Caleon's Academy


Team Skittles Timekeeper

  • Caleon’s Academy is your typical school for those gifted in fine arts as far as the public is aware. Beneath the surface, though, there is more to it than just that. Caleon’s Academy is the oldest living building in the small town of Oberyn and no one outside of the school quite remembers when or why it was originally founded. Those within the school know their history well though.

    Caleon’s Academy was founded in the year 1211 by Hunter Caleon and his siblings – all of whom possessed some kind of magical ability that they wished to train themselves in further or further explore. For the first few generations, the school remained limited to their own family members; however, the school began to draw attention to itself as people noticed the oddities of the people who came out of it. As his final declaration before handing the academy down to his son, Hunter Caleon declared that the school needed a disguise and he transitioned it into an arts academy. The Caleon family reached out seeking masters of the arts to become teachers and they sent invitations to many promising young people of the time.

    Over the years, many other families were discovered with magical abilities running through their bloodlines. Sometimes it appeared at random – the magic had been dormant throughout several generations allowing for its knowledge to be lost before resurfacing in someone with no knowledge of its existence.

    Now the year is 2015 and Caleon’s Academy is in the hands of Lord Ezekiel Caleon – the last remaining Caleon heir. The school is preparing to open its doors for another school year and has divided into three areas of emphasis: art, music and theater. Art students wear blue, music students wear green and theater students wear purple.

    Every year, the school sends out scouts to find people who may have magic within their blood. A representative from the school will visit with the families of those with magic and explain the school to them; explain that it will not only give the student knowledge of the arts, but a knowledge of their ability as well which will better prepare them to go into the world. Sometimes a student doesn’t need to be discovered – their family may already be well aware of the magic in their bloodline and they simply enroll their student based on that knowledge.

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