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Fantasy [Casual - Detailed] The Other Side of the Mirror [Closed for now]

Nicholas Oswin

After taking her up past the point where anyone would see the two, Nicholas took a few seconds to remove the sudden stiffness that came from thinking how things were going in the basement. Lilith could handle Clyde but she still seemed to have grow more and more fearful of their enemy just from his remarks. Nicholas actually had half a mind to put his powers to use on the Bomber if their wasn't a possibly innocent vessel between him and the demon. Aislin's comment brought him back to the current scene, alone on the steps with his neighbor on a Summer night like old times. Old times plus several others trying to find peace in the house's walls that is. "As you might of noticed my house is on the packed side...before this we were all together back at the bar I go to play these days. Things got out of hand so suddenly while we were all just having some conversations and well..." He started to cover his own eyes from the recollection, "There was a bombing, cops rushed out and started taking shots at everyone. Everyone. I think I should've died there if it wasn't for these other guys. We escaped but other Burdened weren't so lucky, The guy you see passed out near Aidan is called Jeremy. He went overboard with his powers while trying to give us an escape route." And with that he uncovered his eyes and crossed his arms hoping what he said would at least sound believable. "I'm gonna have to lay low if the cops are looking for witnesses or...suspects."
If Aislin didn’t already have a serious look on her face, she did now. She was also studying Nick very carefully, to see if he was hurt in any way. The story sounded so surreal she almost didn’t believe him, but she did. People treating burdened badly was not news to her, just a reminder of her father, and it made her slightly angry. Why did stuff like this keep happening? What had happened also explained why they looked as ragged and tired as they did. She would’ve looked dead tired if someone had tried to kill her.

“A bomber? Why would the police want you, if there was the a bomber there?” A couple of worried wrinkles appeared on her forehead. “Never mind that, they’re obviously idiots. Except that passed out Jeremy guy, are you alight? Can I do anything to help you guys?”
Not being noticed was totally okay by him. The hooded teen had slunk down against the wall to sit on the floor, legs tucked beneath him as he knelt and lent his back against the wall. He could see a few people from his spot but their names kept escaping him. After a few minutes of quietly watching, his position shifted and he was laying down, his head on his hands. Tiredness had finally reached Ben and with a yawn, his eyes closed and he fell into a light sleep.
Aidan Hughes

The warmth from the coffee seemed to settle right into Aidan's bones, and it was a comfort that he reveled in. He looked at the sleeping pair on the couch, and his thoughts went to Marjory, who seemed to have gone into the gardens again. Honestly, all of them, and that included Chance and him, needed to find a bed and drop into it. With this new purpose in mind, Aidan categorized where everyone was. Marge, outside, Taylor and Milton, asleep in the living room, the hooded teen had gone upstairs early in the evening, and Aidan assumed he'd found a bed already, Nick and Aislin, talking about who they were, and Katya sitting on the floor of the kitchen, relaxed with her music. Aidan immediately sat up straighter as he realized who were missing from his mental list. Lilith.

The shapeshifter was all alone with the bomber. "Shit!" Not that Aidan though she couldn't handle whatever, but as far as he knew she was still in her dog shape, and Aidan wouldn't trust the most skilled person with that asshole all alone. He stood up quickly, and his coffee sloshed dangerously. With only a few long strides, Aidan was at the top of the stairs to the basement. The light constructs of Nick seemed as strong as ever, but Aidan still wasn't satisfied. The stairs creaked as he walked down them, but he had never aimed at stealth. "Hey Lilith, how's the asshole treating you?" He had also never aimed at subtlety.

Lilith's ear flicked a little bit. Well... Then I suppose an apology is in order..? While I don't know much about this all, I'm still sure that place isn't very nice to stay in so... Sorry. She was a tiny bit unsure about this whole situation but she was sure about one thing. Man, wherever he lives sounds kind of awful! She actually kind of felt bad for him. She was trying her best to ignore his last comment but it was showing that she was a little uneasy about it. Lilith wasn't comfortable being alone with him even though he was tied. She stood straight and started pacing, glancing up the stairs every time she turned to them. I'm... Uh... Paw-sitive that you're still mad, huh..? Heh... Heheh... Ahem... It was then she heard a noise that sounded like someone walking down the steps, assuming it was Nick, she simply half ignored it as she looked into the "demon's" eyes. When she heard a voice that didn't belong to Nicholas, Lilith turned her head. Erm... Well he's being a little strange and a bit rude but what else would you expect from someone in his situation?
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