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Care of Magical Creatures {{Closed}}


Ugly Sweater Enthusiast

The Niffler


Niffler is a treasure-hunting creature with a long narrow snout. They are very attracted to shiny things, which makes them wonderful for locating anything metallic or shimmery, but they might bite if a person is wearing any jewellery.


Your task for the next month (that's 30 days) is to look after a Niffler. It may seem tricky at first but soon you will learn the quirks and qualities of your new pet. You will be permitted to leave your Niffler in cages located around the school while you have lessons but straight after you are to pick up your pet and take care of him/her. You will have to feed them, bathe them, provide them with entertainment, and most important of all -
love them.

You will be working in pairs chosen for you by me (Professor Hagrid.)


(Care of Magical Creatures, Gamekeeper)


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