• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Carbon Town] Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work


John Doe [Reading Music]

With the gradually increasing number of people suddenly joining in, John decided to keep to himself. Not all had the courtesy to introduce themselves while others would come and go as they pleased whilst in the middle of their conversation. Well, what else was there to expect. They were simple individuals that were mostly driven by coin. No matter how unruly the meeting became, John was in no position to judge. Though, he did decided that this was something he did not want to deal with. He was merely there to listen to whatever plan that was formulated, not to facilitate. He would leave that to Sasha.

While he waited for the rest to gather their bearing, John focused on the frosty beverage he had in his hand. The mug he was given was larger and heavier than he expected, but the richness of the milk was well worth it. As he took one more hearty sip of his frothy brew, John was pleasantly surprised by the beastkin, Jack. Not only did he show etiquette, but he was also smaller than John. It had been a while since he met someone that fit that criteria.

"Hello, friend." John put down his drink, nodding to Jack before offering him a handshake.

"A fledging mage to be exact." He smiled, appreciating how polite Jack was. "Do you also practice magic?" He was hoping to meet another mage. "Or do your talents lie else where?" He curiously asked.

Interactions: SoftSmile SoftSmile
Ryan Kylieth

Seeing no resistance, Ryan sat down and allowed things to pan out. Sasha dutifully, and after some ruckus causing her to lose the attention of the group. The groups started to form, more unfamiliar faces kept arriving. Given his status as a [Body], he tried to blend in silently as things were being set. His [Timid] nature had him muted. Too many people, all around him. He decided to just wait for Sasha's call to action. Little did she know he had no agenda against her, neither Regula nor himself. Not that he knew of, at least.
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Character Grade F - [Martial Artist]
For his part Shere stood but still and tranquil, eyes going back and forth between the wanted posters to get a better sense of the details and everyone around him scrambling more or less in place. Oh so much to say, all to deaf ears. The lizardman, Darin, meant well but reporting corruption based on absolutely no concrete evidence whatsoever would be less than meaningless, it might even endanger him in the worst case, but before this could be discussed further off he went. Well, just making a mention to the adventurer's guild should be fine, hopefully. Might be time to talk to him about it later.

More than anything, he felt terrible for the two small children who should not have to be out adventuring, especially when it became clear they weren't just there under the wing of a more hardened sort. Sure, he understood that this world operated under different rules and that those kids could also have their own powers, but it still didn't sit well with him. He moved closer and reached out to John and Jack, giving them a firm pat on their shoulders. "Remember, no shame in staying safe, you two. If things look too dangerous, the most important thing is to just stay safe alright? If you stay safe you can get help if you need it."

And to Sasha and Morrigan he raised a knowing eyebrow. "Well, if the information we have is so accurate we needn't bother having a chat with their man, then I suppose we had best get going then? Before they get antsy about a missing friend." He reached into his jacket as he spoke, pulling out a simple white handkerchief and offering it to the still somewhat bloody-handed woman. "If we are working together then it'd be good to be...n'sync."

Model ST3-LL4
Location: Behind the Inn
Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Uasal Uasal , Ian Temero Ian Temero , Perdict Perdict

Stella's jaw dropped as she saw how easily the guard dispatched Mr. Tubs. She was no expert in combat analysis—not anywhere close to being adept at it either—but Stella could tell that the shot that incapacitated Mr. Tubs should have killed him on the spot several times over...

And yet, she still sensed vital signs. "It have been some sort of magic that was activated at the moment of firing with the intent to spare his life," she thought. "At least he's disarmed now, so he's not hurting anyone anytime soon."

Funnily enough, the weapon that Tubs had been holding was now in Rios's hands. She let out a giggle as she watched him swing the blade in the most awkward way she'd ever seen. Regardless of how funny he looked while swinging it around, a sword will always beat a wooden stick as a weapon. "Looks like your luck is turning around," she told Rios. "All's well that ends well, right?"

That's when the young lady made her exit. Stella whimpered as she processed her sarcastic remarks about bothering an armed man. In hindsight, she probably should have figured out Mr. Tubs was the instigator. Even if that woman was the one hurling insults his way, it wasn't like she was armed, unlike him. "I should apologize next time I see her..."

It took Stella noticing where the young lady was going for her to remember what she should have been doing the entire time. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Oh, shoot," she muttered. Turning to Rios, she balled her fists and exclaimed, "That's right, the meeting! We're missing the meeting! C'mon, Rios, we have to return to the tavern before we get kicked out of the mission!"

Flustered, Stella hurried back into the bar, but not before waving in the general direction of the guard that had saved them. Whether the guard in question had seen her, she wasn't sure. While making sure she made as little effort to stand out as possible, she took a seat just barely within earshot of Sasha and the young lady that had snapped at her earlier. She'd arrived just in time to see the latter make a joke about a group called the Spice Girls, and before she knew it, she'd already zoned out, wondering if she'd be willing to fight a gang with that kind of name. That's when another man raised his voice and made a comment about being "n'sync"... his face made it pretty clear he had an idea of what was going on, so she decided to raise her hand and ask, in case there was some sort of code she was missing. "Excuse me!" she called. "Care to explain the joke? Y'know, so the rest of us don't feel like Outkasts..."

For some reason, that last word read differently than she expected when it left her CPU. She brushed the thought off. It's not like the pronunciation changed, after all.


Alternate identity F in effect -

Sasha Leonard - [Adventurer] [Scout] [Kind] - A common Adventurer
Delta was glad to see things progressing smoothly, but such smoothness wouldn't last for long. What with Morrigan's sudden intrusion and declaration of interest in the quest combined with the return of those two love birds who had earlier left. Bringing a hand to the back of her head, Delta would scratch her scalp softly and chuckle along with Morrigan, who seemed to find the wanted bounty quite amusing for some reason. "The Spice Girls? Are they a local gang too? I can't say I know them, sorry. But if you really would like to join in, then you can go with the town team. Jack there will get you up to speed on the details. Rios, you can join them too now that you're back and... Stella was it, you can join us on the cave team."

Looking to Shere, Delta nodded in agreement "The intel should be solid, I confirmed it myself. Time waits for no one as they say, shall we all get going then?".

Stella began asking questions about how Morrigan and Shere were speaking but Delta quite honestly just chalked them up as weirdos. That being said she did wait for them to finish their interaction before promoting everyone to split up into their teams.

Darrin, Morrigan, Rios, Jack and John would come together to form the town team. At which point Delta would issue Jack a map upon which the base located in the town was highlighted. "Expect resistance and be careful not to get civilians caught up in your attacks. Take as many of them alive as you can and good luck!".

Her own team was formed with Shere, Ryan, Stella, and Shei. With Delta actually on this team, no map was required, instead, she would lead them to their target destination while avoiding and disarming traps.

With that, our heroes diverged and set out to banish evil!​

Town Team

Ian Temero Ian Temero SoftSmile SoftSmile Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Voider Voider Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice

The Town team hadn't all that far to go, a ten-minute walk and they had arrived at their destination. A Bar and Inn called the Talon. A sizeable bar located in a seedy part of town, even without [Street Sense] one could easily believe the tavern could be a front for a criminal organization. And that it was. According to Delta, this place acted as a literal cover for the illegal store of goods that hid below it somewhere. Or at least those who actually listened to Delta would know such.

Entering through the front door our rag-tag group of fledgling adventurers would be met with an empty bar. Or almost empty that is for a single man, armed with a bow standing behind the counter. With his bowstring drawn and aiming at John, the man spoke loudly. "So you're the bounty hunters then? A duo of Kids, a Lizard, and two hobos? Ha! Move a step closer and I'll end the snot-nosed brat ya hear me?"

"Just what sort of idiots hand out fliers announcing a raid anyway! It's almost like you wanted us prepared and ready. You're a bunch of fools. I want you all to back up slowly, leave the boy and the gun. Got it?"

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects will cost 5 feet movement and an action.

Note: Any movement or attack toward the Bandit that is behind the bar will result in a priority attack being launched toward John.
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.
  1. Brake free from Tangle
  2. Movement north, just out of the brood mother's attack range
  3. [Piercing Moonlight] - F - [Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Holy Ice] [Hot Shot]- Raising her blade for a single blinding slash, Nox commits to an attack on her target with the sole intention of Piercing their very being. 0 Post cooldown/1 Action - [Natural Weapon] E + Strength D + [Piercing Moonlight] F = 6 Base Combat Effectiveness.

The Cave Team
Perdict Perdict Trystan1295 Trystan1295 CIVBIX CIVBIX Valkan Valkan

For the Cave team things had progressed quite smoothly up until now. Delta had successfully led the group to the cave hideout where the group was rumored to be keeping the kidnapped women. Delta had disarmed every trap the group had set up to alarm them of intruders and had also taken care of quite a few beartraps that had been laid. All in all their progression to and into the cave had gone splendidly. Though it was now about to become far more dangerous.

The group had the drop on their opponents, Shere, in particular, could hear two of the gang members conversing among themselves just a few feet away. It seemed they were on guard, meant to surprise anyone 'dumb' enough to trigger the alarms they had set up. Little did they know their reliance on those alarms would likely spell their doom.

How would the cave team go about handling their situation? For now, they had the advantage of surprise but would it last for long?

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects and or through Aalies will cost 5 feet movement and an action.

Note: A surprise attack bonus will be applied to the group's attacks this round
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.
  1. Brake free from Tangle
  2. Movement north, just out of the brood mother's attack range
  3. [Piercing Moonlight] - F - [Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Holy Ice] [Hot Shot]- Raising her blade for a single blinding slash, Nox commits to an attack on her target with the sole intention of Piercing their very being. 0 Post cooldown/1 Action - [Natural Weapon] E + Strength D + [Piercing Moonlight] F = 6 Base Combat Effectiveness.


Interactions: Town Team ( Ian Temero Ian Temero , SoftSmile SoftSmile , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice )
Darin 256x256.pngDarin walked along with the group in silence, his mind set on the mission. Approaching the designated bar, he pulled the hammer on his musket, now ready to fire at a moment's notice.

As they entered the bar and met the gangster behind the counter, Darin took the moment of their opponent's meaningless monologue to study the situation. By the end of the gangster's threat, he had a basic -but almost certainly effective- plan in mind; with the assumption that a confrontation was inevitable, and that every second of delay allowed the gangsters to further prepare, he came to the conclusion that swiftly taking the initiative of this battle would be preferable.

"I'll cover the rest you; I'll try to take this one down in a single, swift shot." With whispered words to his team, and by the end of the gangster's threat, he ran [Fast F] forward to the table directly in front of them, quickly crouching to take cover behind it. Not long after, he aligned his gun with the target, aiming before pulling the trigger [Precise Shot]. While it seemed unlikely that they could take the man down before he fired at least one arrow, Darin was sure that his allies weren't foolish enough to be idle.

Action 1: Movement- three squares east, one square south
Action 2: Ability- usage of [Precise Shot]

Precise Shot
- Constant Positioning (Gun) E, Range F, Accurate F - Fire a projectile with precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 10ft or less away. (In the case that the intended point of contact is on a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 1.). - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Smoothbore Musket E (2) + Precision D (3) + Precise Shot E (2) = 7 Effectiveness
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Character Grade F - [Martial Artist]
Shere seemed to be taking the whole thing with unnerving calm, as if wading into an armed gang's hideout was nothing but a curious little stroll for him. He kept looking around to and fro, as if to take in the sights of the area, which in a way he was doing by taking note of the path and where Sasha disarmed the traps. He even gave her a polite nod of gratitude each time she worked her skills, and then it was the adventurers' turn. His turn specifically, as he had wound up at the front of the raiding party. Silently he adjusted his gloves and stepped ahead, tugging at the laces on his wrists as a habit.

He just strolled past the first guard to the east, nice and smooth, walking in as if he owned the place and taking advantage of that moment of surprise to step right up to the man slightly further ahead. Putting both bandits in reach. No wasted moments, no wasted breath, the moment he stepped into position he pivoted his feet, bent at the waist and broke into a twirl, and from the spin his arms struck out as deadly whips. The knife edge of his hands aimed for the foes' necks, their throats or the sides with their critical nerves and arteries, looking to put them down swiftly and without a ruckus.

And from the twirl he skipped ahead and pressed his back to the small building up north, trying to hide from any other Back Street Boy that might glance his way.

1) Move two squares north

2) Attack with ability Formless [F] - Accurate F, Area F, Blight F (Bludgeoning), Blind Fighter, Contact F, Continuing F (Pain), Flexible, Hot Shot F, Linked F, Multidimensional, Nonlethal F, Penetrating F, Selective - Shere is using a chain of spinning backhand chops aimed at the bandits' necks, specifically the vital points of the throat and the sides, looking to knock them unconscious without letting them make a sound. 0 post cooldown. Strength E (2), Natural Weapon F (1), Formless F (1) = 4 base combat effectiveness.

3) Move one more square to the north

Interactions (Cave Team): Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 CIVBIX CIVBIX Valkan Valkan
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Location: Talon Bar

Rios knew wandering into this literal den of thieves would pose quite a few risks to his health. However he did NOT take kindly to being called a hobo. Sure he was homeless and broke but that didn't mean a bunch of third rate muggers got to call him a hobo. Seeing their Kobold comrade begin the engagement with some quick cover shot moves. Rios had no moves to make since he had focused on not dying of starvation rather than learning techniques. Thus his only option was to improvise and hope he wouldn't get himself killed in the process. Praying that today would be his [Lucky D] day. Rios unsheathed his new sword and tried his best to hold it in a threatening way despite having literally zero experience with one of these things. Watching the guy behind the counter aim an arrow right at them. The aspiring adventurer dashed forward in an attempt to literally slice the arrow from the air the moment it was fired. Unfortunately reality was often disappointing and Rios tripped over a loose floorboard, tumbling into a forward roll before smacking face first into the bar. Feeling pain in his head and ringing in his ears. Rios tried to get his bearings just in case the bandits tried to surround him like bandits tended to do.

Movement: Dash ->Flop four squares east
Action: [Lucky D], Trip

John Doe [Reading Music - Combat]

As they made their way to the town hideout, John stuck nearby Jack for two reasons. One, he wanted to get as much information as he could from Sasha and the map she had left them. And two, constantly looking up would strain his neck. That was a problem he did not want to face while having to deal with criminals who were most likely murderous.

The moment they stepped into the Talon, they were immediately greeted by an angry man and a presumably sharp arrow. And for some reason, out of all of them, John – Yes, John - the four-foot-tall behemoth of a man - chose to stay in front of everyone else. If I would have to guess, if John stayed in the back, he would not be able to see much which would have probably displeased him. Yeah, that was probably it.

Anyway, not trusting the words of a criminal and only partially trusting the judgment of strangers he just recently met, John knew that the only one he could trust was himself. Hoping to not die at such a young age, John tapped into his powers of Foresight and took a quick glimpse into the future. John wanted to see where the bowman would shoot or when he would shoot to give him a better chance to avoid getting hit. But to his surprise, it appeared that his partial trust was not put to waste. Knowing that Rios would come in clutch to prevent his impalement by arrow, John confidently stood his ground, making use of his gift of not needing magical catalysts, hand gestures, or incantations to cast spells. A sphere of mana formed above him and with a Bang, it flew forward towards their bow-wielding aggressor. Instead of an attack that would deal a decisive blow – John lacked the firepower and knew better – he hoped to distract the bowman, giving the rest of the party, and himself, a chance to move.

As soon as his spell was cast, John immediately made his way forward, moving as Fast as he could.

Action 1: Used Foresight F and became aware of Rios' actions
Action 2: Used Bang (Flux) E to attack the bowman
  • Componentless Magic E + Magic F + Magic Range F + Energized E + Intelligence E = 6 Effectiveness
Action 3: Used Fast F + Energized F to advance 1 square forward, 1 square diagonally downwards, and 1 square downward, ending up behind
  • Foresight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Appraisal F, Energized F, Fast F , Precognition F
    By taking a glimpse into the near future [6 Seconds], John improves his attempts at avoiding incoming attacks directed at him.
  • Bang (Flux) - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Energized F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Magic Range F
    John creates a sphere of mana that he can shoot forward [30 Feet]
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Jack Hayfield
[Beast] [Child] [Cuddly] [Helpless]
Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Voider Voider Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ian Temero Ian Temero

“Haha! I wish I could do magic!” Jack gave John a weak handshake before conversing with him a bit more before Shere advises them about their safety. “Don’t worry about me, mister! I’m sure everything will work out.”


While they walk to the bar, Jack is happy to have John by his side, happy to converse with someone with a similar demeanour. The centaur talked about how excited he was to see John’s magic, and how he heard it was really difficult to do magic and how impressed he was that someone that looked to be Jack’s age could do spells.

When they got into the bar, however, all of his excitement quickly drained and was replaced by a far more common emotion for Jack. Fear. He stood still for a moment while his brain tried to comprehend what was happening around him before he ran and ducked behind the closest table. He cringed as he saw Rios trip over his own feet, silently thanking what ever god may exist that it wasn't him.

Action: Take Cover (1 south, 1 east)
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Ryan Kylieth

A silent Ryan gave honor to his title. Shyly staying on the back of the group, still no words from him. For a second, he wondered if Gobán talks like he does because of how he did before, and if that was his destiny. Discarding that thought and focusing back on the task at hand. Sasha safely and quietly brought them to one of the entrances of the hideout. Since it was dark, his eyes had a hard time making up what lied ahead.

Ryan then walked up to Sasha and knelt next to her, closing his visible eye to focus. Using his [Tremorsense C] Ryan scouted the cave through the surfaces and floor inside "So. Aside from the two that Shere dealt with, there are seven other bandits here, here..." He continued illustrating by pointing at where the bandits stood in a rough sketch of the inside of the cave made in his notebook. "The prisoners are here" He pointed to the guarded door. Saying all this in a quiet voice, but still hearable. "Oh. and I mention it since I wasn't sure if Sasha had a chance to break in, and to inform the others while were at it" He also scanned further to see if there was something else worth pointing out.

With the explanation out of the way, Ryan would stand up and pull his revolver out. "My weapon of choice is rather loud, so I'll just be watching your backs, using it only if things turn sour". As he said that, he checked the cylinder to make sure it was fully loaded. Once he confirmed it, he put the cylinder back in place with a flick of the wrist, making a subtle click while at it. "Any suggestions?" he asked, to see if someone else had ideas on how to proceed.
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Model ST3-LL4
Location: Cave Team
Mentions: Cave Squad ( Uasal Uasal , Valkan Valkan , Perdict Perdict , CIVBIX CIVBIX )

Sasha had led the group to the cave hideout, presumably where the Backstreet Boys had held the kidnapped women captive. The corridors were thin, so much so that Stella had a hard time getting a good glimpse at anything other than the back of the slightly taller Fae lady in front of her. Even from her position several feet behind the front line (where she'd expected herself to be in as the self-proclaimed "tank" of the group), she could still make out some conversation from up front. Apparently, Sasha had successfully disarmed all the traps that stood between them and the massive chamber that would soon become her first real battlefield. If Stella's mouth could produce saliva, she'd have definitely swallowed some of her own just thinking about it.

Much to her concern, Stella watched over Shei's shoulder as Shere rushed to both of the bandits standing guard up front and incapacitated both of them before either knew what was coming their way. She let out a sigh of relief as she realized they were both still breathing, yet unconscious. "Well, there goes Step One..." she thought. "Maybe this'll go better than I expected."

Stella let out a soft "Eep!" and jumped as she noticed something unexpected walk past her. Thankfully, it was just Ryan, the only person who'd been walking behind her. She had no idea of what his abilities could be, so seeing him use a sensing skill to scan the area for enemy activity was quite the reassuring surprise. They were outnumbered, but the element of surprise was still on their side, and now they knew more about their enemy than they knew about Stella and the rest of the party. For most intents and purposes, they still had the upper hand. Noticing how Ryan pulled out a revolver and explained how his weapon was very noisy and was only going to use it "if things turned sour", Stella approached the ranged fighter with a proposition. Placing an iron hand on the man's shoulder, she told him, "I'll be going round back to make sure we don't get ambushed from behind that building over there. My body [Natural Body (Iron Skin) E] is rather sturdy, but I could still use someone to provide ranged backup if our cover is blown. Give it some thought, won't you?"

With that said, Stella awkwardly squeezed past Ryan and Delta, trying to make sure her mechanical joints made as little noise as possible. Taking a mental note of the two unconscious guards and the stray beam of light peeking through a narrow crevice to the north, she hugged the wall to her right and tried to sneak her way to the southern-most wall of the cottage in front of her. Once she'd made it to the strategic position she'd wanted to be in, she took a deep breath and braced for combat, expecting a Backstreet Boy guard to round the corner at any moment.

Combat Actions:

1. Move 1 space NW, stepping past Ryan.
2. Move 1 space N. stepping past Delta.

3. Move 1 space NE, then 3 spaces N. End turn without engaging in combat.


Town Team
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ian Temero Ian Temero Voider Voider SoftSmile SoftSmile

Darin's swift movement toward cover was more than enough to coax a reaction out of the Backstreet Boy standing behind the counter. Releasing his arrow The man would honor his words and attempt to mortally wound the small wizarding boy wonder known as Harry Pott... I mean John Doe! Yes, indeed all hope seemed lost, the young man sure to be impaled by the rusty arrowhead with little to no hope of defending in time. Indeed he should have been struck. Should have been impaled. Should have even died! But by some miracle and truly like a knight in shining armor, Rios came to John's aid just in the nick of time. Lady Luck's most favored mortal struck again!

Tripping forward and the man expertly and oh so effortlessly split the arrow cleanly in two mid-flight. It was not the most graceful of displays but it was an action many a swordsman trained years to be able to accomplish. Again, it was not pretty, but it was impressive. John of the Doe family owed his life to Rios and his amazing display of swordsmanship.

The bandit, however, had no chance to guard himself against Darin's follow-up attack. As such the bandit was killed instantly, the lead musket ball becoming stuck deep within the man's chest.

On the other hand, both John and Jack would find cover without any hassle. That being said John's quick attack, though completely unnecessary would prove to be quite devastating nonetheless. AVADA KEDAV... It would have killed. It most certainly would have killed the man. Alas, it arrived too late and so instead it dealt a devastating blow to the lifeless corpse. Yes, the small boy, in but one flick of his wrist, blew the bandit's upper body to smithereens. Painting the wall in remains and blood alike.

Though for now, all seemed to be going quite well for the group things were about to change. Indeed who would have thought a magic missile and gunshot would create such a ruckus?! Charging through the back door two more Backstreet Boys appeared, weapons drawn and ready to stop the unwelcome guests who had invaded their safe space.

The northernmost man was armed with a musket, the southernmost with a short sword. The two brave souls wasted no time with questions, instead, they chose violence. Taking a shot at Jack the northernmost Bandit would aim to kill.
{? + ? + ? = ?}
Fortunately though with Jack being behind cover, he would have a +1 to any defensive maneuver he would make against such.

The other bandit simply stood around near his friend with his blade drawn and ready to intercept any incoming attack that might be thrown his or his friend's way. Were John to use foresight he would see any ranged attack made against the duo would likely fail if done alone.
{? + ? + ? = ?}

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects and or through Aalies will cost 5 feet movement and an action.
Note: +1 to any defensive action made by Jack
Note: Rios will have half movement this turn due to his trip and fall.
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.

  1. Brake free from Tangle​
  2. Movement north, just out of the brood mother's attack range​
  3. [Piercing Moonlight] - F - [Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Holy Ice] [Hot Shot]- Raising her blade for a single blinding slash, Nox commits to an attack on her target with the sole intention of Piercing their very being. 0 Post cooldown/1 Action - [Natural Weapon] E + Strength D + [Piercing Moonlight] F = 6 Base Combat Effectiveness.


The Cave Team
Perdict Perdict Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Valkan Valkan CIVBIX CIVBIX

With Shere having absolutely decimated the two guards the cave team was able to easily maintain their stealth advantage. Indeed the man had knocked out both men so fast there was only a total of four hits in the encounter. Two being Shere actually hitting each man and then those two men hitting the floor. It was, well quite honestly, an amazing execution.

Stella wouldn't have much of an issue progressing to her desired spot but unfortunately for her, no ruffians turned the corner. That being said something else seemed to happen and Stella was just within ear shot to hear such. Yes indeed, Stella was just close enough to the little nook between the makeshift prison building and the pillar to hear two of the gang members discussing something of importance.

"The adventurer party should have reached the old hide out by now. I'd say we'll have a few more slaves ready to trade soon"
"You mean the adventurers? Surely the boss wouldn't go that far would he?"
"Says he wants to take as many of em alive as he can. Has to be to make slaves of 'em right?"
"But, why slaves? Weren't we doing just fine with the odd shake-down?"
"Don't know, but it's too late to back out now. 'sides the boss says he's got a plan. Something about getting noticed"
"Noticed? that's the last thing we need, what if them adventurers end up finding this place? You know wipe out the old base and find out about it"
"Don't be silly, no one knows about this place 'cept the boss and those of us here. We're safe, 'sides all those traps we set. Psh, not even a rat could sneak in"

Ryan's information was accurate and he would sense nothing further into the cave. That being said he's be able to sense the movement of everyone and notify everyone in real time. Almost everyone seemed to have moved, but Ryan wouldn't find any need to be concerned that it was a result of the group's actions that had caused it. In actual fact, it seemed quite natural.

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects and or through Aalies will cost 5 feet movement and an action.
Note: A surprise attack bonus will be applied to the group's attacks this round
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.

  1. Brake free from Tangle​
  2. Movement north, just out of the brood mother's attack range​
  3. [Piercing Moonlight] - F - [Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Holy Ice] [Hot Shot]- Raising her blade for a single blinding slash, Nox commits to an attack on her target with the sole intention of Piercing their very being. 0 Post cooldown/1 Action - [Natural Weapon] E + Strength D + [Piercing Moonlight] F = 6 Base Combat Effectiveness.


Alternate identity F in effect -
Sasha Leonard - [Adventurer] [Scout] [Kind] - A common Adventurer

After listening to what Ryan and Stella had to say, Delta would pull her hood up over her face and conceal herself in the shadows using [Shadows Embrace]. "I'll go and scout ahead, you all rely on Ryan and work together, go north and I'll wrap around the side here. I'll slip by those I can and set traps to aid you in combat where I can. I'm not too good in combat like I said. But at least I can offer you this much. Ryan will be able to inform you of where they are when I set them, just make sure not to trigger them yourself. Lead foes to them or ignore them. It's up to you."

Moving forward then as stealthily as she could Delta would follow along the pillar and wait for an opportunity to aid her companions or strike down her target. Whichever came first. Though all things considered, it appeared Shere would have no issue handling the gang on his lonesome so perhaps her traps would be unnecessary altogether. Needless to say, Delta was also very much on guard about the man too.

Having seen what he did to those two gang members Delta did not want to risk a confrontation with the man in which she didn't have the surprise. She'd likely have to get creative with her assassination, to avoid raising any suspicions. After all, slitting a man's throat just after he's been incapacitated by a dancing warlord wasn't really all that 'kind' of an act.
1. [Shadows Embrace] - Concealment F, Stealth F - Delta uses her training as an assassin to blend into her surroundings. F Grade - 1 Action - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Movement


Voider Voider Your rifle has a base range of 100 ft. Applying Range F to your musket is nerfing its range currently. Just a heads up in case you didn't know this. It's needed to use abilities at range sure but just in case you wanted to fire off a shot at further range, know it's an option.

Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Perdict Perdict You both occupy the same square, that being the one Stella's token is in. I just have Shere down a square so as to not have the token vanish. Shere can also have heard the conversation or parts of it should you wish it so.

Valkan Valkan Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Please follow the action roster example listed.

Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice You don't need to list fast as an ability or use energized on it unless used in an attack or defense ability. This might change with other narrators but for my rps. Just list your level of fast when making a move action

Great posts overall, an absolute pleasure to read
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Character Grade F - [Martial Artist]
Shere heard alright. Both the information Ryan shared and what the scum talked about thinking themselves safe from retribution. He heard and he thought, maybe he ought to be taking his time with these people here. Make a statement out of them, and let them be fully aware of what was happening to them and why. Ah, but they really should be finishing this quickly and hurrying on to the other hideout to make sure things went smoothly. He raised a lone finger to his lips looking at the group, after all if they could hear the crooks then the crooks could hear them, and with that same finger he quickly traced some lines on the floor.

He would be going east as well, he indicated, towards the two guards that had to be near a campfire given the light coming from that place. Look into the light too long and it gets hard to see through the dark, this he knew. Once again raising a finger to his lips, the dandy gently placed a hand on Stella's all-too-close shoulder and slowly, but firmly, invited her to trace a half-circle with their bodies. Almost like a dance he carefully guided the machine girl's back to the wall, pivoted into the tunnel and walked away. Without a word he passed by Sasha, hands behind his back, taking good care to tiptoe around her as to not break her focus.

But as he reached the building just ahead he paused, knowing there was someone inside, and he pressed an ear to the wall to see if he could hear any more enlightening talk.

Move beneath the enemy leader token and try to listen in on him just in case.

Interactions (Cave Team): Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Valkan Valkan CIVBIX CIVBIX
Location: Bar

The aspiring adventurer Rios quickly shook his head to try and suppress the pain from his topple. Things had really begun heating up in this bar brawl. Rios would have to bring his best moves if he wanted to avoid an early grave. Currently his best moves consisted of improvising and hoping things would work out but not a lot is still better than nothing. The bandit behind the bar had been killed via musket ball courtesy of their Kobold companion with his firearm. Apparently Rios himself had been able to hit that arrow before their spellcaster had been hit. Certainly that had been his plan but Rios was amazed it actually worked. Hoping his [Lucky D] streak would continue. Rios pushed his way through the pain and flopped over the bar. Landing on his back in the most ungraceful of manners. He saw the dead bandit with his eyes caught in that momentary terror before death. Perhaps he had some kind of treasure on him that would turn the tide. Rios had no experience using a bow but maybe there was a key or some kind of note relating to their hideout on the dead barkeep. Rummaging through the corpse pockets while his companions continued the fight. Rios would do his best to use his [Appraisal C] to check for useful items.

Movement: Flop over bar = 2 Squares East
Action: Rummage [Appraisal C]
Jack Hayfield
[Beast] [Child] [Cuddly] [Helpless]
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Uasal Uasal Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ian Temero Ian Temero Voider Voider

Jack cowers behind the table, scooting a chair in front of him so less of him is exposed. He jumps at the sounds of weapons, visibly shaking. He was absolutely [Helpless]. He doesn’t even notice that someone is aiming at him, as he has his eyes closed with his hands firmly over his ears as he tries to block out the noise of the battle. Tears well in his eyes as he does so even though he’s doing his best not to cry. At least it wasn’t Jellyfish.

He stays where he’s at, not making any effort to move from his current position.


Morrígan Durnin
Character Grade - F

  1. [Shield of Anand (II)] - E - [Magic] [Deflect] [Componentless] - Protecting Jack - 1 Post Cooldown/1 Action - Vit F + [Shield of Anand (II)] E + [Componentless] F = 5 Base CE
  2. [Babd's Claws] - F - [Magic] [Range] [Indirect] [Componentless] - Attacking North Bandit from the back - 0 Post Cooldown/1 Action - Range 30 - Int D + [Babd's Claws] F + [Componentless] F = 5 Base CE

Now Morrigan had been been wondering exactly how she was going to help on this mission considering she didn't want to reveal her powers. She figured that she'd just wait for the team to eliminate an enemy and then she'd pick up their weapon. She wasn't expecting expecting an archer to be ready for them, nor for the lizard to just ignore the man's threat and rush forward. Even if she wanted to do something she could while keeping her secret. So she just watched.

Then by some miracle of dumb luck the klutz tripped and split the enemy's arrow in half! She barely had time to process this when the kid with glasses created a ball of pure energy and flung it at the archer, tearing the guy in half. She stared for a moment, the only one surprised. "We're cool with powers?" She blurted out. "Hell yeah!"

A door burst open and Morrigan turned her head to see two more thugs charge into the room, one of them stopping to aim an old fashioned gun at the goat kid in front of her. Normally she wouldn't care since she wasn't the target, but this was a different story. She actually had a soft spot for children and this time she didn't have to worry about a secret. Swinging an arm forward a single wing of pure darkness sprouted from her back and wrapped around Jack, shielding him from harm. At the same time Morrigan flicked two fingers upwards and the shadow of the gunner, which had began to shift and stir, suddenly shot out two spikes at the man's back.
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Ryan Kylieth

As both the brawler and Sasha took their own path westbound, That left Stella and Ryan. The brawler made a valid point. So, since Stella commented on teaming up, Ryan decided to take up on her offer. First, he used [Tremorsense E] to check the status of the people in the cave, particularly the one in the dark area up ahead. After that, he'd gently grab her shoulder, and whisper right in her ear accordingly to what he saw within that room up ahead.

"Down this path, there's a lone guy...". If he was out and about Ryan would whisper "... He's standing around in the darkness, use that to surprise him." Otherwise, Ryan would advice, still whispering. "He's out. Let's go restrain him"

Ryan allowed the robo-girl to go ahead of him , while he continued scanning the surroundings. "The entrance is here, on the right. Do as you will." Whispering as quietly as humanly possible. He didn't want the goon to wake up because of him. And he thought he was better off handing the choice on what to do on the muscle of this duo.


1. Move right up to the sleeping(?) thug's room
2. Use [Tremorsense E]
3. Reserved in case it's needed.


E - 1/1
C - 2/3
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John Doe [Reading Music - Combat]

Though he prepared himself mentally, actually experience still felt different. Before he could launch his attack, Darin's bullet beat John to the punch, immediately ending the life of the bowman. John's stomach wretched instinctively upon seeing this but he had to keep himself composed. Sadly, this was quite short-lived. His own attacked zoomed forward, aimed at the now lifeless corpse, and immediately as the walls became splattered with blood, the content's of John's stomach did the same thing with the insides of his mouth. Some vomit managed to trickle out from the corner of John's mouth, but a majority of it he was able to keep in.

Given the situation they were in, John didn't have the time to hurl up a puddle. He did what he could to push whatever was in his mouth back down his gut and as he readied himself for the two new individuals who had rushed in from the back room. It was safe to assume that they were acquaintances of the bowman. Taking a glimpse into the future one more time, John wanted to take both out as soon as he could, but it appeared they were more formidable. Regardless, he couldn't just stand by and wait for them to come to him. Hoping to be of use to the group, John launched another ball of magic towards one of the sword-wielding gangters, but instead of aiming for the wielder, John targeted the wieldee. If he couldn't take out his foe, he could at least damage his weapon or disarm him.

As his sphere of mana flew, John resumed with his attempts to swallow as much of his vomit as he could.

Action 1: Used Foresight F
Action 2: Used Bang (Flux) E to attack the sword of the Backstreet Boy directly in front of him
  • Componentless Magic E + Magic F + Magic Range F + Energized E + Intelligence E = 6 Effectiveness
Action 3: Continues to swallow vomit.
  • Foresight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Appraisal F, Energized F, Fast F , Precognition F
    By taking a glimpse into the near future [6 Seconds], John improves his attempts at avoiding incoming attacks directed at him.
  • Bang (Flux) - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Energized F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Magic Range F
    John creates a sphere of mana that he can shoot forward [30 Feet]


(Short and low-quality, due to forgetting the deadline. Apologies)

Darin 256x256.pngOnce he had swiftly reloaded his musket, he looked back up from behind the table, spotting two new enemies. Seeing one aiming their own musket towards one of Darin's allies, he decided to take aim at that gangster. As he was pulling the trigger, he noted his target's shadow make odd movements, before seemingly striking forward; assuming it was the action of the girl who he briefly heard mention powers, and with the previous sight of the mag boy's attack striking a corpse, he considered changing targets to avoid a wasted shot. Alas, the trigger was already pulled, and as the flint struck the primer, it sent the musket ball on it's way [1].

Action 1: [Basic Attack] towards musket wielding gangster.

Smoothbore Musket E (2) + Precision D (3) = 5 Effectiveness

Model ST3-LL4
Location: Cave Team
Mentions: Cave Squad ( Uasal Uasal , Valkan Valkan , Perdict Perdict , CIVBIX CIVBIX )

A concerned Stella was peeking through the narrow passage to the north, hoping and praying Shere didn't grab the attention of anyone patrolling up ahead. Such was her concentration that she was once again taken aback when she noticed Ryan placing a hand on her shoulder. His instructions were clear, and yet they still filled her with dread. For good reason, too. She peeked her head around the corner of the building, but all she could see was the entrance to the little alcove in question. "There's no light pouring from the inside, so he must be asleep... right?"

Stella gulped. It was a tough decision, whether or not to go ahead with ending someone's life. As evil as this person was, he probably had a mother and a father who'd miss him and grieve for him... but the pain he'd caused these women and their loved ones couldn't be ignored either. "There's no way around it," she reassured herself. "This is what I signed up for. No one said it would be easy, but I'm doing it anyway." She took a deep breath and steeled herself (no pun intended) before addressing Ryan. "I'm going in. Wish me luck."

Stella charged up her attack in advance and assumed a fighting stance with her fists in front of her face like a boxer. The bio-electricity flowing through her fists lit up a small area in front of her. It wasn't much, but it allowed her to make out the vague silhouette of her target. Stella didn't bother checking whether her target was awake or asleep. She couldn't afford to feel bad for this person--she'd already committed to the deed, and she wasn't about to let anyone down. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and threw a left hook without even stopping to make sure which body part she was aiming at.

Combat Actions:

1. Move 2 NE, 1 E (Approaching the Backstreet Boy to the East)
2. Attack target 1 square East with Taser Fist - Fighting Style [Incapacitate] F, Superstrength F - Stella cloaks her fists in the bio-electricity that powers her and swings at the target. If her fist makes contact, she delivers a jolt of electricity that may stun the target. Grade F, 0 post cooldown.

Damage Calc: [Natural Weapon (Iron Fists) F] + Strength E + [Taser Fist F] = 4 effective damage
Town Team
Ian Temero Ian Temero SoftSmile SoftSmile Voider Voider Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice

Rios' rummaging when paired with his high level of appraisal would reveal nothing more than stale ale and rat poison. It seemed the front bar was hiding nothing of value within it's containers which was unfortunate for the lucky individuals streak. Perhaps it was starting to run out. Though not all as was for naught, with Rios so close to the bar's back door he could hear rummaging and frustrated shouting coming from the back. The odd clatter of crates and creaking of wooden lids. Whatever was going on behind the door, it was happening quickly and haphazardly. Rios's appraisal reveals the door to be unlocked.

As for the rest of the group, their attacks would prove to be quite effective. Morrigan successfully shielded Jack from the bullet heading his way and then, with the aid of John and Darin, was able to deal a devastating blow to the musket man. Both herself and Darin's attacks managed to land true dealing a deadly blow, but it would have all been for naught had the unsung hero of the group not peered into the future and acted upon what he saw.

Yes, without John's quick thinking, the duo's attack would have backfired in a most horrible manner. With the young mages' attack having collided with the swordsman's blade a bright flash would fill the room momentarily. Blinding all within a 20ft range and creating a terrible screeching sound. John's spell had overpowered the weapon, destroying it thoroughly. Shards of metal scattered all over the floor. Then just as quickly as the flash had happened, it vanished and everyone could see once again.

Hand bleeding, the swordsman gripped what remained of his blade firmly. It was no use to him now, he was no threat without his blade. So, he did what any bandit would, he fled. Darting through the double door the man was quick to bolt it behind him. "They sent a bunch of monsters! Quick, hurry and destroy it all you idiots!"

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects and or through Aalies will cost 5 feet movement and an action.
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.

Vit F + [Shield of Anand (II)] E + [Componentless] F = 5 Base CE - ? = 4 FCE
? + ? + ? = 4 Base CE - [Deflect] = 3 FCE
Result: Attack Nullified by [Shield of Anand (II)]

Int D + [Babd's Claws] F + [Componentless] F = 5 Base CE + Indirect + 1 from Teamup (Darin) = 6 FCE
? + ? + ? = 4 Base CE
2 damage to musket bandit
Result: Target was killed and turned into Swiss cheese by both the musket ball and shadow spikes

Int E + [Bang] E + [Componentless] E = 6 Base CE - ? = 5 FCE
? + ? + ? = 5 Base CE
Result: Narrator discretion- Sword [?] Destroyed

Cave Team
Perdict Perdict Valkan Valkan Trystan1295 Trystan1295

Approaching the alcove both Ryan and Stella would attempt to ambush a man they believed to be sleeping, though this was not actually the case. What the duo would uncover was in actual fact a battered and bruised old man, a member of the gang no doubt but barely hanging onto what little life he had left. Or at least he had been, for Stella's tazer fist would quickly end any hope the poor man had at clinging to his life long enough to recover. Granted this was not Stella's fault, nor was it Ryans. Having been in the darkness and laying on the hard floor, he very well could have been mistaken for sleeping. Alas, this was a sorry end for the old man, Stella's super strength allowing her fist to pass right through him with little resistance. The man was utterly destroyed.

Stella wouldn't realize the man's condition until her eyes (visual receptors) adjusted to the darkness moments later. Were she to look around she would find tracks nearby of nonhuman origin. Whatever they belonged to was bigger too.

As for Shere and Delta, the two had successfully avoided detection once again. With Shere in particular having overheard a short conversation between what he could only assume was the leader and another member.

"Sir, the slaves were marked with the magic seals like you asked, they should be ready to move come nightfall tomorrow."

"Good, the sooner we move them the sooner we can put all this behind us."

"All this sir?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about, I'm just talking aloud to myself. Go check the entrance traps again, we can't afford to be interrupted when we're this close."

"Sir, nobody but those here should know about the cave. Besides half the men are stationed here."

"Of course, they know where we are! They always know!"

"They sir?"

"Get out! Check the traps before I lose my patience"

Advanced Combat has begun.
Action economy active.
Every square is considered 2.5 feet, movement over objects and or through Aalies will cost 5 feet movement and an action.
List your weapon grade, attacking/defending stat grade, and ability grade when attacking. Please also list all cores and affinities used to make up said ability. Do this at the end of your post when listing your actions taken.
Stealth Attack Bonus will be applied to player attacks this round

Alternate identity F in effect -
Sasha Leonard - [Adventurer] [Scout] [Kind] - A common Adventurer

While Shere was listening in on what those inside the main building were saying, Delta went about setting up a few traps on the corner. Though it would have been easier for her to create a more lethal form of trap using her razor wire, she couldn't afford her cover being blown a second time. The lashings she had received still stung even now a whole week later. Were she to mess up again, it'd likely cost her a finger if not more.

So continuing as though she was indeed the kind-hearted scout Sasha, Delta prepared two traps. The first was a bear trap set right on the corner, the second a handful of ball bearings she cast out along the path to their south. Though the traps were in no way going to cause her opponents any damage, they would certainly provide Shere with an opportunity to more effectively disperse those caught. That and alert them should any bandits come from the south.

Turning to Shere, Delta pointed to the two traps so as to let him know they were set and active. If he wanted to proceed around the corner, he'd have to sidestep the bear trap in question. Though it would also make for a useful retreat route were he to find himself in need of it.

1. Movement
2. Traps F - Bear Trap (Tangle)
3. Traps F - Ball Bearings (Tangle)​

Character Grade F - [Martial Artist]
Ah, was that paranoia he was hearing? A small-time goon who took things too far and was now cracking under pressure? Or was there something more to this whole matter, something that actually required an open contract for adventurers? Not like Shere could tell one way or another, so he just made a mental note of it and carried on. There would be time for questions later, when the girls were safe and the scum regained consciousness. He exchanged glances with Sasha and pretended to have heard nothing, simply acknowledging her trapwork and signaling he would be going ahead anyway.

The fighter bent into a crouch and carefully peeked around the building. One man, alone and still unawares, no sounds of scuffle or alert from the rest of the party. Still keeping low and to the wall he avoided the bear trap, rounded the corner and pounced like a snake, looking to wrap around to the bandit's back and his arms round the bandit's neck. But this was no gentle embrace. He made to clasp his arms together as a vise, to apply crushing pressure to the man's carotid arteries as to restrict the flow of blood (and thus oxygen) to the brain, looking to quietly strangle the foe into unconsciousness.

Not even a risk of a dropping body making a noise, he could gently lay the man down to sleep on the floor and carry on with their business.

1) Move one square diagonally to north-east

2) Attack with ability Formless [F] - Accurate F, Blight F (Bludgeoning), Blind Fighter, Contact F, Continuing F (Pain), Flexible, Hot Shot F, Linked F, Multidimensional, Nonlethal F, Penetrating F - 0 post cooldown. Strength E (2), Natural Weapon F (1), Formless F (1) = 4 base combat effectiveness.

Interactions (Cave Team): Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 CIVBIX CIVBIX Valkan Valkan
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John Doe [Reading Music - Combat]

After the brief sensory overload of lights and sound, John was surprised at the aftermath that was left behind; another corpse worst for wear, a distraught and disarmed scoundrel, and from out of nowhere – hopefully, no one noticed this one - a relatively sizeable puddle of vomit beneath the table in front of him.

Wiping whatever evidence mess was left dripping from his mouth, John had to act nonchalant quick. Capitalizing on the disarray their group had caused, there was no better time than the present to act. Before their foes could gather their bearings, they had to continue the snowball-like assault they had initiated. Well, that's what John initially thought. But after taking another glimpse into the future, such an endeavor had an unpleasant surprise waiting for him; a locked door.

With his stomach's restlessness calming down, John had more clarity, allowing him some time to rethink his would-be actions. Like before, he gathered his mana for a third time, and launched another sphere of magical energy at the doors in front of him.

Though proving his magic to be effective, John was in no way confident of his capabilities when it came to close-ranged combat; that was an issue he had yet to address. Not allowing his ego to steer him towards the path of recklessness, John stood his ground, taking cover behind the table in front of him.

Keeping his eyes on the doors he just struck with his mana, John spoke out just loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"I've got this path covered. Those who can, try and support Rios." Immediately after, John prepared himself for any new foe that would come out from the backroom with one more Foresight F

Action 1: Used Foresight F and found out that the door is locked.
Action 2: Used Bang (Flux) E to blast the door open.
  • Componentless Magic E + Magic F + Magic Range F + Energized E + Intelligence E = 6 Effectiveness
Action 3: Used Foresight F to prepare for any new attacks or attackers from the doors he busted down.
  • Foresight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Appraisal F, Energized F, Precognition F
    By taking a glimpse into the near future [6 Seconds], John improves his attempts at avoiding or intercepting incoming attacks or foes.
  • Bang (Flux) - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
    Energized F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Magic Range F
    John creates a sphere of mana that he can shoot forward [30 Feet]


Interactions: Rios ( Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )

Darin 256x256.pngDarin had his eyes closed and hands on ears, defending from the horrible sound and flash, his musket laying on the floor next to him. After reorienting himself, his firearm was quickly in hand once again, and he looked back up from behind his cover; one target was down, while the other had retreated.

He could hear the gangster shout about destroying something quickly. "It's good that we're acting fast, we cannot let them finish whatever their plan is." He shared his thought aloud. Darin then turned his head as the magic boy spoke, before responding. "I'll go assist Rios, the rest of you can enter through the other door if you wish. Hopefully we can take them from two sides at once." With that, he climbed onto the table, leaped to the bar, and jumped down near Rios[1]. He swiftly moved forward and put his back to the wall, right next to the door.

"I question how proficient you are with a sword," Darin began, thinking back to the earlier moments of the fight. "but you are capable of wielding it, and we don't have time." He then nodded to the door. "We should breach the room quickly, and take them by surprise; if you take whoever is closet, I'll cover you with fire at any others. Sound good?" While listening for a response, he primed his firearm for another shot.

If Rios were to open the door and go in, Darin would quickly run in behind and take aim[2], pulling the trigger at any gangster Rios wasn't attacking[3].

Action [1]: Used [Fast F] to move: 5 spaces east.
(Conditional) Action [2]: Move: 1 space northeast, 1 space southeast.
(Conditional) Action [3]: Use [Precise Shot E] on most dangerous gangster within a 10ft range (excluding Rios' target).

E Grade Cooldown: 0/1

Precise Shot - Constant Positioning (Gun) E, Range F, Accurate F - Fire a projectile with precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 10ft or less away. (In the case that the intended point of contact is on a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 1.). - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Smoothbore Musket E (2) + Precision D (3) + Precise Shot E (2) = 7 Effectiveness

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