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Realistic or Modern camp daybreak (info)

camp daybreak

╳ the evil within has. (plot) ╳

misfits of more than one type are allowed at this camp. children of gods and monsters alike. it's a safe haven created by the gods to protect their children against the very monsters that have sired their very own. it's been safe for years and they've never had any incident that ended in the massacre of several individuals. however, it seems that that peaceful is over.

ten demi-gods and eleven hybrids have been found dead over the course of two weeks. there are no signs of a physical attack on them, nor did the autopsies show anything magical affecting them. the only thing the healers can decided on is that it's an old poison that is impossible to trace, no matter how good you are.

a well-known, feared camper has had a vision, something that hasn't happened in a long time, of a quest and has spoken a prophecy that sounds incredibly dangerous. he's seen the death of campers, counselors, but won't reveal any information on who dies and how. the quest is going to be difficult, probably impossible, and the few who are going on it must steel themselves for the trying task before them.
╳ never been greater. (ooc) ╳
the summary is literally trash but mine always are sooooooo. basically, think of PJO except with roman/greek/aztec demi-gods and the children of dangerous ass monsters. the plot/quest is entirely different, tho. multiple characters will be allowed, i don't really have any rules about posting as long as you do it semi-regularly, and i'm pretty lax when it comes to the plot, as i like for the rpers to have some sort of control n shit. it won't be a huge cs probably, but enough so that i can tell if ur gonna flake or not k.
the prophecy
the stench of death hangs heavy in the air
darkness creeps through the boundaries
like a twilight prayer
protection that was always
thought to be guaranteed
is no longer so as the walls recede

the liquid the grecian king was fed
will bring back the one astray
and the sky-fallen tree will make the boundaries stay
the gold blood of the giant must be run dry
and the heroes will return in hopes to indemnify
camp rules
001. no camper, no matter their age, is permitted outside of their cabin past 11 PM, except for on saturdays. we're not stupid. we know what you hooligans are doing when you sneak into other cabins.

002. for the love of god, don't give the hephaestus or hermes kids any chemicals. we've been through it once, don't do it again.

003. you're required to attend your classes EVERY tuesday and thursday. otherwise, you're on dish duty.

004. the only time that any demi-gods are allowed off-site, is when approved by the director. if you leave without permission, consequences will be grave.

005. dinner is at 8pm and breakfast is at 8am sharp. don't be late or you'll starve.

006. everyone must attend some sort of defense class once a week. otherwise, you'll die and we'll have to explain that to your families.

007. it is expected that you aid your siblings in cleaning up your cabin for inspection.

008. no dogs.

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