave the order to kill me and and subsequently damage my eye beyond repair" James spit out the finshed cigarette and moved slowly toward the two Lionharts his guitar raised ready to strike at any moment

The other Tigra's made a circle and started to close in the two cornered Lionharts and James had a few parting words "Spy you never call conditions to me and your threats are idle since you must not know what im capable of now surrender and be spared." James was almost instriking distance he could even smell their putrid Lionhart stench in the air
Robin hissed at Coletto when he bared his fangs at her. She tried to back up but there were people behind her. She growled and looked over at James as he talked. "How should I know? We don't get told where, who or what's the mission unless we're actually going on it." She answered his first question, but his statement gave her a few more seconds to think. She looked over at Eiuma for a moment before slowly placing her weapons on the floor. She then stood up and put her hands in the air to show that she surrendered. She was still glaring at the both of them though.
Eiuma screeched an angry yowl when her partner had surrendered. But when he saw they were surrounded, she let her weapons clank to the ground, and held her arms up too. She was holding back frustration," We don't question orders! We just do what we're told!" Eiuma lashed out like poison fire.

Coletto raised an eyebrow, letting out a huff. He glanced warily at his leader, his ears swished back in submission.

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