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Realistic or Modern camp daybreak (cs)

NAME: Anthoni Cole
PARENT: Poseidon, God of the Sea.
AGE: 19 (February 23rd)
ZODIAC: Pisces
POB: Small Town, Georgia
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
RACE: White


FACE CLAIM: James Franco
HAIR: Dark Brown
EYES: Sea Green
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 176 lbs
CLOTHING: Simple, Conservative.
SCARS: A small crescent moon shaped cut on the back of his left hand.


"Just don't tread on me." - Anthoni

Anthoni could be summed up by the Lynyrd Skynyrd song Simple Man. It's his favorite song and it seems to resonate with the boy. Born and raised in a life of poverty he grew to appreciate the simple things in life. A man who is easy to please and satisfy whether that be a kind word or a hot meal. He takes great pride in where he comes from and even though it was lacking what most others had it was enough for him.

Most people say Anthoni has a good heart and that'd be true. He's well mannered and treats everyone with the respect they deserve. He tends to be friendly and open, maybe even surprising people with just how honest he is. To him it's better to just be straight with someone then dance around the bushes. He likes to see goodness in people and tends to look for it in everyone. Even if it's hard to find and most people don't see it.

He's a man who tends not to think before he acts. Often he is guided by his own sense of right and wrong. If he feels something must be done then he simply does it, regardless of the consequences. He has a moral compass and he will never compromise it. Loyal, kind and trustworthy these traits have made Anthoni a valuable friend to have. He puts others first, especially those he cares for, and he will do anything to defend them from harm.

He never quits until he's been beaten and people will never hear Anthoni complain. He may be kind on the outside but inside Anthoni is a different man. Some would even go as far to say Anthoni is a weak man. He would rather help others than help himself and often he keeps his true feelings bottled up. He hides behind a smile and kind words but deep down Anthoni is riddled with anger and emotion. He's afraid to talk about his feelings simply because he finds them as being a weakness.

He will have friends and people he cares for but trust is hard for Anthoni to give. It takes a lot for a person to earn his trust but once its earned it can't be taken away. Anthoni is your friend for life and he will always be there for you. His emotions tend to reflect the sea that courses through his veins, rough and unforgiving one minute and calm the next. That is why it is best to treat Anthoni with the respect he treats you. His opinion of someone can falter if they slight him in any way. He respects others but he also demands it in return. Treat others how you want to be treated are words to live by. This also stretches further to affect those whom he cares for, if he catches someone bullying or harassing a friend, then he will correct the problem.

Anthoni can be the best of friends to someone, but also a great enemy if you push him to hard.

All things water
Vanilla Icecream
Cigarettes (Marlboro Red 100s)
Sword Fighting
His Own Cabin
Base Ball
Classic Rock

Basket Ball


Hydrokinesis - Anthoni has the ability to create water and bend it to his will. Pushing and pulling the element to his desire. Also when in the presence of water Anthoni has heightened reflexes and senses.
Healing Factor - Since he is the son of Poseidon he can heal most wounds and cure most poisons when in contact with water.
Underwater Breathing - He's the son of Poseidon, God of the sea, yes he can breathe underwater.
Heat Resistance - With the sea coursing through his veins, Anthoni is able to withstand great temperature's and leave himself generally unscathed. This can include fire and even lava. Still, the Demi-God has his limits.

- Chain smoker
- Only drinks water
- Paces when he's mad.
- Uses humour to relieve some of his built up tension, often times after a joke he has that same old smirk on his face.
- Changes the topic of a conversation when he feels uncomfortable.


What kind of a woman does it take to have a child with the god of the sea? What mortal could possibly compel such a divine and powerful being? Is she as tireless and unrelenting as the ocean waves? Is she calm and steady like that of the open sea? Or is she deep, dark and unexplored? Anthoni wouldn't know, or at least not personally because his mother died when he was three years old. Leaving him with fuzzy memories and a very imaginative imagination.

Instead the son of Poseidon was raised by his aunt, Loretta Cole. A single mother of a child that was not hers by birth, but instead simply inherited after her sisters plane crash. A tragic twist of fate it would seem because Loretta just so happened to be infertile. So when her sister passed away she immediately took it upon herself to raise Anthoni as if he were her own. Thus the life of a Demi-God began.

For a long time Loretta and even Anthoni were unaware of just how special Anthoni was. Instead they lived simple lives in a world which was not at all forgiving. When Anthoni went to school his aunt Loretta would work at the local diner for long hours just to make it by. She'd do all she could to keep Anthoni fed, clothed and taken care of. As he grew up he understood just how hard it was for her and he became all the more grateful.

Often Anthoni and her would say the same thing to each other; "It's you and me against the world." And for the most part it felt that way.

Everything changed when he was thirteen years old. One summer he went swimming in the Atlantic like he usually did. Except this time the waves were big, much bigger than normal. Anthoni didn't care however and simply jumped in as he always would. Ever since he was just a little boy he always loved the water. Almost as if he was drawn to it, except on that one day everything just felt different. Kinda like he needed to go for a swim.

Whenever he went out this time he swam far, far out, further than he ever had before. He was floating on his back staring up at the blue sky when he felt it. Something bumped him on the back and obviously this sent him into a panic. He immediately looked around him and noticed a huge shark directly underneath his feet. His heart started to pound but the boy didn't move. If that didn't freak him out enough it was worse when the creature started to talk to him.

Calling him "son of the sea" was enough to make Anthoni think he was dreaming. However he wasn't, the ocean felt all to real to him. So instantly the boy thought about being on shore. Anything to escape the massive shark below him. Even though the shark seemed to be friendly it was all to much. That's when he started to almost glide to shore, his body from the waist up was above the ocean. Once he was on the beach he noticed how his shorts were completely dry as if he were never in the water at all.

That's how it started.

As the years went by Anthoni held on to this secret and never told anyone. He couldn't even trust Loretta with the truth and he didn't know why. He spent more of his time at the ocean, practicing his "abilities" as he liked to call them. He was a borderline superhero in his mind but he couldn't shake the feeling of fear or danger. He learned he could do amazing things, like swim to the bottom of the ocean and stay there for hours. That was his favorite thing to do when he was alone.

Finally the small town boy from Georgia could escape his dull life.

In the end Anthoni bit off more than he could chew. One day a massive hurricane came sudden and fast. It just seemed to appear out of nowhere and even baffled meteorologist on the local news channels. Anthoni was down on the ocean floor looking up when he could sense the change in the sea. With a thought the boy was at the surface, the tide waves were rolling in. He could see the storm pushing its way to land, directly towards town.

Loretta must have been worried for her boy because he could see her truck pull up on the beach. She was waving and shouting for Anthoni to come in. The storm was getting violent now and Anthoni knew he had to hurry. He started to swim to shore normally so his "mom" wouldn't find out about him. When he reached the beach it was almost to late. The waves were now dangerously high and Anthoni himself couldn't tame them. Like the waves were fighting against him.

Loretta started shouting for him to hurry because the wind was now starting to beat down on them. Then he saw her eyes and mouth drop in terror, reactively he looked back and behind him was a massive tsunami wave. Anthoni ran for her, he needed to get to her to protect her. Sadly he was to late, the wave already reached shore and it sucked both her and him into the open sea.

When Anthoni came to; he was washed ashore on a beach. A bunch of kids had found him and taken him in. They claimed he wore a necklace with a Trident, something he didn't remember having. When he asked were he was they only replied "Camp Daybreak" and ultimately he was left alone and clueless. The boy stayed in bed and rarely went outside for a week. He cried to himself during the night because he knew only one thing was for certain now.

His aunt Loretta was dead.
And it was only him against the world now.
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