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One x One Camp Half-Blood 1x1 (Closed)

@Thalia Raiz


This RP is already closed. I'm afraid you're going to have to delete your post.


You should put that it's already between two people so that no one else posts. I will get my chara up in a sec.

Also I thought this was going to be about two kids that went to the same school and didn't know they were demigods, with one being Greek and the other being Roman?
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grr. i thoughti did that.

and that sounds great! and the roman one is mistaken for a greek god maybe? (later on they will figure it out)
mine is a lot more general than yours.

My person is Roman and has no clue that she's a demigod. Perhaps yours does know and since she understands Camp Half-blood, takes her there?
Alright well assume they're in class doing something like maths or English and a monster comes in and starts wrecking everything. Since they're the only two people who can see it and since my character actually has no idea what's going on, trouble ensues.
I'm debating on making Alina's friend a official character. Like make a skeleton for her and everything.
Well, I would prefer to keep it to Alina and Ingrid for now, especially if they end up having to fight off a creature. Though you can make one if you want and have her tag along, I really don't mind.

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