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Fantasy Calling on Heroes: Wrath of the Death Lord | CC

Name: Magnus Pendragon

Age: 27

Race: Human

Image result for dragon knight

Image result for human king fantasy art

(Out of Armor)

Bio: As the crown prince of the kingdom Magnus has been bread since 7 towards becoming a strong king who no one could challenge. Unfortunately for him he wasn't as talented as his breeding would suggest. HIs sword skills were lacking that even when training with those his own age he could never win. As for his magic power even with all the work he put in he only made small gains which amounted to nothing. By the time his 21st birthday came he couldn't officially graduate with the others in his class. With the pressure of becoming the next king and the threat the world faced he couldn't accept that he had reached his limit. In secret he left off on a journey leaving a note to his father that he would return the day he had gained his true strength. On his journey he came across a dying dragon who said that if he would become his vessel he would grant him great power and teach him how to use it. Taking the offer of the dragon he dedicated all his time to his training. It has been 5 years since he left on his journey and he has returned to ascend the thrown and take the fight to the Death Lord.

Hero Type: Spellsword


Dragon Soul- The soul of a dragon increases ones strength, speed, senses, and endurance to superhuman levels. [This specific soul also grants powerful fire magic]

Dragon Scale- A draconic ki based ability that surround the user in natural armor that reduces the effectiveness of magical attacks.

Induce Fear- Those targeted by the user will be subjected to their greatest fear with only those who can negate the effects of fear resisting it

Magic Item: Vorpal Sword- A blade enchanted to be so sharp that it can cut through anything from the most powerful armor to even magical barriers

Likes: Reading, music, traveling, sleeping

Dislikes: cockiness and stupidity
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Name: Mercer Gray

Age: 26

Race: Artificial Demonkin


Bio: Unlike natural Demonkin, Mercers birth was extremely unorthodox. His father wished to create artificial Half-Demons for use as weapons against the Deathlord. However all of his artificially created subjects would die upon the first week of gestation. Taking a different approach to his experiment. Walden Gray would secretly inject his own unborn son with demons blood under the guise of giving his wife Natalie check ups. While at first it seemed to be a failure, with Mercer considered to be a stillbirth. His dying mother was able to coax him to breathe. Overwhelmed with guilt for killing his own wife with his experiment. Walden attempted to throw Mercer into a furnace. It was then that the military burst in and incinerated everything to cover up any trace of Artificial Demonkin. A sudden change of heart saw Walden setting Mercer down the river in a basket. Picked up by a travelling Nun. Mercer was just assumed to be a kind of Half-Elf that suffered from Albinism. Raised with love in an Orphanage, Mercer dreamed of becoming a famous Hero so that he could repay the Sisters who raised him. Accepted into Luminous on a scholarship. His physical skills were considered among the best for his age. Graduating from Luminous with goals to become a Knight. His dreams were shattered when a Demon attacked him. Torn apart like a ragdoll. A traveling caravan tried to bury what they believed was his corpse. When Mercer seemingly rose from the dead, wounds sealing up with surprising speed. It was then he discovered his demonic heritage, believing himself a monster. Secluding himself in the forest, he found that feeding on creatures would make him stronger. After which he unkowingly discovered the powers passed down from the Arch-Demon whose blood transformed him. When forces were mustered to face the Death Lord. Mercer sought to find his purpose in the bloodbath to follow...

Hero Type: (Spellsword)

Space/Time Manipulation: Mercer has the ability to teleport both himself and objects through distorting space/time. This can be used to traverse long distances, flash-step and even send projectiles to a pocket dimension. Inherited through his Demonic Blood, this ability is incredibly powerful if used correctly.

Enhanced Physique: As an Artifical Demonkin. Mercer's physical and mental capabilities are expectional. Surpassing most of the humanoid races in strength, speed, endurance, agility and mental acuity. His training at the Luminous School has allowed him to utilize these skills to their utmost through martial artes, navigation and investigation.

Healing Factor: Possessing the Healing Factor of a Demon. All non-fatal injuries will heal in a short amount of time. Depending on how well fed Mercer is. The regeneration of flesh, bone or organ could take anywhere from seconds to days.

Magic Item: Ouryuken: A sword crafted from the fang of a Golden Dragon. It possesses powerful elemental magic yet will only allow itself to be wielded by one worthy enough to handle its power.

.Dramatic Entrances and Exits

.Mad Alchemical Sciences

Hearts Desire: To find a purpose for his own existence

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Theodore Fawn


Half Elf



Theodore was born to an Elven spellcaster mother and human blacksmith father, but his mother didn't stay long. He grew up only knowing his father and his sister, living as Humans would without even thinking about his mother. Theodore followed his father everywhere he could, picking up anything his father showed him. More specifically, however, were the sword skills he practiced without fail despite it having nothing to do with the smithy job he had been working since he was old enough to work. Though, unlike his father, Theodore progressed through the basics must faster and began growing bored with the mere practice drills and light sparring he did with his father once he was old enough to not topple just by swinging the wooden swords they used for sparring. Theodore wanted to go to The Luminous School for Heroes, near idolizing those who went to learn more about swordplay than the young half elf could even dream of learning on his own. So, the young boy opted to learning the ways of the blacksmith from his father when a richer man came in looking for a new sword just after Theodore's tenth birthday. The man stayed in the area as he waited for his sword and happened upon Theodore's and his father's sparring and saw something within the young lad that prompted him to sponsor Theodore's education at the academy. This excited Theodore and began packing as soon as he got his father's permission. He said goodbye to his father and set out with his sister who had impressed the rich man's wife with her magical abilities. From then, Theodore threw himself into his studies, as he had not only gotten the chance he had already given up on, but also because he knew once he got there he learned that he had definitely started late compared to most of the others and had a lot to catch up on.
Theodore lost himself in his schoolwork and sword practice, quickly climbing the ranks and reaching the top ten of his class once he had graduated. He could never claim victory over those above him, but that just gave him to strive for as he set out on his own. He did, however, learn how to fight with his sister so that he wouldn't have to worry about learning enough about magic to be able to strike his opponents' weaknesses if that is what was needed. Of course, that left him without much protection against magic himself, but he trusts his sister enough to not worry about that weak point too much. So, they set out to just travel the world to see the different cultures and sights while also making money being freelance adventures. And when it became time that forces were gathering to fight the Death Lord, he was more than happy to sign up to gain those experiences and memories that would make his life colorful.

Hero Type: Warrior


Theodore is able to scan an opponents during battle to target possible weak points. The bigger the difference between their abilities, the more or less information he is able to discern.

-Weapon Mastery: Thanks to his time in the academy, Theodore is able to use most weapons with ease. The only exception being magical weapons that he has refused to use.

-Strength: Due to the countless years spent focusing on his swordplay, Theodore's already enhanced strength from his Elven heritage increased. He can easily lift a boulder twice his size.

Magic Item: Theodore doesn't carry a magical item with him. If he feels it actually necessary, he'll carry one. But until then, he refuses.

-Normal, unenchanted weapons
-Practicing his swordplay/Training

-Sitting still
-Enchanted weapons/Enchanted items
-Thinking through situations
-Being restricted in his movements
-Staying silent
-Learning anything that isn't related to combat

Hearts Desire:
Theodore's desire is to fight the strongest warriors and see the world in the process.

(Please inform me if there is anything awry with my entries)
Tina Fawn


Half Elf



Tina was born to an Elven spellcaster mother and human blacksmith father, but her mother didn't stay long. She grew up only knowing her father and her brother, living as Humans would. She did, however, wonder about the mother who had abandoned them. She looked up anything about Elves that she could get her hands on, though there wasn't much around the area in which she lived with her family. So instead, she tried to get in touch with what she heard her mother did: Spellcasting. Once she was old enough to start remembering the past days of her life, she had started practicing by watching those around her using magic for their everyday lives. The men weren't all that amused and shooed her away, but the women were all the welcoming; teaching her the magic that they used for everyday chores. Once she had a grasp of how using magic felt, she began practicing on her own to widen her scope and range of what she could do. So while her brother was following their father around like a lost duckling, she was out in the nearby meadow practicing out of prying eyes of the common folk of her home. And that's how she passed her days; practicing and learning what her young body and mind could handle. She has passed out multiple times due to over extortion to learn that detail to the fullest extent. Of course, because she was the only one around willing to work on magic usage, so the small ten year old didn't know how expectational she had made herself in her tireless pursuit of her magical knowledge until a rich lady passed by the meadow and saw the young half elf practicing her magic. This lady, impressed by the young child, suggested that she could sponsor Tina to attend The Luminous School for Heroes. At first, the young girl declined, uninterested in attending an academy that would more than likely cut into her practice time, but the lady promised that Tina could learn much more than what she could discover on her own merit. Tina, still hesitant, went home as the sun set to tell her brother about her day to find him packing his clothes and small sword. She decided then that she would attend, if only to make sure she didn't lose her brother to his recklessness that made her worry more than a ten year old should.
When Tina arrived and started her school life, she quickly grew tired of it. She was expected to socialize whenever projects came up and that, she quickly realized, slowed her studies and her advancements into her magical knowledge. So, as she grew and learned, she cut herself off from the others in her course to focus solely on her studies. The only one she got along with was her brother, which is how she began to develop her fighting style around his to cover her weaknesses while she covers his. When she graduated, she set out with her brother to see the world as freelance adventures. She followed him wherever he went, making sure he didn't die on her or their father, and learned more about magic as she discovered more about it than what the academy's books and controlled environments could offer. And because she was following her brother, she joined the forces against the Death Lord with a secret hope there was something she could learn from him as well.

Hero Type: Spellcaster


-Magic Detection:
Tina can detect any magical presences in a limited area. It doesn't matter if it is meant to be hidden or not, unless the spellcaster's skill is higher than her own.

-Elemental Magic: Tina's main focus during her time at the academy was the control and understanding of the elements. She isn’t a master, of course, but she is more in control of water than the other four. She is working on it, though.

-Summoning Magic: Though not as extensive, Tina has enough knowledge about summoning that she can summon the lesser spirits and companions. She can handle summoning stronger elemental spirits and companions, though, as her connection to the elements allows her a more advanced control over them once summoned.

-Protective Magic: Because one of her main reasons for going and staying at the academy was to watch out for her brother, one of her main focuses was on protective magic and support magic.

Magic Item: Tina has a magical spell book that records each and every spell she knows and describes what each spell does. It's convenient when trying to figure out what to do next.

-Enchanted weapons/tools
-Staying in solitude
-Learning new things

-Being surrounded by strangers
-Being separated from her brother
-Normal weapons/tools
-Being approached by strangers
-Loud noises
-Inability to learn anything new

Hearts Desire:
Tina's desire is to learn everything the world has to offer (whether the things she wants to learn is legal or not)
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Name: Cressidia Halcyon

Age: 24

Race: Faerie (If that's possible)


Bio: Empathy is a double edged sword that can cause mental break downs or complete chaos, but lucky for Cressidia she has control.....now. Growing up is was a thorn in her side that she had no idea was there. She would feel others emotions and would automatically adapt to their emotions frequently. The young faerie would normally connect to someone in the village and would feel all of their emotions consistently, causing Cressidia to have drastic mood swings and her family to worry. A quick visit to a local spellcaster revealed that the young girl was an empath. The spellcaster suggested she enroll in the Luminuos School to train her empathy. During her training, Cressidia would occasionally astral project through deep meditations and as her teachers noticed they suggested she take up astral magic, but warned her not to go to far or lest she get lost. They warned her that she could get lost and there was not a guarantee that they could find her. Feeling their fear for her she heeded their warning, but not for long. Forgoing her teacher's warning, Cressidia jumped back into the pool of an perceivably endless sea, where she ended up getting lost. As expected, the astral realm is not something an amateur should venture through. This realm is boundless and formless which has led to many getting lost and/or dying. Cressidia survived, but barely, by running away, using her wits, and empathy to confuse or avoid a few assailants, but she knew her days were numbered if she didn't find her way back. At her lowest she heard a faint voice that gave her hope. It warned of her dangers. It guided her back to her body and before she could ask who or what it was, it told her not to question them because Cressidia had helped them. Cressidia, confused, was forced back in her body and awakened in the infirmary. This deadly trip ignited a fire in the astral adventurer to better understand the other plane. Post Graduation, Cressidia was took a position in the castle to further and document her studies of the astral plane, but when the call for heroes to fight demon lord was made she jumped at the chance.

Hero Type: Spellcaster

Empathy - Cressidia was born with the natural ability to feel other's emotions. Over time her ability was developed to the point she was able to accurately read others emotions and even project said emotions outwards in images for accurate reveals. Cressidia does have to be careful because her emotions can sway others, but others can also influence her.

Astral Magic - Due to empathy and studies, Cressidia stumbled into the astral plane which lead her to study Astral Magic. This type of magic allows the her to harness, control, project energy from the astral plane and her own. By releasing her own soul she has is able to traverse the astral plane and make contact with otherworldly being, spirits, and the dead, but with the help of empathy she can easily adventure through to avoid most dangers to make contact with friendlier energies.

Summoning Magic - Over the years Cressidia has formed a few deep bonds with a couple of lesser and greater spirits, which has led to them forming summoning contracts. Each contract is different has varying different rules set in them, but for the most part the young spellcaster is able to summon them when need be, and if they are not available, or not need, Cressidia is allowed to channel their powers through herself. When channeling said powers they are usually much weaker than the originals or very complex. Lesser being/spirits are simple to summon but greater spirits have more demands and higher intelligence.

Magic Item: Astral Convergence - Cressidia's focus is a crystal that allows her to quickly summon being without incantations. It allows for empathic links with the spirits she summons and it also allows her to channel their powers with, or without, them there. Cressidia's link with the gemstone is strong enough that she can resize it to appear as a necklace and control it telekinetically.

Likes: Reading, Music, Telling Stories, Astral plane exploration, Meditation, Shopping, Clothes

Dislikes: Being surrounded by copious amounts of emotions, large events, liars, Empathy (sometimes)

Hearts Desire: To gain a deeper understanding of the astral plane and to find the being that helped her.

(Inform me of any problems, please)

The Disgruntled Healer

  • I can givith healing and I can taketh it away, do not test my patience.
    Raphael Helmer
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Age: 39

Race: wandering blade

Bio: Galgor like others of his kind are a type of sentient weapon with inherit magical properties how exactly they are formed isn’t all too well know not even by the blades themselves. The weapons have there own arcane abilities and thusly owning one simple means the user has a larger magical arsenal that does it detract from there own power. There name comes form the most unquie aspect of these weapon there ability to project a physical form form thier blade usual in the form of there previous or current wielder. galgor is no exception being relatively young he’s not exactly picked up the most spectacular skill set. His former and only wielder was an impressionable winged man who never spoke a word to Galgor. He had a particular hatred or whatever towards undead generally going around killing them. One day that changed the man killed by a necromancer who’s disinterest of possible ignorance of Galgor was what saved the blade. now left to well.. wander Galgor joined in with this band of adventures in hopes of prehaps avenging his previous wielder.. even if they where not all that close.

Hero Type: spellsword?

Duplication: Galgor can duplicate himself well just the sword that makes up his core. Usually summoned in mid air these duplicated blades can be fired at an opponent With a small degree of tracking
Mageslayers strike: a strike that imparts a great deal of magical stress on those hit by a weapon Imbued by this making far harder to maintain or use magic duplicated swords may have this ability too.
wandering blade cor: being a wandering galgor physical form is based upon there previous “owner” their physical form can be destroyed result in them returning to just a talk sword for a period of a week before then can return to having a body. To kill one you must destroy the sword That is there core, thing such as sharpening the core improve the wandering blades mental acuity until the blade become dulled, thing such as rust make their reaction time slower while being polished improve this slightly.
expert swordsmen: being a sword makes you surprisingly adept in knowing how to use yourself.
Magic Item: Arcane eye: a gemstone kept in his hilt that allows galgor to see the flows of magic sorta like arcane thermal vision and Letting him detect illusion.

killing undead

People With big egos
Hearts Desire:

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