Casting Stones (open//looking for RPers)


New Member

+Caston isn’t a cult. The citizens can do whatever they please; Draven just watches and has hindered their super-human abilities and makes sure they don’t start uprisings. After the chip has been implanted in their brains, the humans don’t remember they even had abilities and carry on as usual.

+The Fosters know of their powers, but they don’t know about how they were supposed to have chips installed to remove them. Meaning, they don’t know Draven is after them.

+Yes, they’re paired up, but part of the fun of a roleplay is seeing what happens with time. So nothing is final, but please do pay attention to general personalities—ie Drake can’t be a wuss, Christina can’t be mean, etc.

+If you didn’t catch it- the Fosters’ parents and Taylors’ parents died

+Leif and Draven have powers; Leif can bend light and Draven can produce small black holes. If there is any confusion on powers, please ask and I'll be happy to clarify.

+Perhaps we can start where Cali has already been kidnapped by Robin; the other girls can wake up and notice she’s gone, and that’s when Danny can come and warn them?


+This is categorized as "advanced" for a reason. I don't expect novels or mind-blowing thoughts, but no one-paragraph posts.

+I would prefer each RPer to have a posting color (ie black for all dialogue, but another color for actions and thoughts) so please name the one you want when you wish to join!

+No god-modding. If you have plot ideas or twists that require another person, please PM them or discuss it in a different tab and ask their permission. All ideas are welcome, though.

+If you have any questions, feel free to ask
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