Call of the Wind


Devil's advent
RandomGengar submitted a new role play. @RandomGengar, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Character Skeleton:



Age (15-17):




Preferred Weapon (Axe, Sword, Staff, Bow, Dagger, ect):

Child of (The Forest, The Meek, ect):


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Ariel Genevieve Wintersong // Female // 17

Child of the Meek



Ariel is quite shy and keeps to herself mostly. She likes to be alone, and is considered a true lady, never speaking unless spoken to. But, in her heart, she longs to explore and go on adventures. She's kind to everyone, and always silently helpful and respectful, but she has trouble saying no, which lands her in some sticky situations.


Ariel was born in Irida to a loving mother and a father who perished at war. She had three brothers, but now only has one because of the ongoing war. Her brother, Adam, teaches her to fight and tries to get her to stand up for herself.

Preferred Weapon:

She's very good at archery, but prefers her twin daggers.


We fight for each other.



Calithilwen (Lithi)






Elven ~

Elves were born with the gift of enhanced senses and a slight understanding of nature. Their enhanced senses include eyesight, hearing, and smell.




Lithi can be fairly quiet when she first meets people, mainly because she doesn't know if she can trust them. Once she's gotten to know others, Lithi is very friendly, nice, calm, and is always wanting to help her friends.


Lithi was left on her own at a very young age, surviving in the Morodi Belt, sneaking into forests and villages, stealing small amounts of food. Her parents were killed by a rock slide when they were running away from soldiers, trying to protect her when she was 7, leaving her to fend for herself. She was taught how to hunt and make weapons with wood, and she's fairly skilled, but her weapons never last long due to the fact that the materials she can find aren't strong enough to last.

Preferred Weapon:

Bow and Arrows

Child of:

the Ancients


We fight for each other

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Name: Lunaria (Aria)

Gender: Female

Age :16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_17-12-6.jpeg.273e3fe6b6b740067facab68594e2c18.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-13_17-12-6.jpeg.273e3fe6b6b740067facab68594e2c18.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's reserved, quiet but gets really mad if you try to mess with her. She carries her katana with her almost everywhere.

History: She was a normal kid, except for the fact she liked swords. People pushed her into a mental cage with taunting and teasing, until one day she snapped. A group of boys were beating her for being, well, different. Apparently it a crime. She caught the boy's foot and shoved him backwards. She drew her katana and got into her stance. Everyone ran in fear. The next day, no one would approach her. Any time she got close to someone, they would run in fear. From then on, she never spoke. She trusts few to hear her voice, and only the one closest to her will se her smile.

Preferred Weapon: Loves her Katana, but can also use a bow

Child of the hated

Other: We fight for each other



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Name: Falcris Dathin


Race: Kaildrin, a race of humans whose blood was mixed with the Gensai of air, before their departure to the Elemental realm. This acrobatic race was favored as the prestige of Ley-Guides, and while their culture and race is thought lost, and least one bloodline remains.

Age (15-17): 17



Personality: Short tempered, quick to action. To him a friendship bound by action is as unbreakable as darksteel.

History: Raised by nomads in the The Morodi Belt, Falcris was taught the way of the Ley-guide, ancient servitors to travelers, whom would lay fresh bridges and paths through the vast Belt. In recent times though, the practice has become more defensive in execution, using the varied skills of a ley-guide, Falcris protects his adopted village from the various foes whom would dare to tread upon the sacred paths. To outsiders, the the staggered peaks are seen as barren lands, unfit for life, but for his adopted village, they carve out a harsh living within the lower foothills.

Preferred Weapon (Axe, Sword, Staff, Bow, Dagger, ect): The traditional chain blade of a Ley-Guide, a long-sword, connected to a long chain, topped with a wicked hook, which can claw cliff and flesh alike.

Child of (The Forest, The Meek, ect): The Lost

Other: We fight for each other.
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I'll be the child of the forest if that's okay. 
Name: Midoridas (Midori) Odrennan

Gender: Male

Age (15-17): 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Anime!.jpg.e32d4f39227854c065e7c9c5d4173ffe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Anime!.jpg.e32d4f39227854c065e7c9c5d4173ffe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is a little stuck up and cocky. He likes to be up in the trees, or generally off the ground. He brags a little, but makes sure not to take things too far. He's always felt he was an important kid. He only fights for freedom… or to impress others, especially girls. Deep down, he has a very good heart and means well… it just needs to be loosened up a little first.

History: He was born and raised in the small town of Kokama. At a young age, he rose to the top of his class, which didn't consist of many people. He found himself to be the best at sports, and generally the best kid in town (in his opinion). He has made trips to large cities before, so he feels like he could own the world if he wanted to. One day an older man in the village found him trying to steal something and quickly reprimanded him. To Midori's dismay, this older man could fight. Since then, the older man has taken Midori under his wing and trained him in some fighting techniques, and even delved into basic magic, though Midori never caught on to the magic part.

Preferred Weapon (Axe, Sword, Staff, Bow, Dagger, ect): Tri-section staff. He is also adept with the Katana and throwing stars. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3b36f77_TriSectionStaff.jpg.78c06b5f8f312d0132db45d2b2769b86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3b36f77_TriSectionStaff.jpg.78c06b5f8f312d0132db45d2b2769b86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Child of (The Forest, The Meek, ext): Child of the Forest.

Other: It takes a while for him to get serious about things. "We Fight for Each Other"



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This rp is intriguing... Mind if I have two characters? One will be a gnoll, another might be something else. Though my two characters might be friends, and opposite genders, I don't think they'll be having romantic affections for each other... I want others to have a chance, y'know? Well, anyway, I think they'll just look at each other in a sibling-like manner; maybe they'll be adoptive siblings or something... 
Name: Jatch

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Gnoll (Ahem. A gnoll is a creature often shown with mythology, sorta a spotted hyena-anthro creature, which I believe originated to D&D. If not, it's from mythology. Most are shown as 'evil,' or 'bad,' but seeing hyenas aren't actually bad and nor are humans, I would think a mix of the two would have an option at being good. You may research them to know more.)

Appearance: (I drew these three pictures, please forgive my possibly terribly drawing skill.)


(Jatch... Put your shirt back on.)


(Here's him walkin' around some canyon. His hair could use a little work... It's actually shoulder-length, but you can't tell because he has a mane of fur on his back (Like hyenas do) that sorta makes it look like he's got long hair.)


(And, now he's crouched down and sort of sneaking/prowling. His legs are at a farther distance, and he's a bit hunched-over in this picture, thus why the legs are small and the torso short. I probably should have given more shading to show this, and I might edit it later when I'm feeling less lazy. For what the pictures do not explain: His fangs and claws are in fact lethal and able to be used in battle, and like a hyena, he can crunch through bones with the same ease that we eat toast He stands about 7'6", which is presumably average for a gnoll. His sense of smell and hearing is also as acute as a hyena's, and he may often growl or snarl to show aggression.)

Personality: Jatch isn't necessarily out-right friendly, but he's not refusing to trust, and actually befriend able besides... Well, besides the fact that he's technically a bandit and a thief. What gnoll isn't? Yet, he's in it for the adventure; he's another one of those foolish youths tricked into thinking that thievery a being a bandit/pirate comes with adventure. And it sorta does, but there are other ways to find adventure. Oh, and he kinda needs the money... But besides that, it's nothing personal when he goes marauding villages and villagers with his clan, robbing, pillaging, and afterwards setting the whole place ablaze... Does he pity the people he's hurting? Unfortunately, no, Jatch has never been very pitiful, but he's not really corrupt... At least, not too corrupt. Ruthless, he does these things more because it's 'just what gnolls do,' and for other reasons, such as his lack of money and a job. But, if your his friend, he's talkative but very loyal and dependable, as well as protective. Jatch tends to be a very wild and hyper character, with an unfortunately low alcohol tolerance, so he usually avoids such alcoholic beverages. He dislikes 'girly things,' but has a tendency to spare women (As was occasional with bandits back then. If anything was attacked, the women and girls were sometimes spared... As long as they didn't resist or fight the attackers or anything.) and girls when marauding. He couldn't care less about the local kingdom's state, and all it means to him is getting to enter the city without so much threat from being caught by the authorities. Jatch can be stubborn, and occasionally annoying, but he's usually optimistic and cheerful; and, of course, adventurous, occasionally daring, and possibly too brave for his own good. His logic sometimes seems to be flawed, especially when he does things like trying steal a coin or two from a dragon's hoard. (I bet you if Jatch had an accent, it would be Australian. )

History: Jatch was an orphan, along with a friend of his, Valenna. The two, Jatch and Valenna, say each other as sister and brother, and had been friends from quite a young age. Jatch seems to treat Valenna as his younger sister, and Valenna seems to treat Jatch as her older brother. So, they sorta just... Waited, at that orphanage, but no one really came to adopt; Jatch was, after all, a gnoll, and Valenna had heterochromia iridum from birth (A defect that make's one's eyes two different colors.). And while the defect was harmless, it sorta repelled people, as heterochromia iridum can do sometimes. So, one night, when Jatch was 13 and Valenna 11, he decided to leave, and offered for her to come with. Wanting to stay with her 'brother,' Valenna agreed, and the two climbed out the window that night. Jatch came to be a thief, and later, a bandit, in order to support himself and his 'sister.' Valenna, on the other hand, started trying out with alchemy...

Preferred weapon: His knife (Shown in two of the pictures) occasionally with some of Valenna's brewed poisons applied to it.

Child of: He isn't part of the prophecy.

Romantic affections for: No one.

Other: I don't think I have much else about Jatch... Oh, and "We fight for each other."

Name: Valenna

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Human

Appearance: (I didn't draw it this time. Somewhat obvious, seeing this one is so much better than my own drawings... )


Personality: Valenna is quiet and not the bravest person, often cowering from danger. She knows her place as the social ranking goes; in medieval times, men were of a higher social rank than the women, and thus she shows men respect. Well, she tends to be a respectful person in general, so she'll show anyone respect. Submissive and cautious, she's a little unsure about being around Jatch's clan, but they seem to treat her relatively well in means of not hurting her, seeing she's with Jatch. She is not stubborn, and finds it difficult to say 'no' sometimes, but is curious as well as docile. Her curiosity does not manage to push past her cowardice, cautiousness, and wisdom, though. She is at least an intelligent character, though sensitive about her heterochromia iridum. The girl is also somewhat skilled in alchemy, as she started training when she was about 12 years old, meaning she's had about 3-4 years of practice. She does not just brew medical mixtures, but lethal poisons as well. Most of her 'potions' are used by Jatch, as she's never really had the chance to sell them. Tranquil, she like things calm, and can be very patient; one reason why she enjoy gardening as a hobby. But what she grows, is her own herbs and base alchemy ingredients. Polite, she was trained in proper acquit at the orphanage. She is also loyal, and will never betray, though she is slow to trust. She does not like debating in the slightest. Merciful and sympathetic, her kindness seems to know no bounds, and she is likely to try to help anyone she sees wounded, or to show them kindness in other ways; even if they were her enemy, or once intended to kill her. This goes on to display Valenna's forgiving personality as well. She hates to witness gore or killing, but currently living with a clan of bandits, she unfortunately see's a lot of that... She is also logical (Unlike Jatch), and dislikes getting dirty. Or wet. Also, she can't swim.

History: Same as Jatch's.

Preferred weapon: Valenna has no weapons, unless her poisons count... But then, she has nothing to apply them to, nor the courage to use them herself.

Child of: She isn't part of the prophecy.

Romantic affections for: Nu-uh.

Other: Nothing else to be said on Valenna... Oh, and in case you missed me previous state the password, 'We fight for each other.'
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Amelia Thorne



Age (15-17):





Quiet, mysterious, not very outgoing, lonely.


Amelia was not always so dark. She used to be a normal girl who did normal girly things and was very gentle, nice, and kind. But when Somia fell, she became corrupted by the darkness that seeped over the land and became dark and dreary, and was thought to never see the light again. But the darkness that stabbed her mercilessly, made her think of the light and how she wished to reach for it and touch it once more.

Preferred Weapon (Axe, Sword, Staff, Bow, Dagger, ect):


It's as bigger than she is, just so you know.

Child of (The Forest, The Meek, ect):

Child of Darkness


We fight for each other!
(( i had to repost this 8 times due to me screwing up... xD ))

I will now post my Character, and we can begin!

Name: Erudas

Gender: Male

Age: 28


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Arman.jpg.2a728b2d8148cf17c23b0f5a79f34f7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Arman.jpg.2a728b2d8148cf17c23b0f5a79f34f7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: As he is named after the god of wisdom and mind, he is pretty much as you would expect. A stone cold traditionalist who yearns for the return of the old ways. He is calm, wise, and rarely shows signs of emotion. Despite all this, he is quick to act in danger, and shows no mercy. He often has trouble reading the feelings of others, and usually shuts himself off from any connections to other people.

History: Not much to say. He grew up int the mage's sanctuary, him and two others are the only children the mage's have had since their fall. When the prophecy appointed him as the guardian of the children, he readily accepted and set out on his quest. That was ten years ago. Now, for the first time he had gotten a lead on his quarry, and is making steady progress towards where he thinks them to be.

Preferred Weapon: Uses mage's staff

Magic: Alteration of the world around him. Can create llusions and bend the earth around him. This however had many drawbacks, as he can only preform magical feats that would not kill him if he tried it manually.

Other: Has a deep loathing for spiders



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Name: Sashada (Sasha)

Gender: Female

Age: 15



Personality: happy, fun, a good friend. She is sensitive and kind, but also knows when to kick you off your butt and make you do something.

History: She isn't sure. All she knows is that she was doing something for her parents (who she can't really remember), and got lost in the forest. Then she tripped and fell, and when she woke up, she couldn't remember anything. She was obviously raised in a wealthy family, because she is educated and smart.

Preferred Weapon: I guess we'll find out! (Trained in secret with a staff)

Other: we fight for each other.

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