Call of the Wind [Inactive]


Devil's advent
RandomGengar submitted a new role play:

Call of the Wind - When fate whispers in your ear, will you heed it's command?

80 years ago, the kingdom of Somia was ruled by a benevolent king, whose hand was guided by the powerful Magi of the Mage’s guild. It was a time of peace, a time of prosperity, a time where the constant threat of death did not hang over the heads of anyone brave enough to continue living in this land.
80 years ago, Somia fell. The Mage’s guild was infiltrated and destroyed, leaving only a handful of survivors alive. Without the support of the mages, the kingdom was weakened, making it easy...
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Calithilwen groaned, rubbing her head, her ears twitching slightly. "That hurt..." she muttered, picking herself up and dusting her dress off. She sighed, making sure her hair was covering her pointed ears, before making sure all her belongings were on her. Nodding after making sure she started towards the nearest market of Yumisto, wanting to see if she could find some sturdy wood for once. She needed a new bow, and didn't have the right type of wood.
Erudas stood silently on a small hill as he scanned the horizon for his destination. Looking back at a small piece of parchment he held in his hand, he tried to decipher the scribbles that some idiot tried to pass off as legible writing.

That idiot was actually him...

Crumbling it up, he shoved it in his cloak pocket, readjusting his firm grasp on his staff and setting off.

Eventually, he came upon his destination. The small town of Yumisto. Scanning the skies, he figured he only had around a couple hours before dark.

Pulling his collar up to hide his face, he ducked behind a small house and opened his left palm wide. It began to glow with a soft purple light, which he ran along his staff. It flashed for a second, blinding him, but when his vision cleared, he then held a small steel sword in his hand where the staff just was. Letting it slide into a hilt he wore on his back, he stepped out from behind the building again, eyes scanning the faces of everyone around him. There wasn't many people to see, and it would be easy to pick out anyone who didn't belong.

Sure enough, fortune smiled upon him, and through the small crowd he picked out a girl with small pointed ears sticking out from her blonde hair.

Smiling, he took a step into the crowd, trying to get closer to the girl.

If his suspicions were right, this girl was an elf. Very possibly the last elf.

Re adjusting his cloak again, he took a deep breath and tapped her shoulder.
Lithi frowned slightly, leaning over the stand she was at, causing her hair to fall forward slightly, revealing the tip of her pointed ear. Lifting her hand she felt along a piece of wood, trying to determine if it would be good enough to use. Letting out a soft groan, unable to decide on her own, she opened her mouth to ask the stands owner about the wood in front of her when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Her eyes widened, and she spun around, her body tense. No one had ever come up to her before when she was in a town. Now facing the man, she shifted her tense stance, her right leg sliding backwards a bit, ready to run if needed. "W-who are you...?" she questioned, trying to harden her voice but failing miserably as she stuttered.
Erudas held out his hands in front of him to show he did not pose a threat to the girl, noticing how panicked she seemed.

"I am- Well, I can't tell you." His eyes began to dart around, scanning the face of every single person around him, trying to identify a possible threat.

"Listen, you can trust me. I'm a friend, elf." Very slowly, he pulled back the collar of his cloak to reveal for less than a second the mark of the mages, which he was branded with at birth.

"You can trust me."

He stared at her for only a second before turning around again. Sure enough, two large men dressed in heavy red armor were marching down the street, causing the crowds to scatter.

"If you want to live, follow me. And be swift about it!" He whispered over his shoulder to the girl.

Pulling his cloak tight, he began to weave through the small crowd again, ducking underneath arms and dodging hits, just trying to make it to the edge of town before the soldiers could reach them.
Lithi gulped, listening to the man, her eyes flicking to the tattoos on his neck. She couldn't be sure since her parents hadn't been able to teach her everything about the world, but she was pretty sure mages were trustworthy....And the fact that he approached her knowing she was an elf...

She watched him turn around and her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the soldiers marching through. She cursed softly in her elven tongue, glancing at the man before her once more. "If you want to live, follow me. And be swift about it!" he said. Looking around quickly she dashed off into a thick area of crowd, following the man, but keeping a fair distance away from him. She wasn't sure yet if she could trust him but...Right now she had to.
Valenna was quietly lingering in one corner of the bar, while Jatch seemed to be arm-wrestling with some other rogue. She was mostly just trying to hide and remain unnoticed from the bandits, outlaws, and other drunk people... She even thought she saw a necromancer pass by, and was now trembling because he had winked at her. And by her prediction, that knowing wink, might have mean't he was going to try to practice necromancy on her or something, as Valenna pessimistically guessed it to be. Timidly, she neared Jatch, and softly tapped on her 'brother's shoulder. "Jatch, can we please leave? I've already had 2 drunk people mistake me for their daughter... Or in my third encounter with a drunk person, their fiance..." She whispered shyly.

Jatch smacked his opponent's hand to the table, and then turned to Valenna. "Don't worry, I won't take much longer. Just gotta see how much more I can get on betted arm-wrestling." The gnoll replied, grasping another man's hand. "Ohhh..." Valenna quietly whined, but pressed close to her adoptive brother. At least this tavern, a fugitive's and outlaw's hideout and rest, was not in the city, and so she wouldn't have to worry much about interrogation from soldiers.
Midori entered the bustling city of Yamisto. He had been to big cities many times before as an ambassador and as a glorified errand boy for his village. This was the first time he went of his own will. He was coming to meet a friend of his, though he wasn't sure if this friend was still around. If for no other reason, he just felt drawn to get away. Destiny was telling him to go on an adventure. As he pushed through the crowds, a few people whispered to each other about how his hair stood out, making a scene by just being present. Midori smiled, he liked the attention. Midori spotted a bushel of apples in a market stall. Yum, those look like good apples. I wonder where they came from. Midori picked out a nice big red one, rubbed it clean with his sleeve, and took a bite. Then a man behind the stall started yelling at him like he was a criminal. "What did I do? I have to pay for an apple? You can just pick 'em off the tree, what's the big deal?" Back home this wouldn't have been considered stealing, because apples did just grow on trees. Suddenly, two large men dressed in red armor were running toward him. He dropped the apple, backpedalled, then turned to a full on sprint. "Shit, just my luck! Out of the way!!" He looked around for an escape route. He noticed a man followed by a woman that seemed to be in a good hurry as well. He quickly ran between them and crouched, matching their footsteps to keep in line. "Don't mind me. Just keep going," he whispered as he attempted to tuck his hair underneath his vest.
Falcris approached the market quarter of Yamisto, hesitant at first. Never having been to such a large city, he glanced awkwardly around, noting the various people traversing the area and tried to match their patterns. He first began to mimic a red-headed human, following him he came upon an apple stand, and watched as the man stole and apple and began eating it. "Strange.." Falcris whispered to himself, knowing such an act would cost this man his hands. As fate would have it, the shopkeeper noticed the theft and called the guards, which prompted the red-haired man to flee into the larger crowd, of which another two strange people had just headed. "Maybe a gang of thieves..." Falcris said aloud, then noticed the shopkeeper staring at him. "Here." He said, handing the shop keeper a small silver ingot, which he hoped would cover the thieves apple, and then Falcris headed towards the three would-be fugitives.

"They went that way!" Falcris shouted to the guards as they came near, pointing towards the large fountain deeper in the city, away from the crowd of people. The guards eyed Falcris then split up, one continuing into the crowd and the other towards the fountain. As the guard entered the larger mass of people, Falcris pursued, keeping several meters behind him.

As the crowd thinned Falcris noticed the gate of of the town looming ahead, of which he had only recently entered. It was then that he saw the thief and two other individuals, as well as the guard who seemed to have spotted them and was continuing his pursuit.
Looking over his shoulder, Erudas' eyes narrowed when he saw the man running behind them.

There was something off about the man, and sure enough the wizard's trained eyes identified something off about his aura.

It was similar to the girl's in almost every way... Was this boy one of the prophesied?

Pulling himself out of his own thoughts, he looked behind them to see the crowd had parted, and two soldiers and what appeared to be a traveler were in hot pursuit.

There was something odd about the traveler as well. He couldn't see it that well from this far away, but his aura stood out just as much as the elf's and the theif's... But... No... Three of the prophesied children in one place? That would be a great boon after ten years of travelling...

Taking half a second to think, he stopped running, but before he came to a full halt he whispered into his elven companion's ear.

"Stay with the thief. I'll be back soon, but you need to get out of here. Follow the river until you come to three trees connected at their trunk, and stay there."

Stopping dead now, he raised his arms into the air and turned around, closing his eyes to slits.
Midori continued in his crouched position until the man in front of him slowed down. "Get a move on would you?" Then the man stopped entirely. He had said something to the girl behind him. Midori ran straight into the man, burying his face in the man's thigh. With a look of disgust, Midori backed away. "Watch it, or I'll... Thief?! Who are you calling thief? Do you know who I am? Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Then he turned to the girl behind him and stopped for a moment, just blinking occasionally. Damn, why are the hot ones always against me? he thought. "On any other day, I'd enjoy being chased around by you miss. No offense, but I chose not to get arrested today. Especially not by two domestic police like you." The mysterious man then put his hands in the air. "Quit making a scene!" yelled Midori as he pushed the man out of his way and continued running.
Erudas lowered his head and whispered an incantation.


As he finished, a large stone popped out of the ground at the theif's feet, sending him toppling to the ground in a instant.

Turning again to his elven companion, he whispered with urgency, noting how close the guards were now.

Midori hopped up, not a bit surprised at the magic. He spun around and came sprinting right back to the man. "You asked for it!" Midori yelled as he raised a clenched fist and used his momentum to swing at the man with great force.
Erudas grumbled quiet as the thief threw himself at him.

Before he could land a punch on the wizard, he had grabbed the thief's shirt collar and threw him to the ground in front of him.

Almost immediately, the guards caught up to them and began holding down the thief, and binding Erudas' hands.
Lithi narrowed her eyes at the boy who joined them. "Idiot...." she mumbled to herself before glancing to the man she met earlier. She bit her lip, before running into the trees and hiding from sight. She gasped, watching as the mans hands were bound, throwing him to the ground. She gulped, before shakily raising her hand and grabbing for the small frail bow that was on her back, practically hidden by her hair.

Moving quickly, she jumped onto a higher branch covered with thicker leaves before notching an arrow and taking him. She took a deep breath, closing one eye before letting the arrow go, hitting the guard holding her new companion down in the side of the neck.
As the guards grabbed Midori's arms, he struggled a little, then realized doing that was no use. Then he arched his back and swung his legs up, planting his feet solidly in the soldiers' faces. Then he pulled a knife from a sheath on his back and jumped onto the back of the soldier tying the man's hands. He slipped the knife around the soldier's throat and grinned to himself. "He pushed me. I'm not done with him yet, got it?" Then one of the soldiers who had held him down approached again. Midori landed another solid back-kick to the soldier's gut, then switched his momentum to flip the guard he was perched on. The third guard had been shot by an arrow. Midori put his hands on his head. "Why? That guy had a family I bet. So you guys aren't police? I'm confused."
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( I apologize for my first, short post. I was in a hurry at that time, but hopefully I can focus more and make it more detailed this time.)

Valenna cast a brief glance around the tavern, the smell of alcoholic beverages, and- Wait, what was that terrible backround scent?! After some sniffing, the girl identified it to maybe be the scent of bandits and outlaws who had bathed in likely more than a month, and jumped as another hand was smacked onto the table behind her where Jatch was arm-wrestling; this time, it was the gnoll's hand that was forced to the wooden table top, the result of his now-audible growls and rumbles, with the occasional snarl. "Jatch, can we pleeeaaaasssee go now?" Valenne pleaded of her brother, tugging softly on one metallic plate of his armor. "Ohhh, alright." Jatch finally agreed with a faint sigh, causing Valenna to give her own sigh of relief, because she worried she might have triggered the gnoll's stubbornness by possibly-continuous asking. He got up from his chair, and the two started heading out the tavern.

Once outside, technically in the middle of a forest as that was where the hideout was located, the two continued to walk. Jatch perked his large hyena-like ears, then turned them in different directions like a satellite as many animals with acute hearing did, as he picked up different sounds; the birds, an occasional melodious howling of a wolf,- and voices? Very faintly, as they came slightly near to the city at this part of the trail, the gnoll heard voices. He paused, perking his ears and staring off curiously in the direction he could hear the other's speaking. "What is it?" Valenna inquired, familiar with her brother's motions and actions he made upon scenting or hearing something. "Voices, but..." Jatch began. "Just voices? Can we keep going, then?" His adoptive sister asked, keeping to a polite tone as usual. "...I'm curious." The gnoll finished his sentence, still staring out. "You can go back, I'm going to see who's talking over there." And with that, he started off in the direction where possibly Midori and Lithi conversed. Valenna sighed, but followed after, as she did not want to be left behind or alone.

When they reached their destination, the two kept more to the sidelines, and neither had said any greetings yet. Valenna was more or less hiding behind her adoptive brother, and Jatch was giving the group of three curious looks, with on ear raised and his head tilted to the side.
Noting the increasing scene of violence unveiling before him, Falcris hesitated. One guard with an arrow protruding from him, another with a knife to her throat. Watching the red-haired man quickly dispose of two of the guards, and noting a strange girl in a nearby tree holding a bow, Falcris presumed the immediate threat had handled itself.

As he approached he heard the red-haired man say something, apparently to the downed thief on the ground, unable to make it out, Falcris decided it would be better to just ask. "Would any of you happen to be a man by the name Eruda, by chance?" Falcris said, as he made his way towards the two thieves.
"Theft of farmers goods and being pursued by the guards?" Falcris asks redundantly, before rembering the women from the store stall. "Oh, and I paid your accrued debt, pay me back later.." He turns to the other two, before saying once again. "Do any of you know a man by the name of Eruda by chance? It's very important."
"Theft? Theft!! All I took was a lousy apple you moron! Don't you know apples grow on trees? Back home nobody would have said a thing. But here, OH NO, you believe we have to pay the earth for the apples. That's not how it works you idiot! I owe you nothing!" yelled Midori in a continuous sentence. He was flailing his arms in the air and stomping his feet on the ground while figurative steam came out of his ears. Then he just stood there panting, with an angry look on his face. "I'm not a thief. My name's Midori"
"Well, generally the cost could be looked at as the cost of transporting the apples to the people of this city, and seeing as your clearly not familiar with the laws of the lands, I won't hold it against you." Falcris said flatly, before turning and noticing the onlooking citizens. "Either way, you should make haste to depart the city limits, I've heard guardsmen aren't keen on being shown up in front of the peasantry, and they might seek vengeance."

And Falcris turned to leave out the gate, he stopped, and turned towards Midori, then said "And my name is Falcris, pleasure to meet you."
Midori calmed down a little bit after Falcris' words. "Well what did the guards expect? It's me, you can't just do that and expect me to take it. I Midori, hero of Kokama!"
"As much as your outbursts may entertain me, Midori, hero of Kokama, I still seek the man I mentioned earlier, and must depart." Falcris finished, and then turned about and took to the path heading out the gate.

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