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Fantasy [Casual - Detailed] The Other Side of the Mirror [WIP!]

I have finals next week, so my mornings are booked. Starting Thursday, I'll be open all day until my summer gym course starts. I'll let you know then.
Okay, I've been busy the last two days (lots of fun, I now have a really nice job for the summer) so planning our little get together took a temporary step down. Now I am back! With plans and suggestions. Without further ado, I'm going to narrow the suggestions down a bit. A lot a bit.

The narrowing down is to today (Friday) and this weekend. I know this is short notice and that what you have you likely wouldn't be able andor willing to move. That's okay, we can try and make a second get together with focus on having the people that missed the first being present.

Friday, GMT 20-24.
(21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @LadyStanhope, 21:30-23:30 for @LadyStanhope, 23:30-1:30 for @LadyStanhope, 01:30-03:30 for @Fus ro dah, 12-14 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 10-12 for @Cheselth, 08-10 for @TeaMMatE11)

Saturday, GMT 20-24. (21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @LadyStanhope, 21:30-01:30 for @Fus ro dah, 08-12 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 06-10 for @Cheselth, 04-08 for @TeaMMatE11)

Sunday, GMT 20-24. (21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @Fus ro dah, 16-20 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 14-18 for @Cheselth, 12-16 for @TeaMMatE11)

Please let me know, for each of these, if you are or aren't available. If we get enough replies, we might start this very evening!

Now that the actually time and date are close to getting picked, we need to decide a medium with which to communicate and what to actually do.

For the first, I'll start a PM with all of you in it since RPN doesn't like sharing Skype etc publicly. This is a moment to consider whether we'll want to use Skype, Discord or some other service, and whether we'll mainly use mics or typing. Both have some pros and cons, so consider which you personally prefer, and we'll likely end up with a mix.

For the second, I've heard Cards Against Humanity (I'm assuming we'll use Pretend You're Xyzzy since that's online and a good replacement, also, free.) I've also heard Werewolves andor Town of Salem. I don't know if there is an online version of Werewolves (I really like the card version though). Town of Salem is fairly similar though, but I don't have any personal experience with it. If you don't like either or have a very good idea, please do mention it, and I'll likely set up a poll or simply do a vote at the start of the get together.

To summarize, or TL;DR.

Please let me know whether you are available or not for all of the above times. That way we'll know for sure.

Think about which service you want to use to communicate while I set up a PM in which we can share our usernames for these services.

Think about what we actually want to do. Currently we have the options of Cards against Humanity and Town of Salem, but other ideas are welcome.

A closing thought; please tag me or quote me, because that makes it easier to see when this thread is OOC chatter and when I need to start making notes.
Fus ro dah]IF THAT'S 5:30AM FOR ME YOU CAN FORGET ANYTHING THAT EARLY FOR ME. I sleep like a (mostly) normal human creature. I play both CAH and TOS :D EDIT: There's also [URL="http://www.boardgame-online.com/ said:
Board Game Online[/URL]

Board Game Online is a cool idea, I'll check it out!
@LadyStanhope I can't start a conversation with you, nor can I add you. Could you start a conversation with me so I can keep you in the loop etc?
I'm not available from about 11:00 to 16:00 on Saturday (or like about that time, maybe a bit later, I dunno how long I'll be working as I think I am going to paint a house.)
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For Today I should be avaliable, I'm just waiting to see if my parents throw a surprise plan at me when they come home. Saturday GMT 12 to 16(Hope I'm getting this correct) I won't be here due to festivites that I can't escape. Sunday I'll be here.
RemainingQuestions said:
Friday, GMT 20-24. (21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @LadyStanhope, 21:30-23:30 for @LadyStanhope, 23:30-1:30 for @LadyStanhope, 01:30-03:30 for @Fus ro dah, 12-14 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 10-12 for @Cheselth, 08-10 for @TeaMMatE11)
Saturday, GMT 20-24. (21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @LadyStanhope, 21:30-01:30 for @Fus ro dah, 08-12 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 06-10 for @Cheselth, 04-08 for @TeaMMatE11)

Sunday, GMT 20-24. (21-01 for @LadyStanhope, 5:30-9:30 for @Fus ro dah, 16-20 for @Moxi and @Pokegeek151, 14-18 for @Cheselth, 12-16 for @TeaMMatE11)
This Saturday specifically I cannot do GMT 17-21. Saturday and Sunday I am out until GMT 14. Other than that, unless I suddenly have other plans, I should be available.
As for night stuff, it depends, I try and keep a normal sleep pattern so yeah ._. Most of you seem active at my 1:30am and I'm very much sleeping at that time
Schedule update: Today specifically, I'm going to head out in about an hour and a half, and I will be gone for the rest of the day.
Hmm.. Most are in the living room, I think.. Maybe Marge is still outside.. I'm not sure..

Nick and Aislin just went to the stairs and Lilith is in the basement with Clyde.. While Karja is just passed out in the kitchen and checking out the basement with her Astral body..
Yea I'm gonna post for Nicholas and unless Trevor says something, just carry out what he wanted me to do with Clyde originally.
Trev's pretty much dead on his feet right now, working from 9am-11pm in KFC training. He's looking for a job that won't try to murder him in the meantime.

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