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Fandom Camp Half Blood


Previously Edward Valentine

Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

Edward stood at the gate of camp. It was another summer to come and he was stuck with the registration duty. He stood against the frame of the gate with Ein sleeping next to him. He yawned as the sun reached highnoon. He knew campers would start showing up sooner or later and he had to interact with them. He didnt mind it but he didnt like be away from the forge for so long. He took his coffee mug from the ground and sipped on it as people began to arrive.
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Jake Scoffins

Outside of the Camp Gate

Jake was nearing towards the gates of Camp Half Blood, as he looked over his stuff. He always had his laptop, celestial bronze weapons, greek fire pop, and his ASUS laptop, in his bag. He began to wonder how in the world does he fit this stuff in to 1 bag. He then as bumped face first into the gate, because he wasn't paying attention, and almost dropped the Greek Fire pop he just recently took out.
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Ken Tanaka

Ken was fast asleep enjoying the long car ride that is need to get from his place to the camp. When the car came to a halt he stayed asleep till his mother gently shook him away. "Ken we are here." After a few seconds Ken blinked awake and let out a loud yawn as he stretched. When he did this the black fox on his lap let out a yawn as well. "Damn...already? Can we go back and then return? I was having a great nap." he joked as he looked over at his mother while gently petting his fox.

"As much fun as that would be, I already got a long drive back. Now go on. Try not to burn down a cabin this year." She said with a kind smile. "Almost! I almost burnt down a cabin. Key word is almost." He said as he got out of the car. He placed the fox on the ground and grabbed his steampunk bag. "Bye, see you later." Ken said as he tossed the bag over his shoulder. "Bye Love see you... You better not get kicked out of camp earlier." She said with a laugh moments before driving off not giving Ken a chance to say anything.

Laughing a bit he looked at his pet fox who sat on the grass and waited for Ken to go. "Well... Let's go Vix, time to meet people." Sighing he trudged up the hill, Vix at his heels.

When he saw one kid run into the gate he let out a snicker but didn't bother to help. Instead he kept walking and headed to the sign ups. When he got there he looked around. "Wow I arrived early for once in my life." He said with a small laugh as he grabbed the pen to sign up.
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Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

If it wasn't your first time at camp then you would of either seen or heard of Edward Valentine. He was the year round camper thats been at camp since he was barely a preteen. He was kind of a camp myth. He was known for making crazy inventions and spending countless hours working in the camp forge making gods know what. Mostly he was know for doing a few incredible things but most people either think he is a legend or the things he did were legend. Either way, it seems this year he has been dragged out to do signs ups and sign ins for returning campers.

Edward grumbled a little at the boy playing with the greek fire and walked over to him, snatching it out of his hand before he could drop it burn the camp gate down. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"Be careful kid. I don't want to build another camp gate this summer."

He handed the kid his greek fire and looked down his clip board as he spoke.


When he looked up to get the kids info, he saw the Hades kid from last year who almost burned down his cabin. Edward sneered at the boy, kinda hoping a monster had eaten him, he looked back to the new kinda with soda pop.

"Come on kid. I don't have all day."
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Ken Tanaka

Camp Gate

When Ken received the sneer from his ever so dear friend Edward he just smiled at him. "Aww Don't be like that Ed. Don't tell me you are still mad about that small incident. I apologized and got dishes for the rest of the camp year." He said as he signed his name on the sheet before stepping aside so someone else could sign. "I missed you and dreamt about you and this is how you greet me?" He said as he placed a hand on his heart and wiped away a fake tear. "Oh my heart! I can feel it shattering in a million pieces. Have you no kindness in your bosom" Every sentence he had just said was filled with complete sarcasm. He thought Edward was okay, but he never really bothered to get to know him just like the rest of the campers, he may know there names, but other then that he didn't know much about them. And honestly he didn't care enough to learn more.
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Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

"So your still a loner last year I see. Well, move along, your bothering the other campers and I'm sure Chiron will like to see you at the commencement ceremony. I think he wants to involve you in a skit and since your prone to skipping out on these events...."

Edward speaks as if he is reading off the camp rules list this summer.

"Anyone signed up for an event, missing said event without proper excuse of absence will get punishment."

Edward smiled over at the boy. "If I recall from this weeks councilor meeting, the punishment is cleaning the bathrooms which have been neglected for over a month now."

Edward then turned to the boy in line who has yet to speak his name and scowls at him.
Jake Scoffins

Infront of Athena Cabin

"Jake Scoffins" Jake simply replied, as he put away his fiery explosive back into his bag, and told the gate watcher his name. Jake then looked in front of him, and recognized Edward, since he was pretty well known around Camp HalfBlood. "Is there anything else?" Jake said looking at Edward, and his pet.
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Ken Tanaka

Camp Gate

At that Ken blinked a bit, but of course he didn't believe it. Him? Doing a skit for a bunch of people? He wouldn't dream of doing anything like that in a million years, so he didn't think he would be doing it here. After all, he was pretty certain that if he did do that he would freeze on stage, he doesn't know if he had stage fright and he sure as hell didn't want to find out.

With his usual smile he shook his head as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Me doing a skit? Pfff Yeah right, nice joke Ed. Next thing you are going to say is Vix here can fly and talk." He said with a smile as he nodded his head in the direction of his pet fox that started to scratch Ken's pants out of curiosity when it saw a bug had landed on the jeans. Ken gave a warm smile at the playful animal before he turned his gaze back to Edward. He was silent for a bit as he remembered something the older guy said earlier.

"....Hold up! What makes you think I'm still a loner! I have plenty of friends." He said as he crossed his arms. Of course this statement was only half true. He did have a few buddies buuuut they were all souls he would summon at times to chat with. Living friends...unless his mom counts then he currently has a grand total of zero.
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Kae sends a long glance over her shoulder at the city before sprinting off. Goodbye New York City and hello Camp Half Blood. She's got miles to go before she actually arrives, but that doesn't matter so much to her. See, she's going back to camp, and that means that for a whole three months she doesn't have to worry about cops hunting her down or rival gang members or even friendly gang members. She can be a kid for three months. It's going to be heaven.

Camp Half Blood is just over this hill. Kae smiles gently and takes off her necklace, flipping open the knife and slicing the tip of her finger open. Still sharp. Still deadly. Kae puts the necklace back on as she approaches the gate and smiles at the counselor. "Good morning, Edward!" Kae greets him cheerily. She then turns to the other two campers. "And Ken. And Jake."
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Thelma Anchebe

Camp Gate

Thelma walked up to the gate, the taxi she hired just dropping her of just short of the camp. The camp representative were quite clear on secrecy in these parts and she had no one close to her to take her the whole way. She didnt mind the walk, this was her first time out of south africa and enjoyed exploring the sights, even American nature. Constantly she would be detracted by various trees, little animals, passing cars and foliage. She really had to force herself to keep focus on to her journey, she would have reached the camp at least half an hour earlier if she could. It made her angry and nervous about what was going to happen at camp. feeling she would get out the fire to just to get to a pan and anger and annoy everyone.

She meekly approached the camp, seeing a group gather in-front of the columned gate. Here we go, she thought sighing as she approached them before being distracted by the grounds before the gate, mesmerized by them making her forgetting the others there and her nerves. The seer scale, the pine tree nearby, the various automatons in the distance, this place was beyond anything she had imagined.

Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

"Either way Ken, Chiron still wants to talk to you."

Edward nods Ken to head off to find the centaur as he turned to the new group of kids. He looked to Kae and narrowed his eyes at the devilish little thief.

"Kae, dont mess with the new kid, and go sign in on the sign-in sheet then go settle in. We have the ceremony at six."

After sending another annoying little shit off to their cabins, Edward turned to Jake and spoke up again.

"Okay Jake, Who is your godly parent just in case we need to make an emergency contact with him/or her."

Edwards voice was dull with boredom and it was as if he read off the sheet like it telemarketer would. Expect when he spoke it was if the chance of death was actually a real liability for the camp.
Ken Tanaka

Camp Gate

Ken was already taking a few steps away from Edward as more people arrived making him feel a bit uncomfortable. As another girl arrived he took another step away. Hearing Edward he looked up at him and nodded glad to have an excuse to run off. Which is exactly what he did. Getting a tight grip on his bag and his suitcase he immediately ran away from the ever growing group and made a beeline for his cabin.

Upon arriving he let out a sigh of relief as he entered the building. He was pretty alone for the moment as there weren't many Hades kids walking around which is something he is completely cool with. He took the suitcase and placed it on the floor next to his bed.

"I'll unpack later. Guess I should go see Chiron. I really hope Ed was kidding about the skit. I can't do anything like that...probably."

He said this to his fox that just tilted it's head to the side as he looked up at Ken. Smiling at the animal he bend down and gently scratched it behind it's ear making it pant a bit in delight from the attention and the fact he just loves being scratched there. Ken kept his smile as got up only for it to turn into a small frown when he looked at the door. Opening it up he waited till the fox ran out before he left as well.

Not paying any attention to the other kids he placed his hands in his pocket and walked to the big house. Keeping his head down so he wouldn't draw attention he casually strolled along. He soon arrived at his destination and entered. When he did he looked around for the centaur for a bit till he founded him. Ken approached the half man and half horse with a smirk as he stood up straight not wanting to look like some shy loser or something.

"Hey... Edward said you wanted to see me. If something happened I promise I didn't do anything as of yet."
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Thelma Anchebe

Camp Gate

Thelma noted people going past her and silently curse herself for probably missing something and standing around like an idiot. "Come on, Themby, don't be mambara and move your ass. You always do that even when. No I was not told about that. She always does that. I wonder what she is doing, school must be difficult. I wonder how much it would cost to go to college..." She kept on talking to herself on and on unable to stop herself.

It took her seeing the centaur in the distance. "Jislaaik these are real? Well they would be if there gods... If there gods here than everyone is related so I have family. I wonder what my sister is doing..." She began talking again.
Jake Scoffins

Infront of Camp Gate

"Athena" Jake said with a sign of impatience lingering in his voice. The urge to run into camp, and barge through the door to cabin, most likely to fail, and have to deal with Edwards wrath, was well worth it. "Anything else do you need?" Jake said as he was tapping his foot, whenever he was impatient.

Jake put down his shoulder bag on the ground, due to the weight of all the stuff on his shoulder. He shook his arms, to feel the feeling of the freed off weight of his shoulder, as the feeling of the weight lifted. He then looked through the gate as he saw his cabin, and hoped that nobody was there currently since he really wanted to do a teasing prank on a certain two.
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Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

"Jake Scoffins....Athena...."

Edwards basically says to the clipboard as he scribbles down the information. Once finished, he looks up at Jake and nods.

"Your good to go meet your counsular and siblings."

Edward from then on doesn't see Jake. Edward sees someone in the way. He literally just picks up Jakes back pack with one arm and without much extortion and places in on the ground next to Ein, his massive Neapolitan Mastiff. Edward walks over to the new girl and looks at his clipboard ready to ask the same questions as before.

"Name and Godrent."


Chiron looks over to Ken and smiled at the boy. He trotted over from his conversation with Mr. D. He gives the young demigod a bow of his head and then speaks up.

"I see my message got through to you. I'll have to thank Edward later. Please walk with me Ken."

As Chiron started walking with the boy, he began his little rant.

"Last year, with the whole cabin almost burning down, and the Hephaestus kids having trouble indicating how to repair the cabin to the other campers because of your Father banning other children from entering, we would like to avoid any trouble. So to show your good faith and that it won't happen again, your gonna be performing a skit on fire safety and how to avoid major burns and lava flesh wounds. It will be at the ceremony. If you don't want to thats fine but you will be cleaning the restrooms."

Chiron decided to leave the information about people working in the opening ceremony getting first choice on camp activities for the month. He looked over to Ken to engage his answer.
Ken Tanaka

In the big house with Chiron

Ken looked up at Chiron and remained silent. He wanted him to do a skit in front of all those people at the ceremony? Him? The guy who hasn't had a single living friend in years... Chiron want him to go in front of all those people and preform a skit. How about hell no! Not in a million years! All of their eyes on him, the silence and everything of that sort!? He couldn't! He would mess up! He could do something wrong! What if he ends up getting someone killed on accident by doing a simple skit!? He couldn't do it! Something like that was out of his league! He may be great at sports and such but talking in front of people!? Sure he has never tried it, but he never wanted to! He was quiet for a good minute before he was snapped into reality when his fox let out a small yip to wake him.

He smiled confidently and looked at Chiron.

"Easy! Hehehe Do I make up the skit or do you have something you want me to do?"

At this he facepalmed hard inwardly. Why did he accept!? Sure he didn't want to clean those bathrooms but still! What was he thinking!???!
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Thelma Anchebe

Camp Gate

Thelma almost jumped when someone spoke to her." Holy... Sneak on a girl will you. You don't know what I could get from the shock. Heart attacks, confusion lead to a drip and fall. I had someone going from that. I guess you don't need to worry about that your... Wait no, seesh I can already see black stuff effecting your lungs. Not to mention dirt and metal poisoning building up though... Though muscles well developed. Should catch the eye of a girl..."

She paused and made a look of cursing herself. "Sorry that's problem, I blab. What did you ask? Oh yes name and god. Thembeka Achebe though people just call me Thelma or Themby, whatever. As for godrent. Strange word for it though, couldn't you say god parent? Less negative. Though what do I know. Knew world for me you know? I only found out..."
Jake Scoffins

Infront of the Athena Cabin

Jake then nodded, and picked up his shoulder bag, and went up to go in his cabin. Jake opened it, and went inside. He went over to his bed, and put away his stuff, and sorted it out. He got out his ASUS laptop, and started to open stuff up on the laptop. He looked around, and found some papers, that was under his desk. "Well I might as do it plain, and simple" Jake signed this wasn't a way that the Athena kids would do it, but it would do. Jake got out the construction paper, and started to write stuff down. He got out a tape dispenser, and went to two of the victims, as he laughed nervously, since that how his laugh was. He taped them down, and sat down on his bed, and stopped laughing.

"What to do..." Jake silently said in a childish way, as he felt like doing something crazy. Jake signed bored, as he got out a plain sheet of paper, and started to put 1 of his ideas of a weapon. After getting a main structure a bear trap, and started to think how long, and how wide it should be. After a few problems, and hard thinking, Jake threw away his paper inside the recycling bin, put his elbow on his leg, and signed as he was in his thinking mode.
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Kae giggles and skips away, into camp. She's giddy because she's free, not that she isn't normally free. She's homeless and part of a street gang at 13. How can she be freer? Answer: Camp Half Blood. Kae loves it here. She can fight and joke and talk about the struggles of demigod life here. Everything is mythical and amazing. It's like leaving reality for three months. How awesome is that?

Kae follows Jake into his cabin and stands at the doorway. "Sup, Jake?" She greets him, smiling widely as she leans against the doorframe. "I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Kae. You're Jake, I overheard. You're the wise-girl's brain-child?" Kae's smile turns into a smirk. She likes to kid with people.
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Jake Scoffins

Inside the Athena Cabin

"Well that is very insulting" Jake getting up really quick. He couldn't really decide which one that she was talking about his mother, or his half-sibling Annabeth. "Anyway what are you doing in the Athena Cabin?" He quickly added as he was sure that this girl will cause mayhem inside the Athena cabin. "Go bother that guy who was the first to talk to Edward, he can be annoyed" Jake said as he pulled over his laptop towards him, and started to open stuff up. Jake soon clicked on the notepad, and started to type.


Jake begun to type, very fast as the buttons created the follow. "Today I got back to camp, and waited for a while to go to my cabin. The people I've talk to so far come to the conclusion. This is going to be a long month, of absolute torture" Jake typed, as he looked at the necklace that the girl previously had out.

"It's not that insulting." Kae mumbles, moving into the cabin and sitting next to Jake. "Plus, Eddie is a little stressed right now. And you're a newbie anyway, so I can annoy you as much as I want. What are you writing?" She looks over his shoulder and reads what he wrote. "Three months. Long three months. Summer is three months."

Kae stands and paces a little. The Athena kids know not to mess with her, so no one is going to mention that she shouldn't be in the cabin. "So you're Jake. How old are you? How long have you known? How were you claimed? Tell me everything."

Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

"Edward stared at the girl as he basically gave him a medical over view with a bit of personal fling in there. The black lung and metal poisoning remarks only made the obvious child of Hephaestus chuckle a little. His self-deprecating laugh was probably the first time he smiled all day and it was of course by the weird new girl from South Africa.

"Yea, Thelma Anchebe, we got word of your arrival. Glad you weren't killed on the way over. No Godrent, tell me so I can get the other campers signed in and signed up...."

Edward kinda just stared at the girl as he thought about the last time he get a nectar injection from the medical cabin. He was sure he was gonna hear it from the head of the medical cabin. The last time he didnt go without his injects was for two months and he was bed ridden for a week. All that time he got an ear full for not coming in and blah blah blah.


The old centaur smiled down and Ken and slapped him on the back with a proud laugh and bright smile playing across his aged cheeks.

"Great news!! You'll be preforming Prometheus with the Apollo Cabin. Have fun!"

Chiron trotted off before he got an earful from the child of Hades having to do a play about fire with the Theater kids of the camp.
Thelma Anchebe

Camp Gate

Thelma's mind was already elsewhere, noticing the golden fleece in the distance. "Wow, is that a golden wool? I imagine making a jumper our of that.You should be careful, someone will steal that if its just standing there.. If it was in Gauteng. I might even sneak off with it." She said smirking and winking at him."I kid of course i can guess if someone put something over like that there has to be a reason, i doubt people are that stupid here... Though i wouldn't be surprised. "

She saw the look in Edwards eyes and stopped herself from going further. Dammit thembi. " Sorry, eh, godrent right... Eh bare with me i am not practiced with greek names. Asc...Asclibius... Asclebais, Asclepius? Which makes you my half uncle? Quarter uncle? I hear god family tree is complicated."
Ken Tanaka

Big house alone

Ken stood in his spot for a long time as he took in this information. So he not only had to do a skit, but he had to do with other people, in front of even more people. And what happened to fire safety?? What does Prometheus have to do with actual fire safety!? He stole fire from the gods and got tortured because of this!? Is this suppose to be some sort of irony or something? He set a cabin on fire so now he must be mentally tortured?

Ken shook his head and snapped out he extended his hand and was about to call out to Chiron only to find the centaur had left. Why was this happening to him? He got it from last year he needs to be careful and not get mixed up in terrible bets. But this... 'I know! I can run away before the play! Yeah I just need to find a motorcycle or something and I can simply rid home!' He thought with a smile only to remember what his mother had said about getting kicked out.

He let out a heavy sigh, stuffing his hands into his pockets he turned on his heel and exited the cabin.

Heading to the edge of the woods

Preform? I can do it right? Sure there are a ton of people just going to stare at me...and I have to work with others. That should be easy! I mean I'm boss when it come to chariot racing and capture the flag. My team won at least three time in a row and I won the chariot race twice.' He thought. "I wish I had my phone.... I suddenly have a strong will to call my mom...'

Ken simply walked having no place in mind. He thought of going to the Apollo cabin but it seemed pretty full at the moment. Waaaaaay to many people there for him to simply approach. So instead he headed to the edge of the woods, his fox right behind him.
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Edward Valentine

Camp Gate

"Thelma Anchebe.....Daughter of Asclepius, and I really wouldnt go much into blood relation around here. It would be even more confusing if you knew how many people were dating."

Edward looked up from the clipboard and gave a the girl a long stare.

"Also wouldnt go using the golden fleece that defends this camp every second of every day from monsters invading, killing and feasting on our entrails, but you know I think it might make a nice sweater."

Edward flashes a quick wink before scribbling down her info. After a few seconds to write, Edward faced the newbie and spoke up once more.

"Your cabin will have the have the pillars with snakes coiling up them as decoration. Its pretty easy to catch. It will have a familiar scent of herbs and medicines, kinda like a pharmacy."

As he finishes with the girl, he sees the Hades kid at the edge of the woods. He doesnt really do much, but as he signs in more campers he watches Ken closely.

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