Camp Half-Blood is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
Camp Half-Blood is back!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys! So I know we are all disappointed that the old owner of the Camp Half-Blood RP left the site, and all, so I guess I'll take it now. Sorry people from the old RP, we're gonna start all over. If you have any old characters, you can go ahead and copy them onto here. And another note, wait until your character is approved before you start doing stuff here. BTW anyone can join, so here are the rules:

NO being offensive/ innapropriate. Your character can be mean I guess to another character but not offensive and you can't bully them. That's an absolute NO. And the second is just gross. Please, just don't.

NO Advertising. I mean come on. Do you seriously think we need to know about the new Potato Peeler-inator 3000? It's a waste of space and data, not to mention it's annoying.

You CAN NOT have more than one Godly parent. You must have one parent that is a god OR you can be a mortal that can see through the mist.

You CAN NOT have any special abilities like being a mermaid, or a vampire plus being a demigod, or have magical wands that can do stupid things, or animals like jabberwockeys from the new Alice in Wonderland movie. First of all it's unfair and it makes you seem conceited, not to mention stupid.

Here's the form.












Gods and Goddesses

Apollo: is a many-talented Greek god of prophecy, music, intellectual pursuits, healing, plague, and sometimes, the sun.

Aphrodite: is the goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality.

Athena: the goddess of wisdom, a goddess of arts and crafts.

Ares: is a war god and god of violence.

Hermes: was the messenger of the gods and the protector of shepherds, travelers, merchants and thieves.

Hephaestus: The god of smithing, metalworking, and craftmanship.

Hades: God of the Underworld.

Zeus: God of the Sky.

Poseidon: God of the Sea.

Hera: Goddess of marriage. She has no demigod child, but she has a cabin to respect her.

Artemis: Goddess of the hunt. She has no kids, but she has hunters who are with here. She has a cabin and sometimes her hunters stay there. They also hate boys so no boy will crack them.

Demeter: Goddess of agriculture.

Dionysus: God of wine.


Name: Dakoda Rossi

Nickname: Kodi

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Crush: You tell him and you'll lose your head, but it's a guy in Aphrodite named Landon Park. I went out with him in 5th grade but them he dumped me for a freaking scrawny mortal girl who's arm I could snap in a milisecond! I mean come on!!!

BF/GF: I don't have one but you know who I wish it was.

Siblings: EVeryone in Athena

Mom: Minerva (For all you Greeks out there it's the Roman version of Athena)

Dad: Marcus Rossi

Other: I'm skilled with knives and a dagger.

Looks: Tall, slim, my hair doesn't really have an actual color. It's streaks of blonde, brown, gold, bronze, light brown, dark blonde, and a lot of other colors like that, but I guess it's mostly blonde/gold.

Purple = whoever wants this one can take it, but no changing the information.

Name: Landon Park


Gender: Last I checked I was a boy.

Age: 13

Crush: I'm too hot for anyone, but I did date a girl named Joelynn until I was moved to Camp Half-Blood.

BF/GF: I want Joelynn back! It's not fair that she's a freaking mortal!

Siblings: Everyone in Aphrodite.

Mom: Aphrodite

Dad: Alec Park

Other: Apparently, everyone thinks I'm concieted, but seriously, is it really my fault that I'm hot? :P

Looks: Half Asian, a little Irish, so I got some cool eyes. They are dark brown like my hair which has a dark red tint in sunlight. Btw I'M HOT!

Alex Henderson


Lex or Lexi








everyone in the Hephaestus cabin


Iliyana Henderson




has a tattoo of a rose on her right side


She's tan, 5'9", dark brown hair, green eyes, in great shape


Troy Hawkins









everyone in the Hermes Cabin


Rebecca Hawkins





light brown hair, hazel eyes, he's tall around 6', athletic body
Name: Johnny St. Cloud

Nickname: Johnny B, St. Cloud

Gender: male

Age: 16

Crush: no one

BF/GF: a mortal named Emily Lane

Siblings: Everyone in Zeus

Mom: Fiona St. Cloud

Dad: Zeus

Other: He has a locket with his initals

Looks: He is a tan tall boy, with beautiful hazel eyes and jet black hair. At the ends of his bangs there is blonde. He always has a red bandana wrapped around his wrists, where an inch deep scar lays.
Troy and Alex were coming back from a sparring match, Alex had made a new shield that she'd wanted to test out. Alex was muttering to herself as she looked at it, talking quietly about adjustments, what heating the metal at a different temperature might do, and what she could do to make it better. She looked up when Troy lightly hit her arm, pointing to the girl passing out.

Alex slung the shield onto her back and jogged over with Troy to check it out. She sighed and looked over at him. "Pick her up, let's head to the infirmary with her."

Troy nodded. "Whatever you want Lex." He picked the girl up carefully and they walked over to the infirmary.
Troy and Alex glance at eachother before looking back at the girl. "Took who? What are you talking about? Do you know where you are?"
Isabella: I... I think. Camp Half-Blood right? That's what Lia said. Fidgets nervously. And they took my boy- I mean my friend. Yeah. He's just a friend now. Looks away.
Name: Samantha

Nickname: Sammy

Gender: Female

Age: 12, almost 13

Crush: Chace

BF/GF: None

Siblings: Everyone in the Athena cabin

Mom: Athena

Dad: Leo Russo

Other: Loves animals, will wear anything as long as it isn't ugly or ripped, kind, is always in for adventure.

Looks: Long, blonde hair, gray eyes, sneakers.

Name: Agro

Nickname: NONE

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Crush: Lyla

BF/GF: Wants one

Siblings: everyone in the Ares cabin

Mom: Candy Peters

Dad: Ares

Other: Attracts girls

Looks: black, spiky hair, skull choker, jeans ripped at the knees, boots.

Name: Max Park


Gender: Last I checked I was a boy.

Age: 13

Crush: I'm too hot for anyone, but I did date a girl named Joelynn until I was moved to Camp Half-Blood.

BF/GF: I want Joelynn back! It's not fair that she's a freaking mortal!

Siblings: Everyone in Aphrodite.

Mom: Aphrodite

Dad: Alec Park

Other: Apparently, everyone thinks I'm concieted, but seriously, is it really my fault that I'm hot? :P

Looks: Half Asian, a little Irish, so I got some cool eyes. They are dark brown like my hair which has a dark red tint in sunlight. Btw I'M HOT!
Alex nodded. "Thats right, you're in camp half-blood. You're safe now. Can you tell me who Lia is? Or who took your friend? Was it a monster or a person?"
Sweetypiepenny is accepted!!! :D

--- Merged Double Post ---

Izzy: Lia... hmmm. Well I don't really know how to explain this but, I'm from the Roman Camp. Lia, our oracle gave me a prophecy telling me to come here. And my boy- my friend Landon sniffles He, uh, he kinda... starts to cry.
Argo hears Izzy crying and rushes over to her. "You alright??? Here!" He grabs a tissue out of his pocket and hands Izzy the tizzue.
Izzy takes it. They took him!!! I... I let him get away!!! I was supposed to kill him!!! But... I... I can't!!! I love him!!! He was a traitor!!! I hate him!!! I hate this!!!
Samantha overhears what Izzy is saying. Landon! she thinks. Oh no! She runs over to Izzy. "Hi! I'm Samantha! You're talking about someone named Landon right??? I know where he is.... I think!"

Argo looks at Samantha weirdly, then back at Izzy. "Don't listen to her! She just wants attention!"
Samantha steps back a little, somewhat afraid. "Follow me!" She says. Argo nods "no" slowly. "She had to listen to her." Samantha leads Izzy and Argo to a clearing in a forest and signals the "be quiet" sign. She slowly reaches at a tree and presses it, as if it was a phone. The tree opens up into a slide under ground. She turns back towards Izzy and Argo, then giggles. She jumps onto the slide and lets out a big scream.
Argo smiles. "Well if she's going down there, she must be pretty sure of it." He lets out a small chuckle, the gestures towards the slide. "Ladies first!"
Once Izzy is standing next to Samantha, they start to walk towards a light. There is a spider web in the way. "AAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Samantha screams in terror. Argo looks at Samantha as if she was crazy and brushes the spider web away, not noticing the spider on it. "ARG!" He grunts, holding his palm. "The was a d*** spider on that web!" Samantha looks at Izzy. "Ya know any healing skills?"
Izzy: No you Idiot! I'm a daughter of Miverva!!! Not Phoebus Apollo!!! Or Mercury!!! Don't you have any ambrosia or nectar with you? Turns toward Samantha Now where is he?!
Name: Lyla Shepherd

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female (as name suggests)

Crush: idk, *blush*...Well, IM NOT TELLING ANYWAYS IF I DO!! I don't mind punching you in the face.

BF/GF: No one...yet

Siblings: Poseidon cabin

Mother: Maxine Shepherd

Father: Poseidon

Other: Knew a few Apollos that taught her a mimic healing spell that gives short-term cell regeneration for temporary healing-incorperates her water influence like an agent, she also picked up a bit advanced first-aid she mostly learned on her own the hard way, but got better under instructuion. She has been on the run for a few years--meaning shes very tough so don't cross her and get on her nerves, you might just regret it, make sure it's not her toes you're treading on. And with being on her own, she came to depend heavily on her water influence for survival and is quite skilled--able to call on it at mere will and control it with great dexterity--in which she uses it as her main weapon of choice, it feels more natural to her. Besides that she is quite amiable and is a good-natured people-person; she is also adventurous, brave, competitive, and quick witted. She is not the kind of girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, and is usually reserved about expressing her deep feelings, and feels quite awkward about it. After being so lonely for some long, and now surrounded by people she is suppose to live with in Camp-Half Blood where she will be calling her home for a while--she just wants to be accepted.

Looks: White-blonde/cornsilk haircolor, darkish torquise-gray blue eyes, tall 5' 11", slim with slight muscular build. Is quite casual in dress, likes to wear v-necks with jeans or shorts, navy blue high tops, along with a braided friendship braclet-no one knows why, or the sentimental value behind it. She usually carries her leather messenger bag that has her most important things and emergency water she can manipulate in difficult situations.

She is proud of the scars she has, seeing them as battle victories and trophies which she proudly displays. She bears several, a long one starting towards the middle of her tricep, across her elbow, and to the back of her forearm. Another is on her shin, it is 'Y' shaped and about seven inches long. And another across the back of her hand. She doesn't hide her viens and tendons, it only makes her look stronger.

Name: Contessa -Has no last name-

Nickname: Tessa or Tess

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Siblings: Anyone in Zues cabin

Mom: Has no mom

Dad: Zues

Other: Has ability to change weather and to also conduct electricity and use it in her weapons.

Looks: images/200x300Lucyhale10.png

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Chace Anderson

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Siblings: Anyone in Hades cabin

Mom: Lola Anderson

Dad: Hades

Other: He can use shadows borrowed from souls of the underworld and then he can also see and speak to spirits/ghosts. Not only that, but he can cause pain to anyone.

Looks: images/AdamGregory.jpg
Lyla kicked a monster in the face, it flew back into a nearby tree, the thing looked disallusioned for a moment but then straightened itself and sprang back at her. Lyla had waited for it and as it came at her she wipped her hand in an arc in front of her and sliced the monster with a thin sheath of ice, the monster burst into dust as the water severed its body. Lyla's eyes narrowed as she scouted the woods, when she found nothing she backed up until she was past the fir tree with a sheet of golden fleece hanging on its branches. She smiled and scratched the dragon's head who was curled around the trunk of the tree as she pasted, the dragon's head only lifting slightly in curiousosity then sinking its muzzled sleepily back to its paws.

Lyla walked across the grounds, something caught her attention, she lifted her nose to the wind and sniffed, she looked around until she found the sorce of the smell then began to jog over to the strawberry fields and walk down its rows. She picked a pump, juciy strawberry and bit into it as she sauntered gracefully across the field. She threw the rhines over her shoulder and picked another, munching and daydreaming with the heat of the sun on her skin, and the refreshing breeze-it was a truely lovely day. Lyla didn't think twice about the little monsters that were attracked to her, they were hardly problems, setbacks, or even complications.

She tossed her hair skillfully over her shoulder, absent-mindedly she thought about who she might meet in this camp first, preferably a pleasent and friendly person to show her around-she wasn't really in the mood to deal with reserved anti-socials today, it was so nice out, why spoil it?

--- Merged Double Post ---

(um, sorry, but wouldn't Chace's dad be Hades? not Zues per chance? ;3)

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