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Realistic or Modern Card Caste Heaven~Sign ups Closed!~



Danica was unbalanced in her moment of shock and when Valentina pushed her away with her feet, she found herself flying backwards. She landed on her butt; the dazed look was still on her face. She looked down at her hands. 'I can't believe I almost punched Valentina. The admin was right... maybe the real me is a bully...' she shook her head clearing her mind of things she didn't have time to think about. 'Play the game, Danica... play the game'. She forced herself to stand up on shaky legs and ran as best she could in the direction that her hider had run off in. She was just about to give up on looking for her when she saw the girl jump over the fence to the stadium. Danica groaned inwardly. This was not going to be fun. She ran up to the fence and took her time climbing it before dropping to the other side. When she turned around her eyes darted around in search of Valentina. Spotting the blond on the roof of the announcing studio. "Fuck." she swore sinking to the ground. 'I couldn't get up there if I tried...Guess it's game over.' Danica pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them she stared into the distance thinking about her sister as she waited for the game to be over.

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Valerian Maxwell Samson

Middle class, Card 6


He looked at her with a smile, happy she had said yes. Well, she hadn't spoken, but a nod was a yes, at least in the culture where they lived. A nod was a yes, and a shake was a no, that was how he had grown up with it at least. So he stood back up again, holding her hand, and started to lead them out towards the back. For they would not go along the public yet. No, they needed to stay covered from Lady Luck and Mr. Fortune so they could get to the dorms. "Do you have any favorite colours you'd like us to use?" He asked, wanting to have her speak, have her voice her opinions. For too many times when he saw her, she was just being pushed around, but he would not have any of that. No, he would do his best to make sure she was safe and covered, even if that meant he would get a knife in his back. He could handle it. Could these girls? He wasn't quite so sure.

"Because honestly, I think we got the entire rainbow in my room to use"


Valentina Hayley Samson

Loser Class, Card 2.The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.-Roseanne Barr


Sitting on top of the little white building, she had her phone in her hand, and was looking out over her view. That was where she would end up being. On the top, one way or another. If she was on the top during her time as a rookwood student, she cared little for. There she just wanted to get those who believed it was right to attack down from their spots, but in the real world? She would not end up at the bottom there. And she knew it. She was no plain chicken, or a boiled broccoli. No, she was more a tiramisu. A crème brûlée even. The words of Brandi L. Bates echoed in her mind. 'All those other girls are cake...I'm Crème brûlée...Tiramisu, if you will. Just a few notches above.' But a few notches was enough to be above.

She would not let these 'Admin' break her. No, she would push any weakness away, and return to how she'd been. Smart, without fear, dangerous. If they thought 15 year old her was a killer, they had never met her now.

But she would do it gradually. Perhaps not even go the full way.

Just enough to not get hurt, just enough for her brother to not need to protect her.

Just enough to be an opponent.

Commenting some with Wes and Butch on twitter, always keeping Danica in her view, her plan was already in work.

One popular already heading towards her side. Someone who was known for being a charmer, of being a ladies man. Of being a party boy. And everyone knew, once a party boy, always a party boy. Connections were created like that. By throwing yourself out there like that.

And that was what she was doing. Throwing herself out there. Goodbye to fear, hello to danger.
Wes Jaxson

Wes could hear Min-ji rage and ramble, but he wasn’t really paying attention. He was talking to Valentina, trying to get a few free meal out of her. What? He heard her food was delicious, and a semi-free meal(he would just have to get the ingredients for Val to cook.) sounded really fantastic at the moment. Looking up he noticed the poor girl was trying to get down with no way off. Sighing he put his phone away after she asked him for a way down. A smile work his way on his face.

“So Rapunzel decided to come down from her art tower?” he teased, as the smile turned into a grin. Walking over to the corner of the room to get the ladder he walked back over to the cubbies and set up the ladder in a secure spot. Climbing up the steps he was finally leveled with Min-ji after a couple seconds. “Mi’lady” he said to her, gently taking her feather light body into his arms and carefully walking back down the steps. Once the two were safely back on the ground, he placed Min-ji carefully on her feet.

“Now will you listen to what I have to say?”

@Fallout Bandit

Delphine Ambridge

‘God damn this asshole!’she screamed, enraged in her head. This is one of the dirtiest fighters she has ever encountered. She had to stop her barrage of punches due to the blood splattering on her face. She just prayed she didn’t go blind. She felt him pinch a pressure point on the arm she was using to hold him in her arm lock. ‘Shit I have to let go!’ she thought as her arm jolted out of reflex.

Delphine tried to recover, but then Leroy's next move caught her off guard. Who would have thought tickling could be used in a fight? Not being able to stop the giggle escape her lips, she cursed mentally trying to escape his grasp. However that only prove to work in Leroy’s favor as he tapped her leg with his and shoving her to the ground. She instinctually grabbed his shirt dragging him down with her hoping to rule this fight using some ground work.

‘No! No! No! No!’ A hand pressed against her throat, that familiar pressure of a man’s hand on her throat consumed her thoughts. Flashes of a man, one that ruin her life flashed in her vision replacing the British man above her. Air all but left her as she felt as she felt another dark grasp clutched her throat. ‘Oh god. Get away from me! Get away!!!’ Panic consumed her every thought. How did her manager get here? He was gone! He would hurt her anymore!

‘Little brat. I made you famous and this is the gratitude you show me?!’

Darkness started to fill her vision, but not entirely due to the lack of oxygen. Time slowed down, her surrounds all but disappeared.

“So stuck in this situation again? Huh? Been awhile since you’ve needed me.” A deep, sensuous voice giggled. She sounded so familiar.

‘Jesus, what did I just hear?’ Delphine thought as the darkness continued to cloud her vision

“Well, since your having a bit of a dilemma with this nuisance. How about I take command, hm?” the voice suggested humor prevalent.

‘I don’t know…what is happening?’

“Shhhh, don’t worry. Eclipse will take care of everything”

As if someone turned a switch Delphine was no more and Eclipse was up in the spotlight.

Eclipse ☀

Delphine re-opened her eyes, but the color was off. It was darker, even to the point of sinister. The brightness of her chocolate brown gone. Instead only a deep brown remained, as if dead. The popstar did not wait for an opening, she made one. With a quick, almost brutal move she grab both Leroy’s right arm and blocked his right leg. Using whatever momentum she could muster up, she flipped over Leroy to the right using her body weight and his unbalance to her advantage. Once she was on top to of Leroy, the brunette deliver a few quick jabs, striking the nose and neck Delphine injured earlier. Those blow cause him to loosen his grip allowing her to get up and away from the British punk.

Taking off her jacket Eclipse wipe the blood and dirt off her face, groaning out in disgust. “How dare you spit in my face? It is not only vile, but it is also underhanded, and cowardly!” she raged wiping the last of the gruesome mess off tossing the ruined jacket to the ground. “Let me show you what happens to those who are dimwitted enough to challenge me.”

Not giving Leroy a chance get his grounding, she swung her foot back and punted Leroy directly in the chest causing him to fall over.

“You revolting piece of shit!”

“You are more of a coward than a king.”

“A psychotic little boy like you should decompose in a mental asylum.”

“What is the matter? A spineless cur like yourself can’t take on a small defenseless woman?”

Every insult there was a kick. She would have fun with his pain. He was having the same sadistic pleasure with Delphine, so why shouldn’t Eclipse? After all she was just protecting the two of them. Or at least that is what she would tell the others. Men such as Leroy needed to be disposed of. She wanted him to feel every ache, every sting. Nudging the dazed boy onto his back with her foot, she then lightly placed her foot on top of his chest. A wicked smile worked its way onto her face as she gradually increased the force of her foot on his rib cage. Delphine had all the power in the world to end this pathetic excuse for a human, but she was weak. Morals held her back. But Eclipse wouldn’t let it. She hasn’t before she won’t now. Leroy would see darkness. She would make him see.

“Seems familiar. The touch of darkness so to say?” she asked the boy under her, a twisted smile forming on her face. Applying more pressure she leaned in her hair forming a dark curtain as it unraveled from it binds. “Do you feel the darkness? Do you feel life’s breath leaving you? I hope so, it would be a shame for you not to experience the same feelings as your victims. I detest individuals such as you.” Her deep voice almost sang out into the shadows of the forest. The melodious voice sensually filling the air. Sweet but ominous promises carried with her sinister song.

“I will show you what the darkness truly contains. It is much more sinister, and malicious than you could ever imagine.”


((Will make pretty after I get back from Costco))
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SEO Min-Ji //

She crossed her arms as she was out down, turning away from the other as he spoke. Min-Ji didn't want to look at the handsome lad as she'd most likely be distracted by his facial features. From what she could tell from afar, his face was proportionate, which made an art hoe like her swoon on the inside. "No

! No! No! I get it! You win! You don't have to rub it in!" Min-Ji nearly screamed at the top of her lungs and stomped her foot, a sign of her stubbornness working. She turned around again, only now with her eyes closed as she aimlessly waved her fists in front of her. "Shibal! C'mon! Swing, I dare you!" Her voice sounded too innocent to take seriously, which was the only reason why no one really took her seriously at all. In her fit, Min-Ji made odd, high pitched noises as she continued on with her random fist waving.


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15295-ladyofsixvillages/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15295-ladyofsixvillages/ ( it sucks, but really. I don't care. All I need right now is a full belly. )

Tweetie Behe

Tweetie stayed there, watching every movement Butch made, making mental notes of everything he did. It was all for strategy. She bit her lip, trying to prevent herself from saying something in return about the scrub thing. She was almost certain butch was one of those people that once he moved onto the next subject, there was no going back. However, the next subject came with him come awfully close. As soon as he was close enough that she could smell his scent she stop breathing, keeping herself as still as possible. Her eye's glanced off to the side, trying her divert her attention from him. Even though she had no interest in him and he no interest in her, she still felt extremely uncomfortable just for the simply fact he was a man with a temper. She knew 'not all men' where like Adib, but she was still allowed to be afraid. "Yet? Oh so you do plan on asking her out? Because honestly, i believe you two would be great for each other." she added as soon as he stepped away.

"Del is strong. I'm sure she'll hurt him a few times. But i don't see Leroy giving up his spot as king. He'll probably make a deal with her. A deal you're most certain not to like. I getting the feeling he hates you most." She decided, her face showing no emotional or what she though as she looked at her nails. Just saying Leroy's name gave her a bad taste in her mouth. Tweetie then pulled away from the door frame, walking back into the bedroom. "Are you done getting ready for whatever you're getting ready for kid? I want to head to the Auditorium. See who's been found and watch the rest of the game on the big screen. Apparently it's pretty funny and i could use a laugh." She shrugged still admiring her nails.


?????? ??????


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.06e3d9d1df4122d2ce422bb19b4438db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.06e3d9d1df4122d2ce422bb19b4438db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leroy felt every love tap with a sense of warped justice. '
You... Bundle of fun.' Thought Leroy, his nose leaking out red water almost as sudden as Del was kicking him like an unwanted puppy. At least Leroy inflicted pain with passion, yet, there was no passion in this. She wanted him gone, she didn't want him to exist anymore. Was what he did so bad? He's never heard otherwise, maybe even complemented on how he led them to the promised land. This was an ever so longing experience however, being beaten. It reminded him that he, in fact, wasn't as untouchable as he was brought up to think. When her remarkably small foot applied pressure in between his rib-cage, he felt abandoned. He didn't even struggle, for there was no point. She was stronger than him, but not as blood thirsty. Even with her change of attitude, nothing she said even so much as scalped his internal brainwaves. He felt the damage, wanting for it to stop. No pain was shown in his eyes as he reached for his stick-shot taser that was tucked into his waistband, taking it out without hesitation and shooting her in the chest with it. From pure reflex, and animal instinct, her swooning body fell to the dirty-leafy ground; spazzing like a majestic jellyfish. Leroy could hardly stand from the pain, but he would have to endure. This was worth it, worth every drop of blood spilled from his innards. Leroy slowly stood up, a blank expression on his face as he slowly clapped his hands; ripping the taser from her chest without remorse. He walked over and grabbed his extendable steel nightstick, extending it, and walking back toward Delphine. Luckily for him, his phone was rather close by - him grabbing it and applying the steel nightstick crossed her small and fragile neck. He wasn't choking her however, and wanted her to hear every word he said as he straddled above her.

Don't... Don't struggle anymore. You see life as a lie, and I see it as truth... That's the main difference between us." Leroy said in a coldly tone, feeling her slightly struggle underneath him as he sat on her chest. He knew she was only still feeling the massive jolts that just coursed her body, and was probably still jittery. He applied a little more pressure on her neck from the nightstick, allowing her to know exactly what would happen if she struggled further. "Butch... My dear brother... He's going to pay if you deny me any further... Oh yes, he's my older brother. Does he know that? Absolutely not... Nor will he, since I plan on completely ruining him if you tell him..." Leroy used his left hand to open the picture he took of Delphine under his godly touch, covered in blood. He showed her, quickly putting the phone back into his pocket. "Hmm... Maybe I should tweet that to him... Putting a caption on it. 'Why weren't you there for me...' Yes... That sounds amazing... Maybe, 'I've seen the light'?" Leroy rubbed his finger around her eyes, making sure the dirt was out of them. "You'll be my slave. I want everyone to know that I have dominated you. If not...? I'm sure everyone will know about your sudden... Relapse into the world, no...? How about I destroy everything you love instead... Maybe even make it my personal mission to put you into a mental institution? That was quite rude... What you said..." Leroy took out his phone again, putting the camera on and filming Delphine with a nightstick put to her throat. "I want you to tell the world that you will be my personal slave for one week... And I'll be allowed to do anything that I see fit. You'll be under my mercy, and I'll show you the true brilliance of servitude..." Leroy pressed play on the recorder, holding it close to her face so people would see clearly if they watched the video.


?????? ??????


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1fe33c331ec300968440fff5482eaf7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1fe33c331ec300968440fff5482eaf7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Well, in any case, I hope what you have planned fucking works. Leroy might be out for my ass, but he's a fucking pussy for not coming for me directly..." Butch out his phone back into his pocket after a few random tweets, walking back toward his bed and putting on a new brown shirt, not bothering with the baseball cap or hoodie. "It's called hygiene... And I like having clean teeth." Said Butch, slightly walking toward his door. He thought about what she thought of the relationship he had with Del, and the one he had with Leroy. He wasn't sure why, but Leroy seemed to single him out on Twitter more than a couple of times, even messaging him about 'dark pasts brought to light'. He always put it behind his head, since he figured Leroy was doing that with everyone. He was also sketched out on why Leroy wasn't scared of Butch, or at least cautious when talking to him like he did. Butch had certainly busted heads for less, yet, too much was on the line this time. He thought about what she said about him eventually asking Del out; even though their little brawl they had planned probably counted. "Tweetie... Maybe. I just need to talk with her first... There's a reason she, well, never mind... It's not really your business." Butch finally managed to open his door, taking a quick glance back at Tweetie. "The rooms nice, but I agree. I wanna see Leroy's scrub ass being carried onto that stage. Maybe things aren't so bad... Right?" Said Butch as he motioned her to leave the room, so they could make their way toward the auditorium.




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'Impressive' was all the word she could think of from the moment a music of what seemed to be horror resonated at the Auditorium until a woman dressed elegantly in violet, but hidden under a white cover, glided to the theater with a dark escort by her side. Everything played out like a planned play with the beautiful actress as both the director and the star - Lady Luck. Crisanta wasn't too surprised with her appearance, after all the shock her servants gave her. But when her eyes scanned for the reactions around her, confusion struck her. Why the surprise? Isn't it normal for the person behind the curtains of Card Caste System to show up for their first game? She'd ask, but her attention was quickly driven back to the so-called Lady Luck. She explained the concept and rules of the game with much detail that Crisanta only had to wonder how they turned a childish game to a complete thrill. Well, it wasn't a positive thought since the fright tickled her skin, even more when the bracelets were handed to out to her and the others. Why the need for the bracelets? She could just feel fear around her wrist, rather than an accessory. Crisanta shook her head and kept a mental note of everything explained to her. As her Auntie Ada once said, rules can be your best friend. That phrase may be proven true at Card Caste System. When the countdown started, she stayed behind and watched some of the players make their escape, only having 10 minutes to hide away from the rest of the finders. Being a Card 5 automatically labeled her as a seeker, well, until her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Greetings, Del Rosario. It seems the game has started. Aren't you quite excited? A game of mouse chase, losers run in haste. And the cat you are, they will not get far. But let us give you a little twist and drop you on the nasty mouse list. Good luck~

Sudden horror embraced her chest.
"T-That's not fair!" she gasped as she turned to look back at the Administrators of the game. 'Nothing is fair in Card Caste System,' she remembered, all words from her Auntie Ada. Before she knew, Crisanta found herself running away from the Auditorium with lesser time to hide compared to all of the other losers. Despite being a Card 5, a middle class - she must hide! Her luck wasn't playing all too well, but there was nothing she could do but proceed, or she lose at the very spot. No, she couldn't let that happen. Not again. Crisanta went on a complete halt and looked around where she ended up at. Gymnasium. Of all places she ended up at, gymnasium? By the time she was there, the 10 minutes given to her and the other losers had ran out and it meant the others, the seekers, will come searching for all of them. "Oh, nevermind!" she grunted, running in to the gymnasium and to the locker rooms to hide.

( @kawiibunnygirl | Seems like I'm paired with Jiyeon. o w o )

Wes Jaxson

“hahahaha!”Wes laughter filled the room in a deep baritone ring as he watched Min-ji try to fight. He felt horrible but he just couldn’t contain his laughter anymore. Could this girl get any cuter? Probably, but Wes really did not want capture her. Yeah he wanted to keep his card, but to make this small girl slave, even for a week, was still cruel and totally not his style.

“I just want to talk. I don’t want to capture you. I don’t want or need a slave. Grew up with too many servants anyway back at my old home. But a friend would be nice. Why don’t we get out of this art room and take a walk until the game is over?”he asked her. All he wanted to do is basically move around, not stand in one spot all day. That just would be so boring.

“Come on, I’m hungry and the café is still open surprisingly.”He said to the small Asian as he walked over to the door and walking slightly though it.

“Or I mean you can stay here with no protection. You choice.” He told her while turning his head back to her, a huge grin on his face.

@Fallout Bandit

((Sorry if really crappy))

Delphine Ambridge

‘W-what h-happen?’ Jolts of electricity spiked up and down her body, he muscles involuntarily twitching as she tried to glance around her mind still trying to process what was happening. Actually she couldn’t even come up with an answer if she wanted to. One minute she saw her manager the next nothing. What was she doing? Did she black out after being choked? And when did she get tazed? Her mind was going miles per second. She almost panic and passed out, but then she felt a sharp ripping sensation from her chest. Trying to sort out the pain, her mind had no time to process as she felt a nightstick place across her neck and a heavy weight on her chest.

She started struggling when she saw it was Leroy on top of her, but her body still was suffering from the jolts of electricity coursing through it. The nightstick pressed harder against her neck causing her to stop struggling. She hate anything near her neck, and truthfully she was afraid at the moment.


They were so different! How could this small punk with a godlike complex be Butch’s brother? He was just like her siblings.

Hatred filled her gaze as she glared up at Leroy, she hated her siblings and to be near anyone like them sickened her to her very core. Her disgust only increased when he showed her the picture Leroy took of her while he choked her. His suggestion of him posting that picture only angered her further, but also caused guilt to creep up and tighten around her heart. She did tell Butch she could handle him, and not look where she was. Defeated. And truthfully it was her own fault. Butch shouldn’t have to feel ashamed for her mistakes. She tried to pull her face away from his hand as they gentle wiped around her eye, angry tear building up wanting to spill over.

‘God why do I have to suffer like this?’she thought as Leroy mentioning releasing to the world that she was alive. She was only seventeen, if that happened, he siblings would get full custody and she would be under their malicious reign again. Being used as a money cow for their sick pleasure. No. She would rather be at a mental institution like Leroy suggested. She couldn’t hold the tears running down her face. Ashamed, angered, and left with no choice. It was either this or have her and Butch suffer, and she would never forgive herself is she cause him any grief. She turned her head from the phone and sentenced herself to a week of pure torture and embarrassment.

“I will be your personal slave, and your wish is my command.”

Unable to take the stress and the adrenaline rushing out of her body, sweek blackness over took her concious and she passed out.


((God that took so long to type))

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/rooney_mara-089.jpg.7150b294c25dccdec54b90a484a34681.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/rooney_mara-089.jpg.7150b294c25dccdec54b90a484a34681.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

Tweetie raised an eyebrow as Butch walked over to his bed, replacing his shirt. "We're in the middle of a game and you're worried about how good your breath smells kid? If it were someone else you would probably be screwed." She scoffed slightly, rolling her eyes as she stood in place. "Actually scratch that. You'd probably make them touch you first and then beat them to a pulp claiming it was self defense." She smirked slightly, imaging a scene of a poor beat soul and bloodied Butch standing their claiming it to be self defense. Honestly, as long as he promised to keep her safe at this moment then she'd vouche as a witness saying it was self defense.

Butch then went on to explaining the Del thing before saying never mind. "Woah kid. Damn right nevermind. I was just stating an opinion. No need to get all personal with me. I'm not all about that whole bonding with people life." Tweetie made a face, shaking her head slightly to even out her bangs. She then walked out of the door, not bothering to look back and make sure he was following. He was a good boy. He'd follow.

The walk to the auditorium was in silence. And Tweetie appreciated that. She wasn't much one for small talk and getting to know people. She was more of sit back and watch everyone struggle kind if gal. Once they made it to the place Tweetie turned on her heels, looking at Brown. "I'm sure they saw how obedient you were following me here." She then lowered her voice to the whisper hoping no one would here on the cameras. "Don't let them know we're working together. Let then think I have some dirt on you." She then turned back, opening the door.

"Hello hello~ Your Queen has arrived with a little bully it tow." She cooed, winking into the crowd and wiggling her fingers in a wave. "I know what you're thinking 'this tiny little girl managed to get catch that big bad boy'," she pouted, talking in a childish voice. "But your queen has brains darlings~ while this big brute over here..." She leaned forward, covering her mouth in a sarcastic manner and bringing her finger to her forehead. "Isn't very smart at all~" A laugh carried throughout the theater, bringing a smile to the face of Tweetie. However on the inside she was dreading how Butch was going to react. She could only pray to the god she didn't believe in that he understood. As the laughter died down she made her way towards the front row seats of the auditorium reserved for the members playing. On the front screen clips of what was going on throughout the school switched back and forth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/full-marlon-teixeira-sexy-162185423.jpg.e3d68c57be633cc3e71adb0d9b7b346d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/full-marlon-teixeira-sexy-162185423.jpg.e3d68c57be633cc3e71adb0d9b7b346d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Fernando Gonzalez

While most of the school was watching the action on the big screen, he couldn't help but notice a few people here and there on campus. Fernando didn't care though. He tried his hardest to ignore any and all distractions. As a swimmer he had great staminia and could probably continue running for a while, but he didn't have the leg strength Garnet had and he could see her slowly catching up. 'Hide. Hide. Hide.' He thought to himself, heading towards the closest building.

Fernando wasn't exactly sure which building he was in, but he was assuming it was the art building. Large mosaics and murals filled the walls as he took a turn, now heading down a hall. Even in here he could hear Garnet screaming, causing him to turn his head around and completely forget about watching ahead of him. He soon learned his lesson as he rammed right into something. Not just something but a very cute boy. Still being slightly wet from tbe pond plus the force from running caused him to loose his balance and fall backwards landing on his ass. Fernando looked at the other boy, shocked slightly. "Shit. Dude. Im sorry, are you okay?" he spoke fast, scrambling to get up. Once again he could hear Garnet, this time closer. "Fuck me running!" He shouted, fusterated. He then looked the other boy right in the eye and grabbing onto his shoulders. "You didn't see me okay?" He looked around frantically before letting go and taking off down the hall again, checking classrooms along the way and finding them locked. Guess he was SOL.

@Stoked911 @LadyOfSixVillages



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//Julia Davis//

Julia kept her composure as she watched the hiders scramble off, silently picturing all the rooms and possible hiding areas in the school. As the timer ticked down, she felt her pulse quickening as she went off the stage and hurrying in the direction where she saw most of them go. She needed to keep her wits about her and watch her back. Although it was unlikely that any of the hiders would team up and try to take out the seekers, it was still a possibility. Normally contests like this divided everyone, which unfortunately included the seekers. She couldn't find it in herself to ask someone else to team up. Everyone was fighting for themselves. This contest meant her rank and she wasn't going to let it go that easily, despite the rotation that was inevitably coming up.

She cautiously went about the first ten minutes, looking around every corner. A bit frustrated, she began to be less careful as she felt less and less hopeful of finding someone. Then she saw someone go into their room, the door closing just as she reached the end of a hallway leading to their dorm. Was this person just going into their dorm? She stepped forward, barely glancing at the ground. As she walked closer to the door, she felt her foot hit something that triggered a muffled sound. The next thing she new, a sharp gas or liquid or something shot into her face, causing her eyes and nose to sting slightly. That triggered a gas to explode into the part of the hallway she was in. It took her a moment to adjust to it, her mind immediately telling her to hold her breath in case the gas was poisonous or something. Unfortunately, her body reacted too late and she had taken a couple of whiffs of the gas. She coughed, waving it away from her face. Her mind was turning number and nose and eyes were still slightly stinging.

She stumbled a bit, her foot accidentally kicking a trip wire set up. Luckily, she managed to prevent herself from falling and leaned against the wall. She staggered a couple steps forward, feeling something hit her right shoulder. She peeled off the net that had only managed to latch onto her right arm, its aim off because she had moved away from the center of the hallway. She managed to avoid several other similar booby traps, but also unfortunately set off several other gas-based traps.


?????? ??????



Leroy stood in the wake of a passed out Delphine, satisfied. He stood up, putting his nightstick and taser back into their respective spots into his waistband. He wasn't too keen on salvation, but he walked over and picked up her phone as well. Anything for his slaves. Leroy lifted up Delphine and fireman carried her, having her slouched over his shoulders. It's a good thing she was so small, or Leroy would of had a hard time doing said task. As he walked through the woods however, he had a moment of clarity. If it weren't for that taser, he probably would have died. Leroy shook off the thought, not letting such acts of cowardice get into his head of brilliance. He still had a plan after all, and revenge took priority. He would also take his justice out on Delphine, her making this whole process a lot harder than it had to be. His nose somehow stopped bleeding, there still being dried blood all over his face. He took a detour to the public restrooms, tossing Delphine on the dirty floors as he washed his face in the sink. '
Just... Can't have them see their king all bloodied up, can we...?' Thought Leroy, him taking precautions to keeping his almost perfect image. He reluctantly picked up Delphine off of the dirty floor, fireman carrying her towards the auditorium. She started getting heavier, but motivation of being the victor took over.

Leroy soon found himself kicking open the auditorium doors, walking in like he didn't even break a sweat. He didn't bother looking toward the crowd as they stood in utter awe and silence. They probably didn't expect to see him beat one of the more capable fighters in the school, let alone carry her incapacitated corpse into the auditorium as he oh so did. Leroy tossed Delphine's body onto the stage, him running his hands through his hair and looking out toward the audience. "
Guess I caught myself a songbird after all... " Said Leroy, as he slowly turned his head toward Butch. There was only a cold expression on his face, one of dread. He knew Butch would probably rip his throat out, but Leroy trusted the system. He knew Butch would be a fool to act out here, especially in front of everyone and their mother. Guess this classified as a checkmate, if there ever was one. Leroy slowly walked and took a seat in the front row of seats reserved for the players, leaving Delphine's corpse on the stage.

?????? ??????


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.aee3c32d5b9fe42be6741af97c323e3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.aee3c32d5b9fe42be6741af97c323e3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This bitch...' Thought Butch, as his glorious queen was basically calling him a retard in front of the whole student body. He let them laugh, he had to. 'Bully...? Fucking bully...?' Butch couldn't even muster the words to say something about those words either. He was a bully, he just didn't quite understand the concept. Sure, he picked on kids, but only if he thought they were worthless anyway. What good are you as a person if you're willing to have someone walk all over you? Butch didn't let that happen, and neither should anyone else. He wasn't a teacher, but he sure as hell proclaimed himself as a judge in that regard. Him and Tweetie took their seats, Butch whispering into Tweetie's ear. "If you ever call me an idiot again, I'll show you just how stupid someone can get with brain damage..." Butch slowly retracted his head away from the queen. He knew she was trying to explain how he was captured, but that was still incredibly overboard. It's not like Butch scored too low on his exams anyway, last year he did fairly well. He just couldn't read English too well, and math was always a small problem.

"Oh look! Butch got fuckin' caught up by Tweetie! What the hell she do? Put a mousetrap to his genitals or something? Jeez, man." Said one of the kids sitting somewhat behind Butch. He didn't say much about it however, his hands were tied. Hell, maybe it was better for them to assume stuff like that. "Butch is a fucking pussy anyway, hope she rubs his face in the dirt." Now things were getting a little out of control, Butch now tightening the grip of his hands. '
Let them speak... Fuck them... They're losers...' Thought Butch, trying with every fiber in his being to not jump out of his seat and break their faces. Maybe prison was the place for him, people just didn't understand animal instinct out here. People had no respect.

It was then, Leroy entered the auditorium; carrying little Delphine over his shoulders. Butch was in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes. He slowly stood up, dead to the world around him. As Leroy tossed Del, then muttered his words, Butch started slowly walking toward the stage. Butch also had a cold expression; not being able to feel the world around him. '
She's... Not your songbird...' Thought Butch, barely able to comprehend the sight before him. He walked up to her body and dropped to his knees, immediately wrapping his arms around her. She felt cold, and dirty, but he didn't care. She must have been through hell, and he wasn't there. He failed her, he was a loser.

"No fucking way! Delphine lost too?! Guess these guys weren't all tough! They're all talk!" Some of the kids sitting in the bleachers called out, Butch still holding Delphine. "
H... Hey... Wake up..." Muttered Butch, not exactly sure what to do. He wanted to cry, but not in front of everyone. Especially that fuck-head Leroy. Butch messed up, and now Delphine was going to pay for it. Of course, Butch could always just kill Leroy right here and now. Yes, he would. Butch slowly averted his gaze toward Leroy, furrowing his brow, and letting him know the pain that would soon reach him. He gripped Delphine tight, hoping she would awaken and tell him that everything was going to be okay. The crowd started to chant, a chant so cold and twisted, that even Butch felt the sting.


@Halcyon @LadyOfSixVillages



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Tweetie Behe

Tweetie sat smirking, listening to the comments. 'Yes yes... think of him as pathetic. You all just keep following my planned perfectly.' She thought to herself, almost ecstatic. She then lost her train of thought when Butch leaned over, whispering in her ear. She wanted to glare and swat at him, not wanting the student body to think they're all buddy buddy. When she heard what came out of his mouth although, she couldn't but let a giggle escape from her lips. She simply kept her eyes on the screen and talked in a low tone, barely moving her lips. "Shut the hell up Butch. You know damn well that's not what i really think of you. Would you rather i come off as the bitch i am and have the plans ruined? Besides, the crowd loved it." She hissed at him, hearing her name get called from the audience. She turned around, waving to a little fan group. "Tweetie Bird's got Girl power!" They rang out. Tweetie just blew a kiss towards them, settling them down.

That's when he entered.

The little shithead walked in, carrying Del around his shoulders. Tweetie did everything in her power not to come off as completely in shock. She sat there, a look of curiosity placed on her face. Her eyes watched every movement he made, as he walked down towards the stage. He basically tossed her unconscious body like a piece of trash onto the stage. He then mentioned something that had to do with a songbird. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Butch walk to the stage, dropping down and cradling her in his arms. It was something out of a romance movie really. All around her people continued to make comments about Del and Butch. It was just matter of moments before a chant arose, signalling the two out. It was all Hilarious really. People thinking these two where below them when it came to reality. Just last year half these people were losers themselves.

"hehe..." It started out as a little snicker... a soft giggle that only near by people would here. Before she knew it though she was laughing out loud, a little tiny pigglet snort leaving her nose as she tilted her head back. One by one the chants settled down, people taking notice of their crazy queen. Tweetie took advantage of the moment, standing up and going over to sit on the edge of the stage. "Wow! Aren't you all just cuties~" She cooed, winking as she pressed her pointer finger to her cheek. Confused looked settled on their faces. "I can't wait until next week when half of you all are losers. As soon i see one of you guys beaten to a pulp and laying almost dead of the ground i'll make sure i personalyl start the chant! It sounds so fun. Maybe it'll be you?" She pointed to the boy her first started the chant "I mean, i know people that can make it happen. Now. Would you like a jock to beat you up? Or maybe a pretty girl that can throw a mean punch. The choice is yours." She laughed softly, her hands cupping her cheeks. It was almost a little creepy how happy go lucky she seemed. The crowd was now silent. One could hear a pen drop.

Tweetie gingerly hoped off the stage turning to Butch. "As my personal servant, i command you to take Del back stage and see if anyone can fix her up." She then walked over to Leroy, leaning down slightly to look him in the face. "Since your slave is unconscious and can't take any commands from you i hope you don;t have any rejection to making her healthy again so she can serve you well!" She reached out, booping the tip of his nose. "Nice game move~" Tweetie straighten back up. She then turned on her heels, walking towards the door of the auditorium, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her breast as well as a lighter. She placed the cigarette in between her lips, waving to the crowd as she exited. It wasn't until her was outside leaning against the wall she actually lit the thing, filling her lungs with nicotine. Filling her lungs with her addiction. "Pathetic little fucktards." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

@Brown @LadyOfSixVillages
Wes Jaxson

‘Well I guess I can wait outside for her, while she makes her decision.
Only one door out of that classroom after all.’ He thought to himself as he took out his phone to check his stocks. “Still rich? Still rich.” He chuckled out flipping through the numbers. He hated business, but boy was it profitable. Especially in the stock market. He probably should have been looking up, but he was too preoccupied with making sure he could retire in style. That is if he didn’t break his neck from the collision with what felt like a walking (more like running) brick wall. It was pretty much a giant mess of limbs with a poor unsuspecting phone in the middle of it.

Landing flat on his back, Wes groaned from the familiar sensation of his body hitting the floor. ‘Gotta love being a jumper. Kinda used to this.’ Wes winced in a bit of pain but none the less he was unscathed, he however couldn’t say the same for his poor iphone 6. Glancing over to where his phone landed he could only sigh. ‘I just got it yesterday.’ He had another one but that was beside the point. Getting onto his feet, he was about to yell at the guy but was but every complaint was but into a halt by the most beautiful brown eyes Wes has even seen. Wes was in trance, but it was quickly broken as those eyes suddenly left his vision and down the hall.

“Wait…AW MAN!” Wes screamed as the sandy brunette disappeared from his line of sights. “Great phone broken, and got trampled by a cute guy. This night could get worst. I-”

A harsh shriek interrupt his sting of complaints.He mumbled. Looking down the hallway he see a enraged, and soaked Garnet charging down the hallway. ‘Must be who he is running from. She looks pretty pissed.’ He chuckled in his head. He did want to enrage her more, but the cute guy seemed genuinely frighten of the blonde girl.

‘I guess I can give him a hand. Got nothing to lose anyway.’ As thought as he she sprinted down the hallway towards his direction. Knowing she was probably to mad to pay attention where she was going. Just as she was about to past him, Wes stuck out his leg causing he to trip over it and go flying down the hallway face first. Not wanting to face an infuriated Garnet, he ran back inside the art room, closing the door and locked it.

“Actually I’m not that hungry anymore. Why don’t we hang out here? You probably don’t wanna go outside anyway. Kind of a war zone out there.” He said to Min-ji chuckling nervously.

@Stoked911 @Fallout Bandit

((Forgive me if there are mistakes. Kinda sleepy and mind is a bit jumbled up.))



Garnet was racing down the hallway trying to catch and maybe even kill Fernando for ruining her Jordans. She made a sharp left turn and continued running almost having Fernando in her reach before she wasn't paying attention and her right foot connected with something and she yelped loud as she lost balanced and fell face first onto the cold hard ground. She released a ground feeling her entire face mainly her nose be in emense pain. 'What the hell just happened?'she asked herself confused on what occured a few seconds ago. Slowly standing up and rubbing her face she definitely knew her nose was broken, she hit that ground pretty hard. Taking deep breathes calming down a little she resumed running down the hall returning to look for Fernando. After turning a few corners through the halls she finally spotted Fernando frantically trying to find a classroom that was unlocked so he could hide in it. Even if he did find one and run inside she would have seen the whole thing and basically follow him inside. Stopping right in the middle all she saw was red when her eyes fell upon him. "FERNANDO!!!" She yelled as she slowly walked towards him. "This is the end of the hall, the classrooms are locked and there is nowhere for you to run or hide, if you even think about fighting back, I will fucking murder you..." Her clothes were still wet, her hair was extremely damp and she was extremely pissed. Pushing him into a corner she took out some rope she found while chasing after him. "And to make sure you don't run off again..." She turned him around and tied the rope around his wrists securing them that way he won't escape. "You're my slave now..." She whispered in his ear " I have a lot of things you are going to be doing for me this week...and the first one is getting me new Jordans..." She grabbed his wrists and dragged him back to the auditorium.

Upon arrivng she kicked the auditorium doors open full of rage and walked down the aisle heading towards the stage. She threw Fernando onto the stage and hopped on the platform with ease. She was still wet but she wasn't dripping water all over the place, and since she wasn't wearing wearing her tank top the sleeves on her arms, phoenix tat on her back and her amazing six pack was shown for everyone to see. She closed her eyes and began to relax until some students in the audience started to laugh at her. This was not going well for her and her anger was just getting worse. Slowly opening them she craned her neck to look at the students and hopped off the stage walking over them. Standing in front of the uncultured swines she grabbed one of them by their cheeks squeezing them tight and turned them around for the others to see. She took out her switchblade that she carries with her in a small pouch wrapped around her ankle and held in against his face for the others to see. "Let's clarify somethings...I have bipolar syndrome...meaning I can snap at any moment, anytime whether there is a reason or not...this challenge was stressful enough and pissed me off plus I have a broken nose...I will say this once so listen well...if I catch or hear any one of you snickering, giggling or laughing at what happened to me today...I will serve your head on a silver platter to the devil myself...understood?" She asked the audience and saw maybe half of them nod. She smiled releasing the boy from her grip and placed her switchblade back into her little pouch "Good...let's keep it like that for the rest of my senior year...ignoring what card number I am..." She hopped back onto the stage and was about to return to her intial spot before she stopped and saw an unconscious and banged up Delphine lying in Butch's arms. Slowly walking over to Del's unconscious body she kneeled down lightly touching her cheek and sighed shaking her head. "Don't worry Butch...she'll be alright...that I can promise...from the looks of the injuries...they're not super duper fatal..." She peeked over her shoulder at Leroy who was preoccupied with Tweetie at the moment before she walked out of the auditorium. Feeling a massive headache form she rubbed her temples and stood up. "Ich schwöre bei Gott diese Schule bringt mich um." She mumbled then sneezed which was a real stupid idea since after she sneezed pain shot through her nose. Groaning a little at the pain she snatched a jackert from some random kid in the audience she quickly put it on not planning on getting sick. She was anemic even though she didn't have the physical appearance of it. "Alright if anything interesting doesn't happen in the next...ten seconds I am leaving..." She didn't want to be in this building anymore she wanted to go back to the dormatories and take a nice long hot shower and get her nose fixed.

((If it's like...too...out there(?) just tell me and I'll edit it @Brown
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You would think someone like Viktor would have a better plan, but hide and seek was not really what he wanted. He expected a fight or something. Once the noise went off he booked it, heading straight for his bag and retrieving it running as fast as he could to his room. Once he had arrived he began to build. But what were they, was he building a weapon? A suit? No he was too smart for that, he was building bombs. Not ones that would leave a mark on the hallway but ones that spewed chloroform all over the halls. A type of gas that if sniffed in would make the seeker or anyone who tried to catch him disoriented and blurred. And along with that he had assorted many other traps that would ensnare any on who came in the hallway, once he finished which did not take very long he set them all up.

Setting them all in the hallway he snuck into his dorm and then threw himself into bed. Not that he would sleep he was just extremely tired after all the work but he gathered his strength and sat up pulling his knife out and throwing it up and down staring at the door with a disturbing blank face.

It was a while before anyone came, but not because they wanted to, Viktor had left the room at one point to make sure the last trap was still working but he saw a girl at the end of the hallway and instantly believed they were the enemy. Once that was established he ran into his room causing her to see him enter it. After that it all went downhill. Explosion after explosion of gas flung out. Viktor threw open a chest and pulled out a bandana.

He wrapped it slowly around his face then tightened it walking into the smoke. The poor girl had no way to escape this. A gist came flying through the smoke, with enough force to either knock the wind out of her or knock her out cold, it was desirable but with all the chloroform it was hard to figure out what was where.

@Aes ))

(( Sorry there is no picture and it is poorly written, camping still ))


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.079722e943e52fe00921e0b8d85a3678.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.079722e943e52fe00921e0b8d85a3678.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Veins formed around his body when the chants were made. He couldn't even say anything about it however, since maybe they were right. He was a victim, and so was Del. He didn't care about that though, he only cared for her safety, and why she wasn't waking up. '
What the fuck... What the fuck did he do?!?!?' Butch angrily thought to himself, wiping the gunk from her face as the crowd continued their ravage chants.


Butch held Delphine closer to him, covering her ears, hoping she wouldn't hear the fuck-heads denounce them. A rage filled his saddened eyes, as he was about to bolt up and destroy Leroy's world in her honor. However, Leroy was saved by the bell when Tweetie opened her mouth, walking up towards the stage and defending their honor. It was at that moment, Butch gained an amazing amount of respect for the woman; her words being completely true. Even if she were to become a loser next rotation, he would definitely stick up for her too. He would have to, it was how he was bred, defending those who deserved it. Despite his harsh background, he knew it was always something he wanted to do; defend something great.

Once Tweetie ordered him to take Delphine toward the back of the auditorium, Butch immediately stood up and carried her bridal style. "
... Thanks Tweetie..." Whispered Butch, not sure if he should smile or not, but giving her a determined look in return anyway. "C'mon girl... Let's get you cleaned up..." Butch said sincerely, almost trying to smile, but couldn't looking at her swollen neck and teared up eyes. 'I'm going to kill this fucking prick...'

Butch carried her to the back with ease, opening the back doors and looking around for anyone who could help. He didn't see much, and couldn't hear anything. He started getting freaked out, him stopping by a wall and sliding down it till he was seated, Delphine still in his arms. "
H-hey... C'mon Del. We still need to talk, right? Let's talk now... But... You need to wake up." Butch's eyes started to water slightly, him holding her face close to his chest as he rested his head on hers, "W-why didn't you call me... I would have helped..." Butch took out his phone to see if he was stupid enough to actually miss a call from her, but found out he didn't. He put his phone back into his pocket and just sat there. He would eventually take her to the medic, but he wanted to make sure she was going to be okay first. He knew how they would probably just kick him out after she was admitted, and that would drive him crazy. As of right now? Nothing else really mattered to him. She took priority.




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Delphine Ambridge

Floating. That was all Delphine was feeling. Nothing. She was suspended in the sea of nothingness. He body felt numb. Her mind, surprisingly at peace.

“But you’re not at peace are you?”

As soon as those words echoed in her ears, she feel a choking feeling surround her entire being. Swallowing her whole, as if she was drowning.

“Until all those who have hurt us are gone, our lives will always be chaotic. Remember that.”

‘Who..who are you?’Delphine thoughts reverberated out into the darkness.

“Mmmm…you don’t need to know that. Maybe in the future. You will figure it out. But for now you need to get back to your ‘knight’. I sure he will be thankful that your awake.”

“W-why didn’t you call me…I would have helped…”

She recognized that Russia accent anywhere, Delphine did not even have to open her eyes to know she was safe.

“I’m sorry, my phone kinda got destroyed.” she whispered voice hoarse from the lack of water.

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Valentina Hayley Samson

Loser Class, Card 2 The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.- Roseanne Barr


'Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.' Valentina could see people starting to walk back to the buildings from where she sat up high, her heart pounding. Could she soon go back indoors, get off these horrible bracelets, Where she could again find her brothers hand, and find her safe place to be. Even if she wanted to be able to stand tall without him by her side, she could not. She depending on his assurance. She depended on knowing he was there to support her for every step on the way.

And that meant talking with him about her plan.

Which she would... All in due time. For like you did not take out a souffle too early, you did not reveal your plans too soon.

Telling them too early, and all could fall.

Telling them too late, and all could be burned.

Still watching out for the twitter, she saw people were starting to talk about who won and who lost. Like Leroy and Garnet talking about her prey having run from her.

So Valentina wondered for a moment, what would the reactions be if she walked in as the winner?

Would they be shocked? Would they believe what they saw?

She wasn't exactly known for being the loudest, or being the one talking the most. Nor was she known for being a fighter. Perhaps for being a bit of a stubborn bitch when it came to the kitchen,

But being one who enjoyed competing in games like hide and seek? No that wasn't her.

She waited until Danica wouldn't see her, before she got down from the roof, and moved just over to the back of the bleachers. Could she take the chance on climbing down? Yes she could.

Studying where the iron bars were, she took a deep breath and climbed over the fence at the back, and slowly made her way down, her hand clenching around the metal, her foot seeking support while she slowly made her way down. The cold was almost hurting as she had to hold on and make sure she didn't fall, a breath she didn't know she had been holding was let out when she hit the ground with her feet, and she looked around. Should she sprint? Or go up on the hill, and try to hide among the trees while she got closer to the buildings and the auditorium?

'Plunge into it, Valentina. Don't be afraid, just... Take charge of your own future. Don't let the past run your thoughts' She told herself as she looked around, and looked between the rows of seats, just barely seeing Danica there.

Then, she sat off, running directly towards the school buildings, towards the auditorium. And quite frankly, she had no idea if Danica had seen her sprinting or not, and if she had been noticed. She didn't really care. She just wanted to get in safe.

Reaching the entrance doors, she opened them, and slowed down. She could not walk in while a mess.

Taking the little advantage she would anyway have from using a surprise on Danica, she loosened her hair from the braid, letting it hang loosely over her shoulders, pulled off the hoodie, holding it in her arms and walking in the tank top instead. For gods knew she needed less clothes on after all the running.

Then, stopping outside of the auditorium, she opened the doors, and walked in. Of course the royals sat in their place, and everyone else who had returned too sat in their own place. Though how should she run it? Take the place where the loser crown sat?

No, no way.

Instead she walked down, past those of lower cards, and took the place Danica would have had earlier. For Popular card 9. Of course, as she had walked down to the stage, she had heard whispers from some not too occupied with Garnet, wondering how the pale little mouse had won against Danica, but hey. She didn't quit. So she sat down, and crossed her legs. Staying in silence. 'All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hours, and the books of all Time. John Ruskin' She thought as she sat. For those down there whispering about who were losers and who were winners were books of hours. Those sitting up there, winning or losing, were books of all time.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/full-marlon-teixeira-sexy-162185423.jpg.4c7183c4903872119ceb77e7650b53ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/full-marlon-teixeira-sexy-162185423.jpg.4c7183c4903872119ceb77e7650b53ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Fernando Gonzalez

Fernando heard a screech and then a loud smack that sounded like something breaking. He could only assume maybe the girl slipped and fell. He was almost at the end of the hall, not finding a single room unlocked. He was silently cursing the other pretty boy for preoccupying the one room that seemed open. He then sighed, running a hand through his hair trying to figure something out he heard is name. Slowly she came forward, threatening him. His back was now pushed into a corner, now where to hide. "What about a deal?" He asked before he felt the rope tied around his wrist. He knew damn well he wasn't going to be able to get out of this. Despite his size he wasn't one for hurting people.

Fernando cocked his head to the side, not really appreciating her hot breath in his ear. There was no one around so was it really necessary to whisper? He twisted his face up at the words, suddenly getting dragged along. "Garnet. I'm fucking broke and you know that. How the hell am I going to get you Jordans? I'm a pretty crappy slave too. Isn't slavery illegal? Why am I a slave?" He rambled on, stumbling every so often as it seems like the girl didn't care about what pace they walked at.

He was finally brought to the auditrium. Making his way down to the stage in tow behind Garnet he could help but pout his bottom lip. It totally wasn't fair at all. They made it over to the seats and he stoked walking for a moment, ready to head over to the number 3 seat only to be dragged along more. "Garnet. What the hell? Let go of me and let me go to my seat." He growled slightly. He was surprised as she seemed to almost lift him onto the stage. "Uh...?" He questioned, suddenly being interrupted by Garnet threatening someone. Right after that their queen started laughing hysterically, extremely surprised at the little speech she gave. Once people seemed to settle down Fernando looked around. "Uh... I'm getting off stage." He kinda slide down, making his way over to one of the seats with a number three on. "Anyone wanna get thus rope off of me? That would be fabulous. Thanks."



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Valerian Maxwell Samson

Middle class, Card 6


Together with Freya, they walked to the girls dorm, him refusing to let go of her hand. For crazies were out on the hunt, and Valerian was not willing to let the short lady get injured, not while he was next to her. So they walked together, Valerian talking, trying to entertain Freya, while she smiled and was easy to get along with. But he could understand why she often got low cards. She wasn't one to argue, nor was she one to make a lot out of herself. Quite sad really, because she had always seemed like a very nice girl. And the secrets she had revealed? Well his heart hurt for the girl without the friends, and he wanted to be her friend.

He didn't care for this whole deal with her being supposed to be a slave. No, he would rather have it be equal. To be friends. And he hoped he could manage to bring her out of her shell a little bit during this week.

Maybe bringing out her beauty would lead to her becoming more on her own? Not quite as easily pushed around? He hoped so.

So they walked to her room, and after some searching, he found a dress that could fit the young lady well. Well... It should fit her. It was hers after all! But he found that, a pair of nice little white ballerina shoes, and a jacket to go along with it, and let her change in peace, while he stood outside of the room and waited. Sure, he was used to girls, like his sisters, just changing in front of him, multiple girls just having assumed he was gay in the past, even if he turned around to not see them, simply because he did makeup as well as he did.

But he waited for the little woman to come out, and when he saw her he grinned, his lips moving up at the curves, and he held out his hand again to the little woman.

So he lead her further down the hall, and then up some stairs just to hear loud crashes. "Okay.... We're not going to my room" He said simply and turned them exactly where they were, going back down. Thank god they tended to give an extra key to him, for his sisters room, since she had a habit of falling asleep anywhere but in her own room, and that left for him to carry her back to sleep.

Because let's be honest. She was taller than a fair bit of the guys at the school, and no one wanted to take the chance on one of the tallest girls there being carried by a short girl. That could easily end up with accidents, something he and the staff did not want. Nor did they want Valentina to fall asleep in the kitchen. Like she had done a couple times... Maybe about a 20 times if he counted just the times he had carried her back to the room. So a extra key he had.

But he knocked on the door, and heard nothing, so he let in Freya there, and started his search through Valentina's stuff for her makeup kit. For sure, she didn't use a lot, but she did occasionally. Mostly on his begging, or Jasmine threatening with coming around to the school. For those two girls did not get along very well.

But, he found the makeup, and put the young girl on Valentina's bed, and then went to work. Foundation there, blending here, shading there and contouring here and there.

Eventually he managed to fix it all, including the hair, and lead Freya to the mirror, revealing her new look to her. "There you see Freya, even you can be a princess" He whispered to her, letting her look at the new look before they were off again, his hand in hers, showing her the way to the auditorium.

Happy with his result, he lead her down towards the rows of chairs, though before she could walk off towards her seat, next to where Valentina should have been sitting, where he could no longer see Valentina before he looked further down the row and saw her where Danica should have been, and was shocked for a moment. He knew his sister was smart, and fast, but that fast? Though something fell into his head. She wasn't sitting relaxed. She was sitting like there was something up, her back straight, her legs crossed, but she was not leaning against the chair. Had she fallen maybe? He didn't know, but he lead Freya down to his seat and sat down, before pulling her onto his lap before she could run.

She was not going to sit among those who had lost the game.

Because in his eyes, if he had won the game, and she was meant to be his 'slave' she was not going to be below him. No. He was going to be her equal, and she was going to be his equal.




Having given up on her uncomfortable position long ago, Ana was now sprawled out lazily on the floor. At one point, she had even began wandering around the room, baring no regard whatsoever as to whether she was seen or not. Time had seemingly come to a stop and, for awhile, she questioned if she was even being looked for. Maybe her roommate decided that she wasn't going to play into their games? Or maybe she just hadn't managed to find her yet. Either way, she supposed, she was lucky she hadn't been found.​

Opening twitter, she scanned through things she had missed while she was busy hiding. Apparently, Delphine had lost, and, to boot, gotten a pretty intense ass-kicking from Leroy. As much as she despised the fact that any man had taken it upon himself to inflict so much pain on the girl, she just couldn't find it in herself to say something about it. She had already pledged her allegiance to Leroy so it was hard to get even her subconscious to break that. Nonetheless, it actually made her a bit less anxious about her own outcome. The worst that could happen with Sunshine was far from that, she was sure of it. Thankfully, though, it looked like she wouldn't be worrying much longer, anyways. With each new person caught came a fresh wave of relief, knowing the game of hide and seek was closer to it's end.

Now almost fully relaxed and bored out of her mind, she continued fiddling with her phone to pass the time. Willing herself to close out of twitter and focus once again on the task at hand, she locked the device and let out a soft sigh. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, earning a puzzled stare from it's owner. Reluctantly picking it back up, Ana winced at the sight of a new text from her mother.

I just received a phone call from your father...
Oh? Well that was nice of him.
This isn't the time for jokes, Ana. I know about Vincent and I cannot believe the two of you kept this from me!
I'm kind of busy atm with school and all... Can we talk about this another time?
You can bet your ass we will, darling. You're awfully lucky school has started and it's too complicated to try to ground you from here. I still love you but I will be calling you after work to say my piece.
Fair enough. Love you, too.

Locking her phone, and dropping it in her lap, she rested her head in her hands and stared blankly at the ground. She couldn't believe her father broke his promise. Her mother was never supposed to find out... Never. Knowing the delayed conversation with her mother only bought her a little time, she spent all the time she had left in hiding trying to figure out the best defense. Originally, her go-to was to say that he had raped her, but, that was only because a close friend had convinced her that was best. However, after spending over a month mulling over the better routes, the situation slowly eating away at her day by day, she decided honesty was definitely the best policy with her mother and that was that.

{I figured I'd go ahead and post since it's been awhile...
xD }
@Fallout Bandit @Brown @Stoked911 @oOBubblesOo @Halcyon @BlackJack @Aes @Nat

Lady Luck

Lady Luck had been watching the game with the glee of a child almost, disappearing from the room every now and then, leaving her red hearts and black spades behind, but never without Mr. Fortune by her side.

Miss Passion was not to be seen, so for all the students knew, she could have been sitting there, disguised as a student, or she was simply just not present. Perhaps she was gone, watching cameras the students would never watch. Or perhaps she was who it was Lady Luck and Mr. Fortune went to, when they left the auditorium.

Yet no one knew exactly why, or when they would stop leaving, before more or less all was gathered in the room, some in better form than others.

They did return though, the Venetian masquerade music playing quietly in the background, and the bask covering her face.

For she was not there to say they were free from the cards. No, she had something different to announce.

"What a wonderful game to watch!" She said with that feminine voice, and glee that only came from watching teenagers pain each other for her amusement.

"But, as in all games, we have winners and we have losers. So let's look at who are winners, and who are losers, shall we?" She said, and with one, the screen showing the school changed, and there was a list of winners.

"Leroy Cecil, Tweetie Behe, Viktor Reznow, Park Seokjin, Ana Lavalle, Valentina Samson, Valerian Samson, Garnet Kristoff, Oliver Ventura, Cristanta Del Rosario and Min-ji Seo. Congratulations, you won our game, and I'm certain you all remember your prizes. And if not... Let me remind you quickly. Those of you whom were already of our upper class, you now have yourself a servant for a week... And those of you whom were not worthy before, you now have the right on the card which belonged to the one seeking you. So welcome, you're one of the popular now" She said, as if it was not someones freedom she was playing with.

"And even if the embarrassment is enough already, let's remind those whom lost, who they are. Butch Wilde, Delphine Ambridge, Shawn Knight, Fernando Gonzalez, Freya Marley, Danica Leeland, Wes Jaxson and Julia Davis. Those of you whom were already populars... You're no longer as long as your hidden partner takes their price. While those of you who were preys? Congratulations, you are to serve your hunter for the next week"

She didn't show any emotions, not that it would have seen seen under the mask, and then turned around, walking out of the room with Mr. Fortune by her side, and the Black spades and Red hearts following.

Time Skip

>>> Monday, Morning

Valentina Hayley Samson

Popular class, Card 9. The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.- Roseanne Barr


To say Valentina had slept a lot that night would have been to lie. It would be a big lie really.

There had been perhaps an hour or two with sleep, after trying to distract her mind enough to fall to peace, but that was not an option she had been allowed. Not even The Lies of Locka Mora had gotten her to fall asleep. No, she had finally fallen asleep after breathing in the scent of her lavender ball. Well... Ball and ball. It was a ball filled with lavender perfume drops. Much like you would have oil pearls to drop in the water, which would melt with the touch of water, and leave a scent of whatever perfume, and leave a soothing oil in the water. Much like that was her little lavender ball.

But not even with that could she sleep much longer than an hour.

So by the time it was 4.30 am, she was already on her way out of bed. Sneaking quietly out really, after just throwing on a bigger shirt on top of what she already had on, and some shorts.

The silence of the dormitories was soothing to the girl, as she made her way to the kitchen, a set of knives in her hand. She was a bit of a.... Demanding woman in the kitchen. Always been so really. Wasn't a shock to her brother either when she started to make rules in the kitchen at home when they were 14. For to be honest, her parents were amateurs in the culinary field.

So where she had gotten the skill was still a question to them all.


Yet she made her way to the kitchen, wide away, and finding music on her phone. Classical. This morning called for classical.

So she opened the door to the kitchen, and found her place, grabbing a rag, soaked it in water and soap, before starting to wash over where she would work.

No way she would work where it was less than perfect. With Mozart's Symphony N. 40 playing in the background, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail, and started to find her ingredients once the silver surface was shinning.

Pork was found, and slices until she was pleased with it, soaking in a marinade until she felt it was ready. She had breakfast to make, and lunch boxes for Valerian, and Freya and Delphine too now, to make. So she could not stay on the lazy side.

Eggs were found, water simmering, With careful movements she made the water spin, just enough for the poaching to be done right. Without hesitating cracked she the egg against the side of the pan, before opening it over the water, watching the white and the yolk elegantly fall into the twirl, the heat causing a reaction so beautiful as the white became firmer around the stunning yellow inner, she repeated the process. One never knew if there would be someone else joining for breakfast.

Bread got sliced, and salad and tomato done so with too, before placed upon a plate.

Sure, she was a perfectionist, and she supposed some could call her a bit... Self-obsessed when it came to food, but while she went to work on her morning smoothie, she let a picture of the food get posted out on twitter.




Garnet returned back to her dorm room after doing her morning run around the schools campus and entered the building. Walking down the hall the stopped at her dorm and took out her key unlocking it, entering the room she walked over to her side of the dorm and started taking out some clothes to wear for the first day of school. Rapping the lyrics of the song that was playing through her ears she finally found something that looked actually nice to wear. Shrugging she took off her shoes grabbed her underclothing, toiletries and other things before leaving the dorm again to the showers. Entering one of them she picked the one at the very end and turned on the water waiting for it to get hot. Once it was tested and it was at the correct temperature she stripped out of her workout clothes and hopped in the shower.

Thirty minutes later she turned the water off and got out wrapping a towel around her hair and another one around her body. Exiting the showers she walked back to her dorm entering once more and sat on her bed beginning to change into her clothes. She finished right before her roommate woke up
"Morning..." she told her then finished putting on her boots and stood up grabbing at her necesities for her first day. her earphones, her phone charger, her gum, her cellphone (obviously), her switchblade and her wallet. Drying her hair off and combing it out it looked all wavy which is how she wanted it for today. Grabbing her bin from under her bed she picked out one of her longboards and reutrned the bin back to its spot. Making sure she had everything she stood up and headed to the door opening and stopped looking at her roommate "I'll see you later..." She exited the room closing the door and walked down the hall. Putting her earbuds in as she walked down the stairs of the hall she hopped on her board pushing lay on her music and hopped on her board riding down the cafeteria to grab some breakfast. She sent Fernando a post on twitter wanting him to be at the cafeteria before her so she can give him a job to complete. Today was the first week of her having a slave and she was going to enjoy it till the last drop.






Tweetie Behe

Dreams should be feared more than nightmares. One can wake up from a nightmare, able to forget it until the next time they have it. Where as dreams... for some odd reason, people like to think dreams come true. People devote their lives to making their dreams come true until they find out it was all a wasted effort. Dreams are the real nightmares... slowly taking over ones life until their nothing left but brokenness. Lucky Tweetie knows better than to believe anything her mind thinks of at night.

The small girl shot straight up, a cold sweat breaking on her forehead, her breath hindered. Tears she didn't even remember crying dripped down her face. her whole body shook in fear. A nightmare one would assume. No. It was simply a dream that son consisted of her son. It was a happy dream, the boy growing up strong and healthy. It wasn't until the last few second of the dream where she was sitting and watching her son get married when she actually looked at her sons face. However, instead of her son it was a blonde version of the man who raped her. "It's not real Tweetie. It's okay..." She whispered, hugging herself and rocking back and forth. However, despite what she told herself she was still shaking. She needed to get a grip. Looking over she noticed the time being 5:00 in the morning. Might as well hit the shower early. She grabbed her stuff, proceeding into the bathroom.

It was a cold shower, filled with Tweetie biting the inside of her cheek until they bled and her rubbing her skin raw. The temporary pain helped her forget. And forgetting is all she wanted. Tweetie's shower was short. After getting out and dressed she walked over to the mirror, turning on her blow dryer. She wasn't really blow drying it. Mostly just sitting there staring at herself in the mirror. Just staring at the mess she had become. It was only until she knew her son was safe, at least that's what she kept telling herself.

Tweetie walked to the room, having been preoccupied and not knowing if her roommate was up. She slowly opened the door, creeping inside. After shutting the door she made her way over to the computer, opening up tumblr as well twitter. She kept up tumblr, trying to avoid twitter as much as possible. Trying to avoid that dreaded lunch with Leroy After browsing tumblr she stood up, decided to make he way to the cafe. Granted she wasn't going to eat, she was still dying for a nice warm cup of Tea. Upon entering entering the cafeteria she made her way over to the hot water dispenser, pouring warm water over her tea bags. She then took her mug and carried it over to a table. There she sat down, enjoying the piece and quiet until more student filled the place.

Fernando Gonzalez

Fernando awoke to a soft ping being muffled by his pillow. Still half asleep he lifted up the pillow, opening the notification. And there he was reminded of his week long task to serve Garnet. Needless to say he was truly dreading it. The boy sat up, swinging his legs over to the side of the bed. He then lifted up his hand, wiping the drool off the side of his face. He was trying to figure out how much time he had before she would be at the cafeteria. After a few moment's he calculated that he's either have enough time to call home and not shower, or shower and just send a quick text. To make this difficult decision he lifted up his arms, sniffing his armpit. His face twist up in disgust as he reeled back. After swimming in that pond and not taking a shower afterwards he stunk.

Fernando made his way into the bathroom, locking the door so his roommate wouldn't walk in. He then turned the shower on as hot as possible. Once again he was at home with the water. He hummed to himself, lathering his body before rinsing off. He quickly finished the shower he wanted to spend forever in. He proceeded to get dressed. His method of dry his hair was to simply shake his head around until it no longer dripped. He then grabbed his trimmer, deciding he had enough time to trim down his beard for the first day of school.

He the made his way to the cafeteria, spotting a few people he knew and giving a wave. However, unless they were also a loser they would cower away from him, as though they didn't want to catch his illness. He was silently cursing himself for falling in love and trading cards. He could have been a popular right now. He shrugged it off, vowing himself to not fall in love anymore until he graduated. Fernando finally made it to the cafe, opening the doors and walking to the line. He grabbed a plate, filling it with bacon and sausages and some eggs, as well as a chocolate muffin and an apple. It was a lot but he was almost certain he'd eat it all. After paying and grabbing a coffee he made his way over to an empty table, awaiting Garnets arrival.

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