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Fantasy Camp Mythik - Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Reboot!) - OPEN -

Du Pain

the neighborhood ghost
Dear Camper,

Ah, welcome young one! I see you have registered for Camp Mythik, summer sanctuary for all supernatural beings. This is one of the most well known summer camps in the region. If this is your first time coming to this camp, please feel free to sign up for the tours happening on the the day before camp officially begins. There will be a group of veteran campers, CITs, and counselors alike who will be there and more than welcome to show you around the campgrounds, as it is quite large.

As you've most likely read in the pamphlet, there will be many activities for you, no matter your age group. Each week will have a different theme for games and activities, and I know you've all been waiting to see what we have in store for you this year. Previous years have all been a success, so I know everyone will enjoy this year just as much, if not more!

Before you arrive at the camp this summer, you will need to know the rules we expect you to adhere to:

1) You may only share a cabin with those from your age group, and there is no leaving your cabin after lights out

1a) There are different lights out times for different age groups. The younger campers, the Sprites, will have to be in their cabins by 8pm and lights out by 9pm. The middle-school campers, the Kelpies, will have to be in their cabins by 9pm and lights out by 10pm. The older campers, the Wyverns, will have to be in their cabins by 10pm and lights out at 11pm.

1b) On Friday nights there will be a bonfire, which means every camper can stay out up to an hour later, and lights out will be a half hour later as well.

1c) You may stay up in your cabin after lights out, but you may not disturb any other cabins or other campers trying to sleep. Also, we will show no sympathy in the morning if you're tired from staying up too late. You have been warned now.

2) Relationships amongst campers is permitted, as we don't want to stop people from learning and experiencing, but do not take things too far. There are some things inappropriate for the campgrounds—this is directed mainly at the Wyverns, but applies to anyone I would suppose—especially with the younger ones around, so if there is any sexual behavior then there will be suspension from camp activities and possibly being sent home, depending on the circumstances. Don't even try, we will find out. You have been warned now.

3) Do not take sparring, games, or other camp activities too far. I know it's in some of your natures to want to fight, but please try to maintain a friendly or peaceful atmosphere for the camp. While healthy competition is good for you, full blown fighting or abuse—whether it be physical, mental, or emotional—is not permitted. Depending on the circumstances, you will have consequences of extra camp chores, suspension from camp activities, or being sent home. You have been warned now.

4) If anyone, whether it be another camper, a CIT, or a counselor, makes you feel uncomfortable, make sure to tell someone. If you feel there is no one to tell, you can even come to me or call home. We will make sure it is dealt with immediately.

5) There will be no skipping camp chores. We've had a few troublemakers in past years who have tried to get out of their share of the work, and trust me, it did not go well. There will be consequences for skipping chore duty. You have been warned now.

Now that you're aware of the rules, we expect you to follow them from day one. Cabin and team choosing will begin after the opening ceremony in the cafeteria. You may find the schedule for weekly themes and activities on the bulletin board at the camp "square," or the area we all meet for important announcements and whatnot.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone on the information sheet given to you upon getting your first pamphlet. We look forward to seeing you this summer at Camp Mythik!


Mr. Keme

((Okay, so this is a reboot of a great rp I had last year! I'm hoping things won't get in the way this time and, once I reach 500 posts, I'll take time to make it look all pretty and whatnot! I'll be posting links to the other pages once I have them up so you can navigate easily, and hopefully this rp will be as popular as the old one was.))



Camp Locations:

Neutral Characters:

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((bumping - will delete this post and other non-IC posts later, just wanted to remind people that I'm still accepting!))

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