Call of the Wind

@Michael Dineen @Mazuick

Hi, I REALLY don't want to seem rude, and I hope I'm not coming across as such, but with what you guys have posted it kinda dug at me, if that makes sense. What I'm talking about is my character is hiding in the trees and isn't seen. I just got kinda annoyed when your characters came and started talking as if they could see her when they shouldn't have.

I also didn't think we were supposed to know about Erudas, but that one just might be my assumption.

Again I'm REALLY sorry if I came across rude or anything, cause I didn't mean too. I just wanted to tell you guys what I thought about how your characters kept seeing mine when I felt they shouldn't. I understand that after she shot the arrow they'd be able to know her location but not see her.

PLEASE tell me if I misunderstood anything, since i do NOT want to start any problems. =3 I just wanted to get everything out in the open and have fun role playing with you guys.

I think it would depend on if they had a good idea on how to incorporate themselves into the plot. But mainly it's up to you.

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