Caroline Evans


Awesome Sauce

Caroline Evans 



  • Nicknames

    Carol and Caz (aka her other personalities)

  • Age


  • Gender


  • Sexual Orientation

    Caroline is bisexual, but Carol is heterosexual. Caz is pansexual. 

  • Description

    Caroline has pale blonde hair that's short, and grey eyes. She stands at 5'4" and is quite pale now.  See picture under her name for a better visual <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" srcset=" 2x" title=":)" width="20">

  • Illness(es)

    Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder), Depression, Anxiety

  • Medication(s)

    Electroconvulsive Therapy, Talk Therapy, Anti-Depressants

  • History & Family

    Caroline was born last into a family of four children (Steven Evans is the oldest son at the age of 24, Danielle is the oldest daughter at the age of 22, Will-the middle son- is 21, and Collin is 19). However, her mother had died in child birth which her father blamed on her. Verbal abuse from her siblings made her depressed, and her father became an abusive alcoholic. She was forced to stay home and clean the house, acting as their mother, as the rest of her siblings were carted off to school. It was at a young age when she first developed depression, and later on anxiety. Eventually, she got DID and was carted off to this asylum for killing her father (as he was about to rape her).  Caroline is the main personality, which is her own personality. However, Carol is a '50s "mother-like" personality, wanting to please everyone and can make a good sandwich. She appeared the first day Caroline was supposed to make the rest of the family dinner (at the age of six). On the other hand, Caz is the wild card. Caz is the one who would kill people for fun--another reason she was dragged here. In fact, Caz was created when her father was about to rape her, or just showed up at that time.  Caroline doesn't remember what Caz or Carol do. 

  • Personality

    Caroline is a happy-go-lucky, sarcastic optimist. She's smart and is the most normal and modern out of the three personalities. Carol is an attention-hog who will do anything to please anyone. Caz is crazy, and is somehow more athletic than Caroline and Carol. 

  • Other

    Caroline has no idea if there are other personalities who have yet to appear, and assumes that she is the main personality because the other's names are nicknames of Caroline. She also gets the most time as a personality.  She's been in this place for over a year now. 
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