Camp 14


One Thousand Club
Guards: (By the way, the guards can break rules too. There's nothing that says they can't make friends with a prisoner. However, keep in mind that we need more cruel ones than secretly kind ones.)









Prisoners: (For both born outside and inside the camp. Remember that I'd like one person to have one rebellious character that was born outside of the camp to be that one close friend of my character of the same situation. See the rules for details on this. And remember that our two characters must work well together, so they can't necessarily have conflicting personalities.)




Reason for admittance: (Mention if they were born inside or outside of the camp)

Generation: (1st, 2nd, or 3rd?)

Job: (Miner or Farmer? Young boys will start as farmers until the age of ten. They can then choose to mine or continue to farm. Girls will always farm.)





Other: (Here you could also mention how they feel about the camp life, rules, etc. Do they only know the way of the camp and therefore except it as natural to live this way? Were they born outside of the camp and detest this cruel way of living, but say and do nothing about out of fear. Or do they secretly wish to do something about it? If you are interested in your character being the one alongside my character to start, then say so here. I will post when this position has been filled. And remember everyone, that this is just to start. These two characters just get the ball rolling for rebellion and escape plans. Other characters, once we begin, may join alongside them and become outspoken. I just don't want a bunch to start off that way. Just two of us temporarily, please. Also, when I say outspoken I mean only to other prisoners. If the guards knew our characters would have to be executed and I don't want that. I may find a loophole around that because it wouldn't be realistic for the guards to never find out about plans of escape. Perhaps you want to be the guard that is protecting us - that is our friend on the inside? Telling other guards when they eventually hear of our plans through other prisoners that these are lies, or something creative.)

Side Characters: (Remember, these are the characters that will eventually be killed. You don't have to role play these characters every post, but make sure you mention what they are doing every now and then. Also, make sure you mention that they are indeed going to work and not being late for meals and such. Otherwise, they can be tortured by a guard. If you want them to be, then mention that they didn't show up or something like that so that the guards know who to come for.)




Reason for admittance:

Generation: (1st, 2nd, or 3rd?)

Job: (Miner or Farmer? Young boys will start as farmers until the age of ten. They can then choose to mine or continue to farm. Girls will always farm.)





Way you want them to die: (If you have an idea at the moment. This can be during an act of rebellion, a reported attempt to escape, a torture session gone too far, etc.)


My Characters:

Name: Charlie Levitt (This is my rebellious character who needs an equally rebellious friend.)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Reason for admittance: Outspoken criticism towards the government and several acts of rebellion.

Generation: 1st

Job: Farmer

Friends: Arlis

Enemies: TBD

Personality: Charlie is very outspoken against the government and it's unfair treatment toward it's people. She has started several riots in the streets and even attempted to create an assassination party to kill off the new dictator. She was very good at staying out of sight of government officials, but she was caught at her last organized protest. She's a good person, but not in the government's eyes. She's very supportive of others and hates to see people not trying to win back their freedom. She will do just about anything to win hers back.



Other: Arlis is her brother. She makes it a point to talk to him every day to make sure he's doing alright.

Name: Arlis Levitt

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Reason for admittance: Was caught in the protest along with his sister, Charlie, who was unaware that he had followed her there.

Generation: 1st

Job: Miner

Friends: Charlie

Enemies: TBD

Personality: He's rebellious like his sister, but is not outspoken about it. He's too afraid to do anything now that he's in a camp surrounded by guards that will kill him. Plus, Charlie warned him never to do anything like that. He's a lovable kid, but he's scared.



Way you want them to die: In an act of rebellion. Possibly trying to start his own uprising, being the kind of kid he is. Obviously it will take a while to get him to do such a thing, considering he's frightened out of his mind at the moment. But if any of you know the story, or musical, Les Misérables - I'm thinking a Gavroche kind of moment with him.

Other: None
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