Call Of The Wild{Needs male character}

Child Of Nature

Nature's snake charmer.

Sefarina what she thought a normal college student with native American blood running through her veins. But she has been having these strange dreams every night. A native American male would walk up to her and say. "Sefarine Nightwolf it is time you come home and take your place among us." A silver mist would role in at this time and the man would disappear and a faint silver wolf stood in his steed. Her dream never made it any father then that. She would wake up in a cold sweet with the urge to call her grandmother back home at the resreve. She would tell her of the dream and the elder woman would chuckle and simply say "Its a sigh you are meant for bigger greater things child." One day in her college realigon class the teacher was to send all the students back to there true places of home to learn more of there heritage. Sefarine took this chance to find out who the man was in her dreams and what he meant by those words.

When she got to the reserve there he was waiting for her. The man in her dreams was her welcoming party. She couldn't believe her eyes. Later on she would learn what the words in her dream meant along with what true love felt like.

{sefarine is meant to be the leader of a shape shifting wolf tribe. That only native american blood can carry. Your character is the man from her dream whom she falls for over time. We will start at where Sefarine shows up at the reserve and see your character waiting for her}

Name: Sefarine Rose Night wolf

Age: 21

Image: Human form:

Wolf form: {Only seen after she find out what is really in her blood}

{Just do the same thing as mine for a profile}[/align]

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