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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild

ChronosCoded said:
"I'm not trying to play the age game. I just don't like being called younger than I actually am. That's nice that you're two hundred. But I have a friend that beats us all by about six thousand years." He said simply. He was acting differently than he usually did. He really didn't like when people insulted his age. At least he was taller than everyone. He loved being tall. "So, what're the chances we all get pulled here at the exact same time, Cyan? Did you plan this?" He asked her.
She shook her head. "I'm not a god. I didn't lead you all to the forest. I just led you all to this clearing. The fact that you were all here is great though........" her expression turned serious, "............because we can't keep living in fear. We're tired of being hunted and killed by the Red Queen and her troops for their selfish desires."

Rey spoke up. This was something he was passionate about. "Damn straight. She's here to fuck up the land to take Streolund resources........ and we're the primitive savages for trying to defend it."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7b3b1a8cd97bd361c7b7aecc7af024b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7b3b1a8cd97bd361c7b7aecc7af024b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shiro relaxed his grip on his blade. Can't be too careful it seemed. Though he still didn't draw back his hood despite being called elven. " I don't like to choose sides unless it's the Bounties and Collections office in the Capitol. Though since my quarry just vanished in a giant mushroom ring.." he shrugged at that looking between the others. His almost unsettlingly blue eyes scanning each and every one of them for a long moment.

His armor shimmered a little and the blue cloth once again turned forest green. Seems he chose to ignore the inquiry about his mask figuring the fact he was out here on a bounty hunt was explaination enough. He didn't carry that air of superiority most elves had and instead carried himself a bit more like a cat, for lack of a better description. Though it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Was he even telling the truth about the bounty? It was surprisingly hard to tell. " So what this is going to be a band of Rebels?" He asked raising a brow.

@ChronosCoded @Kylesar1



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"Hell if I know, I just came here trying to find the asshats that killed my friend." Kiervan found the strangers eye more captivating than anyone else's. He had never seen a shade of blue like that before. Though he simply shrugged it off. "It seems we should get over to the group. If you wish to join us that is." Kiervan didn't exactly know why he wanted to tag along. Maybe he thought he could find the one who killed his Companion. But he knew that this was a noble cause. To take back Streolund. It was a good idea. It could even work. If they didn't get killed in the heat of things. "Hey, I also never caught you name?"

@Abdel featherfall
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ChronosCoded said:
"Primitive savage? I'll have you know I've studied countless things with the dragons. I've went to numerous schools of academics and magic. I'm not a primitive savage." He said. Again, he thought he was being a bit rude. "Sorry. That was out of line. I meant no offense." He said, a bit quieter. He needed to get his personality straightened, he didn't know what was happening. "Oh, and Cyan. Don't you worry. I've been working on the inside. I've been destroying as much harmful information as I can. I've even intercepted a few orders from the Red Queen. They were orders for various things. I'll give you the documents when you get in contact with the drag...oh boy. Don't look up."
Kilgharrah the dragon flew around looking for Josh quite some time before he finally found him in the forest. He landed on the side of the clearing that wasn't covered. "Where have you been. I was about to go a order the troops to attack the cities." The dragons voice was calm and quiet, he didn't want to alert any nearby troops that were hunting dragons. "Kilgharrah! Sorry I've been gone so long. I got dragged into some sort of rebel group. I'm going to need my stuff, can you do that for me?" The dragon sighed. "Anything for you, friend. I will return shortly." He flew off. "Well, you all just briefly met my friend Kilgharrah, king of the dragons." He grinned.
@Abdel featherfall

Of course, such braggery never does go unnoticed by the rather cynical Fayar. "King of the dragons...." he said quite sarcastically, "what, do they have a monarchy? Are they seeking to expand an empire and retain order to the highest degree? Probably not," he spoke under his breath. The boy had already departed, and was now out of earshot. Then again, what would he do: chew him up? This was of course an odd realization: everyone was so odd. Elven creatures, Nymphs that did not understand mercy, and Dragon Kings. Perhaps, even more a tad outright was the Elf. The being spoke, no doubt, of treason. This did prompt another sarcastic tort. "For the actions that occurred here now, it is more than just treason. It's a wage of war. Some kids, all alone in this forest, simply vanish. O it is only the perfect scenario for the Queen for using more tactful maneuvers, no? She doesn't play games, as I'm sure you know."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.f9f5f030229890fc93abefc98c08bf59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.f9f5f030229890fc93abefc98c08bf59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shiro seems to ignore and possibly deflect mention of his name with a glance to the dragon that swooped down, exchanged a few words with Josh and left. His stance shifted slightly as if he were about to say something about the Dragon king claim however he was beaten to the punch by another newcomer. Who seemed just as irritating as the majority of the group he'd found himself in. Chastising himself for even bothering to get involved in the first place. However it was too late now to just up and leave.

He gave the newcomer his ear for the moment as he spoke about the now non existent soldiers. He turned to Kiervan and spoke. " King of dragons and war Eh? Sure this is worth a little vengeance?" His question was direct and to the point, no beating around the bush. Though he seemed to be trying to guage every bodies reasoning beyond the standard 'government kill animals government bad' that was extremely common right now.



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"it isn't merely vengeance my friend." Kiervan said, minding the fact that his previous question was ignored. "They killed the friend I grew up with." The Ravens had killed his Griffon friend. Kiervan had grown up with Selen. She was like his sister. One day when he had left to go and gather food. He came back, and she was dead. Her beak was missing, and her wings clipped. "It isn't purely for revenge. They have killed nearly all her kind. This needs to stop. So I'm tagging along." Kiervan studied The strangers eyes. "You know, if you wont tell me your name. I think I just call you blue. Now, do you want to tag along with me?"

@Abdel featherfall
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Cartreck said:
"it isn't merely vengeance my friend." Kiervan said, minding the fact that his previous question was ignored. "They killed the friend I grew up with." The Ravens had killed his Griffon friend. Kiervan had grown up with Selen. She was like his sister. One day when he had left to go and gather food. He came back, and she was dead. Her beak was missing, and her wings clipped. "It isn't purely for revenge. They have killed nearly all her kind. This needs to stop. So I'm tagging along." Kiervan studied The strangers eyes. "You know, if you wont tell me your name. I think I just call you blue. Now, do you want to tag along with me?"
@Abdel featherfall
This boded a fierce reaction from Fayar. "You think you killed people without friends? Though the Nymph won't admit it, nobody will ever see them again. They were kids, even, some of them at least. And you think that somehow this justifies it? Unbelievable. You think by taking the lives of foot-soldiers that it saves this forest? If you might as well use a shovel to dig yourself into a grave, the forest alongside you." Of course, he was simply trying to announce his rather unwelcome presemce, though many knew not he wasn't local.
JokerValentine said:
This boded a fierce reaction from Fayar. "You think you killed people without friends? Though the Nymph won't admit it, nobody will ever see them again. They were kids, even, some of them at least. And you think that somehow this justifies it? Unbelievable. You think by taking the lives of foot-soldiers that it saves this forest? If you might as well use a shovel to dig yourself into a grave, the forest alongside you." Of course, he was simply trying to announce his rather unwelcome presemce, though many knew not he wasn't local.
"One don't ever talk at me like that. Ever. Understood?" Kiervan could feel the tug of his bad side coming out from these statements. Something he never liked showing people. Something that even scared Selen. "Those Bastards are not dead. Though I wish I could have sent half of them to hell where they belong for allowing and participating in such cruel acts." he took a deep breath while gripping his now crossed arms. "What they do is beyond unacceptable. Would like to seeing someone such as great as him die?" He said pointing to the dragon that now amongst them. "I have never wished death upon anyone. Not until they took the only family I had left. That was where I drew the line. And if you don't like our views. Then sir, I suggest you leave. Before you piss someone off that doesn't have the same self restraint that I have. Or worse. Someone who doesn't care to use it."

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Solana Carstaires

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"So this is the place, huh?" She asked noone in particular, her voice muffled by the metal helm. She reached up and pulled it off with a mighty grin, her shield strapped to her hack and sword in it's hilt. "I've heard fairies live in this area.." She monologued as she walked through the forest, putting the helmet back on after a quick rest. "Time to make some money so I can finally come home with something in hand!"

Cartreck said:
"One don't ever talk at me like that. Ever. Understood?" Kiervan could feel the tug of his bad side coming out from these statements. Something he never liked showing people. Something that even scared Selen. "Those Bastards are not dead. Though I wish I could have sent half of them to hell where they belong for allowing and participating in such cruel acts." he took a deep breath while gripping his now crossed arms. "What they do is beyond unacceptable. Would like to seeing someone such as great as him die?" He said pointing to the dragon that now amongst them. "I have never wished death upon anyone. Not until they took the only family I had left. That was where I drew the line. And if you don't like our views. Then sir, I suggest you leave. Before you piss someone off that doesn't have the same self restraint that I have. Or worse. Someone who doesn't care to use it."
Of course, perhaps the man was a tad more compasionate, a tad more understanding than the being before him. "Decimating a family that follows a Queen that will torture them if they don't are not in deserving of punishment. Your family, rest their souls, shouldn't be used by your own self as righteous murder. Some do deserve to die, but killing others that are scared more of what will happen to them if they don't fight if than they do is not justified!" Fayar, stated, almost as a plea. He so badly wished to side with these fellows, but their plan was half-baked, doomed to fail it seemed for the msot part, if their option was to "kill everyone they could without discrimination.
"What separates us is that our party is here to stop these assholes. and he wants us to feel compassion for them while they could care less if we were on our death beds. the simple fact that we care for the wild would give them all the more reason to take a knife to our throats just because it would give them the satisfaction of killing us." Kiervan was fuming at this point.

@ChronosCoded @JokerValentine

A female voice rang in his ears before he could even think about punching the ingrate in the face. "I'll be back." He waved a hand in front of him and disappeared into the shadows. He dashing between them he went to the general area of where he heard the girls voice. Drawing his bow and concentrating on her knees he spoke. "So, why are you here? And move in a fraction of an inch I will shoot your knees out."


Solana Carstaires

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"That's a bit of a rude thing to say to someone you just met..." She mumbled through her helmet, a few strands of golden hair seeping out from under the helmet. "I'm a little lost" she lied, searching for the person threatening her through the slits in her helmet. She didn't dare move in case her attacker proved truthful on his word

"Why are you here? What is your purpose of being here?" He knew exactly why she was here. To collect a bounty on fairies. He could hear every word she had said and was not going to let anyone else kill these innocent creatures. "So, explain yourself." He looked over her build. She seemed very well equipped for battle. Though the way she talks make him think she is not to bright.


With the Elven basket-case having vanished, Fayar found himself alone with someone else now. At least this man had the decency to make some sort of sense. At least he appeared to be much more like himself than the last being, and for that, Fayar had confidence to interact. "Surely the elf ought to see out points," he said rather openly, "but tell me: you seem somewhat.... outlying. Who are you and where do you fare from?"

Solana Carstaires

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"I'm here for the same reason everyone else is here" Solana sighed, not too bothered to waste any time chatting. "I'm here to slay a bloody dragon" she giggled jokingly. "Now what about you, who are you?" She asked back, having tracked his voice to a particular area

ChronosCoded said:
"Who am I? Although I am very well educated and I have the power of the elements to bend to my will, I'm a simple man. Now, as for my name. My name is Josh. As for where I come from, I come from Kotrolund. Or Streolund, if you prefer that name. Now I have a question for you: Why all the questions? Can't a man be open minded and have his own ideologies this day and age?" He said.
Fayar rolled his eyes. "A question I ask, perhaps, is not for you to answer to me. It truly is one you must ask yourself. Plus, if we are to trust another, perhaps some questions can be used to ease any tension we share, not being of prior knowledge of one another. As for your question: it has to do with where I fare from. I come from Svedpol, a district of Kotrolund in the Lower NorthEast. I fled, so which is why I ended up here now."
"That bloody dragon happens to be an ally of mine at this point in time." Kiervan slowly lowered his bow and snapped his fingers. With that the girl was entangled with vines. Her arm were drawn to her back and her legs tied together. "I am growing tired of these people trying to kill these innocent creatures." He stepped out into view and looked the girl up and down once more. "I will only say this once. You seem like you can be reasoned with. Go back. Abandon this quest and don't even think about trying to kill the dragon." He paused. "Or, you might be of use. How about you join me. If you join me in taking back my land. I will pay you more than you can get for killing an innocent creature." Of course the payment was a lie. But his face would never tell it. she'd probably forget about it by the time they finished trying to retake Streolund. If not, he'd just take some coins from the queens palace and give it to her. "How's about it?"


Solana Carstaires

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"Wait, so there actually IS a dra- eeps!" She began before being entangled by a large number of vines, she fell onto the ground, quickly losing her balance, her helmet clattering onto the ground next to her, barely even hearing his offer. "Hey! Introductions before offers, and it's not exactly the most friendly way to tie up someone you just met!" She hissed angrily at him. "Now! What is your damned name!" She growled, her voice heavy with anger, authority and a hint of nobility

Kiervan could not help but laugh at her attempt to intimidate him. "Oh darling. The name is Kiervan." He said with a slight chuckle. "Now, back to the offer at hand. Will join me in taking back my homeland?" He lifted his hand as his hand rose. The girl before him came to am upright position. Now standing. "This is a generous offer. Either way, you might be safe. Only, join me you get more gold. You don't, you go home, yet again, with nothing." He said calmly.


Solana Carstaires

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"Fine" she seethed through gritted teeth, this man having already gotten on her nerves. "You may address me as knight of the sun" she said, struggling against the vines holding her captive. "And for your information, this is more of a matter of honour than money" she mumbled grumpily, examining her captor

"So, does that mean you'll join me?" He asked. watching her failed attempt to struggle against the vines. "I would have also liked a more. Formal, name." He chuckled. He wasn't going to release her until she said she would join them. He may have barely even met the dragon, but letting some knight even try to harm him would just make him sick.

Solana Carstaires

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"Yes! Yes, now get these vines off me, they're rather restricting" she complained, pulling against them once more. Her gaze kept drifting over to the helmet gleaming in the sunlight, as of she was desperate to get it once more

"Fine." He snapped his fingers, glad she had no way of breaking the vines. "Just fallow me. Oh, and if you try anything. Well. Lets just say I hope you like the dark." He chuckled to himself. That itself was just a lie. He wouldn't be able to do anything like that. Even if he could he would be as rude to do it to a lady. Maybe.
"Oe, oe... I don't want to interrupt or anything but... What is happening here?" Sigmund l shown himself after walking way from behind a nearby tree, his staff being held in his right hand, clearly prepared to react to any sudden danger.

"And... Where in hell is this?" He finally added in a troubled tone, clearly lost.

@Trust @Cartreck
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