Camp Halfblood; Search for Salvation

I'll be the nice one I think. *consoling tone* It's okay soul. I won't let him turn your soul into ice cream. I'll protect you.
No, I don't have a soul. All my friend's say my ex bf stole it since he's a ginger...

@IronDragon @Drakonsheart @StarrySkyofLostSouls @OutofSight OutofMind @Fluffandstuff @SweetCat2319

@Anno Bane @dragonslayr @Galen Ardila @Edufey

updates and news

I'll start out by saying that I am expecting to progress this story
tonight. Not sure the time, but I would suggest you all finish conversations with characters before then that way I don't have to break up talks just to get you all to the spot I need you to be at. After you all finish conversations, I'll time skip to that night and the campfire. From'll just have to wait and see what happens~ >D

Also, I am working on updating the
neutral characters list. If you check it out, you'll see a list of NPC's. Which is short for no player characters meaning they do not belong to anyone. You are free to use them if your character is busy and you still want to roleplay.

You can also adopt them if your character dies during this roleplay....Oh, yeah...I should mention that there
will be deaths. I will, of course, ask your permission before I kill off a character of yours. But just keep in mind that this roleplay will be packed with feels~

Another thing, I'm working on updating the rules. But I still require you to follow the post regulation. Meaning you can only post after
two people post under you.

i'm also working on the shipping chart....

and maybe a quiz.....

Anyways, i need you guys to post soon since I can't do anything until one more person post under me :0

Uhhhh...... @Drakonsheart I'm not saying this so that Logan will win the fight against Drake but there is hardly any water around the arena. Plus Drake is not even that powerful to do that cause you said that he is very new to Camp so that means he is still learning to use his powers. The only reason why Logan is able to do that much is he has train to use that many skeletons cause that is what he specializes in. So maybe edit the post to where he doesn't summon that much water cause the way you described it was a lot.
I understand ill edit it its just that he got angry that's why he suprised himself. That's why a lot he doesn't want to flood the camp he let the anger fuel him and he let to much power go. In the next post I was going to have him collapse of exaustion. Since he never got the talk with chiron he didn't know what he was supposed to do. So the thing is he is not in control of his full powers. Plus I wasn't expecting him to win againts a well trained child of Hades @IronDragon
Ok I understand I know that when children of Poseidon get angry they can become very powerful. It was just that there wasn't that much of water to do that. Thanks for understanding I honestly I thought I was starting too powerful against you so I'll start narrowing down how much I do in later on in the fight. xD

I think it's awesome that you are fighting, I mean Dante is generally just making enemies right now, and I am pretty sure he would lose within seconds against either of your characters! So keep fighting, and maybe someone gets to punch Dante in the face! (he really needs it) ;D

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