• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐œ๐š๐ซ๐ฉ๐ž ๐๐ข๐ž๐ฆ (๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค)



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chat away c :
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gaaaah! i am so pumped my bbys
I already love the crowd we managed to draw in with our concept !!
it's absolutely lovely to have you all interested and we can't wait for the wonderful characters applications! <3
^^ what anni said !!
alsoโ€”small thing about the angels. their angel name is the one on the role descriptions, however, they choose a human name during their time on earth. on the name part of the cs, put the human name! and then the role would be the angel name c :
i edited the cs but thought iโ€™d make an announcement here too
Two quick questions if y'all don't mind! 1) Are multiple people allowed to be the same role, just different characters, since we have more than eight people? 2) Is BBCode a requirement? I unfortunately don't know a lick of it, but I can definitely understand if it's required!
Yeah like Lawful said how will the angel/human thing work with 8 spots but more than 8 people?
Yeah like Lawful said how will the angel/human thing work with 8 spots but more than 8 people?
Two quick questions if y'all don't mind! 1) Are multiple people allowed to be the same role, just different characters, since we have more than eight people? 2) Is BBCode a requirement? I unfortunately don't know a lick of it, but I can definitely understand if it's required!
although iโ€™m not a gm, itโ€™s stated in the interest check that this is not a first come, first serve type of roleplay, therefore youโ€™d possibly be competing with someone else for a role. as for bbcode, it also states in the cs that bbcode is not a requirement and youโ€™re free to use none if thatโ€™s what you prefer.

hope this helped ! <3
although iโ€™m not a gm, itโ€™s stated in the interest check that this is not a first come, first serve type of roleplay, therefore youโ€™d possibly be competing with someone else for a role. as for bbcode, it also states in the cs that bbcode is not a requirement and youโ€™re free to use none if thatโ€™s what you prefer.

hope this helped ! <3
True I forgot that rule! Thanks!
What the lovely fantasy fantasy said is correct !! Everyone can apply for any role they like [ though, as stated before, there's a maximum of two roles per person ] and after the deadline has passed, me & erised erised will pick the applications we find most suited for the roleplay ! c: <3 And indeed, you may use any bb-code template or no bb-code; it's the content that counts !!
im here for it... sorry im late queens.....
What the lovely fantasy fantasy said is correct !! Everyone can apply for any role they like [ though, as stated before, there's a maximum of two roles per person ] and after the deadline has passed, me & erised erised will pick the applications we find most suited for the roleplay ! c: <3 And indeed, you may use any bb-code template or no bb-code; it's the content that counts !!

Thanks a million! I appreciate it, those rules completely slipped my mind!
told myself not to make 2 characters,, yet here i am
curse you both for having such a good rp idea
ahgdjaf mood
i love your placeholders btw
told myself not to make 2 characters,, yet here i am
curse you both for having such a good rp idea

biggest mood of all time
told myself not to make 2 characters,, yet here i am
curse you both for having such a good rp idea

God, I hear ya! The idea's just too good. Did I mean to write 1.5k in the cs alone? Nah. Did I end up doing it anyway? Of course, lol
Sorry sweetie not to be rude or anything but I think the Adrenaline Junkie is already taken by one of the GMโ€™s of the rp. Itโ€™s stated in the role category thatโ€™s on the characters thread. Virus Virus
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aah i'm late to the party... but hello!
i'm so excited and all of your placeholders look beautiful i can't relate
Virus Virus
what the sweet logastellus logastellus said is right. The role of adrenaline junkie is already taken by erised erised
this also goes for Hasdiel which is taken by myself.
Also, please keep in mind that every role is gender locked except for the criminal !!
We apologize if it wasn't made clear <3

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