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Castle Rock Academy (Anohito and Myself)


Beautiful and Sick

It was the start of a new school year. For Sara, this was her last year. She would be on her way to pursue a professional career as a photographer. She paused at the bottom of the stairs that led into the front foyer of the school, taking in a deep breath of the cool refreshing fall air.

As usual, she was dressed in her favorite white Tripp pants with black stitching and straps that criss-crossed this way and that, fastened with silver buckles on the pockets. She wore her favorite band shirt that looked a little too big on her. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, a few strands of the black and blue hair falling around her face. "Well, here we go," she said, and skipped up the stairs, her book bag bouncing off her leg with each step, her arms folded in front of her holding a few more books to her chest.

The bell would be ringing in about five minutes, and to be on time to her first class, she hurried down to where her locker stood, weaving her way through the other students to get to it. But, when she got to it, she noticed a boy leaning against it, chatting away to some of his friends it seemed. She grew a little irritated, but walked up, tapping his arm lightly. "Uhmmm.. Excuse me, but you're kind of in my way," she said, looking up at him, but avoiding eye contact all together.

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