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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild

Solana Carstaires

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"Like the dark?" Solana wondered as she wandered over and picked her helmet up once again. "My honour is as good as my word" she said with a small bow before walking after him. "So, what do you mean by "like the dark?"" She said with a small grin

"I meant that I hope you like not being able to see a thing in pitch black darkness. (When you almost type out bitch black darkness) Kiervan replied. He then heard another persons voice. "Where the devil are all these people coming from?" He asked himself in a low whisper. "That was just a simple negotiation my friend." He said stopping. "And this is Streolund. Well. Used to be. Now it is Kotrolund..." He said disappointedly. Looking the person over he could tell he wasn't sure how safe he would be. "I wont hurt you I promise. What you saw was me taking precautionary measures." It's safe.

@Trust @Spanner

Solana Carstaires

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"Sure, see me and you are determined to threaten me, then wrap me up in vines! See him and suddenly you're his lover. Bloody ass..." She hissed angrily, glaring daggers at the elf. "And for your information, the sun is my guiding light, it doesn't matter where I am for the sun guides me everywhere I go! Be it underground or in water" she smiled proudly

@Cartreck @Spanner
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"Streolund? Can you be a little more specific?" The mage said, his gaze unconciously wandering by the surroundings, apparently quite surprised for being in a forest, his staff was already returned to a relaxed position.

"Also, did you perhaps got to see a dragon near?" He added in the last second, apparently remembering something important.

@Cartreck @Trust
Kiervan rolled his eyes at the knight. "Oh hush I heard your comment about fairies and gold. I protect these woods and the inhabitants." He sneered at the knight. "And yes I did see a dragon. If you fallow us you can meet him if you need to." he leaned towards the knight. "By the way, you just met a half dragon." He snickered and continued to walk. Forgetting the boys previous question. "Fallow me if you will."

Solana Carstaires

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"I couldn't care less" she growled back at him. "I've already killed a dragon and established my own name" she grinned at him, knowing that would most likely annoy him. "And what's wrong for wanting money? I only need it for food and maybe some repairs for mu equipment

@Cartreck @Spanner
"Oh, a half dragon? That's pretty rare, isn't it?" The mage said while pressing his glasses against his head with his left wrist, clearly fixing them, his green eyes suddenly turning sharp while gazing at Kiervan.

"Maybe it could be a vector of interference to the spell, a forereign creature interfering with the link..." he muttered unconciously while following the supposed half-dragon, clearly talking to himself, his left hand holding the strange looking grimoire wpressing while it with some strength, making his fingers turn slightly pale.

@Cartreck @Trust
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"Impressive. Let me know when you have had the chance to ride one." He replied, trying to seem unaffected by her comment. While also doubting her statement ten fold. Why can't any of these people not being asshats sometimes. "Wait... Nevermind." He said to himself. Confused by the mages statement. Clearly the mage was half dragon, or at least quarter. He'd have to investigate that later.

Solana Carstaires

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"Why would I want to ride an intelligent beast" Solana said while looking at him. She put her metal helmet on, the large red feather attacked to the side waving slightly in the wind. Solana was annoyed enough at the idiot of a guide she was following, much too egotistical for her liking. "So, what's your story?" She asked him as they walked, finding the new member a little boring considering she couldn't understand some of the things he was talking about

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7078560c5fe061949ba625af8cb5b27d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7078560c5fe061949ba625af8cb5b27d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shiro had responded to the name "Blue"'with favor before things started to get a bit heated so he retreated back into the trees for the time being to watch. He kept a closer eye on Kiervan than the rest who he didn't much care for. Once the girl showed up wearing armor his interest peaked , watched my how Kiervan handled the situation.

He was silent in the trees as before and blended almost perfectly as he quietly followed the group from above. Once they started to head back he dropped down landing rather silently behind, and to the left of Kiervan. " Well quite a few people have showed up in a short period of time." He spoke in his usual straightforward tone. All but ignoring the presence of the other two for the time being. His unnaturally blue eyes still seemed to take in his surroundings almost unconsciously.



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Kiervan lead the party back to where everyone was standing. "Well. This is a knight of the sun. Who decided to not give her name. And this is... I'm afraid I never caught your name my friend?" He replied waiting for the mage to answer. Hearing Blue talk almost startled him. "What.. where did.. never mind. And yes, there has been. It's quite unnerving actually." He replied going to sit under a tree. he was getting a headache from commotion happening in one little area. "This whole situation is just crazy..."

Solana Carstaires

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Sol gave a quick wave of her hand to the rest of the group and sat down with a metallic "clang". Just wanting to get her whole mission over with. The whole reason she was here was because all the other knights kept making fun of her due to her age snd the fact she was a woman, but she was determined to live up to her father's name. "How long will this take?" She asked suddenly, the question directed at the one named Kiervan
The mage shocked his head slightly, dispelling his wandering thoughts while gazing to the supposed half-dragon.

"I'm Sigmund, Sigmund Bertrand. A grand mage affiliated to no one but myself." The mage finally said, his body mimicking an old-fashioned compliment, unused since a feel decades, in a completely natural way as if per habit.

"May I know your names?" He asked in a nonchalant tone, clearly just trying to maintain the etiquette.
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"I don't rightly know my friend. And my name is Kiervan as I would think you have heard." He said leaning back against the tree. Wishing he could have Selen their to comfort him. "Oh Selen. How I miss your soft feathers..." He whispered to himself. Sighing he closed his eyes and began to reminisce on his adventures with her. How the two of them would just sit and be able to talk. Or fly in the beautiful blue sky.

Solana Carstaires

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"I woukd rather keep my name private" she mumbled, her voice hard to hear through her mask before repeating her question, getting impatient. "Also, what even is the mission, I just agreed to get your vines off me" Solana sighed, drawign her sword slowly in a non-threatening and tilting it until it was reflecting the sun in an attempt to pass the time

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"My, my, what an uneducated little girl. Kids these days surely don't have any sense of etiquette." The mage said, his head shooking slightly while he fixed his glasses with the middle finger of his left hand, the figure of a semingly 17 years old young man saying such a thing was unnaturally weird, even more with his apparently human looks.

"At least mister Kiervan has some sense of basic etiquette, despite apparently living secluded." He said in a nonchalant tone, giving the impression of a praise despite the not so praiseful words.
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Rey looked at everyone standing around. How'd it get so crowded? "Well my name is Reynard Linares. I go by Rey."

Lady Cyan flew infront of Rey's face. "I'm Lady Cyan Moonwing, adviser to the fairy Queen Titania. Everyone really needs to introduce themselves so we know who all we're dealing with."

Well... it looks this is a thing that's happening. Kiervan sighed. "Kiervan, as most of you know." He said in a slightly under-enthusiastic tone. "I can use the shadows to do my bidding and I can use earth magic to restrain people. As miss knight over there now knows... Ugh.. I guess I should apologize for that. Sorry. Okay I'm done here. whose next?" He leaned back again and went back to thinking of Selen. "Gods I miss you." He whispered under his breath yet again. Starting to zone out this time.
Rey moved forward. He shrugged. "I have a couple of abilities. I can summon creatures, and I can enchant my blade with any element. I can cast a few spells, but that's about it."

Tefora floated seemingly out of nowhere. "I'm Tefora, Rey's familiar. I'm what's known as a Spirit Shell. It's like a shape-shifter, but less versatile and more powerful. I absorb any spirits nearby and when I do, I can take on its form at full power, as opposed to a shape-shifter who can shift into anything, but are limited by their original abilities. So I can only shift into the spirits I absorb, but I do it at full power."

It was Lady Cyan's turn. "I'm a support specialist. Defensive, Healing, and ability-augmenting magic, with a couple of offensive spells. We fairies can take even the weakest of soldiers and turn them into powerhouses. I'm a strategist as well. However, I focus on tactical points, trapping and sabotage instead of firepower."
Shiro spoke up. "I'll just go by the name given by Kiervan so Call me Blue. I specialize in self augmentation and basic sorceries." Was all he really said on the subject. He otherwise remained quiet scanning the group and reading them as best he could. Looking for signs of Ill intent of any kind. He figured he already was along to the ride he may as well stick it out. He had nothing better to do anyway.

He listened intently to the others as they spoke and looked up at the dragon even as he spoke. His arms crossed in contemplation as he familiarized himself with the others in the group.

( basic sorceries my ass fireball and self augmentation aren't low level spells >.>)
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"As I said before, I'm a grand mage, I can basically do anything with time enough to chant and mana enough to use." Sigmund said in the habitual nonchalant tone, his gaze wandering between the dragon and the fairy as if analyzing some interesting subjects.

Solana Carstaires

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"Uneducated? At least I don't mess up my own spells" she smirked. "I am a knight, an educated knight with good etiquette, I, however, do not take kindly to being attacked for no reason. like any
good knight, I fight in the front lines. I mainly use my sword and shield but am capable of lightning for people that fly or use ranged weaponry. And if you have to know my name. I am Solana Carstaires, daughter of Solaire Carstaires. Feel free to call me lady Carstaires or whatever title you want" she said before putting her sword back in it's hilt
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"My spell was flawless, if there wasn't any kind of interference it would be considered a masterpiece even when compared to an Archmage work." The mage explained in a cold tone, his green eyes gazin at the girl with an evident sharpness.

"And who would call such a rude brat as a lady? Some lowly knight with no respect for her elders should be ashamed of tainting her house name with such a unsightly behavior." The mage said in a tone of mockery, clearly dissatisfied with the knight's behavior.
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Kiervan actually cringed at Sigmund's response. "Wow. uh, a little harsh there my friend?" He said in disbelief. "I'm sure he didn't mean it Lady Carstaires." He said with a nervous laugh. He did restrain her back there. But that was precautionary measures. That statement by the mage was just uncalled for in his opinion. Now thinking this over. He might just regret putting himself in the situation of confrontation.

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