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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Name: Oisin 

Age: Look's around the age of 14.

Apearance: Short (5ft) and chubby (11stone), if seen, her body is curvy.

                    Rough face, not that atractive, yet not too ugly- mediocre to describe it perfectly. 

                    Fully black eyes, where the pupils would be there are simple white crosses. She posses deep 

                    eyebags. A mediocre sized nose, a large quantity of freckles are sprinkled across it.

                    Semi chapped lips, they arent very large, nor are the small. Held behind her mouth is a large 

                    set of pearly whites, though that could change easily. Skin is rough, pale, she looks like a                                corpse if anything- the skin is sickly. Normally seen wearing easy fit, baggy clothing. Three                             quater length sweat pants, black, slip on boots and a black short sleved shirt with the words 

                     'Obey Satan' printed on it. Messy, long dark brown hair, that is usually put up in a pony tail 

                     is set free down her back. 

Powers/Skills: She can shapeshift into anything she desires. The Pshycic ability comes natural to her, as 

                      witchcraft- though has trouble with it sometimes. She can regenerate naturally, bigger cuts 

                      take longer to heal. 

Bio:               Left to wonder the earth alone, always going towards supernatural things than normal things.

                     Wasnt birthed, doesnt have family, suposidly she was created out of nothing- can stilled be

                      noticed as humanoid though. Always played around with humans, creatures, taking joy in

                     torturing them, killing and or making deals- gaining power from souls or sacrifices. She got 

                    nickname 'Devil' from that. It suits her.

Theme Song: Cocain. 

I woke up in my dorm room, eyes hard to open and head hard to move- oh no, did I have another episode? It took me a while, but I soon fully managed to open my eyes and look around, though if I looked out of the corner of my eye it would sting. Another few seconds would pass, and I would finally be able to move my head about. I looked beside me, focusing in on the clock. 

"11:09!?" I yell aloud, jumping up- this time ignoring the ningling pain- and running out the dorm room. That night I slept in my clothes from yesterday (desc), including my shoes. I love those boots. 

I didnt even bother to brush my hair, I just sprinted down the hallway and made my way into the dining room.  

It was break, so I decided to take my chances and get some grub before I was punished for my stupidity.
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[@Yorunaga I think you're missing a detail from the rules section

@TrueBananaz accepted!]

Franz shot a glare at the approaching students. "Once I'm done with him, you're next." Fortunately, Franz wouldn't be able to back up that remark, as he felt a staggering force strike the back of his knee. Surprised, he dropped Aaron and fell forward, right into the viscous swing of a stun baton. "The Headmaster would like a word with you." The security guard kept a chill look as he swung the massive boy over his shoulder and strode off. "I'll come back for the rest later." He said, eyeing the gang who were sprinting down the hallway.




Mikuru was already late, she forgot she had to go, and ignored the guard before he just got her up, she saw two people in the hall, one being Aaron, the other.. She wasn't sure. She walked over, and kneeled down. "What happened to you..? I don't suppose you're taking a nap on the floor, and now are just waking up." Mikuru joked, and sat down next to Aaron. She waved to the guard and to the other girl, not really caring about being late at this point. "Hi other person, how are you?" Mikuru asked.

@Caffeine Freak

"I'm sure he would but I want my friend back so we can go to class" Aki said with a mad look and throws 3 out the 10 knives into Franz's shoulder in nerves that made his arm go Slack and drop Aaron on the hard ground. "I told you to let go and gave you a warning don't mess with me" Aki then said to Aaron "You ok? That looked liked it hurt."

@Caffeine Freak


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[@SatanJr Bit of a meme at this point but you're missing something from the rules section. Your CS could do with some cleaning up too, it's rather difficult to read.]

"I'm fine" Muttered Aaron, tracing along his neck with his fingers. "Thanks for stepping in, no one's really done something like that for me." He smiled faintly and turned to Mikuru.

"I don't suppose you're taking a nap on the floor, and now are just waking up."

"I wish." He replied, his gaze shifting to the leaving security guard. "Hey!"

The guard stopped.


The guard kept walking.

"Jeez, these guys don't lay off the Rambo act, huh?" Aaron could see Ten approaching them, and waved at him.

"Better get to lessons before I run into more thugged out kids." he remarked.



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"The Rambo act? I always thought of it more a Terminator thing." Mikuru replied. She looked over and waved as well. "Class.. Fuuuuuuuc- WAIT WE HAVE CLASS?!" Mikuru screamed, completely forgetting about class, "Wait please tell me one of you has the same class I do.. I don't want to be lonely.. Especially in class.." Mikuru complained, she disl. She hated school with passion, more because of the kids, but she liked her friends, so that didn't matter as long as she had a class with one of them.


"Lemme check your schedule." Aaron pulled out his and compared it with Mikuru's. "Huh, we both have firearms education next. What a coincidence." He whipped round, addressing the others. "Don't suppose any of you guys have it either? I'm gonna run up ahead, I'll see you there." With that, he turned on his heel and continued running down the steel hallway.

Following the section number on his schedule, Aaron found his way to the classroom. The classroom in question was a dark steel vault with a long, thick glass window and a chunky rectangular door that hung ajar. Slipping inside, Aaron found himself in what looked like a completely normal classroom, aside from the shooting range adjacent to the tables.

"More meat to the grinder, eh?" The teacher remarked as Aaron stepped in. The guy made wrestling champions look like twigs - tree trunk muscles and a face that bore the whispers of hundreds of scars. "Mr.. Jackson?" Aaron read the name from his schedule.

"Hah! That's right! You must be young George! Now-"



"That's not my name."

Mr Jackson paused for a moment.

"Oh, right, Alex! Sorry about that-"

"My name's Aaron."

"..You sure?"

"Yeah.. I'm pretty sure."

Mr Jackson looked at him quizzically for a moment, but lit up again.

"Ha! I was just testin' ya! You're a little late, but I'll let it slide since it's the first day. Next time late-comers become targets in the shooting range."

Aaron shifted a little.

"Take a seat, I'll begin the training once everyone's here!"

"..Thanks." Aaron skulked over to a random desk, noting the handgun that was placed on top of it.

[Mr Jackson's a free character by the way. You don't have to wait for me to post his responses]



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Tenueto ambled into the room, deep in thought and with his head tilted towards the ground.  He fell into an empty desk, and turned up his head to face Mr. Jackson.  He began to speak; "Don't tell me, you're Har-"

"Tenueto.  I am Tenueto, not deaf."

Mr Jackson seemed a strange mix of angered and disappointed.  He fell back towards the door, debating whether or not to clock Tenueto, and waiting for the rest of the students to file in.

(I'm trying to keep my dialogue and actions thin in the realm of Mr. Jackson.  I don't want to screw up his character too much)
Adam gets lost walking through the corridors. Getting tired, and having spent enough time to fully heal, he looks at one of the speakers that Headmaster Mason uses to communicate with the students and turns himself into electricity, transporting himself through the cables all through the facilities and appearing where everyone was at. "Oh, great, this seems fun." he says, seeing the people and the guards. "This place is huge..." he says to himself, now knowing about 5% of the facilities that make up this place. "Is... this a shooting range?..." he asks himself, looking around the room.

@Caffeine Freak
Mikuru walked in behind Tenuto, smiling as she heard him try to guess Tenuto's and Aaron's name. "You-" She cut him off. "Don't try, because we'll be here for awhile, and if you want a target to hit, I'm a fast one." She said, and skipped over to her desk before sitting down next to Aaron. "Oh it's Mikuru by the way!" She said, watching the teacher just standing at the door. She turned to Aaron. "You should've just gone by Alex until they got here." She joked and started laughing. "I like him-" She noticed the gun. "Hey Tenuto and Aaron, we got guns! Bang Bang!!" 


@Caffeine Freak
"Oh dear...."

Mumbled Lucas as he shuffled through the endless corridors, turning left and right with no sense of direction whatsoever.


Lucas didn't even know where he was at this point, it seems as if all of the other students have already found their classes by now except him, as he dragged his feet along, still absolutely lost, walking by multiple doors and turns.
"I'm good~ Look we got weapons. 5 bucks says you don't miss one shot." Mikuru smiled, "How are you?" After she said that she took off, then slapped herself, "Sorry.. Brake didn't go off right away." Mikuru joked and put her head on the desk. "Is everyone here yet though..?" She complained, "I just want class to starrrt." Mikuru closed her eyes and waited.

Tenueto didn't seem to be as excited as everyone else seemed to be.  "It may be that someone completely misses the class..."  He mused, using his index finger to push the gun towards the other side of his desk.  His gaze fell to the desk in front of him, creating a makeshift pillow out of his coat.
"That's fun, for you anyway." Mikuru smiled. She waved to everyone in the class. "I think shooting should be fun.. I don't think I'll do so well though.." Mikuru trailed off. She grabbed the gun and studied it, "Put the gun down." Mikuru sighed and put it down, she frowned. Then looked at where Aki was looking. "Those are the knifes?" She asked making sure. 

I have read the rules and I agree with them.


Full Name
Quon Li Wen


Power / Skill
Quon is able to create, shape and manipulate vibrations, rhythmic movements of a target, including in himself, others, objects, environment, etc., through the ground, water, or air. Taking various forms as to aid him on the field, it allows him to create a counter vibrating frequency to cancel out another object's frequency, thereby destroying it; deliver impact of concussive force remotely, which can knock the target back and cause internal and external damage and channeling energy through parts of their bodies or use the energy for defensive purposes and detect soundwaves.
Quon always led a rather troublesome life, gaining the status of a delinquent in his high school years, joining a gang that terrorized the neighbourhood with its presence. Losing his parents at a young age, his live never had something worth fullfiling, never doing something good with it. He could not run away nor go against his fate and that left him broken. From the orphanage to the streets, no one to care for too long, he was alone, without a trace of an ambition, a goal. Until that day come, that is....

Theme Song

HEART by Plini
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"Not really... not yet anyway, I have been away from them to long to want to. I just want to put then back into their sheaves that are in my pocket." Aki said with a slight frown. "Anyway when is class going to start?! It's been 20 minutes" Aki said while looking at her watch.

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Mhiannan was laying on her bed in her dorm, looking at the ceiling. She was thinking about life and how many bad turns have happened. She sighed and walked throughout the academy with the thought of how to get out. If there is a way in, there's a way out, right? She was ready to go to her next classroom. She lost track of time but she didn't care whether she was late or early, so she just went straight to class and looked at all of the weapons laid down.





@Caffeine Freak

(If anyone of you that I mentioned isn't in this class, just tell me.)
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Mikuru waved to Mhianna as she entered the class, and then turned back to Aki. "No clue.. I'm gonna take a nap in that case though.." She yawned and turned the other way and almost fell asleep anything. She groaned, and then sat back up. "I can't sleepppp" She pouted, "Why couldn't we just stay in bed..? Seriously.. We just found out we're here, and they want us to go to class, am I the only one that thinks that weird.." 





@Caffeine Freak

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