Camp Rules


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camp rules

001. no camper, no matter their age, is permitted outside of their cabin past 11 PM, except for on saturdays. we're not stupid. we know what you hooligans are doing when you sneak into other cabins.
002. for the love of god, don't give the hephaestus or hermes kids any chemicals. we've been through it once, don't do it again.
003. you're required to attend your classes EVERY tuesday and thursday. otherwise, you're on dish duty.

004. the only time that any demi-gods are allowed off-site, is when approved by the director. if you leave without permission, consequences will be grave.

005. dinner is at 8pm and breakfast is at 8am sharp. don't be late or you'll starve.

006. everyone must attend some sort of defense class once a week. otherwise, you'll die and we'll have to explain that to your families.

007. it is expected that you aid your siblings in cleaning up your cabin for inspection.

008. no dogs.
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