Camp Half-Blood: Revenge of the Deities

Name: Shawn Frye

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Shawn is a very kind person. He is bright and very loyal. He makes friends easily, but usually stands alone in a fight. His personality is very bright, like his father. His loyalty would make him probably die if his friends were in some trouble.

Bio: (Optional)

Strengths: His kindness, his fighting skills

Weaknesses: His kindness, anger


Child of: Apollo

Weapon of Choice: A bow, and a short sword


Melons is the password
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone

Name: Collin Smith

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Overall, Collin can be classified as a nice person. He's fun and easy going. But, he always strives to figure out new things and will never give up. In tough situations, he is calm, cool and collected. But, usually he is constantly cracking jokes and acting really fucking childish. Despite this, he is a very smart boy who can make friends quickly.

Strengths: His knowledge of the forge, always making something, his agility

Weaknesses: His insecurity, the pain he hides, fear of being hated.


Child of: Hephaestus

Weapon of Choice: This short sword



Melons is the password
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
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Name: Brayden Hunter

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: Yep.


Personality: Brayden is loud and sometimes annoying. Although, he can be quiet sometimes. Being a son of Poseidon, he feels most comfortable in the water. Sometimes he feels alone, but he finds that good. Just don't piss him off, or you'll end up in the Arctic Ocean with nothing but a mattress under you.


Hydrokinesis- This is control of the water. With this, he can breath underwater and manipulate water. Also, he can heal in water.

He also has limited geokinesis and cryokinesis.


However, if he were to conjure up his own personal hurricane, he would probably go down for count after many minutes of it.

Being in the air or something that isn't his father's domain.

His temper.

Godly parent: Poseidon

Other: His weapon of choice that doesn't actually glow.


I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Name: Joey McCraken

Age: 16 (but is pretty mature for his age, most people don't think he's 16 until he tells them)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: No, was initially part of the summer only plan, and was successfully for about 9 years, but recent events are forcing him to return to camp for full-time.



Personality: calm and cool, literally, people tend to almost be drawn to him, although he may humor them with conversation, he only has a few close friends that he interacts with on a regular basis. He doesn't mind having time to himself but still likes to be with his friends, hanging out and having fun. He really doesn't care much what most other people think of him, but once again, there are still a choice few that he cares about their opinion. Although he has no charmspeak abilities he tends to be quite well at talking people into giving him what he wants. And if you ask him a question about his opinion or something that happened? If he's trying to protect you he will tell you a lie that is barely close to the truth, or he will tell you exactly what happened, he doesn't like to sugarcoat things. And finally, he likes art, looking at it, or making it, he is the one who decorated his cabins walls with intricate and beautiful designs of ice.


Advanced Cryokinesis- he can conjure ice out of practically nowhere, and can freeze almost any material, making it brittle and easier to break, this includes living things as well.

Cool aura- about a ten foot radius around Joey stays at about 40-50 degrees, he can make it colder but it's straining and the longer he holds it at a lower temperature, the more it drains him. Although, If you make him angry, it can plummet to around 20 degrees, works almost like a reflexive defense. Despite this, his skin is a normal temperature, no matter how cold it is around him

Weather control - he can make it snow/sleet(freezing rain)/hail, but the wider the radius, and longer the time, the harder it gets, when he's nervous, it starts to lightly snow around him, usually within his cool aura's radius.

Ice immunity- Joey can't get frostbite, or hypothermia, or any illness related to cold, he can feel it, but his body reacts positively to the cold and negatively to heat, opposite other people.


-Freezing living things is extremely draining for Joey, and the larger the being, the worse it is, usually using it takes him out of the fight for a good amount of time

- all of his powers except for Cryokinesis drain him after only 10-20 minutes of using it once again, varying on the radius of weather and amount of time

Godly parent: Khione!

Other: he creates his sword from ice, and somehow it can still turn the monsters to dust

5' 10"
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So Shawn and Collin have a match? And Joey? xD .

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Name: Julia(Jules) Anna-Maria Carmen Garcia Quartania

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

New to Camp?: Nah, I have been around here for awhile but no one seems to notice.


Personality: she may not look loud, but she has quite the mouth and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right. She has a very fiery personality and can get very heated when talking about something or someone she cares about in a bad way. She won't be afraid to go all out and change your mind or beat you up.

Powers: Pyrokinesis -- she has control over fire and has the ability to manipulate and control it any way she choses. She can also control greek Fire which is very hard because Greek Fire isn't normal fire.

Geokinesis -- she only has a tiny bit of control over the earth because whenever she slams her hammer into the ground it causes it to crack and split so fire can come out.

Technokinesis -- she has control over metal and is able to manipulate it and fashion it any way she please. She can make just about anything once she puts her mind too it.

Weaknesses: if she over works herself too much and forgets to take care of herself she'll pass out and won't be able to use her fire power because she needs energy to use it.

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Other: she's 5'2 and very slim and slender.

Weapon of Choice



Name: Lexie (Alexandra) Johnson

Age: (12 to 18) 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She's very quiet and cool. She often gives many people the cold shoulder but is actually quite nice, the only one who knows that is Oliver. She is quite protective and loyal to her friends and would do anything to make sure they are safe and happy. She hates when people look down upon her just because she's a daughter of one of the darkest gods.

Bio: (Optional)


Umbrakinesis or Sciakinesis is the ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, deactivated photons mostly in the absence of light. One with this ability can even deactivate and repulse or travel through shadows by converting deactivated photons into a dark version of a portal.

She can use black energy to create barriers.

She can control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create and constructs weapons.

She can heal herself or others by using darkness (Minor injuries).


She gets tired very easily due to the light and by using too much energy by shadow travelling and healing others.

She sometimes blacks out and can't remember what she did which is unfortunate because many things happen when she's unconscious.



Child of: Pluto

Weapon of choice:


Other: She has her own Hellhound called Patterson and she's a praetor at camp Jupiter.


Name: Reese MacFinn

Age: (12 to 18) 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Reese is normally an easy person to talk to and can actually be quite helpful depending on the situation. However she can get fired up pretty easily due to her father's nature and her own. She doesn't mind picking fights and she doesn't mind hoping into them to either fight or break them up depending on the people fighting and if she cares about them.

Bio: (Optional) Reese grew up in Scotland with her mother, and her mother taught her and helped her how to defend herself since she knew she wouldn't be able to be around people without wanting to get in a fight or start up a fight between to other people. Eventually as Reese grew older, She sent her away at the age of 8, Reese hates her mother for doing that for her and doesn't talk to her, she found the camp at the age of 9.


Telumkinesis/The Armory - grants her a great amount of control over many types of weapons. Hence, she can conjure and use any weapon from her armory; she knows everything about a weapon when he sees it. So if she finds a new weapon you better watch out.

Observationaal Vision - Grants her the ability to see what is on the field that could be of use to her such as weapons, people, armor. She can also tell the condition of weapons and armor just at a glance.


fear of being alone

knowing when to stop fighting.



Child of: Ares

Weapon of choice: Clawed Gauntlets but uses a multitude of weapons, does favor an axe as well.


Accepted. And Jules weapon looks like one from Morrowwind or Runescape.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Morrow wind is an Elder Scrolls game. It's before Oblivion which is before Skyrim.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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