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Cabin in the Mountains (DemonicLillies)

Error 420

One Thousand Club
DemonicLillies DemonicLillies (yikes, changed my mind. I'm feeling a bit inspired. Also, ignore the prefix.)
You race through the Rockies on your sled, the cold night biting at your skin as you wrap yourself tighter in your robes. The dogs slow with tiredness, and you begin to drift off, but you continue for the night.

There has to be someone. There just has to be someone.

And then you see it. A lone cabin, perched in the crux of two low peaks, like a child in their cradle. An old ski lodge, maybe? Perhaps some mansion of a recluse millionaire? It doesn't matter. Your eyes well up with tears and your heart abounds as you look down on this cabin, and you see a fire. You feel a rapid pounding in your chest as the silhouette of a person flicks into view. A real person. You wrestle the reigns and drive the sled down the slope, as fast as you can. Finally, you are not alone.


You come to the door of the cabin, slowly leaving your sled. You step through the snow to the door of the cabin. Only the bottom floor is lit, by a dull, flickering flame. Coming to the door, you await your salvation, with a raised fist to the door, but you hesitate. For this time, you have known fear and paranoia. As you raise it once again to knock, it slowly comes open. An old man, about 5 foot, peeks out.

>"I'm here to help, sir. Let me in, please."
>"I give you thirty seconds to get out of this cabin before I break your neck."
>Say nothing.
A tall white haired woman gives the old man a nervous smile.

"Hello?" She mutters, hiding her hands in her jacket. She hoped he'd let her in, the cold was beginning to get to her and she didn't know how much longer she could last out here. Hell, she'd be grateful for just a little food.
DemonicLillies DemonicLillies
(alright, I wasn't expecting you to add in your own character information, but I like it. I can totally yes-and off of you, and that probably makes this game much more personalized to you. However, I will ask that from now on you keep it vague. Level of detail you have there is totally fine, though, and I like how you came up with your own thought process. I know it sounds weird, but I intended for everything, including your own motivations and past to be a mystery to you.)

You speak only "Hello?" to the old man, hoping to get out of the cold and perhaps find food other than the dry rations you've survived on for so long.

The old man looks you, square in the eye. His white irises and previous unfocused gaze implies to you that he is blind, but his look is almost intimidating. "What do you want from me?" The old man states, his voice a monotone growl. However, some part of you hears it shifted countless octaves, filling your ears with unknown, infinite harmony. You quickly disregard this as hallucination, nothing more.

>"Might I come in? I'm lost."
>"Let me in, worthless piece of meat."
"Hello, I'm Samantha. I've been looking for you."
>Say nothing.

Megeara Megeara I'd be happy to make one for you, give me a minute.
She quickly breaks eye contact, unnerved by his stare. Fiddling with her fingers, she manages to stammer something out.

"Might I come in? I'm lost." Her hopes of him saying yes were starting to fade, he didn't seem all too happy to see her. Well... less hope is better than none I suppose.

(Sounds good dude! I'll keep it vague from here!)
The old man says nothing. He widens the door, lowering the shotgun concealed behind it. He stands aside, as if to allow you passage. "Yes, my child. Come in." The room inside is quite large, having what appears to be a high-class living room complete with several comfy-looking chairs, tables, and a broad fireplace in the corner, containing a small, nearly dead flame.

>"Thank you, but I shall stay out here."
>Enter and sit down
>Try to disarm the old man
>Enter and remain standing by the door
DemonicLillies DemonicLillies
She smiles weakly and enters the home, remaining by the door. She can't help but give a few nervous glances at the gun. Why would he need something like that out here? Was the wildlife really that much of a problem? She shuddered a little at the thought.
The old man walks through a doorway into an adjoining room, placing the shotgun on an armchair near the door. He returns not long after with a metal tray, which holds an ornate tea set and a plate of biscotti. He sits down in the sofa nearest the fire, placing the tray on the table in the middle of the circle of chairs and sofas. The walls are adorned with bear skulls, all of them making a horizontal line about eight feet up on all four walls. They are all slanted in different directions.

>Sit. "Your fire is dying, you know."
>Sit. "Thank you very much."
>Take the shotgun
>Do nothing
She follows him into the other room, considering taking the gun before sitting down. Had she... really just considered that? The cold must really be getting to her now.

"Thank you very much." She forced a smile. Could she even fire a gun? She cleared her mind, trying to focus on the food.
He pours coffee from the kettle into two cups, gesturing to a bowl of sugar cubes and a container of milk. He begins putting sugar in the cup nearer to him. The presence of the gun lingers heavily in your mind. You are unsure if you fear the gun, or feel you may need it very soon.

"Child, why are you here? I have not had visitors for very long." His blind gaze stares ever onwards into the distance.

>"I told you, I am lost."
>"I am seeking something important."
>"None of your business, fucking cretin."
>"Why do you keep coffee in a tea set?"
She took a large sip of the coffee without adding anything. She really didn't care how it tasted, she just wanted to feel warm.

"Why do you keep coffee in a tea set?"
DemonicLillies DemonicLillies
The old man chuckles. "It's quite rude to not have a tea set to offer to visitors. I hate tea though." He continues adding cubes of sugar. At this point, the sugar has overfilled the cup, and as he adds cubes, sugar and coffee pours over the edge. He smiles off in roughly your direction.

>"Sir, you're overfilling your cup."
>"Sir, are you okay?"
>"I suppose that's fair."
>"Why are you all alone out here?"
(also, if you would please, watch the thread in case I forget to tag you in a post.)
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DemonicLillies DemonicLillies
(I'm so sorry, I thought I was waiting for you to reply.)

"Oh. I suppose so. That must be why I put it on a tray and not on the table..." The old man trails off. His eyes close, but he remains upright, slowly breathing, the fire quickly fading behind him. The living room around you is as already described, but you notice four doors leading out of it, besides the front door. All of them are rather small, and despite the pine walls, seem to be made of solid oak.

>"Hello? Sir?"
>Take the shotgun
>Leave to explore the cabin
>Leave the cabin

(Also, if two actions make sense to be one logical string of actions, for example taking the shotgun and leaving the cabin, I will often allow you to do them together. However, the same does not go with dialogue.)
DemonicLillies DemonicLillies
Alright, there are four doors from this room. One behind you leads to where the old man brought the coffee from, one is next to it, and the other two doors are lined up along with the others on the opposite wall. All four doors look the same.

>Door 1
>Door 2
>Door 3 (coffee)
>Door 4
You enter into what appears to be a carpeted room filled with the smells of old spices. However, you cannot see anything in this room. Looking around, you're likely to bump into a cabinet or be slain by a grue.

>Search this room
>Search living room
>Use another door
Door two leads to a hallway lit by a single glass lantern sitting on a shelf. There's no windows, and the hallway only leads to a very solid-looking red wooden door.

>Use another door (write in)
>Search hallway
>Search Living Room
>Open red door
You go to move the handle of the red door, but it's locked.

(Also, if there are readily movable objects on the ground like a cup or rock or lantern, you can pick them up as a part of another action.)

>Use another door (write in)
>Search hallway
>Search Living Room
>Attempt to break the door

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