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Realistic or Modern Card Caste Heaven~Sign ups Closed!~

Lady Luck

The ‘Admin’ Secret Office

5:45 pm- Thursday

“Well Miss Passion. I’d say the information you got was spot on. The ‘Admin’ has created quite an uproar on twitter? Isn’t that right Mr.Fortune.” a voice giggled in the shadows of the room. A man in all black entire, face covered in a disturbing mask, could only grunt in response as the masked woman closed she laptop and leaned back into her chair. The look of smug satisfaction riddled her face. It was so easy to ruffles their feathers, and make them run around like headless chickens. Only a couple of hours before the real fun began. Who would be the targets? And who would be crowned their king? She did not really care. All that she desired was to ruin those kids lives and have her fun.

When will everyone be arriving Mr.Fortune? I want my game to start as soon as possible?”

The game would start, and everyone will follow the rules, or suffer the consequences. She controlled that game and the rules were to be followed. Lady Luck knew these kids wanted a riot against the Admin, but what was the point they were not going to win. Her class proved that. Everyone turned against each other and none were left in the end to challenge the ‘Admin’. She would crush these kids and bend them to her will. It was her game to win and theirs to lose. The cards were in her favor, and she would make sure it stayed that way.



A barren wasteland, snow slowly fell the wind blowing ever so slightly. A small boy stood in the middle of a snow covered field he looked to the skies. The dark grey skies, the cold really getting to him. Another boy walked towards him trudging through the thick snow. The boy looking at the sky looked down at the other as the other spoke up "Vik" the other black haired boy says in a loud tone. The air was getting thick and the snow picked up. "Snap out of it" as soon as those words were spoke Viktor turned back to his friends as he inhaled smoke and fell to his knees in blood covered snow. Bodies surrounded his knees he looked back to the forest only to see flames, dead bodies and weapons laying in the blood covered snow. "Help" The voice was heard once more. As Viktor turned back to his friend all he saw was a bloody mess and no one there "ALECKS!" the young Vik yelled as a bullet tore through his side and he fell into the cold snow. Tears rolling into the snow.

Viktor flung upwards gasping for breath and fell out of his bed now coughing. He gained control of himself and looked over at the clock noting the time..."
Same nightmare...." Viktor says rubbing his eyes and going straight to the shower. He was not home, no he was in a hotel room. He looked to the mirror and wiped the steam from the shower off the mirror, looking at him from the other side was a bloody version of himself in an old war get up. Viktor blinked and it went away, however he did have a gash on his face, probably from flinging out of bed.

Viktor gathered up all his things and left the hotel room and got to his car, from his parents of course, it was American though which sucked. But he had to deal with it. Once he flung all his stuff into the back seat he got in and headed for the academy, he was still groggy. A car behind him honked at him and he looked in his mirror only to see his friend in the backseat "
You left me to die" the raspy voice says but Viktor looked back forward and then back to the mirror and nothing was there. He furiously rubbed his eyes and smacked his head off the horn at a stop light. This would be a long drive.

As soon as he reached the school he got out and grabbed his stuff and took a deep breath. The pieces were set and it was time to begin. Viktor would play mouse for now, take it slow and be a slave to their ways, he would play the game, but not quite how they would like. He would not talk and he would stick to being alone. He would lie in wait until it was time...for check mate. Viktor walked towards the admissions building and stood in front of the two teachers he waved but kept a blank face as he walked up needing his stuff.

@LadyOfSixVillages ))


Shawn woke groggily to his mom yelling up the stairs at him to get the hell up and get to the Academy. Shawn jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes and bounded his way down the stairs and kissed his mom on the cheek as he sneakily grabbed a breakfast sandwich she had in her hands "Scoreeeee'" Shawn says his mom not looking very happy that he stole her food "God you really suck with time management, wish we taught you better" His mom says as she pieced together another sandwich for herself. Shawn looking over at all his crap and looked to his mom with the most disturbing face he could make, a disturbing sad face "I just thought about it but how will I live without you, I can't cook my own food, I would much rather steal it" he fake sobbed as he pranced off to his bags to make sure he had everything.

Shawns mother shook her head and grabbed her keys "Have fun and make sure to call, love you, you dork" his mom says opening the door, Shawn put on the best Australian accent he could make and yelled after her "WOT DID YOU SAY MATE" Shawn yells but she had already left. That and his dad was already at work, he had come and said bye that morning but Shawn was too lazy to give him a hug or anything. Shawn grabbed all of his junk and began to pile it into his truck, it was amazing he hadfit it all in there but he was like a packing master now. He could like start a dojo with his packing skills.

Shawn rode to the school listening to some oldies music on the way there not really doing much, he was ready to be a target again, It was so fun not playing the game. Making to school agitated with his ways. As Shawn arrived he grabbed all his stuff and headed for the same place everyone else was headed. Or at least where he saw Viktor go so he followed behind and kept his distance like a creepy stalker. Viktor never really noticed or really cared to notice. As soon as they arrived at the place Shawn waited behind Viktor to get his dorm assignments and schedule, he closely watched the teachers and could not wait for them to have some sort of thing to say to him, the lady more then likely would say some snappy comment that would make Shawns day for sure.

@LadyOfSixVillages ))

☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


A year and a half prior...

Swasburge Institution

Butch was in Juvie, getting the wake up call to get out of his bunk. Standard practice would be the guards slamming the trash cans with their batons, and making the inmates clean up the trash. Butch's friend was his bunk mate, him standing up slowly from his bottom bunk. "Shit man... Fucking early." Donnie said, stretching his slightly muscular arms into the air. The kids were supposed to be at the position of attention however; and this displeased the guards. One of them ran up to Donnie, yelling in his face. This was a common occurrence, but not one that Butch didn't find funny. He actually loved the action, and often yelled back. This would get him into trouble though, they didn't like tough-guys at Swasburge. Especially Russians with a chip on their shoulder. "What's wrong Butch?! You think this is funny?! Think it's a fucking game???" The guard swiftly shoved Butch on the ground, him standing up and putting his face directly into the line of sight of the guard. "
F-fuck you, guy!" Butch's English was still incredibly sloppy, his accent rolling off his tongue strongly. Butch got shoved into the ground again, this time, his head hitting the bunk of the bed. Butch had gotten a concussion, and the guard was quickly fired.

It was ten days later, Butch getting out of the medical bay. His head didn't hurt, and he was begging to get back into the action. He lived for this shit, and he wanted to double the pain he had received from the guard. When Butch learned of him being fired however, he was pissed. Now he would never redeem himself.

It wasn't long until rumors started to spread like wildfire. And these rumors were outrageous. "Yo man! I heard Donnie got his shit pushed in. Heard it was them fucking Penny Brothers, but I'm not sure..." Butch overheard during breakfast chow. People often sat next to Butch to get on his good side, since he was known for being tough. Hell, two weeks prior, he had strangled a man with a fucking towel for not giving him enough food during his serving rotation. Needless to say; Butch had more than enough to eat after that. This was a dog-eat-dog world. You couldn't afford to show weakness here, there was no mercy for the weak. Not even Donnie, Butch's only friend in the place. '
Penny...' He had seen them fucking with Donnie before, and he had to break that up. Since Butch was passed out however, they must have seen their chance. It would explain Donnie's tardiness anyway.

Two days later, Donnie died. They said it was an anal rupture. Fire grew into Butch's eyes when he found out, him not even hesitating for a single moment. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to exact vengeance. Donnie was his only friend in this place, hell, even the whole country. Butch was going to have to take out the whole band of brothers, one at a time. It would take cleverness, but such work had to be done. He wasn't about to be the next victim.

Butch spotted Danny Penny, the pussy. He knew Danny wouldn't be a challenge, him taking a piss in the bathroom. Butch silently walked up behind him, raising his leg up high. "
T-this is for Donnie, you fuck!!!" Butch said with his harsh accent as he kicked the kid into his own piss, drop-kicking the poor bastards neck. Butch was raving and groaning, he tended to over-work himself in a fight; he never held back. Once Danny was down, Butch quickly took the metal piece used to hold a persons towel as they used the toilet, ripping it from the wall. He then pulled Danny's pants down, shoving the metal bar into his behind. Danny screamed for a while, then stopped. Had Butch killed him? Butch didn't care. He promptly wiped the finger prints from the metal bar, leaving the bathroom. The body was found minutes after, the whole Juvie being locked down for weeks. Butch's term ended before he was able to finish the job, but they never forgot. He sent a message that day. Donnie would have been happy. Considering the facilities low funding, they had no security camera's, and absolutely no proof on Butch doing anything.


Present Time...

A year and a half later, Butch locked his phone; putting it back into his pocket briefly. He was in a deep conversation with Delphine. A girl he had gotten to know the day prior. He felt a weird kinship towards her, them both being warriors in their own rights. Butch had just gotten out of military basic training two weeks before stepping foot into the school grounds. He wasn't pleased being back here, not after what happened last time. Whoever made this place had a sick mind, and Butch wanted to squash that mind on a dirty ass floor. He lit up a cigaret, slightly collecting himself before stepping foot into the huge campus.

He had taken the public bus there, him not really liking planes. He didn't mind taking the bus however, events transpired that definitely occupied his time. The admin of the school revealing his, and multiple other students' secrets. He was flabbergasted at how many pretended not to care, or some that even praised the damn admin. He lost a lot of respect for people this day, and he didn't know if it would ever return. If there was one thing he didn't like in this world; it was a spineless waste of air and life. Butch continued to smoke, rubbing his temples and squatting outside of the school's gate. It would take him a minute before he would be able to step inside. Least he starts losing his mind, busting down doors looking for the Admin.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.e30b4a6fdfe24d29c155053f4ebbd96e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.e30b4a6fdfe24d29c155053f4ebbd96e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

Tweetie stepped out of the car, her Aunt tapped the steering wheel, pursing her lips. "You have everything right? Books, chargers, clothes, medicine just in case?" Her aunt went on and on. The women was gorgeous. Blonde hair, flawless skin, great cheekbones. In fact, she was a former Broadway star. After admiring her aunt for a moment Tweetie sighed, tugging at her plain brown hair. "Yes ma'am. I have everything." Tweetie mumbled chewing on her bottom lip. Her Aunt didnt say anything at first, just shaking her head. "Its your senior year Tweetie... Please make some friends?" She aunt almost begged. Tweetie ignored her at first, leaning in and taking her son out from her car seat and holding him tightly. "People dont like me here Sarah." Her face was blank as she spoke, her finger gently brushing Quintons hair. "That's because they dont know you. You put up a wall and never let it down... Not since Dubai." Tweetie frozen, her lips tighten into a straight line. "Mommy is going to miss you Quinton~" she cooed, giving her son a large kiss. "Great Auntie is going to look after you until Grandma and Grandpa come back from Thailand." She explained, even though she knew he didn't understand. She gave him another large kiss and placed him back into the car seat. She then shut the door, not answering her Aunt. After stepping back she waved to her family, taking a deep breath as she watched her son scream for his mother through the tinted windows. A terrible mother she was. Telling everyone her son was her brother. But she didnt feel like dealing with people calling her stupid just because she had a child in highschool. But she wasnt stupid. She was fucking raped. Ever since that day she has been bitter. Keeping anyone who tried to get close to her at a arms length. Hell, she couldnt even be alone with a guy before she broke down.Once the car was out of view she turned on her heels and heading into the building.

Once inside the admistration office she headed over to Mr. Salam. Being early meant she was able to get the nicer of the two.

"Good morning sir. Tweetie Behe, grade twelve." She gave him the information so he could look through the files and find her schedule and dorm assignment. "Here you go Tweetie. Room 101. I hope you have a great year okay? And be careful." He spoke as though he seemed genuinely concerned for her health. That's probably because it looks like she might break from just a hug considering how thin she was. Tweetie brushed it off and grabbed the papers, nodding to him with a blank expression. "You too Mr. Salam. You have a good year too Mrs. Colviki" the other secretary just scoffed and rolled her eyes. Tweetie brought her finger to her mouth, gently biting it as she left the office and started walking down a path.

Fernando Gonzalez

Fernando stepped off the train checking his watch and yawning. He wanted to get some sleep on the train but the 'admin' decided to cause some trouble, spilling one secret after another. Including his. The Brazilian boy groaned. He only dealt drugs during the summer. And this was his last summer he had free. So technically he wasn't a drug dealer anymore. Fernando was gotten a full ride scholarship to the four top universities for swimming and he planned on focusing on his future this school year. Fernando pulled out his phone, checking twitter once more before hailing a cab.

Fernando finally made it to Rookwood. He shoved cash into the drivers hand before getting out. He hates this place. Hated it with a passion. Yet for some reason the rest of america loved this academy. Their naive little brains thought this place was the best highschool out there. Little did they know what actually went on inside. And if someone tried to spill the beans they would get a nice visit from one of the leaders themselves.

Fernando quickly walked inside, pushing his bag further up his shoulder. He then walked over to the female secetary, unsure exactly what to do. "Are you going to give me your name or not?" She clicked her tongue, furrowing her eyebrows. Fernando laughed gently and gave a winning smile. "How could you forget my name? Its me darling... Fernando." He rolled his r, looking the women up and down. Even though she was married and a hag she seems to blush under his glace. Works every time. "Fernando Gonzalez right?" She asked holding out his papers. The boy nodded, confirming it for her. "Thank you bonita." He cooed, taking the papers from her. Be then headed outside. The boy groaned again, walking over to an orange pillar and leaning against it. He then pulled out his phone.

Meu Amor <3
Hello and Good morning my handsome boy. I'm already at rookwood. I'm in room 203. Tell me your room number when you get here so I can see you. I miss you too much to wait another minute to see your face~

After sending the message he pocketed his phone and made his way to his dorm.

@Lazy Rocktime



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"Danni! Let's go!" she heard her mom call up the stairs. Normally she would respond cheerfully, but she could only find it in her to sit on her bed staring blankly at the wall. Noting the unusual response, her mom came up and stood in her doorway. "Hey, everything alright?" Her mother's face held a mask of concern.

Danica stared at her mother for a moment debating whether she should tell her mom about the twitter posts or not. Deciding against it, she forced herself to smile. "Yeah mom, I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute." When her mom left the room, she picked up her phone from her lap quickly typing a response. 'My family does not hate me and I'm done with this conversation.' She wouldn't let a stupid online argument ruin her day. Shoving her phone into the pocket of her shorts, and grabbing a pair of sunglasses from her dresser, she started to leave the room. Once she reached the door, she paused for a moment as if thinking of something before checking the hall then running back to her dresser and digging through a drawer. She pulled out a picture that was hidden in the bottom before grabbing a random purse from her closet and slipping the picture into it. She reached the car just as her mother had finished loading her luggage.

"Since when do you carry a purse?" her mom asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I just felt like I should bring one just in case. New school, new me right? Maybe the new me likes purses." Danica stood there for a moment hoping that her mother would buy her lame excuse. She breathed a sigh of relief when there was no interrogation. She got into the car, the ride to Rookwood Academy was unusually silent as she found herself lost in her own thoughts.

"Are you nervous?" her mom inquired as she pulled up to the school, "You shouldn't be. I'm sure you'll make new friends in no time. Maybe a change of pace is exactly what you need to help you move on from the past events."

'You wouldn't be so hopeful if you saw what happened on twitter.' she thought to herself. She didn't want her mother to worry, the woman had enough on her plate; so, Danica turned to smile at her mom as she opened the car door. "You're right mom. All I can do is make the best of it. I love you. I'll keep in touch okay...Tell Anna that I love and miss her..." Her mother reached over and squeezed her hand before she got out of the car in response. After all of her luggage was removed from the car, the two ladies shared their farewells and Danica was off to the administration building.

Once in the building, Danica found herself faced with two secretaries. The woman sitting at one of the desks merely glanced at Danica with a look of distaste on her face and she found herself taking a step back from the woman's gaze. "
May I help you with something?" she turned to the source of the pleasant voice knowing that it hadn't come from the woman. "Yes, Mr. Um..." she glanced at the name plate on his desk "Mr. Salam. My name is Danica Leeland and I..." she paused unsure of what to say next, but the man simply smiled patiently at her. "Yes, Ms. Leeland. I have your schedule and your dorm assignment here." He handed her both items and a key. "Thank you, sir." she smiled before giving him a nod and getting out of the office. That woman made her uncomfortable. She looked down at her room assignment.

Room 104. I wonder what my roommate is like." she mused while she stood outside of the office.
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There was something about mornings that gave Shoutarou a good feeling. Perhaps it had to do with the lack of social activities going on. The messy-haired boy was on a 'borrowed' motorcycle, heading for the despicable academy in which he was to spend one final year of study at: Rookwood. The school itself was far from bad, it being one of the foremost private academies in the country (so he had been informed), and most of his fellow students were pretty based people. No, it was the veiled system, the luck-based enforcement of popularity caste, that made it so hated, and not by Shoutarou alone, if social media was to be believed. He briefly wondered if he could ever put an end to the 'Card Caste System' before he graduated. The boy could succeed given he truly put his mind to it and made the right allies. But that required planning, something he didn't excel at, so it was prudent for him to take things one day at a time. "School first, rebellion second." Obtaining good grades was the least he could do to make his late sister proud, as she herself wished for him to become the very best like no one ever was. What kind of a brother would he be if he didn't take that wish to heart?

Before long, Shou had arrived in Rookwood. After parking his motorbike somewhere inconspicuous, he grabbed his luggage, which consisted of exactly one rucksack and a camera case, and headed for the administration. His presence drew various looks, from fondness to discomfort to disdain. It was sort of nice to be so infamous within the school. Much less stupidity heading his way. First order of business was checking in. He headed over to the secretaries' desk and did the necessary procedures. "You will be in room...201, Dee. Have a nice and safe last school year," the warmer of the secretaries, Mr. Salam if his memory served correct (and the name plate was to be believed), informed him as he handed the unruly student his schedule and dorm assignments, as well as a key. Shoutarou gave him a quick nod and a smile to show his genuine gratitude. Faculty who warmed up to him had his respect, as many just considered him a volatile delinquent with good grades. Which was, to be fair, a correct first impression of him, but it was far from all that Shoutarou was. As he headed for the dorms, he wondered about all the possible roommates he could have, as well as his personal preferences.
Butch? Perhaps. Shawn? His tattoos are creepy as all hell, but he's cool. That one pretty boy? Why not. That other pretty boy with a boyfriend? Maybe. Shoutarou was at a loss concerning the sheer number of good-looking students here, from both genders alike.

(I burned out my creativity from that one post. I'll write Blair's up later -3-)


Delphine Ambridge

Five years ago…

Universal Studios~ Miami, Florida

“What? I don’t understand.” A thirteen year old Delphine stared at her parents’ manager in absolute disbelief at the horrible news. “I’m sorry Ms. Ambridge, you parents were in a horrible accident due to a drunk driver.” He manager repeated with a false sincerity. He did not care about her parents. In their will he became her caretaker and that was good enough for him. She brought in cash like no other child start, and her beauty grew each and every day attracting offers from the left and right. So as long as she and her siblings were there he did not give a care to the wind.

D-Dead but…But I Just Talked To Them AN HOUR AGO!” the thirteen year old popstar grew frantic as the new sunk and the horrible realization that her parents, the two she loved and suffered so much for were dead. She could, she wouldn’t! They were dead! This was some sick joke! The news just could not process in the young girl’s mind, and the breakdown that had been developing for years final came to a head. “YOU’RE LYING! YOU’RE LYING!”, she screamed out in distress as she pushed passed her manager, and out the dressing room door.


She couldn’t hear her manger’s calls, or feel herself shoving and running into countless people working backstage. She felt so numb but her mind was racing as she finally reached the entrance of the auditorium. However she did not stop there. Her legs carried her until she was finally at the entrance of the huge amusement park. Finally coming to a halt, he mind doing the same as she surveyed her surrounds. Her parents dead. What was she going to do? She couldn’t believe it? The two people who told her to do this who celebrity thing was dead? The only two people she would ever leave her normal life for was gone? What was she going to do?

“Mom…Dad…..”whimpers slowly turned into heart filled sobs as the Delphine little by little sunk to the ground in sorrow, as her heart was enveloped in a cloud of pain. She couldn’t do it. She hated being what she was, her strings being pulled in any way that her manage, photographers, and even her deceased parents want. She had no free will, thanks to fame. Even though her parents just died, she lost them and her siblings long ago to fame and greed. She missed singing for fun, now it was just a job. The love of her siblings was almost non-existent because of their sisters success out shined theirs. She just couldn't do it anymore.

As the sobs quieted down her choice became clear as realization struck her. It was a bit demented, but with her parents gone. She did not have to do any of this anymore. It was a chance for a normal life. One she had been craving since the start of her career. Dark brown eyes begun flaring in determination, the thirteen year old ex-star got to her feet. Taking one last look back to the entrance she steeled her nerves before turning back to the road ahead of her and yelled one word that lead to her freedom.


Present Day

“God damn Admin. Don’t they have something better to do than ruin my day.” Del mumbled as she shoved the iphone into her back pocket, as she walked around the gathering all her suitcases to take to Rookwood. She hated the school with a burning passion. The ‘Admin’ or so they called themselves made it their personal goal to make sure every unfortunate soul that entered Rookwood suffered. And this time they used Twitter as their means to do it.It was horrible. Students turned against each other, teachers turn a blind eye, and worst off no one outside of RW knew of the game. She couldn't believe she was in this situation. But only one more year and she was free. She would leave America and never come back.

“Let us see what the ‘Admin’ have in store for me today.” She mumbled as she walked over to the front door of her hotel room suitcase in tow. It was time to head to the dreaded RW, after all she had a few heads to knock into ground when she got there. And she really hoped she ran into a few red hearts. Those jerks really needed a talking too.

A long car ride later, a familiar view came to Delphine eyes as she saw the reflection of grandiose buildings pass by her window.
‘Good to be back.’ The sarcastic comment voiced in her head as the taxi slowly came to a stop.

“Ok ma’am that will be $XX.XX. Could you please get out?” The irritated statement from the taxi driver knocked Delphine out of her thoughts. “Yeah here asshole. Thanks for the ride.” She mumbled under her breath while taking out a hundred dollar bill and shoved it into the taxi drivers outstretched hands. Quickly taking out her suitcase, and guitar case out of the trunk before the taxi decided to drive off with it as he reeved up his engine signaling her to hurry up.

Flipping off the driver as the taxi drove away, she then collected her things and made her way over to the administration building to collect her papers for her schedule and dorm assignments. Hopefully this year she actually got the classes she wanted, and the stupid counselors didn’t make the same mistake of putting her in really easy classes. She was home-schooled not stupid. Walking into the building she saw that there was two guys in front of her that she recognized from Twitter. What were their names again?...Oh yeah one was named Victor and she definitely recognized the tattooed faced Shawn.
‘Maybe if I don’t look at them they won’t notice me. Maybe if I don’t speak to them they won’t notice me.” She chanted in her head as she walk in and stood about ten feet away behind Shawn. It wasn’t that she was shy, she just did not want to interact with people at the moment.


(Will post Wes later. Just couldn't sleep and wanted to get this out the way. Goodnight!)


"Honey, it's time to go na," a woman around her late thirties called out with an accent obviously not too used with the English language. On her hand was a small bag colored with both pink and lavender and simply, yet quite cutely, adorned by a small monkey holding up its own thumb. It was the favorite Kipling bag of her daughter. The rest of the luggage needed for her Rookwood experience were right beside her. "Just a minute!" Crisanta replied from her room. She was in front of the mirror, finishing her few beauty touches with her phone on her hand and her brush on the other before her mother called. Well, that was what she was supposed to be doing. Instead, her eyes were looking down on her smartphone's screen. Her eyebrows furrowed and her glossy lips turned to a frown, not something she would want to wear first thing in the morning. Disappointed. Furious. Surprised. There were no words that would exactly describe what kind of face she was wearing, but it definitely wasn't pleasant. "Crissy! Hurry!" she heard, from her little brother who came to the door to fetch her. Her hands gripped on her phone before she placed it on the table. No, rather, she almost slammed it down, startling the little boy. And in just almost a few second, she turned to face him with one sweet smile, like nothing had happened. "Oops. I think my hand is too strong now." Jared blinked before letting out a giggle.

'Oh we've seen the proof sugar'

There was no way that was true. They were just pulling her leg. That had to be it. Crisanta Del Rosario was wearing a white colored skirt matched with pink checkered polo shirt and had her long wavy hair into a high ponytail. Looking at herself in the mirror, she wondered how'd they know such secret - a secret she had forgotten herself and buried even deeper than a course. She was beautiful, she thought. There was no way. She pulled out the best smile she could wear before heading out to the main door. She took her bag from her mother and gave her a kiss.
"Be safe, ha?" her mother reminded, with a very concerned look on her face. Compared to her daughter, she was merely wearing a household uniform and had a feather dust rather than a bag. Crisanta didn't like it, but she held back her tongue from saying anything. She knew all too well what her mother would say. She assured her mother before turning to the little brother standing close to her. "You take care of mommy while I'm gone, okay, Jared?" she said. He nodded his head enthusiastically with a salute, mimicking a soldier he had seen from the television. "Crissy, yes, Crissy!" And with those words to take from home, Crisanta bid her mother farewell before pulling her luggage and heading to ride a taxi. But even before she could completely leave from the huge mansion she was living in, a black car with the driver's window rolled down honked at her. It was from her father. But the back seat's black window went down and revealed a man wearing what seemed to be an expensive suit, that looked so well with his gray hair combed back. It was the big boss.

"Crisanta," he called, before gesturing her to join him. With no hesitation or whatsoever, she approached the car. Playing the humble card, she smiled and asked for permission to ride, which he gave a "Yes" with. It was nothing she should be ashamed of, really, but knowing the unselfish kindness of the big boss, there was no harm to pull out her favorite card. Her father greeted her with a soft, weak smile after she placed her things at the compartment, which she returned with a kiss on his cheek. "Excited for your first day, dear?" her father asked. "I guess so. Quite nervous actually," she replied. Crisanta heard Mr. Nathaniel West chuckle at her response, which made her rather feel glad. He was a great business man with his very own company, but he was rather simple to please, or so she thinks. Mr. West was rather fond of Crisanta ever since she first came to his doorstep, almost treating her like his very own grandchild. Oh, and Jared, too. He was quite a lively little boy who had earned his trust. Mr. and Mrs. Del Rosario were loyal, hardworking servants at his place. Offering to help their eldest child with her education was the least he could do to show his appreciation, which they took with all gratitude in their hearts.

All the way to Rookwood Academy, they shared a small chit-chat. It was good for the heart of the old man. Mr. Del Rosario was actually quite pleased with how Crisanta entertained his boss. It was always a great idea to invite her during mornings. But at those moments, Crisanta wasn't feeling any better. That tweet earlier - it still haunted her all the way to school. And just thinking 'What if that person was at Rookwood right now' made her feel sick, so much that when the car stopped in front of the school, she quickly stepped out and pulled her things. Crisanta had forgotten to greet her father and big boss a great day, but they didn't. "Have a great day, Crisanta" and "Take care, dear!" were the words they tossed to her. She took a deep breath before nodding her head and waving farewell to the two men. Then, the car drove off.

"...Hello, Rookwood," she muttered.

Crisanta proceeded to the Administrations to take her dorm assignment. Sharing a room with someone else was no big deal, she did that a whole lot back at West Mansion, but she was neither excited about it either. There, she saw various students, some are familiar faces. The moment she saw them and the thought of already standing inside Rookfield made her smile, completely and intentionally forgetting the tweet she left hanging earlier. It would be alright. It was not as if they showed the "proof", so not everyone might believe. She convinced herself that. Crisanta waited behind the other students to have her assignment.

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Valerian Maxwell and Valentina Hayley Samson

Middle class, Card 6, Loser Class, Card 2


"Valy, you soon done in the shower?" Valerian asked through the closed door, knocking on the wood. They had to get to school, and his sister hadn't exactly been all too happy since the Admin had revealed how insecure she was to everyone. How she thought she looked like a dude.

And even if Valerian absolutely adored how they all had backed him up on that she doesn't have the body of a guy, he just wished his sister would accept it. Because like she said, the only thing that kept her from looking exactly like a dude was the long hair. Which was so wrong, so very wrong.

"I'm coming soon!" Valentina shouted back out to him, and even though he thought she still was in the shower, she wasn't. She just let the water run until now where she turned it off. So she still had a few minutes where he would think she was dressing and drying her hair. Something that was already done, just so she could stare back into the mirror.

The mirror reflecting how she felt she looked. How she lacked the curves that other girls had, how her breasts were ever so flat compared to others her age.

How unless she truly went in for it, she could look like a guy who didn't lift weights by just cutting off her hair.

And she hated it. She hated how she just looked like a guy. And it just reminded her of those awful months. Those months where she had spent her nights crying herself to sleep, or where she was too busy trying to hide bruised and cuts on her body from Valerian, to even pay attention to Jensen and Jared kicking demon ass.

It just reminded her of how she wasn't even worthy of that fairy tale that all the girls dreamed of.


But just an hour later they were in the car, heading to school, Valerian trying to not push on Valentina's buttons after she had broken the night before. After she had ended up crying and sobbing against his shoulder after the Admin reminded her of the name that jerk had used on his little sister. And god, he wanted to punch that admin for making Valentina cry. Still the look was on her face. That look of emptiness, of despair. That look he had worked so hard on getting her out of.

Luckily his sister was still herself a bit as she reached over to the music player and started playing around until she was on the cd she wanted.

started playing, Valentina sitting back again, looking out the window, quietly singing along. For even if she'd never admit it, she truly did love to sing along with the Celtic Thunder guys.
Arriving at the school, the twins got to the administration and took their papers, looking at the names which were there, and he could hear the sigh of relief from Valentina when she found out who Valerian would share with, after looking over at his papers where they stood by the door, after getting their papers from Ana Colviki.

"Hey, see? It won't be all to bad" Valerian smiled to his sister, trying to cheer her up. "Well, no. I'm sharing with Delphine which means snack time at like 3 am with cookies. And you share with Viktor who isn't all too scary so I can sneak into your room if I have to" She whispered, and then let her brother lead her back out to the car where they grabbed their bags, heading towards the dorms. Today just needed to get done.

The year just needed to get done.

Especially for Valentina, before the admins decided to reveal more of her life. For if they knew what he called her, what were to keep them from finding out what else he did?

Mr. Fortune

The man who's job was to make the rules be followed stood by the wall, standing with his back straight, his shoulders broad, and without the hint of being tired. For even if his job was to make rules be followed, he very much enjoyed going around them himself. That was even how, and why he was Mr. Fortune, Lady Luck's right hand.

Unlike those children running around at the school, without a clue as to who anyone of the admins were.

"Quite soon, they're all arriving"

He spoke under the mask, the creation covering his whole face kept him from being heard too clear, but they all knew, that after working so close, that all the admins knew how to understand him.

The games were starting, and rules had to be followed.
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Over the summer, Ana had successfully pissed both of her parents off on more than one occasion. Because of this, most of her vacation was spent being tossed back and forth between countries, constantly taking her in and out of the states. As awful as it was to spend more time on an airplane than anywhere else, she had to admit her summer still went pretty well. She had even managed to resolve a little misunderstanding with her father which was really her main goal to begin with. Despite the fact that it nearly made him cry, she worked up enough courage to inform him that she intended to stay in America for her last year of high school. Of course, she didn't have the heart to tell him about college at the time but that was definitely the next biggest issue she needed to discuss with her father. Besides, she was still hoping his last major deal worked out well enough that by this time next year her father would be back with the family where he truly belonged.

The drive to Rookwood was long and exhausting -- as usual. If it weren't for the immense amount of caffeine she ingested on the way, Ana would be ready to sleep for a week straight right about now. Luckily for her, that wasn't the case. In fact, she was in a pretty good mood and most of her energy had worn down enough to leave her perky but not overly so. As tiring as the drive was, she always found herself enjoying the time alone. It was nice to be able to step into her vehicle and suddenly have a barrier between her and the world. It was peaceful, and it made her feel much more secure than she did outside of the car. And there was always the bonus of being able to sing as loud as you want and not worrying about what people around you think about it. Since her music taste included such a wide variety, a lot of her friends, with the exception of her closest ones, judged her for things she chose to listen to. In her own car, she could listen to anything she wanted, switch genres whenever she desired, and sing as loud as she damn well pleased. Now that was something Ana truly loved.

Upon arriving at the school, she decided to chill in her car for a few minutes before going any further. For the most part, she just wanted to catch up on anything she missed while she was on the road. So far, pretty much everyone had been outed for one thing or another by the admins. The whole concept of the cards and the twitter page all pissed her off, to be honest, but what was there to do? It wasn't like Rookwood hadn't been dealing with this ridiculousness for years... Scrolling carelessly, her own name suddenly caught her eye. Hesitantly, she scrolled carefully back down her timeline, only to laugh out loud at what she read. "If that's the best you've got, you might want to dig a little deeper, assholes," she mumbled to herself as she unbuckled. Who do they think they are with some of this stuff? As she made her way out of the vehicle and to the admissions office, she couldn't help but shake her head occasionally as she thought back to the tweet. Yes, she dealt pot from time to time; so what? Yeah, she supposed it was illegal and all but not everywhere and that certainly didn't matter to 90% of the population. Nonetheless, she was rather confident in herself and, to her, the tweets were comical. Some were brutal, sure, but mostly comical.

"Ah, Miss Lavalle. It's nice to see that you've chosen to stick around." "Morning, Mr. Salam," she responded with a smile, "I considered moving back but I decided I'd miss Rookwood too much for that." After a few more words were exchanged, he began shuffling intently through his papers, leaving Ana standing in silence. Waiting patiently in front of the desk, hands clasped in front of her, she merely glanced at. In her experience, it was easiest to just leave her alone. Or, better yet, just ignore anything that comes out of her mouth because she will always have something to say. "What is taking so long? You do know there are other people who need their schedules, correct?"
Right on cue, she thought to herself, squinting slightly before rolling her eyes. "Well it isn't exactly my fault now is it, Ms. Colviki?" Her eyes finally fell on the young woman, just long enough to enjoy watching her lips purse, then turn into a pout as her retort was cut off. "... Ah! Here it is, Ana." Salam conveniently intervened, extending the paperwork to her. "Thanks," she stated simply, smiling at him once more before heading for the dorms, walking slowly while staring down at the information in her hands.

☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


A few years earlier...

The Wilde Household

Fourteen year old Butch sat on the holed up couch in the living room, watching the TV. There was nothing too interesting on, maybe except the police chasing criminals on the news. He loved when people like his father were busted, he would even sometimes imagine one of those criminals being his father. It was his birthday last night, yet, none of his family even bothered making an appearance to the house. His late grandma Valentina would always spoil him the best she could before she passed away, around when Butch was 6 years old. That's when his father saw fit to 'teach' him about life, something Butch hated with a passion. Butch wasn't a pussy, but he didn't feel the need to get a lesson in pain every single time he would see him.

Butch's mother and father returned, it being extremely late at night. Butch's father kicked Butch on the couch, his mother quickly moving into the kitchen. She learned it was best to remove herself from the situation. His father spoke in broken Russian, being originally from Britain. "Boy, get the fuck up, now!" Butch quickly stood up, glaring into his fathers eyes. "I heard you like to get into fights at school? Guess where me and your mother were at? Taking care of your bullshit!" Butch's father quickly delivered an uppercut punch to Butch's gut, catching Butch on guard, his eyes filled with water. His father usually wore multiple rings on his fingers, his way of adding more pain to his strikes. They worked. Butch's father continued to deliver punches to Butch's stomach, while talking to him and teaching him why what he did was wrong. "How the fuck are you supposed to fight a man on the street, if you can't even take this?! I'm not even hitting you on the face!" It continued until his father decided to stop, him taking Butch's mother upstairs. Butch went outside, throwing up on the iced patio. It was very cold outside, it making his pain somewhat feel better.

It was 3AM, and Butch was still outside. He wanted to numb his pain, at least, before he would finally fight back. He was sick of being a victim in his own house, no real man would let that happen. What kind of waste of life would allow someone to cause them pain? These are the questions that popped into Butch's head when he kicked in his own door to get inside the living room. Butch walked upstairs and went into his own room, flinging open his dresser. He grabbed a belt, wrapping it around his closed fist. His father always taught him that the hand would break against a mans face if the punch landed awkwardly. That was unless you wrapped it properly. He wanted his hands to stay in the fight for a long time. He wanted to finally teach his father a lesson.

Butch kicked down his parent's bedroom door, his mom shooting up. "Get the fuck back, mom!" Butch said in a very demanding voice, he was dead serious, and his mother knew it. She quickly ran into the closet, closing the doors so she wouldn't get

Caught into the exchange. Butch didn't give his father enough time to stand up, Butch swatting his dad's face with the loose belt buckle handing from his clenched fist. "You bloody fucka'! Fuckin' scum!!!" His dad said in his native tongue. His dad shot up and shoved Butch into the wall, quickly delivering more punches to his stomach. Butch quickly grabbed his fathers ears, head butting his nose. It was a simple trick his father had taught him, but it worked. His father flung back, red liquid running down his nose. Butch then jabbed his fathers face with the hand that was wrapped with the belt. It wasn't long until Butch was on top of him, continuing to deliver blows to his fathers face, eventually gouging out his eyes. "LOOK AT YOUR FACE NOW!" Butch screamed as he stuck both of his thumbs into his fathers eyes, him also screaming in pain. Butch's mother sprinted out if the closet, grabbing Butch by the hood of his jacket. They quickly left the house, taking his fathers car. They needed to leave, she didn't want Butch following in his fathers footsteps. If they were to stay, Butch would lead the gang. That couldn't happen, she wouldn't let it.

Present time...


Butch figured it would be a good time to finally enter the school grounds, eventually making his way into the reception building. He only carried a backpack full of essentials, his mother would eventually send him the rest of his vital clothing and other items. There was a slight line, him even noticing Delphine waiting in the line for the male receptionist. The female one however, was empty. Butch walked up to her desk, crossing his arms. "
Y-you know me, I'm Butch Wilde. 12th year." Butch said, slightly getting better at speaking the English language at this point in life. A stern look crossed the females face, her reluctantly grabbing his information from the computer, printing out everything he needed. "Butch, you've gotten bigger I see..." She said, not even looking him in the eyes. She was usually incredibly rude to him, yet, somewhat tolerable. "If you start any trouble this year, I'll make sure you learn your lesson this time." She said, almost slamming his papers on the desk. Butch didn't like lessons, but he grabbed the papers and folded them up into his pocket. "Teach me something I don't know. I dare you." Butch said with a glare. The female smiled, continuing to type on her computer. "Just get out of here... I'm sure someone will put you in your place someday."

Butch walked away from the desk, walking up to Delphine. He noticed Shawn and Victor standing in front of her. He didn't like either of them, and figured he would stand next to Delphine until she got out of line. "
Y-you okay?" Was all Butch could say, even though it was slightly stuttered, it was said in a confident tone. There was a slight furrowing of the brow when he looked toward the skeleton boy and the other Russian. Butch wasn't great at speaking English under pressure, and often tended to stutter it a little. He was getting better however, it would just take a little practice in the talking out loud department.


?Garnet Kristoff?


Garnet awoke to the loud noise and movement of her bed coming from her eldest brother. She sat up growling and threw a pillow at him hard before yelling "Holen Sie sich die fuck aus meinem Zimmer du Idiot !!!" Which resulted in him laughing his ass off and leaving her room. Groaning she moved her blonde hair out of her face and looked at the clock on her nightstand. She couldn't believe her brother woke her up two hours before she had to leave for Rookwood Academy. She was already pissed off at what the fucking Admins did to her but she could get over it. Getting out of bed she slipped on her moccasins and headed to her bathroom to get ready. While walking inside her new puppy and little demon Cain trotted inside and gave her good morning kisses on her legs to which made her chuckle. Leaning down and rubbing his head she walked over to the shower, turned the water on warm, stripped out of her pj's and hopped in. After getting out the shower and looking at herself in the mirror she lowered the towel showing the scar that was forced upon her by her ex-boyfriend. She still remembered the night liked it was yesterday when really it was just a year ago. She sighed closing her eyes and walked out the bathroom towards her closet to find some clothes.

Shuffling through the racks of clothes that she had left she shrugged and settled for something that matched and coveted her body. Throwing it on and grabbing her duffle bags already packed with the stuff she needed. She walked downstairs to the kitchen where she greeted both her dad's and her three brothers. After chatting and eating with her family it was time.
"Have a great time at the Academy...and stay strong..." Her second father told her. "Yeah and if some fucks with you beat em up..." Her first father told her which lead to him to getting a bruised arm. She laughed and said her last goodbyes, her last hugs and kisses before hopping into her 67 Chevy black impala.

?Arriving at the Academy?

After parking her baby in the spot she always parks at while at the school she took out all her luggage from the trunk the proceeded to walk to the building that held the dorms. Seeing a few students in line she waited for her turn. Once it was she received her room key, number and thanked the lady before leaving quickly. Reaching the room she unlocked the door with her key and entered seeing her roommate arrive before her. Luckily she didn't pick the bed that way by the window. Not yet saying hello, Garnet walked over to the bed throwing her bags on the not so flimsy mattress then sat on it. She sighed thinking about how this year her last year was going to be. She thought about the stupid Card Caste System also and how it was going to be riots left and right. Groaning she fell back on the mattress and really hoped her last year was going to go by smoothly, sadly it wasn't.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aa07c6ad272942bec7fcf9270334ba78.jpg.b6759ccac053653026dd8b523ca945b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aa07c6ad272942bec7fcf9270334ba78.jpg.b6759ccac053653026dd8b523ca945b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shawn peered around Viktor at the really snappy secretary who was now pissed of that Viktor was standing in the way and not saying anything. "Are you just going to stand there all day" the secretary said in a sassy tone. Shawn looked at the Secretary "He is Viktor" Shawn said in a hushed tone slowly moving his head back behind Viktor from his creepy peering. Shawn watched as the Secretary gave a sigh of disgust and gave Viktor his stuff. Shawn finally now could get his crap now because Viktor was taking forever because he would not speak. Shawn looked the new kid up and down. He then received a text which had freaked him out because of the loud noise that had came out and he stumbled to catch his phone. As soon as he had caught his phone he let out a sigh of relief only to have his happiness ruined. Something had gone off in Viktors mind when he heard the noise, for some reason to him he thought it was a gun shot. Shawn turned to see Delphine and waved his phone around "Thank god" he says just to have dead eyed Viktor put him in some sort of hold that looked like he would attempt to break his neck. "Fancy meeting you here Delphine, I did not want us to meet like this" Shawn says in a weird tone then he looked to Viktor "Ummm...hey Viktor there buddy, can we not choke me out, I barley know you bro" Shawn says in a raspy tone. Viktor seemed to have come back to reality and shook his head letting go, he walked away in a quickened pace his hand on his head.

Shawn got a good Ace ventura impression going and spoke while still turned to the now Butch and Delphine "
ALRIGHTY THEN" he said in quite the loud tone turning and looking at the nicer secretary "Its ya boi, Shawny" he says to the guy "Welcome back Shawn, please try to be more careful this year. " the male says handing Shawn his stuff. Shawn looked at him "I have no idea what just happened, I think the new kid just tried to assassinate me....Did they brainwash him or something because they know I am not going to play their game" Shawn says to himself more then the teacher and turned back to the two and shrugged "Sorry Butch I think you have some competition in trying to beat me up" Shawn says grabbing all his crap and walking away.

Shawn wandered away from the admissions wondering where the hell he was going, he saw some other kids with luggage so he became that of a leech and stuck to them, he did not speak to them but he did follow. Shawn was fairly confused about what just happened though, that and Viktor seemed not there when he was doing it, weirddddd. Shawn eventually reached the Dorms. He then flung himself into his hallway and raced to his room flinging open the door and flopping onto his bed, or at least the bed he had now claimed. He rolled around in getting his scent onto it then got up unpacking his stuff.

(( @Brown ))


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/alex-alex-pettyfer-33898333-1066-1600.jpg.fa392e4846589eb142a183aa861ac3e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/alex-alex-pettyfer-33898333-1066-1600.jpg.fa392e4846589eb142a183aa861ac3e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After Viktor snapped out of it he thought to himself, what the hell am I doing and let go of Shawn he looked at the line of people and shook his head when all he saw was a line of soldiers. It quickly went away and he walked past them all almost hitting into Butch as he Butch was meeting up with Delphine. Viktor pushed past everyone his head in hand as he drug his stuff away from the crowds. What the hell was wrong with him. It slowly was getting worse. He passed most on the way to his dorm, he was still rubbing his head as he walked. He saw Tweetie but again, did not say anything just rushed past heading to his room. He just needed to go lay down and think things through. He had to get these sights out of his mind, these nightmares.Once he reached his room he sat down on the bed.

Do you know how they say kids tend to pick things up better then adults, like if a kid was taught Spanish and then an adult was taught. The kid would be able to fluently speak both. But think about teaching a kid how to torture, how to fight, how to be emotionless. And then an adult....who do you think will remember better. Viktor just took a breath and looked back to the door a disturbing face staring at the door a mean looking one. As he remembered all the things he was taught. Those were the worst days.

Viktor now had his phone in his hand, he held it like a knife and threw it up and down as he calmed himself down. Tales told what happened to people trained under the illegal military force. But they were only tales. Viktor would never be normal, he knew this. But he would damn sure use his abilities to
strategise. He would not lose this game, not yet anyway.



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//Julia Davis//


Julia awoke with a start as the car halted to a sudden stop. She had stayed up late last night partially on Tumblr and partially catching up on two seasons of a TV show she recently got into. She made the most unattractive noise as her eyes flew open. She heard her dad chuckle beside her, he also still tired from staying late for work last night. She took a sip of the iced coffee they had made in the morning before calming herself down and getting over most of her grogginess. After a few moments, she stepped out. Blonde, blue eyed, slim, pretty. She felt confident in herself and in this school year. She was an upperclassman now, she knew what was happening. She went to the trunk and took out her luggage, swinging a duffel bag over one shoulder as she rolled the suitcase. She had some art supplies in her luggage and needed the extra duffel bag for her actual necessities. "Bye, Jules," her dad called. She looked back, waved, and begun walking towards the building. She wasn't as close with her parents as she was in the past and honestly wanted to get away from them. Other students were probably already inside and settled in, but thankfully she wasn't late.

She had debated whether she wanted to come back. Sure, she had had her fair share of luck when it came to the Card system, but she also had to pull strings to get her way. It was pretty tiring honestly. But as the summer went by, she realized how much she missed the excitement and the friends she had somehow made along the way. Not to mention she would be away from her parents and could do pretty much whatever she wanted. Her parents were slowly drifting apart, and the summer she spent with them only made it blatantly obvious. They would barely be in the same room and when they were, they would be discussing the business and never anything else. This was worse than fighting in her opinion because at least when people were fighting, there were things to fix. They just simply didn't care about each anymore, if they had before.

Putting on a carefree, oblivious facade, she walked with self assured steps. She waited in line for Mr. Salam. "Good Morning, Miss Davis," he said as he saw her, his face a little tired from dealing with all the students. She smiled.
"Morning." He printed out all the information she told her her room number: 101. She caught the woman at the office giving her a look, but she chose to ignore it. Instead, she thanked Mr. Salam and walked briskly to her dorm. 1..0...1......Got it! She slid her key in in a fluid movement and pushed open the door. It was neat, clean, and had two beds along with desks. She dropped her stuff on the bed closest to the door, not really caring which one she got. She shot a quick text to her parents telling them her room number and that she had made the journey to school safely. She wondered who her room mate was, hoping that she'd either nice or funny, maybe both. She'd even be happy if her room mate was amusing. Either way, she needed someone interesting.


Min-Ji & Oliver

Min-Ji's phone vibrated and pinged vigorously, her eyes fluttering open; she looked to the side, fingers grabbing for her phone. So many notifications. So many people getting angry. Her brows furrowed, knowing that this was exactly the effect that the 'RWLeaders' wanted. The young woman begged that she didn't have anything of hers uncovered - but of course, she never got what she wanted. Her lips formed into a frown, it didn't seem serious at first; they didn't uncover her biggest secret that ultimately leaded to guilt, but it was connected to it. In fact, it brought back the memory of that day where she lost someone dear to so many. "Shit.." She muttered under her breath, head against her pillow that was dusted with clay. She felt like she was punched in the stomach, because she realized that once the biggest thing in her life is revealed; there's no tearing it down. Min-Ji now understood why the internet was called 'The Web,' you simply couldn't just get yourself out of it, no matter how hard you try. And there it was again, unhappy thoughts wandering like they always did, the ones she tried so hard to push away by trying to make others happy.

"Min-Ji! おはよう!"

Her mother's face popped up from the door far from her bed.

"Saranghaeyo!" Her father face popped up as well, their joy was easily identifiable. "Min-Ji! Fighting!" Her parents rose their fists and began punching at the air. Obviously, they believed Min-Ji could go the whole year perfectly fine; it was a shame se hid so much from them.

"Fighting.." She uttered a smile, forcing herself out of bed only tear hear a third voice. Again, more pep talk. "
Let's go, Momo. Get'cha pretty ass outta bed and into the shower. Rookwood is waiting, and I don't want to take too long!" Min-Ji sighed, running her hands through her hair as she wrapped her blanket tightly around her small body. "I can't get ready if you're all in here... Can you please leave?" The bunch all looked at each other, then over to Min-Ji, then back to each other once again. "Okay!" They all spoke collectively, flashing her a thumbs up before turning to leave. "Actually.. Olli.. Can you stay? I have something to talk about.." Min-Ji looked down as she spoke, hoping that it wasn't too much for her to ask of him. "Oh.. Yeah. Of course!" The boy smiled, pearly whites hit by the sunlight that peeked through the window. "What's up, buttercup?" For a moment she was silent, until her parents left; sudden grief cascading onto her face. "God, this again. You'll be fine, promise!"

She looked up at her best friend, a popular kid who was the opposite of her. "
I'm sorry. I-"

There's nothing to say sorry about. Now c'mon. Get dressed, because I finally got my own wheels. I'll even blast some of The Clash for you!"

Min-Ji appreciated the effort and nodded, quickly pushing him out of her room in order to collect herself and be ready. And not too long after, Min-Ji found herself singing along with Oliver. "
This indecision's buggin' me. If you don't want me set me free. Exactly whom am I supposed to be? Don't think these rich clothes even fit me.." They pointed to each other, finishing off each line as the scenery passed them. It seemed that Oliver was lacking in sleep, but it was most likely because he'd been thinking about his child. He came to a sudden silence, music turning down as he began to speak. "Do you think I'm a dead-beat dad?" Min-Ji shook her head. "Then.. why the fuck would she call me that? She's the one who stopped my kid from even seeing me!"

Calm down. She's just being stupid," Min-Ji furrowed her brows; unable to fathom any further words in order to comfort him. All she wanted was the happiness of others so she could live vicariously through them. "I'm calm.. I'm calm. Uh.. hey, we're almost there. Ready to fuck 'em up?" He rose his pinky finger towards her and smiled as she lifted hers and linked them together."Fighting!" The two spoke loudly as he finally came to a stop in front of the school. His bags were mixed with hers, but it wasn't hard to sort them out. Min-Ji's were covered with nothing, whereas Oliver's was covered with studs, patches, and a whole lot of profanity. The two sorted through and rolled out of the vintage car that glistened in the sunlight. He patted Min-Ji's head, grabbing her hand afterwards and winking. "You're gonna be fine, kid. Swear."

She nodded, watching him bolt off into the distance; it wouldn't take too long to catch up to him. "W-Wait!" Min-Ji's face turned red as she ran after the highly ecstatic drummer. "Quit slackin'. I know you ain't athletic, but you can move those lil' legs of yours!" Min-Ji frowned, stopping to catch her breath as Oliver stumbled into the Admissions, nearly tripping over his own feet. "Olli boy is here and is- shit, where she go, though?" He pursed his lips, opening the door of the building. "C'mon, Momo! Jesus!"

Min-Ji huffed, lugging her things with her as she struggled to make her way to the office; luckily, she didn't die before he made it there. The young woman panted and wheezed, leaning against the wall. "
You.. I hate you.." She frowned, looking over to those at the desk.

(( Sorry this sucks. All I can get in until I get outta California. Probably the only time I'll have access to a computer is... now? ))

Delphine Ambridge

‘Another shit storm on Twitter’ Delphine thought as she read the exchanges between different students on her feed. It was a sad fact that they were all playing into the ‘Admin’ game even though there were those claiming not to. Even Delphine was guilty of it. Unfortunately there was just no stopping the ‘Admins’ fire, she just hoped she would get through the year in one piece. She refused to follow their game, but she did not know how everything would go. There was already problems on Twitter, who knew what would come Rotations days. Everything just completely sucked at this point, and she was mad as her. Well she guessed it was another year of being unsocial.

“Y-you okay?” a deep baritone voice whacked her out of thoughts as she turned around to a familiar face, she had only seen on Twitter.

“Butch?” she asked uncertain knowing she sometime get people wrong when she asked them who they were. But her inquiry was cut off by Shawn and Victor’s odd confrontation. ‘What the hell happened?’ She was genuinely confused as she turned around to see Victor in a deadly headlock. She heard Shawn gasped out something to her but it was sort of choked off by Victor’s hold. ‘God this is so weird.’ She thought when she saw that Victor let Shawn go and walked out the door. Shawn quickly followed suit as he collected his papers, and walked out. But not before leaving behind a few words to Butch.

“What…The…Hell?” Delphine could only shrug at everyone’s weirdness, and turn back to Butch giving him a rare but kind smile. “So... it is nice to meet you in real life. You just as intimidating as you are on Twitter.” She told Butch her smile turning into an amused grin. Del did not smile often, but Butch was an ok guy in her book, and she was excite to meet him. After all they had a match to settle.

@Brown @BlackJack
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.451dd54f92c376e075c8f45aa66856b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.451dd54f92c376e075c8f45aa66856b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>TweetieBehe

Tweetie was walking down a path leading to the dorms. She was taking her time, walking rather slow as she dreaded the fact that cards were to be assigned soon. She then noticed another person had walked straight past her, as though they were in a hurry. From the looks it seemed to be that foreign exchange kid Viktor. She only ever saw a single picture of him of twitter, but it matched. The rush he was in caused Tweetie to stand still for a moment, wondering what he was up to.

Right when she was about to walk again she heard a ping from her back pocket. Since the 'Admins' started posting secrets she decided to turn on notifications for them. She knew damn well she was going to be targeted at some point and now it was a waiting game. Her wait wasn't too long however when she opened up the notification, noticing her name and the mention of her smoking habit. It wasn't the revealing of her cigarette addiction that got her slightly mad. Instead it was the mention of 'a little one at home.' She wasn't sure if they knew who exactly Quinton was, but it still didn't like them talking about her son. 'Dont react Tweetie. Dont react. Let them get bored and then take action.' Tweetie gave herself a mental pep talk before she reached into her hoddie pocket, pulling out her lighter and cigarette pack. Hell, it was no longer a secret so she might as well let everyone know the truth. She took a large inhale before puffing out the tobacco scented smoke. She then set off to find her dorm.

Tweetie made it to the dormitories. Everything seemed quiet so far so she decided that not many people have come to explore their rooms. Tweetie mumbled the numbers under her breath until she found her dorm. '101 alright then' she thought reaching out to find the room already unlocked. She placed the key back into her pocket and opened the door, being greeted by a pretty blonde who seemed to be half a foot taller than her. 'What's up with tall blondes in my life' Tweetie scoffed, puffing out her cheeks. She didn't say anything at first, just going to the available bed and dropping her suitcase down. She then opened it, getting distracted by another ping. She pulled out her phone, reading something about her new roommate.

"Why don't you tell people you paint?" Tweetie whispered, pulling out a few pictures she planned on pinning up on her wall. She didn't think it was that much of an issue for it to be a secret. But she wasn't one write off people attitudes and secrets as worthless or petty. Everyone had a reason for the way they acted or the thing the kept to themselves.




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☭вυт¢н ωιℓ∂є☭


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.656a31a4c69bb92b4d866976493ee92c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.656a31a4c69bb92b4d866976493ee92c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was then, everybody started taking out their phones. Butch decided to follow suit, reaching into his raggedy jeans for his iPhone, tapping the twitter app; and opening the translator on a different page, just incase he had trouble understanding the slang and lingo the kids would often use. It was then he saw more secrets being revealed. A couple of them even ticked him off, even though they weren't directed toward him. After making his point to the group through the app, he stowed the phone back into the pocket of his jeans.

Butch saw fit to slightly stand in front of Delphine as the Russian decided to somewhat choke Shawn. He thought it was slightly funny how Shawn didn't do anything but joke around, like a loser. It wasn't until he let go of Shawn, that Butch got pissed. He nearly smacked into Butch as he walked through everyone to get out of the situation. When Shawn mentioned 'competition', Butch furrowed his eyebrows, his mouth somewhat left open. "
I-I'll Fuck-Start his face if he bumps into me like that again." He said in a slight-but-rough stutter. Butch often didn't know what his cuss-words often meant, but they always somehow combined into something hilarious. He was in a bad mood now, but it all changed once Delphine started talking to him. "... Intimidation is something these kids don't seem to care about anyway. It is good to meet you..." He said in a more upbeat voice, even though it was still a rough stutter. A slight grin appeared on his face, now crossing his arms. His hoodie somewhat looking small on him, the hood covering the baseball cap on his head.

She was very attractive in person, and primal urge to tell her so almost came naturally. However, her looks weren't the main reason she had earned his good-will. He didn't see the point in pointing out obvious things anyhow, she probably knew exactly how good she looked. Butch reached into his pocket and looked at his room schedule. He wasn't put in with the 'sucker-choking' Russian, so he didn't mind. "
Hope you're not in a room with a bunch of slender-head saucer drinkers..." Butch said somewhat sarcastically. With the luck the two of them had, the Admins probably made the room assignments too.




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//Julia Davis//

Julia Davis heard the door open after a couple minutes of unpacking and looked up, instantly putting on a warm smile. Even if her room mate was horrible or if she just didn't like her, she knew she needed to at least try to be on good terms with most people in case she needed something from them in the future.
"Hi, I'm Julia. Nice to meet you. And you're..?" Her room mate didn't say anything at first, but Julia brushed it off. She tried and that's what counted in her mind. Her phone vibrated a couple of times, probably from the Card Admins. But Julia didn't feel like looking at the tweets..until her room mate whispered something eerily about her painting. "...Wait, what?" she asked, surprised. A thought popped in her head and she snatched her phone off of her bed to check the tweets. And there it was, something about her already. She knew they were fast, but last year they had waited a bit before posting something about her. Ugh. She let out an exasperated noise and rolled her eyes, tossing her phone back on the bed with a thud and turning to her room mate. "It's not like I hide it," she said, keeping her tone reasonable but irritated. She was annoyed at the tweet but also at her room mate for bringing it up. Her secret wasn't even really a secret and it certainly wasn't as good as some of the other tweets from the day. "I like track and running more, so I stick with that." She paused, remembering reading something about her room mate as well. "Also, I'd appreciate it if you try to smoke outside of the room." She didn't want to seem uptight and she had smoked before, she just didn't want the room to start smelling of cigarettes. If anything, she was worried about the smell rubbing off on her and her clothes. It was also a safety hazard. Just then, she thought of something else. "What's your schedule? Maybe we have some classes together."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.4c94acc28723ea0adc6f00b39b02a460.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_011318.jpg.4c94acc28723ea0adc6f00b39b02a460.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Tweetie Behe

Tweetie carefully stood on her bed, letting her weight be distributed between both feet. She then picked up her first picture, carefully pinning it to the wall with a thumb tack. It was a picture of her smiling as her son chewed of her hair. It was one of her more favorite pictures and in no time her whole wall would be filled with pictures of the boy and her. She then carefully listened to her roommate talk. She seemed so happy and giddy before but now annoyance seemed to be placed on her face.

"I see." She mumbled after the girl explained why it was a secret. She did confirm that it was simply because she wanted to be known for running instead of painting. Tweetie could respect that though. She didn't want to be known as the highschool mother just as though Julie didn't want to be know as the painter. "Je ne fume quand il est stressè " Tweetie explained in French, only realizing afterwards she was speaking in a different dialect. "Ah sorry. English. I only smoke when stressed..." She mumbled once again.

Tweetie jumped down from the bed and reached into her messenger bag. She pulled out her schedule before handing it to the blonde girl. "Tweetie Behe." She shrugged slightly, finally giving the other her name.




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Sunshine woke up to her mom, downstairs yelling her name. She got out of bed and ran towards her hugging her. "We're an awesome mom but you need to Shut the fuck up" Sunshine said to her mom before going back to her room. She went to the connected bathroom walking over to the sink and washed her hair not wanting to take a shower since she took one the night before, she brushed out her hair into a high ponytail. Sunshine walked into her room and got dressed into something nice. Even though she was in the middle class, it was still the first day of school and she liked to dress as is she was a popular since she was one number away. Sunshine slipped on her Heels before heading down the stairs seeing her mom once again, "Bye mom, Love you tell dad I love him too" She said, her parents worked together but don't live together int e same house.

Sunshine got into her
car, Which had pre-packed with suitcases. As she started her car before she speed her way to the school that was two towns away from hers. She constantly looked at her phone, trying to catch up with the drama and not trying to crash. She finally got to school, she got out and unpacked her car, she made her way to the Administrative office. Waiting in the 20 minute line, but the wait was worth it, she got her schedule and everything necessary. She headed to her Dorm room taking her time and talking to some people in middle class. About the freshmen they had no clue what they were getting themselves into. Before walking to her room which it didn't take long since it was her last year, she knew where to exactly go since she has been around. She walked into her room claiming a bed by placing her bags on it.



It took quite a while. There was nothing else she did other than observe the other students as she waited at a line. She would fumble on her phone, but it would only remind her of what she had read that morning. She was better off bored, she thought. But not too long, the line shorten and it was finally her turn to take her dorm assignment and schedule. At the end of the line, she was taken back by both a friendly and not too friendly smile. "...Good morning, Mr. Salam, Ms. Croviki," she greeted, returning the smile the male secretary gave. She knew them. Crisanta had meet them when she decided to enroll in the Academy. Ah, but honestly, he looked better on his attire than the last. It reminded her of an old geezer at their neighborhood who had the same style of shirt. Must be the latest trend if even uncles would wear them. Well, he must've kept himself neat and presentable for work today. She'll give him that. Probably. So was the woman with him, she looked intimidatingly beautiful. God, was she even an adult? Why wasn't she a teeenager like her, too? No, why wasn't she an adult, too? "Will you hurry up? Other students are also waiting," Ms. Croviki said, snapping her out of her disgusting thoughts. "Right," Crisanta responded before laughing at her absent-mindedness, "Sorry, Ms. Croviki. I just feel a little nervous."

Ms. Croviki didn't pay her a second attention, since Crisanta was standing on Mr. Salam's lane. Geez, she should've stood on the other side. Crisanta inwardly sighed, before pulling another innocent smile on her lips as she spoke with the secratary before him.
"Crisanta Del Rosario," she introduced herself, which must've sounded familiar since Mr. Salam perked in delight. "Ah, yes. Welcome to Rookwood, Ms. Del Rosario! I heard you went back to your homecountry? Spain? How was it?" It was a question Crisanta hoped she could avoid. Spain. She did fly back to her homecountry for summer but, it definitely wasn't Spain. Crisanta kept on smiling, tilting her head to the side as she answered his questions, "Great, Mr. Salam. It was a summer worth to remember." That was no lie. It was definitely a summer to remember after spending the whole time with her relatives. Crisanta would be looking forward for the next vacation. He in turn mentioned how it would be great if he could someday visit Spain. 'Please save me,' she screamed inside her head, but nothing came out of her mouth, only nods, pretending to be listening to him. Before Mr. Salam could ask how she was during the vacation, given that the man always worry about others, Ms. Croviki spoke up again, as if coming to the rescue, which made Crisanta's little heart jump. "There are students behind her, Mr. Salam. I think you should cut to the case," she reminded. "Right!"

After forever, Crisanta finally had her dorm assignment and schedule. Her classes seemed perfect, and she finally had a place to stay while she was at school. Crisanta gave her thanks to the secretaries, especially to Ms. Croviki who had given her a
sight to see for the morning and even saved her from telling every single lie from her Lie Directory. With a key and a room number on her hand and a luggage on the other, she waltzed her way to the dormitory. It was a hassle to carry her huge bag all the way up to her floor, but finally, she stood in front of the door with a number 103 glued on the door.

Crisanta unlocked the door and entered the room, before locking it again. It was empty. Her roommate might not be in, yet, which was a great thing. She wanted to call dibs. Scanning the room, she spotted the best spot to spend her nights of endless wonders. She approached the bed closest to the shelves stuck on the wall and dropped her bag on top, before herself with a deep sigh. There was only silence in the room, and it was comforting. She already missed her little Jared, but a least she finally had her own bed. The silence didn't stay long, though. The door was unlocked for the second time and a girl with a darker tone and a different hair color entered. Girl. Well, of course it was a girl. Crisanta smiled at her, thinking there would be some kind of introduction but instead, her supposed roommate flopped to the other bed.
'Wow. Was I invisible just now?' she thought. If she wanted to survive Rookwood and still survive even after falling to the lowest rank of the so-called Caste Card System - as if she'd let that happen - she needed to just suck in the ignorance and approach. Crisanta stood up from her bed and walked up to her roommate. "Hello there, roommate," she greeted with the huge smile she had been wearing since earlier, "I'm Cris. Crisanta Del Rosario." Boy, was her cheek in pain.


?Garnet Kristoff?


Garnet opened her eyes when her roommate waliked over to her with that smile on her face. It was kinda annoying and she didn't like it at all. She looked into her eyes with her bright lavender ones and spoke "Stop smiling...this is not a great day..." She told her before getting up. "Garnet Kristoff...it's a pleasure to meet you I guess..." She mumbled then started to unpack her things. She took off her flannel showing her three large tattoos then opened the window. Turning back around she gave her a small smile "That's funny...my nickname is Kris also but I use a K instead of a C like you do..." She told her as she unzipped one of her duffle bags and began taking out her undergarments putting them inside the drawers. She was used to the whole routine already but she didn't know whether her roommate was freshmeat or not. "Hey...are you a freshman or something cause I don't think I've seen you around the school before..." She slowly walked over her her German accent slowly making its way out her mouth. "Even of you are a freshman...you're freshmeat to the other upperclassmen here...like me..." smirking she back away and resumed unpacking her clothes before starting to remove her skateboards from a different bag, she only had six, two penny boards, two Longboards and two regular boards. She liked to mix it up a little bit. After placing those under her bed she hopped up and began plastering posters on he side of the wall. Maybe this year will be alright but she highly doubt it cause of the damn Admins who just get a sick pleasure out of telling her and her friends secrets.

@Gasa Bellsica
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'What?' she thought, 'I was being nice and everything, too.' But her roommate didn't seem too good in mood either, which gave her a reason to hold back her tongue. Crisanta was on the same boat, after all - only that she thought she handled it better. Though told to stop, the smile that was asked to leave never even faded, though it weaken a little. It was a real pain in the cheek. "Really? That's gonna get confusing soon," she giggled before turning to her side of the bed and zipped her own luggage open, "Well, just call me Crissy, Kris." Dormitories. They didn't have dormitories at her old school. She didn't need it either, until quite a bit recently. So Crisanta had no first clue on what she should actually do, though it must be the same as transferring houses.

She picked up a few of her clothes, some of which she remembered buying on a sales store, despite being branded. If she was lucky, no one would notice. Crisanta turned around and, to her surprise, was facing her roommate quite closer than earlier. From that short distance, she noticed a few physical aspects of her. Her eyes were of different color than she would usually see. She was insanely tall, a few inches above her, yet it gave almost a strain at her neck. A beauty? Sure, for their generation, perhaps. Ms. Croviki was still above her list.
"Uh, no, I am a sophomore," she answered. Though, Crisanta was quite left confused from her last words, at the same time flustered with her cluelessness. "Upper classmen's freshmeat?"

'Still a fresh meat? Like sopho-meat?' Though she was strikingly attractive, it took everything for her not to go all gung-ho over a woman. No, just no. Crisanta lightly slapped her face when she noticed her stupidity card lifting from her sweet, friendly mask. Sometimes, really, it was hard to organize. Crisanta segregated her shirts from pants, socks from undergarments. While so, she initiated a conversation. Would it be bad to know her roommate? "Nice board you have there," she commented when she decided to take a peek on what she was doing. Quite a lot of things, she thought, half of which she didn't exactly have at home, like posters. Crisanta stared at them and could feel her stomach quite sick. She wanted to say how she would prefer not to have posters all around the room, but she couldn't. That sweet, friendly mask she was currently wearing was holding her back. "Quite a lot of things. I didn't think it's allowed," she added, "I'm just a transfer student, I didn't know. Haha!"


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