• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Signups)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Demigod Creation Station

(Witty, I know o^o)


The character application process will be used to gauge what we can expect from you in the role play.

We are looking for creative writers that are capable of developing a well thought out character be able to use them responsibly.

Simply filling out the form below will not be enough for your character to be accepted.

Please give the GMs twenty-four hours to contact you after initially posting your character.

{Appearance Up Here- Realistic Please}




Sexual Orientation: (There are more than Straight and Gay)

Godly Parent: (Greek Only)

Years at Camp:

Powers: (Use bullets or -'s)

Personality: (Paragraph form please)

History: (Optional)

Scent: (Strange I know)

Likes: (Same as Powers)

Dislikes: (Same as Powers)


Theme Song:




Hades: 1/3

Poseidon: 2/3

Zeus: 1/3

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James Anson Dixon







Sexual Orientation:



• Woodland magic, such as control of plants, but it is largely unpolished

• Able to detect emotions in mortals, which is almost second-nature to him

• Animal-level hearing, smell and can run at a notably quick clip when his legs are free from pants


James has a curly head of auburn hair with tiny ivory horns that just barely poke out. Splashes of freckles decorate his chest and face. His face is very expressive, allowing him to exaggerate emotions as needed. His eyes are a vivid hazel, with many contrasts between the brown and green shades of them. In spite of his youthful appearance, his chin is usually covered in stubbles of hair, making people further doubt his claims of being sixteen. His frame is more lanky than muscular, standing at five foot ten and having just enough meat on him for his ribs not to poke out. However, his elbows are bony and his scapula pokes out with certain movements. James has an angular shaped face with a long, slender nose, and the tips of his ears are somewhat pointed, but this is concealed by his thick hair and the various beanie hats he often wears.

James prefers being completely in the nude, throwing on only a windbreaker for cooler weather. However, for the sake of the disguise he often has to adopt, he will fit himself into jeans and a graphic t-shirt. His arms are rather hairy, unlike his chest, but he has an aversion to long sleeves, so he'll just cross his arms if he ever feels the need. Since he has never quite mastered the art of wearing pants, James acts the part of a cripple, bringing a cane with him all the time. Sometimes, however, he forgets to act completely disabled without it, leading to some interesting incidents. His fur, which begins around his waist, is the same auburn color as the hair on his head, though the fur is in tighter curls and does not have the same soft feel to it.


James is an obvious extrovert, easily flitting from one group of people to the next and befriending them all just as easily. He is fun loving and mischievous, pulling pranks whenever one comes to mind. He oozes overconfidence, keeping him optimistic even in the face of perilous situations. He appears selfish and can sometimes come across as cold. When it comes down to a situation he knows is very critical based on what he does, James has the rare talent among satyrs to completely shut down his emotions and will think only with logical sense. Sometimes this satyr can seem scatterbrained, as he has an odd way of prioritizing things, which others can find frustrating in such instances. However, he never fails to surprise others with how it works out for him in the end, further fueling his arrogance.

James has an impulsive need to do the opposite of what he is told, often leading him into trouble. He is infamously stubborn, and once his mind is set on something, there is very little anyone can do to change it. Sometimes this makes him judgmental, to which he will treat someone on whatever bias he has developed. The satyr is quick to jump to conclusions and is not much of one for careful thinking. On many occasions, he can act very immature, teasing others until it is too late to realize he has insulted someone. There are very few things he loves more than a good dirty joke. James sometimes seems a little dubious in terms of moral grounds, as he has no qualms with lying, cheating or gambling, but his intentions are usually earnest. He can, however, struggle with forgiving others at times.

When it comes to textbook things, James isn't the brightest. He is gifted with the natural instincts of his race, but the only facts he can go on about are plants and environmental science, as his kin have been force-feeding him that information since he was a child. Sticking close to his charge doubled as someone he can cheat off of when it comes to homework, as James would never be one to bother with studying. He finds many things in the human world to be trivial and will often complain about how pointless it is, math being a chief subject among them. That is just one example of many of how quick he is to undermine the problems of others. Anyone that tries to vent with him will instead find him talking about how much he has it so much worse, much to the annoyance of the rather unfortunate individual.

As entertaining as he is, or tries to be, the satyr's insensitive, tough love tendencies leave him to be an acquired taste of companionship. Still, James is just like any other satyr where he can detect the feelings of others. This is usually a belated reaction, where he may be talking carelessly before he realizes how much the extent to which he has upset someone or otherwise. As a result, sometimes he will explode into sudden anger or completely shut down, depending on the circumstances. This gives off the impression that he is unstable, where in reality, it's just the intensity of someone's emotions rubbing off on him.


Like most of his kin, James has spent his entire time in Camp Half Blood. From birth, he was kept close to his fellow satyrs, an almost numerous amount of which were his brothers. His parents bred like animals, to put it mildly. At first, he was just engrossed with the satyr lifestyle as the rest of them were, just as was expected of him. He was fed information about biology, he was preached to about nature, and just like the rest, he dreamed of being the one to find Pan, even before he fully understood what that entailed. James was excessively passive, promoting peace over violence and spending most of his days having good family fun with the other satyrs and occasionally the nymphs.

To this day, he is still not quite sure what triggered what could go down in history as the ultimate rebellious teenage phase the world had ever seen. Perhaps it was when he began to grow dimly curious of the demigods also occupying camp alongside him, the likes of which he had looked down his nose at for the longest time for their more "primitive" propensities towards violence. Regardless of what started it all, James began to drift away from his brethren and took a more keen interest in watching the demigods. Soon, he found that he wanted to learn more about them, and through them, what life was like on the outside.

No true buffer existed to prevent this from happening. His parents hardly even noticed this sudden curiosity from him, and the resultant change in behavior, as he was well into his pre-teen years at the age of nineteen and they had many other children to also give their attention to. These other half-humans were a curiosity though, with the way that they treated their god-given gifts for more combative purposes, as opposed to the casual usage shown to him by his elders. James had considered himself to be a master of his magical craft, but when he challenged and was easily beaten by one of these demigods, his entire attitude changed towards this.

He began to obsessively work for some combative edge that he could get. James's strange pursuits soon began to attract the attention of many in the camp. The other satyrs and the nymphs looked at this with disapproval, while a select few demigod friends he had made were very encouraging with his efforts. From here, his inclination toward various weapons was tested, and a particular staff was found to be a perfect match, and was bestowed unto him by the directors of the camp.

As James worked to improve his skills with the staff, determined to never be a pushover again, he came to the epiphany of how this had all happened. He realized the pressure from the other satyrs to think, act and behave just as they did, taking on their air of moral superiority with their compliant ideals. Repression of his naturally crude nature had lead to an exaggerated persona of the ideal satyr, and without thinking about it, he one day decided to just cast it all away. With this in mind, he developed a strong resentment to these traditions and developed his cynical mindset, which overall made him particularly indifferent to the plights of those with influence. If he wasn't aware of the dangers involved, he would talk down on the gods in all kinds of ways.

Needless to say, though his abandonment of the basic principles of his kin have left his woodland magic rather inferior to many of the other satyrs his age, James had came to be on par with just about any of the other trained demigods in terms of weapon usage by the age of twenty-four. A year later, he was entrusted with the task of protector. He was transferred between a variety of middle schools to sniff out the half-bloods there. His first few months were met with little success, but that wasn't something he minded. In spite of acting the part of the cripple, he gained popularity among the population of students as a class clown. In theory, James should not have been attracting so much attention, but he couldn't help it. For the first time in his life, he was fully immersing himself in the culture he had always fantasized about and he loved every minute of it. There was no pressure or expectation for him to act the part of a tree-hugging hippie. The kids there even thought the cane was cool.

Soon enough, just a few days prior to his next birthday, he caught a whiff of his first half-blood. Her name was Jessica Strouth, a rather unimpressive girl that mostly kept to herself, but she was beginning to dimly recognize who she was. James worked around the school system to get closer to her. He found that she was struggling through school due to a severe case of dyslexia, which would stress her at times of work and give her a volatile temper when talked to during this time. However, as he grew to be one of the few people who spoke with her, he found she was good-humored, if a little morbid. James was busy building up a way to whoever her guardian was when an altercation with another student escalated. When he found her, the other kid had already been choked out from toxic fumes and she was standing there in shock. Needless to say, it was time to skip the formalities and head straight to camp.

His first escort was a success. Only a single monster appeared during their venture, the likes of which was swiftly dealt with. Things were arranged with her father, and while James aided in showing her the ropes of camp and was pleased with his shifting reputation around the place, he only stuck around long enough for Demeter to claim her daughter. He found that he enjoyed the job of being a protector far more than he would ever want to be a searcher. James delighted in privately poking fun at the simple problems of humans and loved nothing more than finding a new demigod who would look to him as a vast source of knowledge and ogle at his fighting skills. For a good many years, he was obsessed with recruiting new half-bloods. His success was such that he was invited to be a searcher, but he instantly declined. He would gladly go on the occasional quest if requested, but it was not in his nature to dedicate himself to a single task.

It was only after he was personally requested to escort a young man from the underworld that he began to back off of constantly jumping on a new search, merely for the fact he was finally satisfied with the kids around camp, the likes of which had all but forgotten his "prudish" days. People perceived him as the fun satyr to be around, just as he wanted, or the obnoxious one. Either way, it was the persona he had always desired to put up and he could not be any more pleased.


He smells somewhat reminiscent of a dusty barn, naturally carrying the musk of a farm animal, but it isn't uncommon for him to use green apple hair products and other sweet scented body wash.


• Head scratches

• Juicy food

• Sparring


• Politics

• Science fiction

• Cold weather


An oaken cane with a bulky handle that doubles as a staf. The material aids him in channeling his powers, but prefers to simply fight with it, as his powers are notably underdeveloped. It can shift into an actual bo staff where it no longer has the handle, but James prefers the aesthetic that goes along with beating people with canes.

Theme Song:


Charged with the protection of Derrick and Elijah Emerson.
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Caspian "Cas" Phillips

  • NAME: Caspian "Cas" Phillips

    AGE: 17

    GENDER: Male


    GODLY PARENT: Poseidon

    HEIGHT: 6' 0" (183 cm)

    HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde

    EYE COLOR: Brown


    SCENT: Salt water taffy


    OTHER: Has two younger adoptive sisters (Lily and Rose), and a southern twang.

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Alexandra the Great

  • NAME: Alexandra “the Great” Clay

    AGE: 16

    GENDER: Female

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Science-sexual

    GODLY PARENT: Hephaestus

    HEIGHT: 5’4”


    EYE COLOR: Blue

    SKIN COLOR: Not enough sun

    SCENT: Ozone and nitrous oxide

    FAVORITE COLORS: Black and rust (because they hide stains)

  • [/media]

Color: Rust
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Asha Kapoor

  • NAME: Asha Kapoor

    AGE: 18

    GENDER: Female


    GODLY PARENT: Hermes

    HEIGHT: 5' 4" (163 cm)

    HAIR COLOR: Very Dark Brown

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    SKIN COLOR: Like Caramel

    SCENT: Coffee


    YEARS AT CAMP: 5 years.

    OTHER: Asha is addicted to caffine. She always has it with her in some form.

  • - Speed - Asha is able to move with super human speed. Under pressure she can move at almost super sonic speed, but this puts great strain on her body.

    Enhanced Agility - Asha is adept at dodging attacks and moving around in the world.

    Lock Manipulation - Asha can perceive the functioning and unlock practically every lock.

    Enhanced Persuasion - Asha can persuade people to do things and think things that she wants. They have to be below a certain intelligence level, and this is in no way close to as powerful as a child of Aphrodite's charmspeak.


    Two Katar (daggers) which are typically disguised as individual rings that she wears on each hands. They transform when she takes them off.


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  • Name: Oliver (Ollie) Crandel

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Godly Parent: Nike


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Name: Logan Fletcher

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Godly Parent: Hypnos, god of sleep

Years at Camp: 4


- Hypnokinesis

- Logan can induce sleep but the effect only lasts for a few hours. This is also limited to only a few people at a time.

- He can also astrally project when he is asleep.

- He is capable of altering and retrieving memories, but prefers not to alter memories as he finds it to be an unpleasant violation of a person's most private self.


Logan is lazy and easygoing; he can usually be found lounging around in Cabin Fifteen with a few of his other half-siblings or hanging out near the lake. He only trains out of necessity, for self protection against the monsters that he occasionally comes across outside of Camp Half-Blood. Hand-to-hand fighting and sword skills are especially crucial for him because his other abilities are not combat-oriented.

Logan often has his head up in the clouds and does not pay much attention to his surroundings. Because of this unawareness, he is somewhat oblivious to the emotional state of others and cannot read the situation. However, he is friendly when approached, although his conversational skills are quite subpar, usually consisting of idle small talk and one word answers to questions.

Logan claims to be a pacifist, but this is to cover up his cowardice in the face of major confrontations. He is also indecisive, afraid of making the wrong decision and often relying on others for leadership and advice. He admires the more confident and courageous demigods of the camp, but also secretly envies them. Logan lives life at his own pace and focuses on getting by from day to day. He has no future aspirations or ambitions to speak of at the moment, and only wishes for his life to continue on peacefully.

Despite the weaker points of his personality, Logan is by no means a pushover. He values his friends and family greatly and also strives to do the right thing, even though he can sometimes cave to outside pressures.

Scent: He smells faintly of fresh laundry.


- Sleeping in on the weekends

- Watching the clouds

- Quiet afternoons

- People watching

- Rainy nights

- Afternoon naps


- Confrontations

- Making decisions

- High pressure situations

- Arrogant people

Weapon: Standard sword of celestial bronze

Theme Song: Capo Productions' "The Stars Are Dreaming"


- Logan's favorite color is light blue.

- He keeps a journal where he records his dreams in order to improve his abilities.

- He has conflicting feelings about his father; Hypnos is lazy and irresponsible most of the time, but he is his father after all.

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Leila James

  • Britt+Robertson+pa24+7.jpg

    AGE: 16

    GENDER: Female

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

    GODLY PARENT: Poseidon

    HEIGHT: 5'7"

    HAIR COLOR: Blonde

    EYE COLOR: Gray

    SKIN COLOR: Creamy White

    SCENT: an Oncoming Storm

    YEARS AT CAMP: 8 years

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Top_100_Cute_Girls_Hairstyles_006.jpg.b23066f0cd1a77897f88f0a1004953e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54711" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Top_100_Cute_Girls_Hairstyles_006.jpg.b23066f0cd1a77897f88f0a1004953e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name: Carine Jacelynn Keepers


    CJ - A nickname her dad intended to have. Mostly everyone prefers to call her using it if they don't prefer to call her Carine.

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious

    Godly Parent: Athena

    Height: 5' 3"

    Weight: 145 lbs.

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Theme: The Violet Hour - Civil Wars

    Scent: Honey Lemons

    Favorite Colors: Grey, White and Purple

    Years in Camp: Approximately 3 years​

My favorite color is amber!



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Jade Wyatt

  • vSOjujW0GX4.jpg

    AGE: 18

    GENDER: Female

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

    GODLY PARENT: Dionysus

    HEIGHT: 5'4"

    HAIR COLOR: Dark or Light/Blonde Brown

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    SKIN COLOR: Lightly Tan

    SCENT: Grapes

    YEARS AT CAMP: 1 years

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Marion Hale

  • latest

    AGE: 14

    GENDER: Female

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual


    HEIGHT: 5'3"

    HAIR COLOR: Brown

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    SKIN COLOR: light Tan

    SCENT: Skittles



  • Name: Samantha Yu

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Asexual

    Godly Parent: Hephaestus

    Years at Camp: 0

    Favorite Color(s): Black and Yellow

    Scent: She usually smells like her strawberries n' cream conditioner with a metallic twinge, but when angered can take on the scent of smoke.

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Favorite Color: Peach

Juliet Justice Orion

  • 20523650_011_a.jpg

    Name: Juliet J. Orion

    Nickname: 'Julie' or 'J.J'

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Hair Color: Dark brown

    Eye Color: Olive-grey

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Godly Parent: Demeter

    Years at Camp: Finishing her 3rd year

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Dylan Vega

  • NAME: Dylan Vega

    AGE: 20

    GENDER: Male



    HEIGHT: 5' 4"

    HAIR COLOR: Black

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    SKIN COLOR: Caramel

    SCENT: Grass


    YEARS AT CAMP: 8 years.

    OTHER: Has a very slight accent. Despite being twenty, he looks anywhere from 12 to 15 years old.

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Karen Ellingsen


  • NAME: Karen Ellingsen

    AGE: 17

    GENDER: Female


    GODLY PARENT: Triton

    HEIGHT: 5'8"

    HAIR COLOR: Dark blonde

    EYE COLOR: Sea-green

    SKIN: Tan

    SCENT: Brine

    FAVORITE COLORS: Green, gray and blue

    YEARS AT CAMP: Newcomer

    OTHER: Plays the trumpet in her school orchestra

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Lucas Winslow


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Godly Parent: Thanatos, God of Death


- As the son of Thanatos, Lucas can get a feeling of uneasiness and nausea when someone is close to their time of dying

- Lucas can summon an undead horse made of bones and black flames, which he calls Chestnut

- Lucas is an expert at sword combat, learning it from his cousins, and using a one-handed scythe his father gave to him when he found out he was a demigod that can transform into a flashlight


Lucas, despite being the son of the God of Death, is a typically exaggerated teen. He isn't mellow at all, and is boisterous to no limits. He will yell during the most inappropriate of times, which can be from when his parents are talking to him, to a school assembly, to even a funeral if he had to go to one. He is extremely rude, goofing off when he needs to take something seriously. He only has a select few friends, who mainly stay with him for the reasons of his good qualities. He is remarkably kind to people who are depressed, doing his best to make friends with them so they feel better. He also is stubborn, which is good and bad. He sticks to something with ferocious determination, but also won't give it up until he sees it through.


Lucas's mother, Selena, is insane with what she does. She always put herself in dangerous situations before she had her child. He would go vertical climbing on mountains that others would be scared to even think of the action; she would go skiing during an avalanche, though that was pretty rare; she would go banzaii jumping, throwing the parachute out of the plane first, and then jumping out after it. She was a scary risk taker, but she was well known for it. She set the world record for Longest to Stay in a Cage of Indian Red Scorpions. She is in a the Guinness Book of World Records, since everyone else is too frightened to take the challenge.

One day, while out climbing, she had went alone, leaving the rest of her group behind so she could get a head start. She did this sometimes when others were running late, so it wasn't new to her. What was new, though, was the rocks that broke off when she reached for a handhold. Only grabbing air, she fell back down about 20 feet, landing on her legs, and then rolling another 25 feet. She lay there, bloody and broken, close to death. Before she closed her eyes, she saw Thanatos standing there, prepared to take her to the Underworld. But seeing the man, Selena was not going to show she was weak. She knew who he was, though she didn't know why. She just did. So she stared him straight in the eyes, refusing to give up on living. Thanatos just waited impatiently, annoyed at the beginning for taking so long, but soon being amazed someone like her could hold out for so long. This impressed him, and he decided against reaping her soul. He left, resorted to a more modern and different look, and went to go find people to help her. She was escorted to a hospital, where they took care of her, and nursed her back to health. Thanatos visited her multiple times in the hospital, and then proceeded to start dating her after she was soon released.

Lucas was born a little after his mother and Thanatos split up. He was a weak baby, weighing in at 5.9 pounds, which was not a healthy weight for an infant. He had to be kept in the hospital for a couple days before he was released, just so they could make sure he would not have any issues when he went home. After three days of staying in the hospital, he was announced safe to go home, and was brought home by his mom. There, he began growing up, his health steadily inclining. He was was always impressed by birds, sitting outside with his mom when he was 5 so he could watch the birds fly around the forest in the back of his house.


Lucas had a normal childhood. He didn't have anything special happen to him, and grew up as any other normal kid. But once he was 9, his mother told him that his father had sent him a gift. She showed him a concealed, cylinder-like object that was quite large. Since it was covered in a sheet, he didn't know what it was. Once he pulled it off, he was stunned to see a jet black raven, one of his favorite birds, sitting in a metal cage on a single perch. A letter was taped to the outside of the cage, signed in a flourished handwriting. Lucas read everything that he could understand, with his mom helping him with the rest. From what the letter said, it's name was Oliver, and it was a completely domesticated bird. Lucas loved the bird, knowing that it must be something special, since ravens weren't easy to take care of, never mind raise. Since he didn't really know who his father was, he didn't know how he really felt about the gift, but he didn't want to be rude to someone who must be important to him, so he accepted the gift. As he grew up, he took up horse-riding and swordplay, learning both from his cousins and uncle.

As he got into high school, Lucas started becoming more of a rebel. He stayed out later in the night, began wearing different clothing, and spending time with the bad crowd of society. He made three friends; Janice, Nina, and Gabriel. They were inseparable, the group of them. They spent almost every waking hour they could together. He especially enjoyed spending time with Nina. He soon developed a crush for her, and after a little while, asked her out. They soon were dating, and Lucas enjoyed it. Though she was a year older than him at the time, he never really noticed since they were both so similar. She loved Oliver as well, and always joked about taking him from Lucas.

Soon, Nina received her driver's license. Wanting to go out for a drive, she pressured Lucas into going with her on her first official trip as a legal driver. Lucas was unsure about it, since he had a sick burning feeling in his stomach about the whole thing. And it just got worse after they got in the car. Nina wanted to go out to one of her sister's parties she held up at her college, and see if she could get herself some alcohol as well for her and Lucas. They were practically flying down the highway, weaving around cars, Nina having a blast of a time, while Lucas just sat there, feeling like he was going to vomit. Their favorite song came on, and Lucas began to try and unwind by singing it with her, when out of nowhere, he saw that they were going to fast, and that there was a car ahead of them going rather slow. He shouted her name, trying to tell her to stop, but it was too late. They hit the car, and everything went dark.

He later woke up in the hospital, confused at what had happened. His mother was there, her face red from crying. But now a look of awe and relief came over her face, and she began crying again, this time tears of joy. His father was there, too, which surprised him. He stood farther away, at the other end of the room. Lucas could tell that he was his dad, though he never had met him before. They were similar in some ways, he could tell. After looking at his father for some time, he then noticed that he was connected to a heart monitor and was bandaged all up his arms, legs, and forehead. He hugged his mom for about a minute, before he asked about Nina. The sickening feeling in his stomach was gone from before now, but replaced with a knot of worry for one of his loved ones. His mother stopped hugging him, instead looking between his dad and Lucas. His father was the one to speak up, saying that she had been killed instantly in the crash. Lucas just stared blankly at him, and then burst into tears, knowing a piece of him was missing now.

A year later, after Nina's funeral, his father visited him at home. It was nearing the end of Lucas's junior year, and his birthday was coming up. His father visited him at his mom's house, and said he wanted to give him a gift. He was then given a flashlight, which to Lucas, was a mediocre gift. But it was a gift nonetheless, so he accepted it. He thanked his dad, and then spent some time talking to him to catch up. Near the end of the conversation, his father told him the truth; he was actually the Greek god, Thanatos. And he was entirely blunt about it as well. He sent it as a giant curveball to Lucas. Lucas was stunned, and then began joking about it, thinking his dad was kidding. But then Thanatos made his scythe appear, showing him the weapon as proof. Now, Lucas was in awe. And stoked that his dad was a god. He began asking all different questions about his job, wanting to know everything he could about it. But he stopped, realizing that if his dad was the God of Death, then he had reaped Nina's soul. And had probably refused to reap Lucas's. When he asked his dad why, he told him that since Lucas was his son, he was allowed one freebie. But Nina's time had come. Lucas wanted to feel angry, but instead, he felt like it was justified. He was the son of a god, so he got one chance to live again, while Nina was normal, and had to leave the living. Lucas thanked his father, who then showed him the hidden function of the flashlight, how it transformed into the small scythe that could elongate the handle if he wanted to use it two-handed. Thanatos then handed him a letter, which he explained would allow him to attend Camp Half-Blood. He explained how it was a safe place for other demigods like Lucas, and he would be there during any summer he wanted to go. His mother would only think he was going to a normal camp for teens like him. So, Lucas decided that he would go, if he could learn what being a demigod was like. So, that's where we go from here...

Scent: On bad days, Lucas smells like rotten eggs that have sat out in the sun for too long of a time, approaching a point of imploding in on the shell. On good days, though, he smells like strawberries.


- Horses

- Birds

- Sunny weather

- Going fast, but not too fast

- Black clothing

- His beanie hat

- Swimming


- Harsh lights

- People as rude a him

- Classic or calming music

- Close spaces

Weapon: Lucas, as well as receiving his scythe/flashlight, also received a set of armor in case the need for it ever arises.



Theme Song: [media]
Other: Lucas's (and mine) favorite color is orange. He loves oranges (as do I).
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  • Zeno Ukwtakun

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Godly Parent: Zeus

    Years at Camp: 0

    Favorite Colors: Green and Blue

    Theme Song: [media]

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Zanna Aswerlath

  • 5a8d8c515b8aafe0cb5fc417ad8b51a5.jpg

    Name: Zanna Aswerlath

    Age: 17

    Sexual orientation: Pansexual homoromatic

    Height/Weight: 5'8/110 Ib

    Years at camp: 1 (This will be her second year)

    Godly parent: Nemesis

    Hair color: White

    Eye color: Purple

    Favorite color: Purple

    Skin color: White

    Relationship: (P.M me if interested)

    Scent: Faint smell of chocolate and ink

I don't know if you noticed this, but I love the color purple :D
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{FC: Dianna Agron from Glee}

Arabella Flora Eriza

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Questioning

Godly Parent: Aphrodite

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dirty blonde that almost appears as a brown hue

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 122 lbs.

Skin Color: Fair

Scent: Usually roses but can change depending on who looks at her and falls under her charm

Favorite Color: Hot Pink

Years at camp: 6 years


  • Charmspeak - She has developed this ability over the years; Arabella has always had this gift but she never used it on others her age she would unknowingly use it upon adults to help her when needed.
  • Amokinesis - This being her weakest of all abilities she can hold some influence of controlling the emotions of love and desire, but it does not always have to be love for her; she can create a relationship between two individuals if she really tried.
  • Beauty - Not so much as a power per say but it can be used to her advantage. If she wanted to capture the attention of an individual she can enhance their image of her, she physically does not change but rather the image the person perceives. Sometimes unwillingly whenever she is even in a basic conversation her beauty may enhance over time to the audience.
  • Ability to speak French fluently - At a young age she was already able to speak French, the language of love


ξεχαστεί εκδίκηση

Forgotten Revenge

It is a Celestial Bronze Greek Javelin Spear that can pull apart into two separate pieces and reconnect as one. When it is not in use they change the two separate pieces change into hairpins. She actually received the pieces of the weapon at different times. Arabella didn’t receive the top half of the spear until she successfully completed her first mission while working in a team. The bottom half of the spear was given once she learned how to accept her feelings during a mission when she admitted a mistake to the team that they had to fix.



  • All animals except crawly ones
  • Sitting by the shore of a lake and/or ocean
  • Dares
  • Whip Cream
  • Gardening
  • Singing
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Most things that are red
  • Fire
  • Compliments
  • Conversations
  • Stories
  • Adventure
  • Taking walks
  • Magic


  • Being alone
  • Dark
  • Hugging
  • Insults
  • Bullying
  • Violence
  • Unsympathetic people
  • Normal disgusting things (feces, boogers, puke, etc.)
  • Abuse
  • Cheating
  • Lies
  • Not being to help
  • Being useless
  • Being a burden
  • Abandonment


  • Claustrophobia - Fear of tight spaces
  • Haphephobia - Fear of being touched
  • Nyctophobia - Fear of the dark


From the beginning, Arabella has always been attractive, both in atmosphere and appearance. Always people were drawn to her presence whether it was negative or positive. She didn’t always desired this attention because sometimes it meant trouble. Other times she would use it to her advantage and try to gain what she desired. Arabella is still not used to the consideration and concern people have for her due to her past which causes her to build up a shell around her, this shell being the typical image of a _(female dog)_. Sometimes Arabella hates acting this way but her mind acts on its own accord reacting to outside stimuli to protect itself. The shell of Arabella goes back to the stereotypical image of one might say...a cheerleader--cocky, bratty, whiny, desperate, popular, dumb, rude, heartless, etc.--with a softer edge though. She tries to restrain herself from ever acting so boldly and rudely because the last thing she wants is enemies. All Arabella desires now is to live and understand. All her life she was kept away in the darkness of friendships and people, now she wants to join the light of family and caring. It will take some more time for her to adjust to express her true feelings to people. Her trust has grown slowly over the years at camp but not enough to start an actual relationship with anyone. She enjoys the company of people if they are calm around her, obnoxious, talkative, or loud people frighten her fragile self that she tends to snap at those type of people. Arabella doesn’t talk much but rather observes all the things around her. She does this to not attract attention and to just enjoy life now. She can be described as calm, graceful, elegant, and beautiful. First impressions of her though are often negative for the face she holds towards strangers and most people is one of arrogance and haughtiness. Arabella holds her head high to reassure inside that everything is alright since every night she always has nightmares of her past. Everyday she tries to erase some part of her past whether it be her acting with self-assurance or doing something she could never have done before.

Arabella does not see herself as pretty, in fact she feels ugly on the inside because of how she grew up. She feels disgusted at how weak and pathetic she was when she was younger which causes her to doubt herself in almost everything she does reason she desires to express herself feeling confident about everything. Some people may consider her a fraud for hiding her true self but who would like her true self? Arabella fears of being alone in the darkness again and she wants friends. To hide her desperation she covers it by being sarcastic, selfish, and a smart-aleck. She doesn’t realize that this might not be the best way to show her confidence but she feels that those who would really understand her would tolerate her outer shell before they can really her true self. On the inside she is caring, loving, passionate, protective, basically containing the qualities of a mother per say. Arabella has much love to give but she is afraid that if she gives that love either they won’t return it or that they will leave her. Although Arabella desires companionship she retracts and cringes from any actions of touching as in hugging, kissing, holding hands, even if someone grabbed her arm or wrist. From her past of abuse she feels that anyone who is trying to touch is, is attempting to hurt her. She does not fear animals or other things touching her, just humans.

Other than her turtle side she is very intelligent and actually cares about what is happening around her. Arabella loves getting involved with things and not just for the attention but to live and learn. She is more of a follower rather than a leader in a team. She could try to be a leader but she hates letting others down and failing, all of her life she hasn’t been able to do anything but now she can and she wants to do everything right to prove to others she is capable of the world. During fights she stands in the rear end, hesitant in fighting. She is not weak but she hates violence since she has lived in it all of her childhood. But she knows that her reason to fight is to live. Arabella becomes quite the fighter when she she fights. Because of her observant trait she has an aptitude to learn different fighting styles quickly. Slowly she has begun to learn the methods of strategizing and planning, but she never shares her ideas to anyone in fear of being ridiculed. Arabella would sometimes may some snarky remarks on some people’s ideas in hopes that they might hear some hint of her idea that could improve the plan. Otherwise she stays in the background. Sometimes Arabella acts as the voice of the team whenever it becomes too serious or gloomy in a mission, she’s the one who would perhaps complain or make some funny remarks on something to distract the others.

The reality of this world has just begun to open up to Arabella. As she transitions into adulthood her beliefs and values are slowly changing, you could say she is still trying to find herself. At the moment she stands as a snarky girl who hides under her shell in hopes of one day actually being strong enough to show her true self. Nothing is permanent about Arabella she can adapt to what occurs to her or can be persuaded by what is around her.



These were words that Arabella grew up with. Never was she graced with optimistic, delightful words that would bolster a child’s self-esteem. She was hated upon by her older half-siblings that she always believed their words, and to make matters worse she rarely looked into a mirror or photo, barely remembering even the outline of her face. The few times she ever looked at reflection of herself she was always with someone else so the person that would always look back at her, she believed to be someone else.

Arabella grew up without a physical identity. She grew up in a low-income home with her other five half-siblings, two females and three males. Her older half-sisters emotionally abuse her always breaking her spirit when Arabella shows even a hint of hope and happiness. They knew she was pretty and sweet, someone who would be popular and more loved if they allowed her to grow. In school, whenever Arabella could attend, they would spread awful rumors about Arabella like how she doesn’t clean herself or how she rummages through the neighbor’s trash cans to search for food. Kids would believe these rumors because of how Arabella presented herself in school, but she couldn’t help it. At home they gave her only the bare minimum for her to stay alive and every time she tries to clean herself, her awful half-sisters would throw dirt or some kind of coating on Arabella to keep her filthy. Because of all the bullying she received in school, Arabella rarely attended. No peers ever tried to talk to her or help her out. The only assistance she ever received were from adults. All the days she attended school the staff would always send her to the library rather than classes because of all the bullying and abuse she received. Since she lived in such a small community all the adults were aware of Arabella’s situation, some adults have tried punishing the half-sisters for their actions but they continuously ignored them. Arabella felt at home in the school library.

The librarian was the mother figure of her life. Arabella’s father was most of the time out of the house trying to work any job to earn money. She would have private tutoring sessions with the woman. From those sessions they found out that she had dyslexia, but could read Greek fluently and speak French fluently. Those moments at the library were her happiest, she would actually crack a smile here and laugh at a joke there. The woman was also very beautiful, the most beautiful woman Arabella ever met. Although she may have had specks of happiness most of her childhood consisted of darkness. But Arabella sometimes was curious about the librarian since few of their meetings held a different atmosphere compared to others. It seemed as if the librarian was two different people but in one person. Some of the facility would tell her that the librarian was out but when Arabella walked into the library she was there. This confused her at times but she dismissed the question.

Her half-sisters may have been bad but then came her half-brothers who physically abused her. They too were jealous of her looks and wanted to distort that image by physically changing it. Whenever they were enraged about something they would take out the heat onto Arabella. She tried to fight back the first few times but she ended unconscious and close to dying because of the difference in strength. The times her father actually came home they acted perfectly normal with her which angered her and as a little girl she didn’t understand their sudden changes so she would accuse them of all these actions they really did to her but her father would not believe her. Although he may not have believed her he loved her the most out of all the children, another reason Arabella is hated upon by her siblings. He wouldn’t express his favoritism for Arabella outright but with little hints here and there the siblings figured it out. Arabella loved her father but sometimes she couldn’t stand the abuse she was given and would attempt to run away. But somehow the image of her saviour librarian popped into her mind and she could hear her say, “Not yet.” Arabella would grit her teeth and sigh, resigning to the idea of running away. Arabella could have stood up against her half-siblings at some instances but most of the time with their age difference and growth difference, she was at a huge disadvantage and the one thing she feared more than her half-siblings is death. She grew up rather unhealthy because of the lack of nutrition and vitamins to help her body grow proficiently. Most of the time she was weak and fragile when she tried to do any type of physical activity. Her father thought she was always trying to lose weight by not eating, of course not believing her stories of her siblings mistreating her, he would feed her plenty whenever he was around.

You may think Arabella may have grown into an anti-social, skiddish misfit who can never talk to anyone because they lack the social skills but in fact she was rather a delight to all the adults of the community. She may not have had friends around her age but she always had other people looking out for her. Whenever Arabella was walking home alone and a neighbor was out in their yard they would give her some food because they knew she was not eating enough. This happened from when she was six to when she was ten. She began to gain some weight into her body and she began to fear less of her siblings. Arabella thought about moving into a neighbor’s house sometimes but she knew if she did her siblings would beat her dead if they found her plus she didn’t want to leave her father and sadden him. Finally when her siblings caught word of what the neighbors were doing for Arabella they exploded. They punched her, kicked her, pulled her hair, burned her, etc. She screamed and screamed for help. At first it seemed as if no one was coming to help her from the clutches of death when the librarian came smashing through the doors to save her. The siblings at this time were around their teenage years so they weren’t afraid of the lady, they attempted to harm her too instead receiving a butt-whooping. All Arabella could remember was a faint light surrounding the librarian as she punished the children and moved Arabella to safety. The next day she found herself at the entrance of Camp Half-Blood with her saviour librarian next to her, but she hold a new light around her. The librarian finally revealed her identity and that she was Aphrodite. Arabella was slightly confused as she thought back to the sessions they had at the library. Aphrodite explained that the librarian was in fact a real woman that did help Arabella most of the time but a few times Aphrodite visited her disguised as the known librarian.

Arabella couldn’t believe what she heard but when Aphrodite finally took her to a close body of water she finally fully saw herself for the first time in 12 years. Tears of disbelief and happiness rolled down her face as she memorized every detail and contour of her image finally feeling alive and having a purpose in life. Arabella asked her why she never truly revealed herself to her and that isn’t it unnatural for the godly parent to visit the child as often as she saw her. Aphrodite answered to her that she may have changed her mind about how she should have grown up and regret how she lived plus it was too soon for her to attend Camp Half-Blood. She also told Arabella that she felt pity for her father and how he has lived up until now and that out of all her children currently, Arabella held a more down-to-earth heart and brilliant mind. After this Arabella felt such joy but then she began thinking back to her neighbors and all the things she did, did her neighbors help her out because of goodwill or was she able to convince them under charmspeak? Arabella began doubting some of her collected memories and began distorting the details as she tried to remember exactly what happened. There she realized what Aphrodite meant. Arabella decided to leave her past as it is and start looking towards the future. Although she may have entered Camp Half-Blood whole, Arabella remains in pieces mentally and emotionally.


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Crazy Nate



Full Name || Nathaniel Allen McNeal

Nickname(s) || Crazy Nate, Nate

Age || 14

Gender || Male

Sexual Orientation || Heterosexual

Godly Pareny || Apollo, legacy of Dionysus

Weapon || Bow

Years at Camp || First

Scent || Slightly stale strawberry wine

Theme Song || One Step Closer by Linkin Park

  • Personality

    Nate is irrational, impulsive and often just plain frustrated. While he would love to claim to be a nice guy, fact is, he often is selfish and self-indulgent. While he excelled in literary classes in his youth, classes such as science and mathematics would bore him, often resulting in him acting out in class or falling asleep. To say Nate was a problem child would only be the beginning. Ultimately put in special education classes for his disruptive behavior and inability to read prose that was not artistic or recreational without confusing words and letters, he eventually went down a troubled path. He began drinking and smoking at a young age, just ten, with some of the kids from his lower-level classes that brought it to school and were overlooked due to their nature.

    This wasn't to say Nate went without highlights. Nate was an incredibly capable writer, specifically in poetry, but did in fact extend to some prose. He often won awards for his writings, and had many of his poems published. As he grew up, these accomplishments became the fuel for a lot of mockery. Kids were cruel, and the kids he hung out with found his talents girly and stupid, leading him to repressing them. Nate went further and further down the line of delinquency, not excluding things such as vandalism and property destruction. This was all just around the age of twelve, and his single mother had incredible difficulties dealing with it. His mother, at a time, was a beautiful youth that loved the arts and expression, but also loved the bottle. When it came to laying the law down for Nate, it was essentially impossible.

    Around the age of twelve, Nate began having his first convulsions and seizures. Doctors thought it was an epileptic disorder, prescribing him medications for not only ADHD, but seizures and even more medications to calm him down, such as Valium. Nate slowly felt like he was going insane on the various medications, the prophetic visions he didn't understand and the new abilities coming into place. He couldn't lie anymore and he knew when his mother was lying to him. He knew when everyone was lying to him. He couldn't explain it; he just did. It didn't make sense, and his entire world slowly began falling apart. By age fourteen, Nate was taken from the custody of his mother and institutionalized after a breakdown in the middle of class, ranting about all sorts of things like Gods and monsters. Nate earned his nickname, Crazy Nate, by basically being just that: crazy. He couldn't help it, and without proper training and learning about his ancestry, he would have remained such forever.


    - Poetry

    - Drinking

    - Being the center of attention

    - Sweet fruits

    - The rare moments of silence


    - Medication

    - Authority

    - Small spaces

    - The dark

    - Being called 'crazy', unless it's his nickname

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  • Name: Avalon Quinn

    Nickname: Av, Ava, Q

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Godly Parent: Hecate

    Height: 5’7”

    Hair/Eye/Skin Color: short dark black brown hair/green eyes/ pale skin

    Scent: sweet honey with a tang of cinnamon

    Fav. Colors: Black & Purple

    Years at Camp: 3

    Other: pet dog named Luna


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