Casting Stones (open//looking for RPers)


New Member
Any of the following characters that have not been taken are up for grabs!

Cali Foster is the oldest sister. After her parents died, she took on the role of mother hen and looked after her three younger sisters. Now four years later she holds a strong tie with each of them, whether it be as maid, confidant, or jester. A natural-born hippie, Cali may not be the easiest one to follow, but her seemingly soft heart is not easily broken. However, her inclination toward pacifism is the reason she is Draven’s first target. Her ability to heal barely keeps her alive against the self-proclaimed king. When she eventually meets Leif, she feels a strong connection to him, but in a world where authority and murder are synonymous, there are bigger things to worry about. [reserved in palegreen]

Christina Foster is twenty years old. Competitive, courageous, and fierce, she's basically one of the guys. She’s by far the most athletic of her sisters and, although she’s optimistic, she can be stubborn as hell. Her ability to communicate one way telepathically allows her to aide her family in dangerous situations and, when she runs into Draven’s army, Christina knows that even the most twisted of his soldiers is better than the darkness that plagues him. Before she can worry about fixing Robin Michaels, though, she needs to keep her sisters safe-- even if it means losing her own heart.

Nikki Foster is the third oldest. At the age of eighteen she’s broken more hearts than she can count, but hers remains closed behind steel gates. Reckless, neurotic, dramatic, and beautiful, Nikki manipulates people into giving her exactly what she wants. Although her talents are due to her ability to charm, her arrogance is as thick as cement walls. When she’s thrown into the world of power and bloodlust, all she wants is to get out. A certain assassin may make that difficult, though; Nikki, after all, has always had a weakness for anything attractive. [taken by me in hotpink]

Blair Foster is a hundred pounds of sarcasm wrapped in fifteen pounds of more sarcasm. She may be only sixteen, but she doesn’t consider herself the baby; the whining and groaning is Nikki’s job. Once she discovers her ability of tech psychometry, her interest in technology is only fueled. Yeah, yeah, she may be a nerd, but at least she’s got her priorities straight. She’s not boy-crazy like Nikki or family-crazy like Christina or plain crazy like Cali; she knows a necessary fight when she sees one, and she plans on taking Draven down even if she has to punch her sisters into agreement. Well, that is if a certain agent would stop being so damn irritating.

Danny Taylor is Draven’s most skilled agent, otherwise known as Agent X. Although he’s young, at seventeen he’s killed and tracked down more people than the rest of Draven’s army, in part due to his ability to conduct electrictity. His loyalty isn’t as strong as Draven believes it to be, however. Danny is secretly working for Leif, and his job is to rally those who stand a chance against Draven. So when Draven orders him to find, kidnap, and kill the Fosters, he does the opposite: he warns them. Although the youngest one, Blair, catches his eye, he doesn’t intend on making his relationship with them more than allies. That is, until, one of Draven’s assassins targets him. Before he kills him, however, the man recognizes him and claims to be his brother. There’s just one problem: Danny doesn’t remember ever having a brother.

Drake Taylor is Draven’s personal assassin- on his own terms. He and Prophet have a silent agreement: Drake will kill when he is told, if and only if his kill is justified. A rapist whose gotten away with his crime? He won’t blink an eye. A harmless civilian as one of Draven’s “examples”? Forget it. He uses his tracking ability to hunt down his victims, but he never drags on the process; a job is just that- a job. Some may call him a flirt, but he’s not the guy who will smile and latch onto your heart; he’s actually an egotistical, angst-ridden twenty-one year old man who doesn’t need dimples to win over women. Even so, his womanizing ways are just mindless pastimes; there is only one thing that consumes Drake’s mind day and night, and that’s his brother, Danny. Danny was kidnapped over ten years ago, and Drake couldn’t save him. But when Draven offers him a deal to kill Agent X in exchange for Danny’s whereabouts, Drake doesn’t hesitate. Until the last moment when he realizes Agent X is actually his brother—and he doesn’t remember him. Now he’s out to tear down Draven’s empire brick by brick in an effort to bring his brother’s memory back, even if it means teaming up with the Fosters. It could very well be the thing that drives him insane, considering Nikki Foster has already driven him halfway there.

Leif Prophet made a mistake and now he’s paying for it. His brother Draven taunts him every chance he gets by destroying Caston. Chained by cuffs that negate his ability to bend light, Leif has been locked in Draven’s headquarters for far too long. The only good thing is his alliance with Danny. Leif knows of the Fosters not having chips, and when Draven goes after them, he knows the time to fight is soon approaching. If Danny can successfully rally the sisters and break him out of his prison, he could take back the city that had once loved him. When Cali Foster is kidnapped, however, he finds holes in his plans as well as his heart—holes he never knew existed.

Draven Prophet has no remorse. When he learns of the Fosters existence, he wants nothing more than to kill them. He sends Agent X after them, but he is not a stupid man; he knows his clone, and he knows there is a mole in his system. After Agent X brings him what he wants, Draven wants his assassin to murder him. Of course he could have someone other than Drake perform the killing, but pitting brother against brother is much too fun- especially since Draven had wiped Danny’s memories of his family when he’d taken him so many years ago. Psychological torture is sometimes just as fun as physical torture, but Draven knows how fragile his empire stands. If his clone manages to escape with any one of the Fosters, he’ll have a war on his hands. He’s a brilliant mastermind, but sometimes his own thoughts make him bored. When he gets ahold of Cali, however, all of that changes. He clones the oldest Foster just as his brother cloned him and creates a devilish vixen he intends to crown his queen. Even the Devil needs company.

Mara Foster is Cali’s clone. When she first awakens and is informed by Draven that she is his plaything, she laughs. He had apparently forgotten to take out her ego when he cloned Cali; she isn’t going to be so easily manipulated. With the ability to create illusions, Mara is a force to be reckoned with, even if he doesn’t know it. Granted, Draven possesses a certain magnetism, but Mara has bigger plans for the world she was awakened to. She'll probably start with her clone, polish off the rest of the Fosters for kicks, and then wrench Draven's little kingdom from his wretchedly beautiful claws. The fight for the throne will be a game in the making, and Mara loves to play. [reserved in green]

Robin Michaels is Draven’s left hand man. Vile, torturous, and evil, he’s the king’s most loyal soldier and he wants nothing than to see the Fosters terminated. How he, being only twenty-one, could be so psychopathic he isn’t sure, but he loves every second of it. He had given up any part of him that was human long ago, yet one of the Fosters, Christina, seems to believe his heart still beats. Silly girl. Didn’t her parents ever teach her to never pet a rabid dog?

Heya! I'd love to play the part for Drake Taylor, he certainly sounds interesting. As far as colors go, I'm thinking teal? I also have a couple of questions. Are the details of how Danny was taken left to my own interpretation? And as far as posts go, is it a 2-paragraph minimum?

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