Casting Stones (open//looking for RPers)


New Member
Fourteen years ago a virus plagued the earth and wiped out most of its inhabitants. Survivors, although few, found themselves with unique abilities, whether it be telekinesis, psychometry, or invisibility, which categorized them as super-human. They scattered across the world to form new cities and new lives, passing on their powers to their offspring.

In present time, the city of Caston was led by Leif Prophet and prospered in peace. No matter how kind and just he was, Leif could never deny his weakness: his craving for knowledge. He had always known his curiosity would best him one day yet he pushed it to its limit every chance he got. In a world where technology was the most useful tool, he used it whenever he could- even if doing so was unethical and questionable. Leif had always wanted to unlock the mystery behind his and his city’s unique abilities in an effort to transmit, amplify, or remove them. He never intended to harm so much as create a more perfect world, so when the opportunity presented itself, he didn’t hesitate. In an attempt to isolate the genome that caused the powers, Leif cloned himself. Instead of receiving an identical twin he could test his theories on, Leif was confronted with a wicked brother who now shared his blood and most significantly, his passion. There was just one difference: whereas Leif yearned for intellect, his clone yearned for control.

It was quite easy for Draven Prophet to take over his brother’s city. He didn’t care why the people held powers; he just wanted to take them and that, he did. After capturing and locking up Leif, he took the reigns as king of Caston and implanted a computerized chip into each citizen’s brain; not only did the chips give him full control over his people, it inhibited their abilities. Now only he had power, and with the only man who could stop him in chains, he turned the city of Caston into his kingdom. A ruthless killer, Draven held no mercy for those who opposed him. There weren’t many, as he did control the population, but every once in a while he made an example of a citizen or two just for fun. As far as he was concerned, the people of Caston were his puppets, and there were no exceptions. Until he learned of the Fosters.

Four girls. Four young girls who enjoyed riding horses. How they could ever be his demise, he was unsure, but they were the only four people in the city to have escaped his implantation- without even knowing it. He wasn’t sure how or why; all he knew was that he wanted them dead. With no way to find them, as the chips were his only means to keeping track of his citizens in his system, he sent his best agent to discover their whereabouts and bring them to him. Whether the girls come easily or not is up to them, but Draven thrives on games and deceit. If it’s a war the Fosters ultimately want, it’s a war he shall give them. No one bests the Devil in Hell.
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