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Realistic or Modern Cambridge Falls


faerie sightings

Cambridge Falls


The peaceful town of Cambridge Falls, Washington is a town filled to the brim with supernatural occurrences. Little to no humans live here, well until now. A random influx of humans had all of the supernatural beings here on edge. When bodies started turning up, their spines started tingling. Bodies lead to hunters. Coming in for the big kill. The race to catch the killer is on, and the hunters will stop at nothing to find out who - or what - it is.
RP Day Start

Friday, June 3, 2016


  • Founders' Day Celebration - 6 PM, Town Centre


67F High 62F Low, Sunny


where: home > town with: each other tag: no one

"I will literally rip your throat out," the blonde girl hissed from under her covers. "It's too early." She whined. Mornings were never easy for the Castle Twins. Avalon may have been older by five minutes, but August always had to fight her out of bed. She whined the whole time, every single morning.

August shook his head at his sister's antics, pulling her curtains open.
"Come on, Avie. It's time." The blonde boy laughed at her whining. "Hurry up, you just got this job, don't lose it." He walked out and went to his room to get dressed. It was going to be a good day, he hadn't had nightmares the night before. The young man made his way downstairs to start on breakfast. Pancakes and eggs.

The two hadn't been in town a long, only about a month, but they already loved it here. Felt like home, really. He flipped the news on as he finished cooking. Avalon finally made it downstairs
dressed and carrying her shoes, sitting down at the TV while waiting on August to finish their breakfast. She stopped putting her shoes on when she heard the word murder. She studied the screen, before realizing it was days old. They'd just found the body.

"...some burns on the body, though, the coroner says the cause of death was something else. The details aren't being released to the public currently, if you have any information on this death, please contact the police." The news anchor said. Avalon could tell she was trying to avoid mentioning the supernatural. Everyone in town was fairly used to bodies going missing, August wasn't the first hell hound in town, after all.

The twins ate in silence, both realizing that August had taken the body to the woods. They finally made their way out of the house and into town. Both heading to work.
"See you later, brotato chip." Avalon grinned and skipped away, waving over her shoulders.

"Later, sis." August shook his head and headed to the cafe.
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Location: House -> Cat's Eye

Interacting with: No one yet


As the sun began to rise over the horizon, meadow larks and morning doves sang their songs, welcoming the new day as it inched closer and closer with every passing moment. Rays of golden sunlight began to pour through the glass window, shining down onto Liliana's sleeping face and making her skin grow vibrantly against the light. Her eyes flicked open, revealing a pair of stunning emerald green eyes with orange rings flitting around the pupils. She squinted against the brightness of the sun, raising a hand to block it out and letting out a soft yawn. A small, fluffy dog was curled into a ball at the end of her bed, seemingly already awake. It lifted its head as Liliana flung the covers off of her, slinging her slender legs over the side of the bed. Her eyes glanced over to the clock on her nightstand, making sure she had plenty of time to get ready for work.

It didn't take her
too long to get ready.

After about twenty minutes, Liliana had fully changed one of her summer
outfits and had already slipped on her shoes. Oliver, her dog, wagged his tail happily as he watched her approach the door.

"I'm sorry, Olly. No morning walk for you. I promise we'll go tonight, okay?" Liliana smiled towards the dog and scratched his head before opening the door and shutting it gently behind her.

Liliana hadn't realized how early she was until she arrived at the doors of Cat's Eye. It looked like August hadn't arrived yet. Quickly unlocking the door and beginning to get the cafe ready for the day, Liliana began wiping down the bar with a wet towel. The cafe would officially be opening soon, and since it was morning, things were about to get hectic pretty quickly.

Once she was done, Liliana let out a small sigh, putting the wet towel away and leaning against the counter behind her, running a hand through her silky brown hair.
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? Where - In the Woods > Home > Cafe // Time: 6am - 8am // With - Jackson @Chibii - Liliana @The Velveteen Rabbit ?

'1-2-3-1-2-3' Madden counted in her head as she picked up her pace. She listened carefully to the sounds of thin twigs breaking underneath her running shoes. Madden raced to the top of the cliff to watch the sun rise above the hills. A small smile crept upon her lips when she regained her breathe. Madden blinked when she heard her watch beeping loudly. "Huh?" Madden wondered then looked at the time on her watch. "Shit! I have to get back!" Madden shrieked, she knew running back would take forever she needed to take the high sky. Madden looked up to see it was still semi-dark, replying with a smirk. "Diabolus umbrae" Madden chanted as her wings sprouted from her back. Madden's flapped once and lifted her tiny body into the air, flying her to Jackson's house. Madden's gracefully landed and shrunk her wings back into her body again as she jumped onto the front doorstep. Madden unlocked the door and went inside. "That bastard better be awake.." Madden muttered. Madden knocked on Jackson's door softly. "Hey Jackie, wake up." Madden spoke quietly with a soft smile, her eyes caught a peak of the girl Jack brought last night with him curled in the bed.

Madden rolled her eyes when Jackson didn't wake up. Madden coughed a bit and focused her mind on changing her voice. "
Jackson wake up!" Her demonic voice took over as she watch Jackson wake up. "Morning Sleeping Beauty, had another whore here last night?" Madden cocked a brow with a slight chuckle, looking at the Victoria Secret bra hanging from the desk as she left his room and into the kitchen. Madden raided through the fridge and grabbed a big green apple. Madden chucked it into the air and caught again. "You better get your ass ready Jackson!" Madden yelled again as she raced to her room to get changed into a new outfit. Madden went back into the living room to grab her bag with her phone and keys as well as her sketch book and pencils. "See ya Jackie!" Madden yelled and left the house.Madden's hands gripped her bag as she began to walk to the Cat's Eye.

Madden entered the small town from the woods, humming a soft tune to herself as she watched the shopkeeper's opening their little shops. Madden's shift wasn't until 5pm so she had heaps of time. Deciding she needed a drink, Madden rushed over to cafe by crossing the road. As she was crossing the road a car came out of nowhere, stopping just before it hit Madden. The driver cursed and beeped the horn. Madden stood there with an angry look on her face. "
Do it.. How dare they try to run you over!" Whisp spoke softly in her ear. "Beat it Whisp." Madden growled and entered inside of it. Noticing it was very quiet Madden walked up to the front counter, pulling her purse out she looked at the menu that sat on the wall. "Hey can I get a peach tea?" She asked, handing the lady a 10 dollar note. "I don't think I've seen you before." Madden perked up. "I'm Madden Lousie." She lied with a smile.

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Location- House➛Food Market//Town Centre ✦ With- No one yet ✦ Mentions- Madden @Chibii ✦

Kiera awoke to a loud shriek in the distance, to which she bolted upright in bed and shrieked along with. She stopped screaming when she realized that it was just Madden freaking out about the time. Groaning groggily, she massaged her temples and looked out her window just in time to see Madden disappearing into the shadows, probably to rush back and wake Jackson up. She scoffed,
that boy could probably sleep through a hurricane. Her house was the only one up on the cliff at the edge of the woods, and she never would've thought that noisy neighbours would pose a disturbance to her slumber. Her house was farther away from the woods than Madden and Jackson's, and was almost a 10-minute walk away, though that definitely didn't seem to stop Madden from hiking all the way up to the area. From the other side, she could hear the gushing of the Falls, a serene rhythm that slowly faded into white noise in the background.

After dragging herself out of the bed, she took a quick shower and selected an
outfit before making her way down to the kitchen for breakfast. Her house was always large, and always quiet. It seemed way too big for a single person. Her place was an extremely long and winding walk from town, so it wasn’t exactly easy for others to visit her. Her breakfast consisted of eggs and toast, and a glass of milk, the only things left in her fridge and cupboards. She had been so busy trying to hunt down Holy Oaks for the past few days that she had completely forgotten to stock up on groceries. But like the rumors said, it’s as if the place moves on its own. Kiera had only seen it once, the night when she moved into her current residence. It was perched by the creek, illuminated by ghostly lights that danced from within the broken windows of the building. Back then, she had no idea what it was, and wandering into a haunted, abandoned building in the middle of the night did not sound appealing, at all. But now she wished she had at least scoured the grounds nearby for the magical herbs that were said to grow around it.

It didn’t take long for her to finish her breakfast and wash up the dishes. After locking the door behind her, she made her way down the wooden path that led up to her home, and towards the food market.


It took her two hours and a half to get there on foot.

She could teleport in short bursts, but it was terribly energy-consuming -
yes, even more than trekking all the way through the woods and to the town centre - and she preferred not to do it unless it was an emergency. By the time she got there there were already tons of people bustling around. Just as she was about to grab a shopping basket, a woman knocked her out of the way and grabbed the last one. “H-hey!” Kiera glared and called after her. The woman just shot her a smug smirk and continued on her way. “ Tsk tsk, you asked for it~”Focusing her concentration on the bitter gourd that the woman had just picked up, she muttered, “Grow.” A small spark of light flew from her fingertips towards the gourd, and disappeared into it. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, it started growing. First into the size of watermelon, then a pumpkin, then bigger, and bigger, and bigger. The woman dropped it with a loud shriek (along with the basket, to Kiera’s satisfaction), and raced out of the market. No one even batted an eye, but she did hear someone mutter, “She must’a pissed off a fairy this time.”

Kiera strolled over to where the basket was dropped and picked it up triumphantly. After shrinking the gourd back into its normal size, she returned it to the greengrocer, and promptly made her way to the dairy section to admire the variety of cheese on sale.

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"Kapag tumibok ang puso, wala ka nang magagawa kung di sundin ito,

Kapag tumibok ang puso, lagot ka na, siguradong huli ka..."

The sound of Dona Cruz's singing wafted weakly from the speakers as Urbana felt the mix of the dry heat of the sun -and the warm wind that came from the accelerating bus- on her skin. The bus was hot but not unbearably so, it was made only bearable by the open window where she saw the scenery of everyday life: The endless green stalks of rice that was rip for harvesting; children playing on the rows of palay laid flat on plastic sheets to dry in the hot sun; the women who chattered among each other while doing their family's laundry on the flowing river; An old man who rode upon his carabao with baskets of his harvest on each side; the rolling slopes of the hills and mountains where coconuts, acacias, mangoes, and papaya trees grew as well as gave shade to the men and women who slept after waking at three in the morning to do as much as they can before the sun rose.

She hugged the edge of the bus, making herself comfortable like the rest of the passengers, while the bus crossed the dusty paved road. She peered at the driver in front smoking his cigar, his hand on the steering wheel. A rosary was tied on the rear view mirror, swaying side to side with every small bump the old bus received.

The Philippine Sun had the usual effect on people, manifesting sleep and drowsiness; Urbana was no exception to this. Her eyes were closing, falling into a rough drowsy slumber. Her mind was blank as she could think of nothing but the heat of the sun.


She could only hear the sound of the bus driver's curse before her face hit the side of the bus as it swerved. There was no other sound she registered, no slow motion of movement, just the figure of the seatmate beside her crashing his head on hers from the impact, and the delayed release of a horrified woman's scream.

Urbana recoiled from the cool surface of the window, her heart beating quickly in alarm as her mind went wide awake from the shock. She took short silent breaths as she took note of where she was. The bus's aircondition released jet blasts of coolants on her head, and she could see people sleeping, reading the newspaper, or staring out the window, around her. It was a dream, just a dream. She looked out the window once more and saw the sun through the leaves of the evergreen trees that was everywhere, filtering the light into a crystal like glow. She laid her head on the window once more, pressing her cheek on the cool surface as she stared at the scenery: rows and rows of evergreen trees that seemed to hide secrets. She could see the window fog from the chill of the outside and she place her arms around her thick sweater for better warmth in response.

"Kapag tumibok ang puso, wala ka nang magagawa kung di sundin ito..."

The sound of Dona Cruz's song played from her earphones, connected to the Oppo phone her sister bought her when she came back to the Philippines for Tita Bum Bum's funeral. Since she wasn't going to be visiting them in the States, the smart phone would have to be the birthday gift for the year, her sister had said. Funny how she was here now. Since she was here, everything felt familiar yet different. She rode on buses before, but instead of going to Legazpi or Rizal through the bus as she always had, she was going to a town far away from Seattle, from the comfort of her family.

Her sister was worried for her, and questioned her sanity. Come, spend more time with us. Play with your apos and just watch TFC, let's go shopping on my day off. Gedie needs someone to switch for her, take the job and get some spending money. But Urbana had spent too much time alone and on her own to even fathom it. She wanted adventure, and the rumor she heard from the trucker was just what she needed to investigate. Her instincts proved correct that there might be more than what she could find here. The closer she got, the more familiar the feel of magic could be felt. She was no stranger to it. Mt.Banahaw was one where she felt the strongest force and that was when she caught sight of the legendary Maria Makiling, the guardian of the mountain.

The energy here was similar, not as strong as Mt.Banahaw but still powerful and different that let her know she was in another place. She closed her eyes, getting a feel for the wave of strength that pricked the hairs of her skin and made her all the more conscious of the area. Yet the feel of the wave was disturbed as soon as the sound of the driver from the speaker's shouted.

"Nearing Cambridge Falls. Next, Cambridge Falls."

Cambridge Falls. It wasn't hard for her to imagine what it looked like. She really didn't have a chance to imagine anyway. The moment the bus turned a corner, she could see the mystical American town. People were walking and she could see stores and houses so unlike the coconut and narra built trees that dotted her hometown. She wasn't sure what she was hoping to find, really. Money? Power? Or something that she could bring back home with her and tell her friends and family? She really wasn't. The impulsiveness to come here now went straight to her, and she realized she was prepared for the spiritual powers that may manifest before her, but not the physical side. A passport, her spiritual gear, two hundred dollars in her wallet, a cellphone with a prepaid sim from T Mobile, and a bag of clothes is all she had carried with her once she left Seattle.

The bus came to a stop, and she went down with the others. The cool summer wind hit her face and the sun shone brightly from above, making her shield her eyes for a moment. Carrying her backpack, she sent her sister a text message and looked around. She expected things to look a bit more dire, so to see everything look normal caught her off guard even though the same could be said of every town and barangay she went to when she had to work. They lived among people, it made sense not to make much noise to attract their attention.

Now what?

The rumbling of her stomach answered for her. She hadn't eaten anything except that pack of Keebler's she took from the fridge when she left. She looked around for some restaurant and was caught by the aroma of delicious bread. Looking around, she went to the direction where the smell was strongest and followed it.

"lagot ka na, siguradong huli ka..."

But first she had to pocket her earphones.

Urbana Amistoso Del Labuyo

Time: 1 PM

Location: Town Center



1.) "Kapag tumibok ang puso, wala ka nang magagawa kung di sundin ito, lagot ka na, siguradong huli ka." When your hear beats, you can't do anything if you don't follow it, be mad, for sure you are caught.
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Jackson Louise

Location: Home > Whitehills Motel

Company: ---


"Hey Jackie, wake up." The familiar voice of Madden Carter made Jackson stir slightly, his hand under his head was now numb. The boy's dark eyes soon opened, before closing back again and muttering a small 5 more minutes. "Jackson wake up!" At the sound of a loud distorted and demonic voice, Jackson bolted upright, the blanket falling off the bed.

His pale hands ran through his hair as he muttered curses under his breath, scanning his surroundings before his eyes landed on a curled up body next to him. She was tan, blonde and had umm... All her assets out for sale. Jackson sighed, the girl was still asleep at least. Whatever, he'll kick that random bitch out later. Before he did anything else, Jackson looked down at himself, deciding to not parade around naked, he put on a random
outfit he found on the floor and walked towards the kitchen.

"Don't mind the bra... It's mine." Jackson rolled his eyes, pulling open the fridge's door and taking out his leftover burrito, throwing it in the microwave to heat up. "Ciao Mads." He muttered as the microwave sent out a loud 'Beep'. As his 'sister' left the house, footsteps were heard and out came a blonde head. "Morning Jack... It was nice last night..." The blonde slurred, smiling drowsily as she clung on to his shoulder. Jackson managed a weak smile as he shrugged her off. "Ah... I have something to attend to, I'll see you later... Umm... Emily?" Jackson chuckled, flashing her a grin. As the blonde gathered her belongings and left, Jackson sighed deeply.

The male then grabbed his keys and wallet, shoving them into his pocket as he left the house, burrito in hand. Jackson started running towards the direction of town square, thank god for the stamina boost being an incubus gave him.

After the 2 hour or more run, Jackson made it to the town square, in which he found a bench to sit at. There was no reason in particular for him coming here, it was just to enjoy the scenery... And to also get some exercise, he hasn't been doing that for about a week already, and he had to maintain. As a red head walked past Jackson, he smiled at her, making the girl blush slightly and stand upright before shuffling away.
'I literally only know 3 girls that my smile wouldn't work on.' Jackson thought, sighing to himself before he tilted his head up to the sky. It was nice today.

sage pier

He awoke to a soft snap of a branch.

A screech. And he bolted out of bed.

Now he was awake, whatever that shit was.

He yawned and jumped down from the loft.

He scratched the back of his head as he quickly combed his hair.

'Gotta look presentable for things I don't care about...' Was the current thought of the day.

There were days when he could care, and days when he doesn't give a fuck. But we're all like that. Or at least some of us.

He grabbed his leather backpack, with only his violin in it. No food, no need for it, really.

Sage walked out of the doorless house, walking, running, then sprinting.

He leaped over the fallen branches, minding his way around the tiny, innocent animals.

Sage stopped at the lake and set his backpack down, pulling out his violin.

A soft gentle, sound came from the violin. Soothing, tempting. Very tempting. Hopefully he reached someone, he could do with some entertainment. Sage's hands fluttered quickly around the violin, tying the imperfections in the piece with magic, tempting someone, somewhere.

To step into the lake, and kill themselves.

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location: cat's eye with: Liliana, Madden and townsfolk (specifically Alaise) tag: @karmaa @The Velveteen Rabbit

August made his way quickly to the cafe, noticing it was already open meant Liliana beat him there. That was fine with him, he hated opening. He'd only been working there a week but the owner's trusted him enough to open once or twice. He smiled as he walked through the door, greeted by the fresh smell of coffee. "Good morning ladies," he greeted the two girls in the store, stepping behind the counter with Liliana. "How's the day treating you beauties so far?" He asked, a bit of a flirt, he'd admit it.

The morning rush, well, rushed in - they call it a rush for a reason, you know - and August got to work. He flirted with the girls, made decent conversation with the boys, and hell, even flirted with an older lady. Or, rather, got flirted with. "Cute young boy like you 'oughta be workin' as a model."

"Ma'am, I do believe you're trying to pick me up." He flattened his hand to his chest. "I'm flattered, really, but I'm afraid you're out of my league. More beautiful than the sky outside." He smiled broadly at her, enjoying the blush that fell over her face. She let out a laugh when he handed her her coffee and swatted at him playfully before heading out of the store. Murmuring something August didn't quite catch.


? Where - Cafe // Time: 8am - 8:30am // With - August @Eunoia - Liliana @The Velveteen Rabbit ?

"Good morning ladies, how's the day treating you beauties so far?" August asked with a flirty tone in his voice that Madden picked up instantly, a side effect from hanging out with Jackson too much. Madden just smiled. "Well, I woke up, took a run and now I'm here and I'm going to sit in that table over there where I'm going to start drawing which none of you are going to disturb me!" Madden replied sarcastically with a smile. "Thanks love." Madden smiled at Liliana, her English accent flooding her words as she picked up the take-away tea cup and moved over to the small single table and sat down. Madden quickly took a sip of her tea and pulled out of her sketch-book and pencils. She needed inspiration, soon more and more people came in. Madden's smile slowly crept as she picked up a black fine pen and began to draw the coffee addicts in the shop chatting. Once she got the outline of the drawing she began to color it in.

Now, most people would find Madden strange, either for her drawings sometimes or her two colored hair. After her third cup of tea Madden finished her
drawing. Madden smiled grew slightly more when she admired her drawing. Madden pulled her phone out and took a photo to send to Jackson with a text asking him if he liked it straight after. Madden slipped her phone back into her bag and just watched the cafe get busier. Deciding it was too much, Madden stood up and left the cafe in silence, not realizing that she left her sketch-book behind. Madden went through a heap of thrift shops, looking at the different patterns of the clothing and unique things. Madden somehow ended up in the park. Madden sat down on the grass and went through her bag, looking for her book. "Huh?" Madden muttered, a worried expression upon her face. Madden continued to search through her bag until she shrieked. "Crap!" Madden yelled, standing up and looking around the park in case she dropped it. 'I can't loose it! It has drawings of my past in it!" Madden scowled herself mentally.Madden face was filled with fear, she needed to find it fast otherwise her whole life could be exposed.

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Location- Town Centre ? With- Jackson @Chibii ? Mentions- N/A ?

It didn't take Kiera long to grab whatever she needed and paid for them. Balancing the bulky paper bag in her arms, she exited the food market and into the open area of the town center. A few minutes' walk took her to the town square, where the folks of Cambridge Falls were walking around, minding their own business. It was hard to tell who was what, the only person she knew who could tell was a psychic named Kai. Well, he couldn't actually identify what they were exactly, but he could tell whether or not they were supernatural by reading their aura. But hunters and humans were harder to differentiate, as their auras were quite similar.

"Damn, I should bring Kai drinking sometimes, he's always so serious, " she shook her head and grinned at the thought of the tall, brooding guy going wild at the bar over a bottle of vodka.

Just then, her eyes landed on a familiar black-haired male. A girl had just scurried away from him, blushing, and Kiera clicked her tongue at the scene. Jackson had his head tilted up at the sky, presumably to enjoy the beautiful scenery. She took a glance at the sky herself, the weather was nice indeed.

To describe her and Jackson's friendship would be a bit...difficult. She's always had a crush on Jackson, she wasn't sure it was because of his incubus "abilities" or his personality or when it even started, but the moment she realized that she had developed
feelings for him, she knew she was screwed. She knew that their relationship would never progress further than close friends with certain..*ahem* benefits, but what could she do, the stupid little crush was extremely persistent in staying.

Kiera walked over and plopped down on the empty seat beside him,
" Well, well, if it isn't the incubus himself. Broken any hearts today?"


Location- House?Cat's Eye ? With- Liliana @The Velveteen Rabbit ? Mentions- N/A ?

Kai awoke to the sound of his phone ringing. Squinting against the darkness casted by the curtains, he fumbled with the cellular device on his nightstand. He still wasn't used to the small electronic device Agnes call a phone,
heck even the two old ladies were more tech-savvy than him. He'd never once owned a phone when he was in the circus, or well, Anton never thought it was necessary for Kai to have one. Maybe he was afraid that Kai would have reported him to the police. Swiping the green icon, he put the caller on speaker and flopped back onto the bed. Agnes' raspy voice blared through the speakers, " Rise and shine, young man! It's been eight hours, that should be enough sleep! Now get up we have to start prepping for the Founders' Day Celebration tonight! By we, I mean Agatha and I of course. And you, my dear apprentice, better get us our morning coffee at the cafe like you promised." He muttered a curse, he'd completely forgotten. " You're both almost 80. shouldn't you be having oatmeal or something?" He mumbled, pushing himself out of bed.

" Hah! As if! What would oatmeal do? Put us back to sleep? If we wanted to go to sleep we would've asked for tequila instead!" Agnes cackled, and promptly hung up the call. Kai trudged into the bathroom, and took an icy cold shower to wake himself up. After pulling on his outfit and having a breakfast consisting of yesterday's leftover pasta, he went on his way to Cat's Eye.

It didn't take too long for him to get there, as no one tried to stop him for conversation, which he was completely fine with. Socializing wasn't his thing, and there was only three people in town which he was completely fine with talking to. Two being the old lady who were making him go on a coffee run, and the other being the girl currently behind the counter of the cafe. His mood lifted slightly when he saw her, and he gave her a small smile,
" Morning, Liliana, I'll have Agnes and Agatha's usual orders please. "

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Location: Cat's Eye

Interacting with: Madden @Eunoia, Kai @LannaCrowe



Before Liliana could do any more extra work around the cafe, the sound of the door opening rang throughout the building, catching her attention immediately. Her bright green gaze settled on an unfamiliar girl who walked inside and up to the front counter, asking for an order of peach tea.

"Of course! It'll only be a moment." Liliana told her with a bright, dazzling smile, her Australian accent thick. She began preparing her tea, glancing up occasionally as the girl spoke to her.

"I don't think we've met either. It's very nice to meet you. My name is Liliana." She introduced herself, flashing the girl another one of her brilliant smiles. As soon as the tea was done, the door to the cafe opened once more, and in walked August. As usual, he was a bit of a flirt, although Liliana didn't seem to mind.

"Today's been pretty good. Nothing too exciting has happened yet." She let out a small sigh, followed by a shake of her head. Liliana carefully handed Madden her peach tea, smiling as she did.

"No problem." She told her before immediately getting back to work. Their daily customers began to flow in one at a time, whom all seemed to know and recognize Liliana and August. Most of the men who walked in flirted heavily with her, although that wasn't much of a surprise to her. It happened quite a lot. She caught a glimpse of a familiar person out of the corner of her eye, and Liliana looked up to see Kai. Immediately, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Good morning, Kai. Agatha and Agnes making you go on a coffee run again, huh?" Liliana asked him with a subtle tone of amusement in her voice., beginning to make Agnes' and Agatha's drinks. It was always amusing knowing Kai got pushed around by two old ladies all of the time, though it seemed like he didn't mind much.

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Jackson Louise

Location: Home > Whitehills Motel

Company: Kiera Aldaine


Jackson's foot tapped on the ground as he looked up at the beautiful sky. The male's mind wandered from subject to subject, his eyes darted from woman to woman as his mouth turned into a straight line at the disappointment.
"Did I really expect hot girls to be at the Town Square...?" Jackson muttered, sighing as he sat up slowly. Jackson's pale hands rubbed his face as he ran his fingers through his dark hair, creating a nice contrast of sorts.

As Jackson stretched his neck by turning it side to side, he spotted a familiar female attempting to balance heavy paper bags in her arms. Before he could call out to her though, the female called out to him.

"Well, well, if it isn't the incubus himself. Broken any hearts today?" Jackson finally shook awake at her voice and realized she had seated herself right next to him. "Ah... Kiera." His smile reappeared on his face, chuckling softly "Well... There was that one blonde this morning. Should I feel bad?" He asked, sticking his tongue out. "So... What're you doing here?" Jackson's arm looped around her shoulders casually. What? They were friends with benefits, so it wasn't much of a big deal to him.

"Push the door to open."

Urbana made sure to read the sign that hung in front of the door correctly. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, more aromatic than the 10-in-1 instant coffee packets she bought at the local store, and freshly baked bread brought her into this cafe. Susmaryosep, it smelled so delicious and she knew that with the amount of money, this place would be a luxury. She knew better, and she was a grown woman who took care of her finances. Surely, she could just go in and check the prices, see what the place has to offer, and leave if the place was more than her budget. With that sense of determination, she went in the cafe.

10 dollars. 10 dollars. She spent 10 dollars on coffee and a bagel. Urbana had placed her hands on her face, not wanting to look at anyone as she sat on the seat. There were other people, but she wanted to wallow in her own moment of weakness. What happened? Never mind, she knew exactly what happened. She only removed her hands when the barista had called her name. She went over to get the coffee and a plain bagel...plain....never had she hated such a word until now, and sat on the table. She did the sign of the cross, blessing her food and began to eat. Oh well, she thought with resignation. She already paid for the food, she might as well enjoy it.


Location- Town Centre ? With- Jackson @Chibii ? Mentions- N/A ?

She rolled her eyes jokingly at his reply.
" If we were being responsible adults here then I would say yes, you should, and you should go kneel at a corner and repent your sins. But since neither of us are...well...what do you say we get you a log book and I give you a sticker for every heart broken. And we try to set a quota every month, hmm? " she smirked and raised a brow at him. " I'm kidding that's a terrible idea."

"So... What're you doing here?"

She felt a slight flutter in her chest as he put his arm around her, and she mentally pictured running herself over with a truck.
"W-well," she cleared her throat to cover her stutter, " I'm out of food, so I decided to get some from the food market, hence this." She gestured at the paper bag. " I still can't get over the fact that everyone here is so chill with the supernaturals. I literally turned a gourd into the size of a goat and no one even batted an eye!" She exclaimed, an amused smile playing on her lips. Letting out a small sigh, she leaned back and tilted her head up towards the sky as well, watching the clouds. It's been a while since she moved here, and it all still seems like a dream. Cambridge Falls was like a town out of a fairy tale. Except... her stomach flopped at the thought of the murder she heard on the radio while she was in the shower earlier that day.

Burns on the body...unknown cause of death...

It sent a chill up her spine. W
ho could have done something like that? She opened her mouth to ask Jackson about his thoughts on the murder but stopped herself. Why ruin a perfectly good morning by bringing up something like this?

Shrugging to herself, she flashed him a coy smile,
" What about you? What brings you outdoors to the perfectly modest town square? Shouldn't someone like you be picking up tonight's dessert on Cyan Drive?"


Location- House?Cat's Eye ? With- Liliana @Eunoia ? Mentions- N/A ?

"Good morning, Kai. Agatha and Agnes making you go on a coffee run again, huh?"

" Yeah, " he chuckled, running his hand over his face tiredly. Ugh, the cold shower wasn't working. " On a second though, I'll have a cup of turkish coffee too." The night before took a lot of energy from him. He had spent 10 hours moving and unpacking boxes from the House of Fortunes' attic, and proceeded to polish and clean everything there was, only to have Agnes pick two out of probably thirty boxes and tell him to repack everything and keep them back into the attic. He wasn't sure what they had to do for the Founders' Day Celebration, since it was his first time hearing about their participation in the festival despite having worked with them for almost 10 years.

Cambridge Falls had always been peaceful, even before he arrived. But lately, he could sense some sort of disturbance... a rippling on the surface of a calm lake, he would describe it. But he still couldn't pinpoint what was going on, or where it was coming from. He's a
psychic, not a god.

"I'm flattered, really, but I'm afraid you're out of my league. More beautiful than the sky outside."

He turned his head towards the source, and arched his brow slightly in amusement. Ahh...August. He didn't know the guy very well, but from what Kai could tell, he was a really smooth-talker. After the woman left, he nodded at August, and gave a curt

Turning his attention back to Liliana, he couldn't help but let a warm smile creep onto his face. Liliana was probably his best friend, and they treated each other like siblings. He wasn't sure why, but for him, deep down, he was afraid of venturing further, of losing what they already had. It sounded dumb, it even sounded dumb in his head, but after going for so many years without a person he could truly call a friend, he didn't want to lose the closest friend he had.
Tread with caution, Kai... A familiar voice rang in his head. Shaking his thoughts away, he instinctively reached for the copper coin in his pocket. " So, Liliana, have any plans tonight? I still have some ingredients for pasta. Or we could grab dinner at Bird's Nest if you're up for it."

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Name: Urbana Amistoso del Labuyo Place: The Woods

"Did you hear on the news? Seems like we're in the spotlight again."

Urbana who was in the middle of pitifully savoring the meal she had purchased, perked and listened attentively to what the people nearby were speaking. She kept sipping, trying to make her eavesdropping seem casual and quite the opposite of what she was doing. She was thankful she watched movies; the speech from the film at a pace that was close to the real thing. Thus, she took the details and kept in her mind, repeating them again and again like a player on record. Once she had heard enough, she stood up and made her way outside. She asked a passerby where the forest was and the passerby directed her to the woods. Giving her thanks, she walked to the direction stated and sooner or later, made her way to the woods.

A dead body...in the woods...cause of death undetermined...

It was interesting how, even in a country many miles away, the details were very similar to how people died in her country due to the actions of the maligno. Of course the details could be grislier, the darkest when it was the ones where the Tiyanak would be born from. If that part was the same, then she could only hope her methods work here. The farther she got away from the town, the more she felt the pricklings of the supernatural on her skin, and she was astounded at how much power the woods held. Once she arrived, she could feel the pricks intensify, but she ignored it as she admired the view of the woods.

The area was quiet, devoid of people. She could hear the buzzing of insects and the calls of birds, but aside from that, she felt the solitude of the area. It was a place where secrets could be kept and remain hidden, never to be found from anyone else. She walked on the boardwalk, and allowed herself to find the place pretty, mystifying, and even eerily tertis. There was a call here, similar yet different, but she knew it all the same. As her feet touched upon the wet, mossy, plywood of the boardwalk, she took of her shoes and let her bare feet connect with the wood. Using special leaves and herbs she brought from her hometown, she lit some and began to let the smoke spread around her, preparation to clear out the more malevolent spirits in the vicinity. She then began to spread the salt that she carried, sprinkling them, purifying them and creating a barrier for herself.

She took the dagger on the back of her backpack and began to whisper in her native tongue, a plea to summon the spirit of who was killed.

Whether if it answers or not, remains to be seen.

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