Callahid Roman


Ivy league procrastinator
Full Name: Callahid Roman
Meaning (if any): None
Nickname(s)Alias(es): "Prophet", "The chosen one" "speaker of the sun"
Appearance(description/image/fc): Callahid has a tanned appearence, with a slight beard and rigid features.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Orientation/Sexual preference: Heterosexual 
Height: 6:2
Weight: 219lbs
Eye color: green
Hair color(s): brownish/blackish
Body build/shape(slim, muscular, etc.): slim (has a little muscle, but not enough to be considered toned, let alone muscular)
Race/Ethnicity: American
Scars/Birthmarks?: None
Tattoos/Piercings?: None 
Describe(or show) an outfit they would wear: Before the apocalypse it would be suits and fancy clothings, but now he wears simple atire, usually a tee shirt and geans, boots to add to that, but now in public he can be seen wearing a cloak, representing his title as prophet of the sun (it's black, with the symbol on its back and on the forehead
Faith/religion: (if applicable): Order of the Sun
Does he/she still believe in this religion?: (if applicable): Yes
Personality: Callahid is a thinker, always has and always will, which gives him a very approachable stance. He is considered nice, but can be stern at times. ~The apocalypse has changed Callahid, making him stern, manipulative, and giving him a survival instinct which he will use to insure his place in the new world, even if he does have to put himself on top. Despite this, talking to him in a casual sense, he still has a pleasant tone about him, with a slight hint of authority.
Strengths(2+): Manipulative(he uses his words, charm, and authority to get what he wants, bringing the strongest of people to his will with a couple of words). Quick thinker (he is really good at thinking on the fly, which means even if something doesn't go as planned, he can usually think of an alternative). Calm(whether it be in normal pressure, or in extreme situations, he is able to keep calm and get himself out).
Weaknesses(2+): Weak(although he can survive pretty well, when it comes down to fighting zombies or humans he isn't too good at it, and often counters this with the heavily armed people he carries around with him). Arrogant(this can often lead to fails in his intelligence, which can lead to big holes in planning). Temper(he usually keeps his cool well, but when he doesn't it isn't good for anyone, including himself at times).
Hometown: Greensboro, NC
Current weapons/items: He carries a Sig X-Five L1 pistol, a knife(5 inch blade), and a compass with him at all times.
Relationships(family, friends, s.o, etc.) Before the apocalypse his mother and father were his only family, and they lived in Alaska. (He didn't find them, and doubts they are alive)
Brief description of life before apocalypse: Callahid was a professor who majored in psychology, and had taught for 13 years before it all went to hell. It's important to nkte, that although he wasn't religious himself, he did have a fascination for religion and what it made people do, studying it in his free time, learning principles, rules, and the effects it had on the people.

Life in the apocalypse: Now Callahid is the leader of a religion he made called the Order of the Sun, where they worship the sun a a protective spirit, and treat the zombies a the physical embodiments of what the sun leaves behind(in his religion, the spirits of the people go up to live on the infinite plane of existent that the sun spirit had created, and that the zombies are the physical parts left behind to feed on darkness). At first, Callahid used his religion as a means to control his people, but over time he became to believe in it himself, to the point where he "hears the spirit speak to him" in his head, which is really his own mind tricking him.



Group: Order of the Sun

Region of control: All of North Carolina, and part of South Carolina(the northern part of SC, as they conquered it from the south of NC, the border being close to Florence). 

Important information: Government ran as a dictatorship of sorts(Callahid runs everything, and claims whatever he does is "the will of the Sun").

Social ranks goes from top to bottom as stated; Callahid(The prophet is said to be the one sent from the Sun, and guides the Orders every move), The Higher of the Order(these are specially trained soldiers, used as protection for important people such as Callahid and engineers). Soldiers/engineers(These are the most important important for the economy and way of life. The soldiers are the scavengers, the ones who defend, the ones who fight and clear out areas, and thus are looked apon respectively. The engineers, builders, and designers are literally the foundation of The Orders way of life, as these guys keep the water filters fixed, the solar panels and dams working, and anything else that needs electricity in tune. Builders and designers work together to keep the shacks up and running, and the infrastructure in good condition). Merchants/farmers/cloth makers/distributers/odd job workers(these guys are at the bottom and in that order. These guys work the normal jobs, and even though they aren't held as high as the others, they are important. The rarest of these people are the merchants, and that will be explained in another thing). "The unclean"(to join the order, you must commit [ it will be explained later ], and if you join, do something illegal, you are marked unclean and sent to Kaiser city).

Economy/way of life/ect: Starting with supplies, it works by distribution. The water purifiers producing the water, and the many farms producing food, each person is offered a gallon jug of water (refilled weekly) and two tomatoes (daily). Items such as beds and chairs are distributed as well, and leftovers are either scraped or used for other reasons. Guns and ammo are distributed wit extreme care, as having an unchecked gun and ammo is illegal (ammo is made by smelters, and collected as well) When it comes to other items, canned foods are stored (in case the farms fail), but everything else, whether it be a lighter, a pepsi, or a grandfather clock (a big range), it is either scavenged by the fighters and kept, or burned. It is important to note, that this is where merchants come in, as they will usually work with a soilder (or a group of), use them to get the items, and split the profit. Merchants will only trade with other merchants, as trading with distributed goods is illegal, so if one merchant wants something, they must bargain with something else (like one bottle of wine for 3 pepsi drinks).

The way of life in the Order is a little rough, but considered better than that of the outside world. The cities that were captured aren't used to live in, but rather as a working place. The immediate areas around the city are plowed and used for the farms that feed the people. After the farms, you get to the living area full of the "shacks", which are wooden made homes, windowless, and are about the size of an average highschool classroom(there are bigger versions usually build nearer to the city, but you must be a family of 4 and up to aquire one). The roofs are metal, with a wooden frame under them, and the homes are tightly close together, like that of apartments. The area around these homes are mostly dirt roads that go through the place in rows(columns are sparsely spread apart, leading to and from the city and to other cities). These home areas are also sparsely littered with handmade parks for people and children to hang out around in their free time. If you are a soilder you will live a bit differently. Around the inside of the main border(not attached to the wall, but half a mile away) the soilders live in similar homes, but these homes take up less space, as they are build in an skyscraper fashion, up about 5 homes each) with the roads and area in similar condition. As for the distance situation, the vehicles and other suplies for the soilders are held in the gap between the soilder shacks and the wall, so when the ones who go out and work need their supplies, they can get them easily. Although not many people live in the city, the Prophet(Callahid) lives in the city, along with The Higher Order.

Supplies/quality: As stated earlier, food and water is distributed evenly. When it comes to weapons, Guns are plenty and ammo is high, though that doesn't stop these things from being closely watched, given only to guards and soilders, ammo could also be used as a trading item, as it is found plentyful. Clothing is also held in a sort of high regard, and it is good for everyone to at least have two outfits, which are distributed according to size. Other cloths are used as cleaning materials and flag parts. Medical supplies are on the low end of the have, and on the extremely high list for need, as most medical supplies consist of asprin, antibiotic creams and pills, and bandages, it is something the Order would trade for (doctors are held as normal workers because of this as well, because with the medical supplies in stock nursing in the highest form of medical treatment that can be preformed. Actual doctors have a hard time with big problems because of low stock as well). Things like silverware and other abundant metals are usually melted down, if not valuable enough to be sold by merchants. Quality things like showering are taken into consideration, and shower rooms are open in the cities for people, who are required to shower twice a week. 

Daily life: As normal citizens, low ended fighting training is required as a monthly thing, usually held twice a week. Soldiers are required to train constantly, and meet standards. The High Order, or the special soldiers, are only those who are commited, and have prior military training, and are also required to train(the Order has a plan to have people with this knoledge setup training camps for soldiers who want actual military training, and who will be promoted to The High Order apon completion). Citizens usually work in time pairs of two, 12 hour shifts each, with the exception of guards, who alternative in 6 hour shifts, and soldiers who's hours depend on the mission at hand. When it comes to fun, there isn't much to do, but as tightly bonded as the people are, they make their own fun.

Important places: Raleigh city/New Haven, one of the first places to be obtained, it is the main headquarters of the Order, and even has its own border in case of invasion. This is also where The Prophet(Callahid) and most of The High Order live(Callahid lives in what used to be the Raleigh Convention center. Roanoke Island/ Order sea front: This island is important to the Order, as this is where most water and hydrolic energy is centered around, and such, alot of engineers and soldiers are stationed here. This place is work only, and no merchants or ordinary people would be found here. Hickory/Kaiser city: a place found under total destruction , the Order decided to use this to their advantage, destroying it completly, putting a border around it, and sending the unclean here to survive horrible treatment. For example, if you get too close to the border from the inside, you are shot on sight, a shipment of 8 jugs of water and a crate of tomatoes is the only food sent in there monthly, and once your in, you won't be carried out, unless you dead or undead. Greensboro, Greenville, Wilmington, Asheyville: These cities aren't really special, but they are where most places are set up at, being big and full of space, these places are the commercial and home districts of the Order. 

Religion/Order of the Sun

Basic rules: There are things that must be done everyday to appease Sun Spirit, including the morning prayer, said everyday around 6am everywhere, it's a prayer that only the guards and the soldiers don't participate in (they are required to do it at 12pm). Following the rules based around laws and whatnot are also important to do, and can lead to serious trouble if not followed. What the Prophet(Callahid)says goes, as he is the physical vessel of the Spirits words and laws.

Basic information: The "heaven" of this religion is stated as an infinite plane of existent within the sun that worthy spirits are sent to. The "hell" is known as the void, a dark desolate landscape that the light of the Sun Spirit will never touch.

Insignia: The mark of the Order is that of a type of sun, which is a white circle in the middle, an orange left directed ridge that surrounds the circle, and red spikes that come out of the whole of the orange ridges.

Extra info: It is stated that out of 100% of the people, 60% believe in the religion, 35% do not believe, but still practice the religion as not to be part of the 5% who are considered the unclean. The plan is that even though they don't all believe, their children will not see the difference in the 60 and the 35, and that overtime more will be born believing in the religion.





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