Caelum Hou (WIP)


Fundamental Particle
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Name: Caelum Hou

Apparent age: 14

Gender: male

Race: Artificial immortal


"It's almost as if the change isn't just physically... but something in my consciousness as well...". 

From the several months fighting as artificial immortal, there are evident changes to Caelum. Though he talks in the manner of an energetic boy, one can see that he is often clouded with pessimism. He is somewhat troubled at times by the vengeful and manipulative side, and by some of his cold actions. Though there are still slivers of his mellow nature of his previous innocent self, he is beginning to feel as though he is turning into someone else.  

With his lack of experience in combat compared to other artificial immortals, Caelum makes it up with his strong mentality. He's shown that to be rather more emotionally calm than most children his age, and even some adults. Think of it as having extremely good self-control, where he is able to steel himself to act on knowledge instead of his emotions. However, it's not to say that it's entirely impossible for him to fail in this aspect. In general, he learns fast from his trials-and-errors and observations, and knows very well to never underestimate his enemies. 


"Nothing is indestructible. Even for me, if I have the right strategy and luck. "

As an orphan, Caelum Ho's family only consisted of his sister, Lambda Hou. According to his sister, they were both born as mortals, and the two siblings had gotten separated from their parents during an evacuation from his hometown. Since he was merely 4, he didn't remember much, other than that it was related to immortals being sighted very close to there. Though the two have continued to search for their parents, they have not found them yet. Being the 9 years apart, the two siblings had gotten along and were additionally attentive towards each other's emotional states, though to outsiders they just seemed like a pair that liked to bicker a lot over unimportant matters. 

As a means of finding some way to survive, Lambda had found a way of income as early as possible, to take care of her younger brother. At the age of 19, she had joined the military force to be a soldier in the Grand Fleet. From the few things she was allowed to talk to him about, Caelum could somewhat imagine the harsh reality of war. Yet to him, he couldn't truly feel the danger at all, as his entire world only consisted of school and home. From when he was young, Caelum took a particular liking to uncooperative games. This would include chess, card games, anything that he could get his hands on, including a mock-version of Kreigspiel (educational game for military schools in 18th century). 

His life took a drastic turn when the news about his sister's death had been told to him. There wasn't any details, other than that her body couldn't be recovered. There was an evident urge within him to find out the truth, and to find the several demons that were said to be the winning side of that battle. Thus, despite his age, he willingly volunteered to join the Grand Fleet's forces. 

Alignment: Neutral good. 

Energy type: Light. (Probably extends to other wavelengths in the EM spectrum)

Forms acquired:

Armour form: 


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