Caleon's Academy


Team Skittles Timekeeper
There is no limit on the number of characters one person may have. However, you may only have 2 characters with abilities.

If you have any questions, please ask in the OOC.

Character Sheet

Name: (First and Last)

Age: (No younger than 12 and no older than 20)

Appearance: (You may include a picture, but even if a picture is included please also include a written description with height, build and other details.)

Personality: (1 paragraph minimum)

Likes: (at least 3)

Dislikes: (at least 3)

Character Flaws: (these are flaws in personality – not in ability use)

Character Strengths: (again, these are personality strengths – not power strengths)

Backstory: Things that have happened to the character throughout their lifespan. How did they discover their ability? Do they have family? Anything fun or interesting… this should be at least 2 paragraphs.

Time at Caleon’s Academy: How long have you been in attendance? Keep in mind that you can’t start classes until age 12.

Fine Arts Major: Everyone in attendance is focusing on one of the following three things: music, drama (doesn’t need to be acting – can be directing, writing, tech…), or art (drawing, writing, sculpture, etc.)

Ability: Limit 1 ability per character! I will be trying to keep it to one person per ability although I may make exceptions. Manipulation of ALL elements is NOT an option!! Neither is general telekinesis!! Manipulation of a single element is allowed – pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, gyrokinesis…. Etc. I would prefer to see creative abilities though.

Ability Proficiency: Explain what your character already knows about their ability. NO ONE can be an expert unless you would like to be a teacher. The whole point of going to school is to improve and if you start as an expert you can’t improve.

(You do not need to have an ability! There are normal students in attendance at the school as well.)

After you post your character, I will message you if anything needs to be changed. If I like your character sheet, your character is approved.
Name: raven carter

Age: 17

Appearance: about 5'8, skinny, medium length black hair, fair skin and deep blue eyes

Personality: raven is a honest and Caring person. She is also very loyal. Yet she is extremely shy and really quiet until you get to be friends. Raven also format trust people easily, you have to earn her trust.

Backstory: raven lost both of her parents when she was little and then went to live with a close friend of her mom. She always wears a bracelet on her right wrist, it was given to her by her father. Raven is an only child and keeps to herself a lot.

Time at the academy: this is her first year.

Ability: none
Name: Olive Kittridge

Age: 15

Appearance: Olive has long black hair, red eyes and very pale skin. She is very skinny - anyone who looked at her without talking to her would assume she is anorexic. Olive is about 5'5" tall and she usually wears black clothing.


Personality: Olive is very withdrawn socially. She's not antisocial, but she won't go out of her way to socialize with other people or to make friends. She tends to avoid physical contact with other people and she refuses to wear hand-me-down clothes although that is because of her ability. Although Olive is socially withdrawn, she will talk to people who seek her out and she pays attention in class as well. She is actually fairly smart for her age and she is much more mature than one would expect of a 15 year old.

Likes: New clothes, quiet, reading

Dislikes: make-up, hand-me-downs, children

Character Flaws: She is very withdrawn socially which means she has difficulty working in a team setting. Olive is afraid of using her power which leads to her having a fear of physical contact with other people. Olive has a lot of confidence in her knowledge so when people question her, she is prone to starting arguments. Olive also doesn't like it when people treat her like a child and she will get very defensive.

Character Strengths: Olive is very knowledgeable in generally. She is very mature for her age. She is willing to work with other people so long as they have a decent understanding of who she is, what works when interacting with her, and what she doesn't like.


Olive is an only child. Her mom possessed a magical ability that allowed her to see into the future and she saw something shortly after Olive was born that was so terrifying that she killed herself so Olive grew up with only her dad. They lived in a poorer neighborhood although they were among one of the more well off families in that area of living. Olive attended a normal school for children through the age of 11.

Her dad was not magical so he could not prepare Olive for the surfacing of her own magical ability which began to show itself when Olive turned 6. She would touch things and get visions. Her dad would notice that when they went to buy clothes that had been previously owned, Olive would become terrified of trying things on. Olive began to shy away from physical contact as well and her father could not explain it to her. Olive was labeled a problem child at school because of her new lack of social skills or interaction although her test scores continued to be exceptional.

When Olive turned 12, someone came to their house from Caleon's Academy and spoke with her father about Olive's ability and she was invited to attend the academy. Olive spoke with her father before officially deciding to attend the academy.

Time at Caleon’s Academy: 3 years

Fine Arts Major: Music - Olive is learning to play several musical instruments.

Ability: Psychometry - when she touches an object with any point of her skin, she learns the history of the object she is touching. With people in particular, the emotions are very strongly felt.

Ability Proficiency: Olive has no control over her ability. She is currently learning to control the information she receives and make sense of it.


Mikami Kimura​







Usually wears casual clothing such as khakis, sweaters, t-shirts, etc. She has brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is Japanese, so her face looks Japanese.




119 lbs.


Mikami is very friendly to other people even if she is treated badly. She has normal emotions like normal people, it's just that she hide those feelings and acts nice to everyone. It's hard to tell who she likes and who she dislikes for real until she outright tells you. Although she is very good at acting happy and everything, she will always tell the truth for what it is. It might not be the full truth, but she really doesn't like lying, so she at least tries not to lie to people, including the ones whom she dislikes. Due to her ability, she tries not to judge people upon their first meeting.


  • Hanging out outside, especially in the dark
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Her precious phone
  • Dancing
  • Singing


  • Burning herself
  • Carbonate drinks
  • Girly clothing and accessories
  • Boring books

Character Flaws

She seems very honest, but is in fact deceptive. Yes, she does not like telling lies, but she often words her sentences so that it sounds like something different or leaves out certain details. Mikami does not have any qualms about deceiving people like this, which makes people who know how she works cautious. Those who know her will notice that she is not telling the whole truth, but not many can do that since she can act so well. Her protectiveness of the people she cares about can go a little overboard. If she has to use her powers on them, so be it. If she has to torture them, so be it. If she has to... make them disappear, so be it.

Character Strengths

Although she is good at acting and deceiving people, her feelings for her friends and family are strong. She is fiercely protective of those she cares about. She will not immediately act upon the desire to protect her loved ones because she is patient. However, when she sees that things are getting out of hand, she will give warnings. If warnings don't work, she will crank up the level until they give up, which is when this turns into a bad trait. Mikami has a pretty mean personality somewhere in her, but she also has a very nice side of her. She's not acting kind 24/7 because she is naturally kind until provoked.


Mikami was born as the only child in her family. She does, however, have a close childhood friend she considers to be family. Her friend has incredible observation skills and had a hand in Mikami discovering her powers when she was 13. Mikami was to be sent to the academy to better grasp her ability. She was sad and tried to argue against her parents, saying that she could stay and still learn to hone her ability at the same time. Her friend was the only friend who she truly cared about by the time she left for the academy.

Born with her power, she never knew that seeing lights around people was not normal. When she discovers that what she sees is actually unnatural and is actually a rare ability (with the help of her childhood friend), she tells her parents. Apparently, her mother's grandmother had the same ability as Mikami. Later, a scout finds out about her powers and talks to her parents, who decide that it's best if Mikami goes to Caleon Academy. Mikami is, naturally, very unhappy because being sent to Caleon Academy meant that she was being separated from her friend. She figured that as long as she graduated and pleased her parents, she could be free to visit her friend anytime. Her current goal is to do well at school and put on a play for her parents. Her ultimate goal is to find her way back to her very close childhood friend.

Time at Caleon’s Academy

This is her first year at Caleon Academy.

Fine Arts Major:



Mikami has the ability to see the truth. This does not mean that she can look into someone's mind or anything like that. Rather, she can tell when a person is lying, when a person is telling the truth, and when a person is partially lying/telling the truth. How does she know? There is a light around every living person. A soft white glow means that they are being completely truthful. A soft black glow means that they are being completely dishonest. The different shades of soft grey light means that the person is not telling the whole truth. The darker the shad of grey is, the less truthful they are being.

Ability Proficiency

Since she has had her ability most of her life, she thought that seeing lights was normal. Because she was not aware of her power, she has just gone with her instincts about whether or not someone was lying. When she discovered that seeing these lights is not normal, she realized that light means truthful, dark means not truthful, and grey means that they are hiding something. She does not yet know how to differentiate the different shades of grey. They all look too similar, and there is no set scale in her mind for how much truth a person is telling.

She has only recently learned that her ability is not normal and that the lights actually mean something. That is why she is careful not to rely on her abilities too much because even slightest lies can be mistaken as truths with her inexperienced eyes. Until she learns how to differentiate the lights completely, she tries not to judge people by the color of their light.

(@Hales Tell me if there's something wrong with my CS please)

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Name: Spencer Blake

Age: 17

Appearance: (X) Spencer is 5'8" and weighs 135lbs. She has both ears double pierced, an industrial piercing in her right ear, a septum piercing, and an eyebrow piercing on her right eyebrow. She likes to dress in very springy or flowing clothing.

Personality: Spencer can come off very cold at first but quickly warms up to new people. She is naturally very defensive, and while she tries to stay calm, she is very paranoid about what others think of her. If she is given the wrong vibe, she will either try to avoid this person or seems rude and distant when talked to. She tries to keep this under control but finds it hard to figure out how to. This makes meeting new people a bit hard for her. Her sense of humor is very rude and sarcastic, but she always knows when she crosses a line and stops. She is very thoughtful and tries her hardest to please her peers.

Likes: The sound of birds and rain, the smell of lilacs, any type of coffee, reading and writing, walking in scenic areas, fireworks (her only exception to bright lights/loud sounds)

Dislikes: Bright lights, loud sounds, when people trash public spaces, people who don't care for the well being of others

Character Flaws: Comes of as grumpy/angry as she often has a straight face, doesn't laugh loud or smile very much without being in a conversation, commonly has anxiety attacks due to her paranoia

Character Strengths: Can tell when people are upset, always tries her hardest to make people feel better, very good in class

Backstory: Spencer grew up with only her father - a single man whose wife left when Spencer was just born. She found a large interest in writing after signing up for a Creative Writing Club at her elementary school when she was 9. She was constantly writing new stories with ever changing plots, characters, and themes. Writing wasn't just a hobby for her, and she knew that she wanted to be an author someday. Her father, though, thought that she should use her brain for something else. He constant tried to convince her that she shouldn't be wasting her time on writing. This is when her powers made their first appearance at the age of 10. Seemingly triggered by her anger, pencils would fly off of desks followed by papers and books. Her father, now fearful of his daughters powers, gave up on trying to convince her to become what he wanted her to be.

Her father became very supportive (she doesn't know if it was out of fear or realization) and began his own research. He found out about Caleon's Academy and told Spencer about the school. She fell in love with the school, and even though she couldn't go for two more years, she was constantly preparing.

When she was finally old enough to attend the school at the age of 12, she was excited beyond belief.

Time at Caleon’s Academy:
Spencer has been attending the school since she was 12.

Fine Arts Major: Art (Writer/Author)

Ability: Wood manipulation

Ability Proficiency: Her only skill that she knew of at first was being able to make wooden objects move with her mind (papers, books, and pencils for example). During her time at the school, though, she enhanced this skill and learned that she could change the physical form of these things as well (making a paper bigger, making a tree grow an extra branch). She often uses this power to help her write things out using wooden pencils.

Character Sheet

(All information is talking about characters from left to right)

Name: Ryder, Jackson, and Bella Lolly

Male, male, and female

Age: 16, 16, and 13



Ryder and Jackson are identical twins, while Bella is their little sister. Ryder keeps his hair longer, while Jack's is shorter and more messy. Ryder is usually found dressing more formal, while Jack is rarely seen without jeans on. Both boys have green eyes and reddish-brown hair. They stand around five feet, ten inches. Bella stands at five feet, two inches, and she looks younger than she is. Her eyes are violet, and her shoulder-length hair matches this hue. The sister is usually seen wearing clothing too big for her, and it is rare to see her show positive emotion. She always has her stuffed bear and stands with a insecure slouch. She also has large bags under her eyes, from her lack of sleep.


Ryder is the most confident out of the three. He makes friends quickly and easily, as he isn't afraid to talk to others and ask questions. He is quite smart, but his arrogance can get the best of him. Ryder is usually seen as the most "normal" member of his family, but he is quite the handful. The male is always trying to make others laugh and notice him. He can be quite the flirt, but he doesn't discriminate against genders. Ryder is immature, but he is a decent student. He does as he is told, when he is told to do so, how he is told to do it. Ryder loves his looks, and is often found staring into reflective surfaces. While Jack speaks with his actions, Ryder tries to get out of all unwanted situations with his words.

Jackson never seems to care about anything but his siblings. Most know him as the "bad boy" type, but he never acts out for attention. Jack usually ignores rules to feel a rush; it's a natural high for him. The male is wise beyond his years, and he is extremely protective of those he loves. He is usually quiet, but his actions speak louder than words. Jack never tries to look nice for anyone, and he has never dated, despite his popularity with girls. He does not understand girls, and he tries to avoid them when possible. The only female he cares for is his sister. Jack has a past of fighting others for his sister, but they deserved it.

Bella is always a nervous wreck. Like her brother, Jackson, she is quiet, but her silence is out of shyness and fear, rather than choice. She is emotional child, to say the least, and she is known to cling to her brothers like a toddler. She whispers to her siblings and teddy bear, but no one has ever heard her speak to other students. She will make noises, however, such as high-pitched screams when she is afraid and growling noises when she grows angry. Bella is an odd creature, but she is also extremely sensitive. All insults and rude behaviors cause her eyes to swell with tears. Her behaviors have gained her the label as "baby", but her brothers will gladly fight anyone who bullies her. If one pays attention, it is obvious that Bella has a loving heart, and she tries to be kind to everyone.


Ryder: his appearance, his hair, cute girls, cute boys, learning new things, being around people, suits, video games, making good grades, movies, routines, meeting new people, fruit, sweets

Jackson: testing limits, being alone, protecting others, reading, drawing, keeping to himself, babying his sister, speaking for his sister, animals, nature, bread, daydreaming

Bella: classes, learning, sweets, her brothers, toys, childish things, cute things, hiding from strangers, big clothing, feeling loved, reading, rabbits, watching others, painting


Ryder: sweating, being outside, being alone, sour foods, spicy foods, reading, being ignored, narrow-minded people, being sick, nightmares

Jackson: people insulting his sister, judgement, following others, trying too hard, being in large crowds, not knowing where his siblings are, following routines, sweets, nightmares

Bella: sleeping, large crowds, losing her brothers, death, nightmares, her power, adults, bullies, being called on in class, having large amounts of attention, harming others on accident, large animals, dirty places, crying in front of others

Character Flaws:

Ryder: big-headed, stubborn, immature

Jackson: careless, protective, lazy

Bella: sensitive, antisocial, anxious

Character Strengths:

Ryder: confident, friendly, smart

Jackson: creative, brave, understanding

Bella: innocent, loving, artistic


The three Lolly siblings were born to two loving parents, but, when Bella was barely three, their parents died in a mysterious and tragic automobile accident. No one could ever discover the cause of the wreck, but most assume their father had fallen asleep at the wheel. Because of their short relationships with their mother and father, none of the siblings know if their parents or grandparents ever had gifts. Actually, when the couple passed away, there were no more family alive to take the children in and raise them the way they deserved.

The three were forced into foster care, where they depended on each other greatly. No one ever wanted to adopt them all, but the trio stuck together, hopping about from home to home to home to home. Bella had always had nightmares, but when she started complaining about seeing monsters, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, She was put on medications for several years that forced her to sleep, but these pills caused the girl to grow depressed and scared of everything in her life.

Ryder and Jack grew up like all curious, wild boys, but they were forced to mature when foster parents began to abuse Bella with extreme pill consumption and physically punishing her for her hallucinations. When Bella reached the age of twelve, she was visited and requested to attend a special school. The girl refused to go without her brothers, so all three Lollys were welcomed into the academy with open arms. Her power is still quite difficult for the girl to understand, and she wishes she was never born with it.

Time at Caleon’s Academy:

All have been here for only one year.

Fine Arts Major:

Ryder is involved with drama/theater, while Jack and Bella are involved in art.


Ryder and Jackson don't have any abilities, but Bella does. Bella has the ability to manipulate darkness into another person's dreams.

Ability Proficiency:

So far, Bella and her siblings know that, when people are sleeping, Bella can control their dreams to an extent, but she cannot control her own. She has only practiced on those she can see, never testing the limits of her powers more than adding bats and thunderstorms. Bella's own nightmares are so mentally draining that the girl goes without sleeping for several days at a time. She claims to often see and hear her monsters outside her nightmares, but her brothers assume this is from her lack of sleep. She now refuses to take her medication for her so-called "mental illness".​
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Lucia Dunois

  • origami3.png



    Lucia has a rather petite appearance with the height of 4'11" and fair skin as well as dark blue eyes. Her silvery-white hair is arranged in a bob cut with normally three hairclips of various colors on the left side however she does prefer blue. Her choice of color scheme would be soft colors while her outfits would consists of either sleeveless or long-sleeved shirts and skirts reaching just after her knees along with pantyhose. She would sometimes wear arm warmers and her footwear are particularly slip-on shoes.

    Time at Caleon’s Academy:

    Started to enroll when she was 14

    Fine Arts Major:

    Lucia is focusing on music specifically on composing and the piano.


    Gifted with claircognizance, Lucia has the ability to gain any kind of knowledge.

    Ability Proficiency:

    Lucia can only attain knowledge that are generally known by most people without hurting herself. The less people who knows that information, the harder it is for her to acquire it. It is necessary for her to know where the knowledge resides to be able to gain it for example wanting to learn more about music, she should either know someone who is good at it such as the teacher, the title of a book or the website it can be found on. But this is not very compulsory but more to a way of controlling what information she wants to attain to prevent it from her mind being hectic. With the exception if it is to gain personal information, it requires skin contact of the person for a long period of time to be able to achieve it.

    Lucia can only use this seven times a day and if she were to forcefully use it, her memories will be at cost. On rainy days, she is incapable of controlling her ability as she claims it to be more 'loose' and a large amount of information may sometimes overflow into her head causing her pain due to being unable to interpret and understand too many information quickly

Character Sheet

Name: Rose, born Anna Simmons

Age: Just turned 12


Appearance: Rose is small for her age, and has a slender build. Her green eyes are large, with dark circles almost always appearing under them. People often comment that she looks spacey, dreamy, or both. Her dark hair is often unwashed and limp, dark waves that end at her lower back. She looks innocent, but haunted, and she looks more like she's 9, not 12. She usually wears skirts paired with a tucked in T-shirt, and often wears the same outfit many days in a row. She usually goes barefoot.

Personality: Rose is small and shy, which allowed her to survive for as long as she did without her powers manifesting. She was able to get away quickly, or slip into quiet corners, whenever conflict arose on the streets. Even though she is no longer a child of the streets, she still retains several aspects of her personality from that era. She is nervous and flighty, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible. She isn't one to make friends that easily, preferring instead to find a quiet corner and a plant to talk to. She's incredibly sensitive, not only emotionally, but physically- sensing changes in temperature and pressure easily. She isn't fond of many men, preferring to treat them with a respect born from fear. Some would describe her as a coiled spring, always trembling with nervousness. It was that instinct that kept her alive so long, and she's not letting go of it easily. In addition to that, she always seems to have a pen in her mouth, and prefers to retreat to warm enclosed areas that she could easily monitor. She doesn't even like being exposed in an outdoor garden, preferring to frequent the school's small greenhouse. She is also extraordinarily intelligent, picking information up easily. However, she struggles when she cannot grasp something so easily, and gets extremely frustrated.

Likes: Plants/Gardening, Small Areas Easy to Protect, Warmth

Dislikes: Being too exposed, Being forced to make eye contact and interact with people, not knowing something instantly, men

Character Flaws: Gets insanely frustrated when she doesn't understand something immediately, and is prone to giving up at anything she doesn't get right away, nervous, bad with people, scared around men

Character Strengths: Remarkably intelligent, good at staying alive, sensitive

Backstory: Rose, then Anna, was 2 years old when her mother died, and she remembers it with vivid clarity. After a year of battling cancer, she had died. Anna not only watched her mom struggle with her illness, watching her get weaker, but was also with her mom when she passed away. Her father never forgave her for failing to see what was happening, for not alerting him so he could say his final goodbye. Anna spent the next three years trying to know everything, so that she would never disappoint her father again. It was of no use, and he turned to alcohol, often lashing out at her in a rage. He became physically as well as verbally abusive towards Rose, culminating in him kicking her out of the house at the age of 5. Having nowhere else to go, she fled to the streets. There, a man took her under his wing, finally gaining her trust. Soon, though, he revealed that he was just as abusive as her biological father, and Anna resolved never to trust men again. Being so young, she had to learn the ways of the street on her own and carefully, so that she wouldn't be picked up by CPS, and wouldn't be killed on the street. It was during this age when Rose learned how to flee and hide easily, in order to stay alive.

That all changed on Anna's 6th birthday. After running and hiding from a strange drunk man being too friendly, she found a small crevice in a dirt alleyway that she could crawl into. There, to her surprise, she found a small plant growing. Sensing a kindred soul, she wished to speak to the plant, and encourage it. Making sure no one was around to hear, she started speaking softly to the plant. The plant started speaking back to her- not out loud, but in this weird pulsating way that only she could feel and understand. She visited the plant often to speak with it, and the plant responded to her affection by growing rapidly. After a few days, Anna could see that it was a rosebush. Anytime she was running, she'd run back to that area, and the rosebush would shield her. She decided to ditch the name given to her by her parents (it reminded her too much of her father), and adopt the name Rose instead, no surname.

After Rose found her connection with the rosebush, it seemed like every plant was talking to her. Already sensitive to every little thing (it had kept her alive), she also became sensitive to all the plants, and all that the plants felt. Small changes in temperature or pressure, she could suddenly feel, in addition to being able to talk with plants. She had swiped a pot from a store, and used that to plant the rosebush in, after asking it if it'd be okay with that. Glad to accompany Rose everywhere, the rosebush agreed. Rose learned how to ask plants to protect her, make her a home, and they always were glad to shield her. So many people with her ability had just exploited plants, but she seemed to genuinely care about all of them.

Then, when Rose was a late 11, someone found her speaking to the plants. Thinking she was just nutty, the woman stared for a few seconds and then walked away. As she was heading away, movement caught her eye, and she noticed a plant rapidly growing. Thinking it might have something to do with the small girl, she went over and asked. After hearing her response, the woman told her there's a place for her at Caleon's academy, and brought her there. She began classes at age 12.

Time at Caleon’s Academy: Rose just started classes.

Fine Arts Major: Art

Ability: Ability to talk to and understand plants, and feel what they feel

Ability Proficiency: Rose only knows that she can feel everything a plant feels, and that she can communicate and ask favors of plants, preferring for her abilities to reveal themselves naturally, or through the message of a plant.

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