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Realistic or Modern Card Caste Heaven~Sign ups Closed!~

Valerian Maxwell and Valentina Hayley Samson

Middle class, Card 6, Loser Class, Card 2


Valentina stood against her brother, calming down slowly as his hand stroked her back. For even as alike or as different they were, it was few who managed to calm her down much like he did. For they were as close as they were, and he was one of the few who actually knew what was running through her mind as things were rough. And even as she wanted to be able to function 100% on her own, she was still depending on him like when they were kids. "It's okay. I just got a bit surprised" Valentina forced herself to appear strong, and stood back up again, letting her brothers hand drop to the side. He knew very well that his sister needed to be able to show on her own that she could manage everything and anything.That they were back to school, and babying her wouldn't help any.

"But yeah. I'm Valerian and that's Val, though, just call us Val and Val, or Valy if you want. and yes, we know our names are really similar" he said with a small smile, though his eyes showed the worry he had for his sister. For even if she put on a brave front, she wasn't as brave as she liked everyone to believe. Especially not after the admin had reminded of her of the ancient nickname.

Then, a red heart mask came, and Valerian knew it was all over. They would all want to separate him and his sister, keep them apart. But, still he took the enveloped for him and his sister from Wes, and then gave Valy her card, unaware of the note for now.

But, he opened his own and shook his head. Him, a six. That was fair enough, but his personall message made it go cold down his back.

A twin, I wonder how you'll do apart from your sister. Maybe we should break her to the brink of insanity before even looking your way

No... They couldn't... Were they serious? They were going to break Valentina?! She was broken enough! "Val..." He whispered, seeing the front she put on when she wanted to cry.

For her own card had been a two, but the message was what made her want to scream. They were just pulling back up what she had wanted to forget. What she wanted for to be gone.

You no longer like the name Hon? Let me guess, someone was a little rough in bed? Remember, it's not rape if you seem to like it.

Her entire body wanted to break. Her mind was starting to shut out everything, remembering the rough hands of her ex, the way his barely there beard would scratch against her skin... The way he would force her to at least pretend like she was enjoying it, for otherwise she would get home in bad shape...

No, she couldn't stand this.

"Valerian?" She looked over to her brother, a sad smile on her face. "Mind taking my luggage to my dorm later? I just.. I need a break" She whispered before she ran, not even apologizing to Wes for being rude.

"I'm sorry man, she must have gotten a bad card" He apologized to Wes, and put his own note in the pockets of his jeans, seeing his sister run to her dorm, unlock the door and rush in. He knew she had been told something bad. "Anyway, really. Don't apologize more for surpising her. She just gets easily scared sometimes" He said, offering a smile to the guy.

As Valentina reached the room, she threw herself on one of the beds, hiding under the covers quickly, and started to list up fictional characters, trying to distract herself as much as possible. Because the admins were cruel this year. For the admins had clearly decided to bring back her ghost. A ghost that belonged in the ground where he was. Dead, burried, and preferiably without his head.

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?Garnet Kristoff?


Garnet put her phone away after texting Min-Ji back. Turns out her princess lost her sketchbook while moving into the dorms. She must have dropped it when Olli had her running across campus to the dorms. She knew how important the book was to the girl since she'd let no one, not even Olli see the inside of it, for it held things she didn't want no ones eyes to see but her owns. Pushing the play button on her earbuds she let the alternative rock music flow through her ears as she took off on her board through the campus looking for Min-Ji's sketchbook. She had a description of what it looked like from her, it was black and had princess's name on the front of it. It would have been easy to find it if it was a large sketchbook but instead it had to be small and that was going to be hard to do.

Remaining focused on the task she was given, she sped past other students who were either standing around like idiots in her pathway or walking on the campus. She ignored the yells of 'Hey watch it!' Or 'Look where you're going idiot!!' And went from one building to another. After about a whole hour of searching she didn't find the damn thing. She was just about to call a quits when her board bumped into something rough. And she knew there were no rocks that big and rectangular on the trails. She bent down picking up what she had been searching for. Min-Ji's sketchbook. Giving herself a pat on the back, Garnet pushed play to her music again and started listening to Cherry Bomb by The Runaways. Oh how she loved that song and took off riding throughout the campus looking for Min-Ji. She finally found her in a panic fit on a bench outside. Smiling she walked up behind her then held the little black sketchbook front of her face then spoke.
"Special delivery for Ms.Seo..." Garnet smiled seeing the reaction on Min-Ji's face as she was holding her sketchbook.

@Fallout Bandit
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☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.6bd57fe5c87c0141a31a07f06bb413ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.6bd57fe5c87c0141a31a07f06bb413ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

That's not too bad...' Butch thought to himself. Something told Butch that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was her tone, but, he trusted Del. it wouldn't be an issue, shouldn't have been. When she mentioned going back to the dorms, he agreed. He still had yet to step foot into his room, even though it was something that didn't interest him at the time. His hand was bleeding slightly, but it wasn't anything that hadn't happened before. He felt a sudden warmth as she grabbed him and started walking towards the dorms. "We can go to your room first... I don't mind. It's not like I'm in a hurry to meet a bunch of losers anyway." Butch said, half-jokingly. His hand then started to hurt a little. He remembered the last time he busted his hand, which is why he's taken measures to this day to ensure it never happened again. The two of them walked off toward the dorms, a little unsure of how messed up this day was about to get.

Five Years Earlier...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.dd15824389a23ded51f59862a2e5a44e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.dd15824389a23ded51f59862a2e5a44e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Thirteen year old Butch was dressed in full-clad black. Wearing black jeans, black hoodie, and even wore a black ski-mask. This was the way of the Flutes Clan, a British-Born gang that made it's way into the Russian streets due to Butch's father; Hans Cecil. Butch and the gang were in-route to the usual meeting spot via subway. Hans figured today would be the day for Butch to be initiated into the family. He had just gotten 'roughed up' by the group specifically, and were in their way to the bar; allowing Butch to drink away his pain. However, that was until the subway train was almost at it's destination, figures being visible in the distance, where the train was supposed to stop. Craze, the groups leader, grabbed Butch, and every other member onto their feet. "Fuck! Everybody up! Get ready for blood!!!" The leader said with a rough and grotesque voice in the native Russian tongue. Butch felt... Scared, like he would die tonight. "Just keep your hands open! They outnumber us, you're going to have to bust more than one head, so don't bust your fucking hand!" Most of the gang had weapons, except for Butch. Since it was his initiation day, he wasn't given his weapon yet. One of the gang members took out a flute, playing an Erie British Tune. The subway train stopped, the doors opening, and the violence escalating quicker than anyone ever expected.

It was as if someone kicked a bee's nest, the enemy running into the subway. Butch clocked a few in the face, but him being plowed into the ground was bound to happen at some point. He had gotten punched multiple times in the face, and almost couldn't breath anymore. It was then, that the leader Craze, ripped the assailant off of Butch; curb stomping the enemy's face as he ran towards another enemy that had his comrade on the ground. Butch was now furious, him tightening his fist harder than he ever had before. He saw his moment, his chance at redemption, when Craze got stabbed in the neck with a shank. The person who did it? A boy that looked younger than Butch. Butch quickly lunged at the boy, the shank getting knocked out the kids hand. Butch relentlessly closed-hand-punched the kids face as he laid on the ground.

Butch didn't stop until he was punching bone chunks on the floor. Figuratively speaking, of course. He wouldn't stop the assault until he had gotten smacked in the back of the head with a wooden club. His hand was broken, thus, him learning.

This was the lesson he wished to teach his boy. Betrayal. For the gang that attacked the group was simply from another branch of the same clan. Butch wouldn't learn of this for another whole year, when he would eventually take his rage out on the leader himself.




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Her roommate left, and there was only her and silence. She didn't bid her farewell, she just left it be. People have their schedule and such, and so did she. Crisanta folded her clothes away to the drawers (or cabinet) and shut it close right after. She took her luggage and set it aside, not needing it for anything other than storing materials that should remain hidden away from open danger. Not that there was anything to hide other than school stuff. Crisanta plopped down her bed and let out a sigh, the smiling mask removed along with the flow of her breath. It was tiring. That was very tiring. Moving to Rookwood Academy should be worth it, or else she wouldn't hesitate to transfer to a place where dormitories wouldn't be necessary. She couldn't possibly trust a student that didn't seem to care about first impressions. No, never. Crisanta looked over her phone, noticing text messages she have received from various people. One would be her mother who had immediately sent a message of regards and safety. Crisanta simply responded with an 'I love you, too, ma'. Next, it was from her Aunt - well, the sister of her big boss, actually. She was the one who had told her about Rookwood and its 'special' game. Crisanta read her message.

Auntie Ada
Hello, Crissie dearie! Heard you finally arrived at RW? Hehe, I didn't think you'd actually be interested after I told you about the very special game.
Yes, Auntie. I told you remember? I'll be the Queen of the King for you.
Oh! Such a sweetheart! Just text me and I'll tell you everything there is to know!

And that would be one of the proofs on how much she needs to maintain bonds with others. It was what they offer that she needed. Crisanta would never have enrolled if it wasn't for the CCS. She liked the idea. She liked the fight to survive the highschool life and only, one and only, the ones on top could survive and have everyone's head down on her foot. She liked that ideas, no matter how sick it was. With those thoughts, Crisanta decided to step out. Meet others. That was her main objective today. But as she opened the door, as if expecting her to step out, there was a man with a Red Heart mask standing before her. Crisanta felt her heart jump in surprise. Suspicious person. That was the first thing that perked in her mind, and out of instinct, she shut the door and kept her hands against the door.
"Diyos ko po, what was that?!" she gasped, her heart rate only speeding up. Crisanta quickly dialed her aunt, having it as the first number on her contact list. "Auntie! Oh my god, help me!" Right after those beg for help, she explained what she saw, earning a fit of laughter from the older woman on the other end. "Crissie, calm down. It's your card," Ada explained, "It means the game has started. Just take the letter and read what's inside."

Just as her Aunt Ada explained, a letter was slipped under the gap of the door. Crisanta was still cautious, stepping away from the door when the letter came in. But a few seconds later, hearing footsteps fade from her door, she opened and took a small peek outside. He was no longer there. Crisanta kept her phone on her ear and her aunt in their call. She carefully picked up the letter and flipped it open, pulling out a card and a letter sealed inside.
"Five," she said, looking down on a familiar Card 5 of a deck. Her Aunt Ada didn't seem disappointed, but not too pleased either. "Middle class," she explained, "You are in the middle class. Not a bad position, but not the best either." Crisanta remembered what her Aunt Ada told her about the system, and looking at it personally only made her feel more competitive.

Queen, who is the queen now?

Crisanta continued her plan, sliding her card in her pocket and dismissing the letter inside, and stepped out. She'd read it later, but perhaps not. It came from the said 'Admins' she encountered that morning. She didn't have the mood to. Crisanta left the dormitory building and explored the campus, searching for her first place to hangout and nail her first supposed minion. Though, in all honesty, she wasn't sure where she was headed to. A map would be nice to have right about now or later.
"God, was that scary." Crisanta pulled out her phone and opened her Twitter. "Let's see who's who."
Delphine Ambridge

Once the two were at the dorms many thoughts were running though her head. Mainly on how to survive the course of the game as a Target. Del wasn’t kidding when she said she had mostly been threes and fours. And being a loser was infinitely easier than being a target. Loser people usually leave you along thinking that you weren’t worth their time, but…being a target was much different. As the name would suggest it is almost like target right on your ass. And Delphine did not desire to work hard putting people in their place like she did freshman year. Popular girls trying to get you to be their personal chew toy of theirs and Popular guys even got the guts to try to rape her during her freshman year. She was having none of it this year, hell she didn’t accept it during her freshman year if going by her detention record. If she had to, she would break everyone noses around this school just to prove a point.

She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice that her phone vibrated from Twitter. She had a feeling she should check what the post was about so she did. And to her utter horror the Admin already announce her position. Shit. This would not go over well. Turning back to Butch, he worries were validated when she saw him check out his own phone.

‘Why don’t you all say hi to your new jokers?’

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.f1ae93db551c63d72980b95f62823899.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.f1ae93db551c63d72980b95f62823899.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

Tweetie watch as the other gave her a confused look. She soon turned and walked away from Tweetie, almost unsure. She slowly shook her head, clicking her tongue as she crossed her arms. "And she didn't even ask permission to leave." Tweetie then turned on her own heels, walking towards her room.

Tweetie placed her key in the door, swinging it open and letting it close by itself. She gave Julia a glance before walking over to her own bed and picking up her messenger bag. The brunette then headed over to the bathroom, locking the door behind. After digging through the bag for a bit she took out a pair of scissors and hair dye. Tweetie quickly started hacking off her hair, letting it fall to the floor. After she was finished she read the instruction on the dye box carefully. "Fifteen minutes." She mumbled, taking everything out and mixing it. She then started fingering the dye through her hair, watching her hair slowly be covered by black goop. She then set the timer, sitting on top of the sink as she waited.

15 minutes later Tweeties hair was pitch black and short. She couldn't help but smile at her new self as she blow dried her hair. After she was finished she stepped out of the bathroom, taking off her goodie and replacing it with a black blazer and reclaced her flats with a pair of blood red heels. She no longer looked like a shy girl and instead looked like a woman who knew what she was doing.

Tweetie looked her blonde roommate up and down, tilting her head some. "Ah Julia. What's your card? Perhaps you can be some use to me."




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☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.a886ec9c0b1825ed176d81e5a8cdf113.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.a886ec9c0b1825ed176d81e5a8cdf113.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Butch didn't know what he felt. It wasn't anger, that was for sure. It's like, he was shot in the head with a diamond bullet. He 'never' thought about the clan until today. Even when he was rotting away in Juvie, completely alone.

It was then, Butch finally understood what he felt. Sad. It wasn't something he felt regularly, usually feeling rage instead of casual emotions. Butch wasn't about to show weakness again.

Never again.

He looked into Del's eyes and put his hand on her shoulder. He had a semi serious look on his face out of habit, but forced a smile. He understood why she lied to him, and hoped she wouldn't do it again. "
Look... It's going to be alright. I-I'm not going to let a fucking soul do shit. I don't care about going to prison, I probably fucking b-belong there anyway..." Butch said in an assertive tone, obviously serious about his statement. Butch thought about the actual punishments of him getting into trouble at this school. Being dishonorably discharged from the military, along with being sent back into Russia. He only had one friend there, and that was Craze. However, the enemy's he had there would make the CCS look like a kindergarden art class. He would definitely catch one to the heart there, no matter how capable he was. But somehow, he didn't care too much. As long as it was for an outstanding reason. It did feel weird however, him feeling protective of Del. she could handle herself, that was what drew him to her in the first place. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't want her to deal with that on her own, she didn't deserve that. She was a sweet girl that knew how to fight, she wasn't a bloodthirsty killer. Atleast, for all Butch knew. He didn't feel like being paranoid over things like that though, wouldn't do him or her any good.

He still did have his flute however, and was fully ready to bring out old demons for the sake of friendship. For once since the first half of Juvie; he actually had someone that was worth his dedication. He wouldn't let what happened to Donnie happen to Del.
Not as long as he was still kicking.




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Sunshine began unpacking when they gave her the card she didn't bother opening it since she knew she was in middle class once again. Sunshine hooked her phone up to her beats pill speaker playing some music on high, she made sure the door was lock. She made her way towards her bed,laying down she took out her phone and texted her older step-brother, Joseph. Joseph had been through the whole Card Caste System, and now he was running her father his step-dads business.

How's it going
Literally bored
Well I put "something" in the Pink Carry-on [/FONT][/SIZE] ;) [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=14px]

She walked into the closet and grabbed the Pink Carry-on check a small compartment. She pulled out a brick of weed, she smiled pulling it out, she checked if there were any baggies which they were. She opened the Brick and began putting them in Baggies. Sunshine found the aroma calming.

She was halfway done when she finally moved out the closet and to a desk, where she began rolling blunts. Sunshine finally decided to open the envelope.
'Middle class such a surprise, hope you have fun while you can' it read she than placed it off to the side. "So much fun" she said as she lit a blunt and continued rolling. She had put a towel under the door to lock in the smell, she loved some much, her music was blasting and she didn't care. Sunshine than took out her phone and text her brother back.

How's it going
Literally bored
Well I put "something" in the Pink Carry-on [/COLOR] ;) [COLOR=rgb(255,77,166)]
Thanks for the treat brother missing you gtg bye


(Sorry I don't know what to put since nobody is really RPing with my character))



By the time Ana had reached her dorm, it finally occurred to her that she had none of her belongings with her. Cursing herself mentally, she still decided to check out the dorm, or, rather, see if her roommate had arrived yet. According to the paper before her, she had been paired to room with Sunshine -- someone Ana knew very little about as the two had never directly spoken. But, with a name like Sunshine, she was hoping for someone bubbly, rather than bitchy.

Reaching for the door knob, she immediately noticed it was locked. Raising an eyebrow, she contemplated whether she should knock or not. Clearly, the girl was busy, otherwise the door shouldn't be locked. On the other hand, for all her roommate knew, she could have bags upon bags of things to unpack and locking the door was a tad bit selfish... Her thoughts were conflicting, and, at one point, she almost even knocked for the hell of it. Then she caught a hint of a rather familiar aroma -- marijuana. And with that, she made up her mind, turning away from the door only to bump into a, interestingly enough, cloaked figure.

"My bad," she said, purely out of habit, before realizing what the situation was. Her smile faded some as the person handed her an envelope, knowing all too well what was held inside. The person was gone in seconds, leaving Ana standing just outside the room, staring at the envelope. Opening it cautiously, she felt herself growing more anxious than nervous. Honestly, the whole card system didn't bother her so much personally as it did others. Frankly, she didn't give a flying fuck what the admins had to say about where they thought everyone 'deserved' to belong. Maybe the admins were worse off than everyone else? Maybe they all deserved to be jokers? Actually, she was certain they did. Nobody deserved that kind of humiliation aside from those cruel enough to find joy in it.

A four. She was now a four. What exactly did that mean, again? Shrugging lightly, her eyes left the paper briefly to look around her, then back at the paper. Deciding that the letter wasn't worth reading, she tossed the enveloped and its contents into a nearby trash bin, continuing on her way back outside. She refused to let a few pieces of a dead tree ruin her final year of high school. After all, senior year was meant to be the best of the best years of their lives and Ana intended to keep up that tradition.

Returning to her car in the parking lot, she pulled out her phone and turned to lean against the back. While scrolling through twitter, she found herself growing way too invested in the conversations there. Most of them were arguments, really, not necessarily conversations. Either way, it made her feel guilty to be so interested in reading the back and forth remarks. Pulling herself away from them just in time to catch the tweet with the targets' pictures. Was that really Delphine!? Her eyes widened briefly before squinting, then returning to normal. Clearing her throat, she shook her head and just kept scrolling away, now somewhat appreciating the fact that she wasn't one of the targets.​
Freya Marley

A deep breath finally released from her lungs as Freya braced herself. It was exactly a year since her brother had gone and left her on her own in the world. Well, she wasn't quite on her own, her parents were there obviously and they adored her, even tolerated her barely socializing with her other 3 siblings or anyone for that matter, understanding it was just how she was. Another year of Rookwood was about to start and that meant a new dorm and a new roomie that she may or may not get along with. She guessed she'd just have to live with it really. And so, after loosely braiding what used to be her fringe and clipping it back round the side of her head she headed downstairs where Nathaniel was waiting to drive her to school. "You ready Freya?" he asked having already loaded her luggage into the car. Her head simply bobbed once in a nod of reply.

After the long drive to the school Freya thanked her adoptive brother for the ride before slinging her guitar case across her back and picking up her luggage. Let's get this over with. Heading into the building she took her dorm assignment and key with just a simple and quiet "Thank you". So, 104 and Danica? Whoever that was. Turning round and working her way past people in her usual way of trying not to disturb anyone, Freya make a course for her dorm since she wanted to drop her luggage off. No one paid attention to the quiet guitar girl as her bright purple high top converse clad feet carried her body to their destination and she slipped into her room after finding it with ease, not bothering to shut the door behind her. Well it seemed her roommate was already somewhere on campus since her stuff was on the bed next to the bookshelf. Personally that was Freya's choice of bed last year but she would be fine with the one in the corner which was where she dumped her bags.

Sitting down on the bed, her legs tucked up to the side of her, she pulled out her dark wood guitar from the case and began tuning it. It was something she always did whenever she arrived somewhere knew with it, almost like a tradition really. Her mind quickly got lost in the task and she was only snapped out of it by the appearance of an envelope being thrust in front of her face which extracted a sigh from her. The cards, she'd forgotten about the damn things. Without looking up, her right hand reached for the envelope and worked it open while her left had kept hold of her guitar. A number 2. Nothing changes really then, she mostly got a lower class card, broken up by the occasional middle class number. Freya, however, didn't mind. People never paid an awful lot of her attention to her unless they wanted something no matter what number she was so it didn't really matter. A note came out with it simply reading, There are eyes and ears everywhere, remember that little muse. Dropping the card, note and their envelope to the floor, her focus went back to her guitar and her fingers began to play; the tune of Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol drifting out into the hallway.
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~ Miss Passion ~

"Ah, Lady Luck, don't doubt my spades too much. They're skilled in the field of dirty secrets" The woman said with her strawberry blonde hair getting twirled around her finger. She sat in a chair nearby the other two Admins, her cunning grin hidden behind her beaked mask. Only the piercing blue eyes could be shown behind that golden mask. The uptight Mr. Fortune stood quiet perfectly towards the back of the room, while the head of this whole operation sat elegantly in her chair, the laptop sitting on her lap. The students were certainly all riled up due to the secrets that Miss Passion had found. Leaning back in her chair, she played with the black spade mask in her hands. "Mm I really do like these masks" She giggled before she of comfortable in her chair. Oh how she enjoyed finding out all the dirty secrets of these so not innocent students.

? Park Seokjin?


The sound of a car door opening could be heard in the ever so still air of Rookfield. Nobody seemed to dare breathe as people sat in their dorms like they were prisoners. The only difference from prison and this place was the fact that you were released after your sentence. No, Rookfield was much more cunning and cruel than that. It didn't matter when you did a dark deed or made a mistake, it would always come back to haunt you day and night. It was the same for every student that attended the academy. The Admins controlled their lives, their very existence through the secrets. Even when people rebelled, the Admins found a way to shorten their leash and keep them from running off again. Did this apply to everyone? Yes it did. So maybe that's why some people tried to just go with the flow.

A boy stepped out of the black vehicle, his light brown hair catching the sunlight in a rather pretty way. His pale skin made him look more like a vampire than a regular student as he slung a bag over his frail shoulders. Skinny, unhealthy looking, fragile, and totally passive was his appearance. The dark eyes which he had seemed to examine everything briefly, only to remember everything perfectly. Ah, yes it was the ever so cold Seokjin. Running a hand through his hair, he turned lazily and looked at the person who was still seated in the car.
"Come on Jiyeon, nobody will bring it up" He said in his surprisingly soft and very warm voice. After a bit he gave up and just grabbed another bag before walking towards the administration building.

Truthfully he was worried for his younger step sister as her released secret was much greater than his own. When Jin entered the building he could feel the gazes of students' being pointed inn his direction. Yes, his most embarrassing secret had been released. He had been dressed up as a little girl for the majority of his childhood until he hit six. It was embarrassing and horrible for him, but he didn't know any different. Now that he was 17 years old, he clearly knew the difference between men and women. Shooting a dirty glare at a group of freshmen, Jin made his way to the front desk. The group of freshmen quickly scurried away before the icy boy could do anything to them.

"Good morning Ms. Colviki" Jin said with a slight bow of his head. He was always careful around this woman as she would always snap at people for unknown reasons. Her gaze narrowed at the boy as if wondering who he was for a moment. Then it hit her.

"Jin! Oh morning. Here you're papers and everything" She said with what could be considered a kind voice as she handed him a bundle of papers.. Normally she would just brush the boy off and hand him his papers. Jiyeon was always her favorite student it seemed. Jin was just the awkward older brother who just stood behind his smaller and younger sister. He wasn't particularly loved by any of the staff, nor was he hated by any. He was just... Jin. Thanking the woman, Jin made his way out of the building and headed towards the dorms.

Once inside of the dorms he looked at who his roommate was and he froze. He was stuck with one of the people in school that he didn't exactly care for. He was so friendly and seemed to be complimenting everyone around him. Not only that but he seemed to have Blair always hanging around him which meant Jin wouldn't ever get piece. Hanging his head, the boy began muttering a small prayer in Korean before opening his dorm door and heading inside. Awkwardly he looked around the dorm and noticed a black and red envelope neatly sitting on his bed. Curiosity told him to open it, while common sense said not to. Taking a deep breath he opened the carefully folded envelop and he found a copy of a card. It was a number five.
'Well, it could be worse right?' Jin thought to himself as he put the copied card on his bed and looked at the other contents. A small letter was inside which caused his heart to flutter with dread.

'Poor little Jinny~ Did Mommy ever really love you?'



After staring at the clouds for a while, Danica sat up deciding that she should finish unpacking. As long as she went straight to her room, she wouldn't run into that Tweetie girl again, right? It took her a bit to get back to the dorms as she didn't pay attention when she left, but when she found them she opened the door she was hit with the sound of two different songs playing at the same time. She couldn't make out the song that seemed to be coming from room 105 but the other song was familiar to her. As she drew closer to her room she realized that the acoustic guitar playing Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" was coming from the open door. Picking up with her trained ear that the song was almost over she stood in the doorway and automatically started to sing along in her clear soprano voice. "I don't know where...Confused about how as well...Just know that these things will never change for us at all. If I lay here...If I just lay here...Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" When the song was over, she smiled at the blond that sat on the bed across from her. "You must be Freya. I'm Danica, It's nice to meet you." She moved out of the doorway resting her hand on the door. "Do you mind if I shut the door?"

@LittleWolfie )

//Julia Davis//

Julia barely heard her room mate come in because she was so focused on her art. She only looked up when Tweetie came up to her and asked her for her card. She was shocked at the change in her room mate, but kept a facade of being unfazed and curious. Her appearance had completely changed along with her attitude. Julia immediately knew that she had become royalty, probably a Queen. She hadn't expected to room with a loser, but she also didn't expect to be with royalty. This would be more tiresome to keep herself in check until the next rotation. As she heard her room mate ask the question, she internally groaned while being very careful to not show her dislike. So Tweetie was one of
those people, the type that changed every rotation to fit their role. Of course she dressed more carefully when she was upper class and simpler when she was lower. But changing your entire persona was a bit extreme. If there was something she couldn't stand, it was a self righteous Queen. Unfortunately, she had become Tweetie's best friend, Jack. "Nice shoes. I got Jack, what about you?" she replied, already suspecting Queen. She glanced down at her paper to note the progress on her sketch. "And what color should these clouds be, purple or pink?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.56f281d076ea50d56882c50f07c1db91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.56f281d076ea50d56882c50f07c1db91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

Tweetie stood, watching the girl carefully. She raised her eyebrow slightly at the way Julia's face seemed to be unfaze. "Oh good. Jack. I'm Queen." She explained, walking over to her collage. She then took her card, pinning it right in the middle of it. "I have a week." She said outloud but really to no one.

Tweetie then turned her attention back to her roommate asking her opinion on something. Tweetie walked over, peering down at the sketch. "Depends. If it is going to be or was a rainy sad day, I would go purple. However, if it is going to be or was a happy sunny day go with pink." She decided, not sure if she was drawing the sunrise or sunset or even if it was neither.

Tweetie then walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I only have one favor to ask of you as the Jack. You dont have to do anything else. But can you print out the exact rules to this game for me?" She asked, her attention focused on twitter. 'So more secrets are about to be revealed?' She wondered before she pulls up the messaging section on twitter.




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//Julia Davis//

Julia nodded as Tweetie confirmed her royal status.
"Cool," she commented, her tone light but also relieved to some extent. She watched as Tweetie pinned the paper card to the collage of photos, seeing a bit of the room mate she had met this morning. Turning her attention to her drawing, she deliberated for a moment before taking out a peachy pink color and shading in the bottom of the fluffy clouds in her sketch. It was a sketch of the world beyond the clouds, close to the sun. It was pretty. After a couple of coloring moments, she heard Tweetie begin to speak and looked up at her with an amused expression. She saw the Tweetie from this morning, the one who understood her on some level. "Really, only one?" she asked jokingly before sliding off the bed, wanting to do it before she forgot. "Yeah, no problem. I'll do it right now, I'm not doing anything important. I'll just go the computer lab."

With that, she grabbed her phone and room key, heading off to the computer lab. The computer lab wasn't too far of a walk and she had spent many times there finishing up essays and whatnot. She went to the school website and found the official updated set of rules for the game, printing two copies, one for Tweetie and one for herself. She took them from the printer and started walking back to the dorms, hoping that she wouldn't have to see anyone. Today was only day 1 and she wasn't ready for real social interactions. She checked the tweets on her phone on her way back, narrowly missing hitting a pole on her way back. Ugh, more things about her painting. It was annoying, but it could be much worse. Yes, she aspired to be a painter. But so what? A lack of confidence meant nothing.

When she got back to the room, she handed Tweetie one of the copies, folding the other one and placing on the shelf.
"Here you go. Nice to see you take this so seriously." She had been very surprised when Tweetie's one favor was about the rules.

Last edited by a moderator:

? Park Jiyeon ?


The soft buzzing of a phone could be heard on assault as a girl sat curled up in what seemed like the middle of a track. Jiyeon had her face buried in her knees as she refused to look at her phone again. The secrets were starting to get to her. Considering that they found out about her teacher getting fired and her mother sleeping around... Not to mention she was no going to have to deal with having her mother being called a whore and other horrible names. Her papers were clenched tightly in her hands as she sat on the black track, her mind racing. Her past was starting to get dug up. Seokjin also was in the cross fires as he had done many illegal things. Other than being dressed like a little girl and being a musician, the rest of his secrets were rotten. But then again, Jiyeon was a dirty girl. She slept with any guy who bought her drinks or was just a flirt.

It never mattered if she didn't remember his name in the morning, all that she wanted was them. She was dirty and she knew it. Even as she sat at the empty track she felt like a piece of trash. Though she didn't belong with the rest of the trash. No, she felt like she was all alone in the world for her dirty and cheap life. Her dyed red hair hid her face as she just wanted to disappear. The friends she used to have weren't beside her, she didn't have her brother close to her, she felt so lonely and unwanted. The only reason why she ever went to this school was to escape her old life. The life she lived during each and every break. The life that made the girl she was today. Suddenly she lifted her head and fumbled around for her phone. Seeing the texts that she got from her so called 'friends' brought tears to those brown eyes of hers.

Shaking her head she dismissed the texts and went straight to Twitter. Pulling up the one person that she could talk to. Wes, he was always a friend she could rely on when she needed one. Sniffling slightly she sent the Tweet and waited for him to hopefully see it. Jiyeon was known for her crybaby ways along with her dirty ones. She was considered the full package as she did everything that people would least expect such an innocent looking girl would actually do. She knew that her teachers would be questioning how she had gotten her middle school teacher fired as word would travel fast. The other secrets that started to get posted made her feel like she couldn't turn to anyone.


Jiyeon then decided to call someone. Her brother. Dialing his number she quickly called him, wiping her eyes in the process.
"Jin? Hey it's me. If you see my roommate can you tell her I'll be late?" The small girl asked her older brother.

"Jiyeon? What's wrong? You sound upset... Wait what was spread about you?" The once warm and concerned voice hardened as Jin asked his sister. Since he really only used Twitter for his photography purposes, he was often out of the loop. Though he knew that there were people who made sure to have a close knit relationship with the Admins.

"Oh no it wasn't that! Jin don't be silly, I just wanted to get some fresh air. Plus you know I hate dorm rooms" Jiyeon lied with a fake smile on her face. With her knees pulled close to her chest she just tried to drown out all the dirty deeds she had done. Every sin and mistake she ever made filled her mind and it was giving her a headache. Well what the Admins said was true. The apple really didn't fall far from the tree.
Sunshine finally finish everything she threw out, the mess and the butt of the blunt. She unlocked the door, leaving the door open and opened the window letting the aroma leave on it's own. Sunshine smiled feeling the high kick in, she turned her music down a bit and switching the playlist, to something for calming. She laid on her back on her bed, she began singing to the music lowly. Knowing no one could hear her unless they got right beside her. Sunshine began moving putting her head over the bed and her legs against the as she inspected her hands than she took out her phone scrolling on twitter. "Stop being a cry-baby" she said to herself reading the Tweets between the admin and Butch. "It's High-school" for good sakes" she hollered over her music as stood on her bed reading the some more. "Oh at least my past it's as bad" she was still talking to herself still but a little lighter. SJ bounced a little, "Get a life you dummy, Mr. Fortune sounds hot." she said looking at her phone. she opened snapchat viewing some people's stories, She began wondering what her brother gave her since she was bouncing and she hadn't even notice or how she got to her bed. She let her phone fall from her hand as she heard a song she turned it up, she jumped off the bed and began dancing.
Delphine Ambridge

It was frustrating. No absolutely enraging, this think that these ‘Admin’, these people hiding behind their mask, coiuld control her and so many around her. To get a reaction, to make their lives miserable by not only releasing secrets but also make an unjust caste system based on a deck of cards. She just hated Rookwood, and she was almost at her breaking point. Those ‘Admin’ were connecting too many strings to her and she didn’t like it. But she was relieved that Butch wasn’t mad at her, but she was surprised when he but his hand on her should and promised her that no one was gonna mess with her while giving her a slight smile. Del smiled placing a her hand on top of his.
“I can take care of myself you know. I’m a tough cookie. And you don’t belong there. You belong here. Can’t lose my newest friend.” She said to him her smile turning into a grin. She has never made such a strong connection to someone in such a short amount of time.

But then the chime of a notification caught her attention. Groaning she took her hand off of Butch’s and took out her phone.
“Probably something stupid the Admin said about me.” She told Butch as she went to Twitter to check out their post and what she read makes her mind come to a complete stop. “No.no.no.no.no.no.no.no..” the denial continued as she started furiously typing at her screen

‘let’s continue on your musical trip. For what was you alias? It was Eclipse I believe.’

Maybe she could save this. She could convince others that they were lying. The Admin was lying. Eclipse was dead, she died the moment she left the stage. The moment her parent died. Eclipse went along with them. She wasn’t her. She wasn’t Eclipse. She was just Delphine Ambridge. A normal girl with no string attached.

Delphine walked away from Butch as she quickly typed message after message. In her panic she didn’t noticed the tears that started running down her face as the memories of her past came flashing back in a sort of horror flim.
“No.no.no…”was all her mind could process to say as the situation went from bad to worse when, they posted a picture of her old t.v. costume.

“Oh god. Oh god.” The memories kept coming, why weren’t they stopping? The repulsive manager, the drama, her family, her parent’s death. It just wouldn’t stop! She never even felt her knees coming into contact into the ground or the phone sliding from her hands onto the ground. “I can’t. I can’t” she whimpered as more tears fell down her face. After a few moments a heartbroken sob left her lip, as she began to weep hiding her face in her hands.


((Again. Sorry it took so long))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/newcreate.png.fd52ccd8eabf0b33e376ccf03139c66f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/newcreate.png.fd52ccd8eabf0b33e376ccf03139c66f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Today turned to be not quite as bad as it seemed. He was glad to know that several others, including the Queen if she was to be believed, had the same view of the System as he did. Now it had truly begun. The calm before the storm. Unfortunately, calm was something that Shoutarou couldn't personally sit through. He strived for colorful violence, spontaneity. Action. Patience wasn't in his nature, but what could he really do? Rash actions towards the system would do more harm than good. Damn this waiting game.

Deciding that the waiting game shouldn't entitle to literal waiting, Shou grabbed his phone and headed out the dorm, heading for nowhere in particular. He noticed that a message from Kris had gone through and took the time to write a reply. "Yeah, I'm at school now. Nowhere special, tho. Want me to barge into the girls' dorm like last year?" Ah, last year was paradise for him. Fresh were those memories and probably would be for years to come. And if all went well this year, the whole school would remember his name....either in respect or in begrudging memory.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3927d135_newcreate(1).png.54f1284c3592ac1123002d26d8c6b280.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3927d135_newcreate(1).png.54f1284c3592ac1123002d26d8c6b280.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If he was truly sharing this big of a room with others, they haven't found the time to accompany him there. Maybe he'd have to pay Fernando a visit after all. Coincidentally, his boyfriend gave him a call soon after. Such a sweetheart. It's almost like he can read my mind. "Hey, I'm at room 200 just around the corner," he spoke over the phone. Blair had forgotten how much he had missed him and his voice. "It's nice that you say that about me, but I'm definitely not cut out to be a..." Before Blair could finish his sentence, a red masked figure loomed at the door, gazing resolutely at him. That was definitely a Red Heart and surely they were here to carry out the Admin's will. "I-I'll have to call you back, N-Nando," he swiftly said before hanging up. He himself wondered if he was truly afraid or subconsciously playing the coward. The Red Heart didn't stay long and only handed him a crimson envelope before leaving as quickly as he came. That was, for lack of a better word, strange, he thought as he opened the envelope. There was a card, the 4 of Hearts to be exact, and a note, no doubt from the Admin.

Welcome to your second year, dearie. Since you've been such a good girl, luck smiled on you. Just not enough to give you a high caste. Enjoy!




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_lxj468GXqy1qz.jpg.2cc9a9136a8b92fcbffc92100e2d7dbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_lxj468GXqy1qz.jpg.2cc9a9136a8b92fcbffc92100e2d7dbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Fernando Gonzalez

Fernando made a note of the room number when he was told. He listened carefully, savoring every word the other boy spoke until he stopped talking. The next few words out of his mouth were stutters and then the line went dead. 'What the hell happened?' He furrowed, forming his hand into a fist around his phone.

The boy was about to take off towards the room, ready to check in on his boyfriend. However, he was quickly stopped by a black spade pressing her hand into his chest. This chick was like an amazon women, taller than him even though he was 6'2. She simply pointed behind him, causing him to turn around. As he did so a small boy seemed to flinch but his face was hidden behind a red mask. Must have been a freshman pulled into the system. The boy hesitantly handed him an evenlope before scurrying over to the black spade, hovering next to her. Off they went, walking down the hall. "Odd pair..." Fernando mumbled, looking at the note in his hand.

The large boy sighed, tearing the evenlope open. He then took out the piece of paper, reading the elegant handwriting.

'Aha Fernando. We really do miss watching people bow down to you in the popular ranks. You were always so lucky. However, I'm liking this thing you and that crossdresser have. Its cute. But perfect for drama. Although, with these secrets you're providing us I believe we have enough drama for now. Enjoy being a loser Mr. Popular.'

Fernando wasn't sure if he felt happy or angry, or frustrated, or sad. While he was almost certain Blair and him were in the same ranks, the note indicated in the future they would try their hardest to not make that happen. Fernando ran his thumb over the card, shaking his head. He just wanted to protect Blair.

Fernando turned the corner, being greeted by room 200. Fernando bit his his lip, hesitant about knocking on the door. 'Do I show him the note... Or just the card?' At the last minute he decided not to worry the boy and to just show him his card. Fernando then knocked on the door, leaning against the door frame with his card facing the door, waiting for Blair to open up it up.

@Lazy Rocktime



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☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.53dd3762d888a964527e8bc3fbe44b7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.53dd3762d888a964527e8bc3fbe44b7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Butch couldn't even comprehend the magnitude of the situation. They knew about him killing that rapist in Juvie? Nobody knew about that... Well, it was something that only passed through as rumor or whisper. He did set an example after all. He didn't admire the fact of the Admin spouting that bullshit on twitter however, and he almost lost it inside. Even more so when Tweetie conducted a mass tweet with the jokers, including Butch into the group. Hell, he was pretty much a joker anyway, nobody of higher rank was going to let him slide. Maybe.

It was then however, his heart felt like it was about to explode. '
Eclipse?! Where... Where have I fucking heard that before...' Butch didn't have the words to describe his confusion, not until he quickly typed the name into youtube and looked up old songs real quick. Once he heard a song from her younger days however, Butch quickly stored his phone in his pocket, dashing toward Delphine. As she fell to her knees, he embraced her from behind. He was almost smiling, but, he didn't understand why she was so sad about it.

After all, Eclipse was the artist that made him realize the calming and soothing relaxation that female artists brought to his sanity. It was no wonder he felt so attached to her, especially after hearing her voice. Butch didn't say anything right away, the two now leaning against the hallway wall together, almost sitting on the floor. He almost completely forgot about his secret being revealed. He was with his old time girl crush. "
You're my hero... Stop this, Del. I know you, I recognized the picture... And you. I listened to you when I was 13... You helped me through a troubling time in my life." Butch said, genuinely happy as he pulled out his phone; reading the message from Tweetie.

And it looks like you have made an impact on Delphine's life...'

Butch would follow his new queens orders. He was now a knight, taking up arms to protect those that were special to him. Fuck this school; he would show them what a 'few good men' could do if they worked together. Sure, they would have to await the right opportunity, but it was a sacrifice Butch would have to take. There was entirely too much in stake, even their lives. Butch slightly moved the hair out of Delphine's face as she balled her eyes out. "
I'm ready to talk when you are..." Butch said, in a low toned voice. Butch only ever switched to Katy Perry, due to her not making music anymore, and feeling somewhat sad about that every time he heard one of her old songs.

5 Years Earlier...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.786d2e0323583d4db45f187c4b1a47f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.786d2e0323583d4db45f187c4b1a47f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was a couple of days after the subway incident, Butch and Craze being the only survivors of the ordeal. Just because Craze got shanked in the neck, didn't mean he was dead. Craze was a tough bastard; he was someone Butch looked up to, his anger and awesomeness inspiring the other members of the clan to fight like the savages they were born to be. In fact, Craze even got better before Butch did, him walking into Butch's hospital room. "What's up, kiddo." Craze said, mumbling slightly as he did. He was talking like the stitches on his neck could pop open at any second. Craze sat down, setting his black Top-Hat on the desk next to Butch. "That's yours now, boy... You're a capo now, a secondary leader; just like me." Craze said with a slight smile, which was extremely rare. He was a man in his early 20's, yet, he looked so experienced in life. Craze also pulled out a picture of a 13 year old girl, handing it to Butch. "You also get model poster! Hah, every man needs a woman's touch, and it'll make you feel better! I picked it out, just for you. Her name is Eclipse, and she's a singer in America. American women... Hopefully you get to go there, Butch..." Craze said, ruffling his blonde/black hair as he finally left the hospital room. Butch didn't even understand, his head hurt, and he didn't know what to think about the girls picture that sat in his hand. She looked somewhat amazing to Butch, even though he had a hard time trying to find out why. Maybe Craze was right, perhaps he would listen to her music? See how her voice sounded. Russian women always had tough sounding voices, which didn't bother Butch, but he longed to hear the sweetness of an American woman's accent. It always soothed his head, and worked much better than the drugs his gang did.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.05cfb7d4fc68e53beb629a981e4fc527.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.05cfb7d4fc68e53beb629a981e4fc527.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

The girl grinned down at her phone. Perfect. So far everyone has complied. Butch and Delphine were both a little hesitant at first but all it took was a few words and the admins pissing them off to convince them. Shou and Shawn on the other hand were fairly easily. All they needed to know was that Tweetie was on their side. Their protection for her protect.

Tweetie stood up, shaking her head and then running her finger through her hair to make it look presentable. She then soothed out her knee length black pencil skirt and her black blazer. After she felt she look intimdating enough she turned on her red heels, heading out the door.

As she was about to leave the girls side of the dorms she ran into Julia. "Oh good. The rules. Thanks." She nodded, taking one of the sheet from her hands. After another simple head nod she walked passed the girl again, folding up the piece of paper and placing it in her wallet. She continued strutting over to the male side, opening the doors and walking in with confidence.


It was easy finding the dorm really. It was one of the first few dorms which meant no stairs or corners to turn. Tweetie stood in front the the door, her hands clasped together in front of her as she waited. She then noticed the tatted up boy making his way to the dorm.She took a deep breath, making sure there was someone else in the hall before he made it to her "Shawn." She tilted her head, her hair falling off the the side. "Pleasure meeting you in person." Tweetie then stood right in front of the door, lifting up her hands and knocking gently with her knuckles.

"I'll go in alone at first. Of course, if you hear any screaming please interfere." She explained quickly before someone answered the door.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aa07c6ad272942bec7fcf9270334ba78.jpg.458a4dc3a8f7730ac98b644d94a5d605.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aa07c6ad272942bec7fcf9270334ba78.jpg.458a4dc3a8f7730ac98b644d94a5d605.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shawn was again on twitter goofing around in his bed then he was reading and replying to the conversation he was added in. Seems Tweetie was not absolutely crazy but she still wanted to go talk to the guy who almost killed him in the admission building. Shawn was already suspicious about that and he had a clue of what was wrong with with Viktor. Shawn got out of his bed and went to his door locking it and leaving still not seeing Wes around he knew he would be able to get in but he had better things to do. He would dismantle this CCS and kill Mr. Fortune even if it meant jail. But he kind of disliked working with Butch because Butch was kind of a jerk to everyone he met and that meant he would be a jerk to Shawn and it would just go downhill really fast. But now they wanted to add in freaken Viktor. The creepiest kid in the whole male group right now. And clearly Butches biggest enemy, it was like the fuckin cold war between the two. However Viktor being himself was less being agressive and more just creepy.

Shawn closed in down the hall seeing a girl who he barely recognized anymore. She had like blackish blueish hair and she seemed to have gone psycho before they had this meeting. He had walked up and she had spoke saying it was nice to meet him in person and that she wanted to go in alone. He wanted to respond but before he could she knocked on the door and it opened. However no one actually answered it. The door slowly opened because of her soft knock however it did not open that far. But far enough to see Viktor in the corner of the room. He was sitting looking down at a chess board. However the timer was going off and he just sat there. He was in a trance again. But it was quite the creepy sight.

@Halcyon ))



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.3e7702094776b8203b763ee52afa5d6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m32c1zxZSQ1rnq1yvo1_500.jpg.3e7702094776b8203b763ee52afa5d6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

'Breath Tweetie. Breath.' She forced herself to take a breath, still slightly in shocked by what just happened. The door seemed to have been shut securely, yet with just a simply knock it opened right up. Tweetie then looked over at Shawn, giving him the smallest of smiles before she stepped into the room. Closing the door behind her.

She walked over to where he sat, her heels making muffled clicks against the carpet. Tweetie then looked down at the board, squinting her eyes and studying his previous moves. Her hand pressed down on the timer, shutting it off before restarting it. She then took the queen, moving it three spots diagonally, capturing a pawn, and shutting off the timer once again.

"Hello Viktor." She spoke softly, eyeing him and awaiting. It was as though she was waiting for a attack, or at least movement to let her know he was paying attention.


((Sorry it's so short. I wasn't sure if you had anything planned. I dont expect yours to be like super long or anything.))



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Wes Jaxson

“Ah, it is ok. Although I still feel bad.” He told the blonde brother. A vibration from his phone cause his attention as he wondered who it was that was messaging him on Twitter. “Sorry dude. I need to take this.” He told Val before taking his out his phone to message back whoever messaged him. ‘Jiji?’ he wondered in his mind as he looked at her messages. She seemed very upset. Well he could in his right mind let his friend Ms.Park stay upset, maybe he could go over and brighten her day. Quickly responding to her text, he turned back to Val. “Hey dude it was awesome meeting you. I hope your sister is ok. It seems the Admin is upsetting everyone. My friend is pretty upset right now as well. See you later man” saying his farewell he quickly left the hallway and over to Jiyeon’s dorm room.


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