Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2?


New Member
Does anyone like MW2? Does anyone see a pairing in it or is that me? i mean there doesnt have to be a pairing. im just trying to look for a RP'er
Ghost FTW. I hope they make a MW3, and bring him back as a robot or something. xD That would be AWESOME.
I heard they were supposed to be making a MW3 but i dunno what happened. My friend stopped updating. Dude this gives me a story idea. a girl enters the task force xD
I dunno if that's possible. I mean, I guess it is since it'll be a RP, but I know for sure that women aren't allowed in the Infantry. :/
Ah, a Mulan story? I'm sure you could bend the rules somehow in a RP. Trust me, in the military, they THOROUGHLY check people... *shivers from the memories*
Eh, Yaoi and Yuri ain't so bad, I don't think. I just don't like how it objectifies and limits homosexuals just by sex. It makes them seem like that's all they want/care about...
That's good, then. ^^ Anyway, I'd like to see a MW RP. If you made one, I'd join fast, quick, and in a hurry. ^^ And if you need any info about the Army/military, come to me. I was in it, I know about it.
Would you like to do a modern warfare 2 rp? Or any type of war rp? ive never done one before and i would like to try one. OH! i have a question for you since you were in the army
Ok. Im...well im hearing impaired and it was my dream to join the Army since i was in 5th grade.Can i still join or is it a total no-go? and ah can i possibbly join the Air Force or is that the same situtation?
How hearing impaired are you? Completely deaf, or what percentage? And do you need a hearing aid?
I'm sorry guys, But I'm going to have to move this to the idea section. ^^' Once again guys, sorry.
Cide said:
How hearing impaired are you? Completely deaf, or what percentage? And do you need a hearing aid?
i use hearing aids but i can hear fine perfectly fine without them. the only things that i struggle to hear is when men with deep low voices are talking DX
RJM: That would be epic, but how?

Queen: All you can do is go to your local recruiting station and ask. You may be able to get a waiver for it.
In my own mind, and no affecne to those who love the game but i find the game to be dull and boring. I my opinion, I prefer BattleFeild. its way more realistic and a lot more dence then Modern Warfare. To make a MMO out of Modern warfare would be a big mistake. In my veiw of course but it is a fun game to play if your into just running around stabbing and shotting people with random guns you find lol.
To each his own. A lot of people love Black Ops, but I prefer MW2 over it. It's fun, to me, every once in a while. Currently, I am addicted to Killzone 3. >>"

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