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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2



Markus Smitikus, or Mark, was sitting in his office tinted in red light. Communications had been down for the last few weeks and he felt that he missed something important. Just as he finished with some important documents, his comms officer entered.

"Good news, sir. The Ion Storm has passed and communications are online."

The officer in front of Mark had only his left arm replaced with a cybernetic, in contrast to most people on the base. Just like Mark, the people of this base were Cyborgs, although with their free will. A successful experiment from the Cybernetics division, and as one of the first of them Mark was chosen to lead them.

Marks left eye glowed a brighter red at the news and his face relaxed a bit.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, sir. We have received news that the Philadelphia has been destroyed on the orders of Kane! And our Brotherhood forces have begun attacking GDI worldwide!"

A devilish grin spread across the Commanders face.

"Excellent. I see why you wanted to bring this news personally. Send me a recording later, I want to see the explosion myself."

The officer confirmed the order but did not leave yet. Marks right eyebrow raised questioningly, anticipating what he might have to say.

"Permission to speak, sir?"

"Go ahead."

"We have missed the initial opportunity to attack and GDI has begun to reinforce their blue zones. Since our forces are on the news, we will also have to act. So what are your orders?"

"What a clever man", Markus thought to himself, he might make a good commander in the future. But he'd have to prove himself more before then.

"We didn't prepare for an assault on the blue zones anyways so not much has changed. For now we will further build up our forces and assist our fellow brothers and sisters in their attacks, rather than blindly charge ahead on our own. Once we have more resources, we can draw a bigger picture... And maybe even be let in to Kanes plans ourselves. But for now we just have to prove that we are not useless. Direct all important communications directly into my office, no permission needed. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir."

Satisfied with the response the officer left and got back to his post. Soon a video of the Philadelphias destruction was sent to Marks terminal as well as the news of the last days. Seeing the station destroyed sent another wicked grin to his face. Yes, this is truly the prophets great plan.


Some time had passed since communications came back online and Mark was quite busy. The entire base is getting ready for whatever orders he had to give next, though some residents can be seen slacking in hidden corners. Soon all higher ups were called into a conference room for further planning.

After initial greeting were over, everyone discussed the most pressing concerns and most important pieces of news. And although most had different opinions on what had to be done next, it was ultimately up to the Commander to decide what they will do next. This wasn't a democracy after all.

"The Arctic Dread fleet requested some help. Their dredging docks got destroyed while unearthing some unknown warship. We'll send them some engineers to help. If they use them to repair the docks or investigate the ship, or both, I don't care. Worst case, they owe us some. Best case, we'll gain a new ally. Objections or concerns?"

One engineering officer raised his hand and was given permission to speak.

"What if they kill them?"

"Then they will be traitors of NOD and we'll have problems that are a lot bigger than some dead engineers. Not that I plan on losing them, mind you."

"They are a valuable resource, after all", Markus thought as the officer seemed to be mostly satisfied with that answer.

"Next, a base of our allies is getting besieged. Ready our main force to be sent out immediately after this meeting. I will be commanding them personally. We need to weaken GDI at every chance we can get, no mercy for the enemies of our great leader!"

"FOR KANE!", the officers shouted in unison.

"Lastly, another of our brothers has called for aid. Prepare further forces to move out whenever they are ready, though I will most likely not lead them. That honor will belong to one of you. Failure will not be tolerated. Remember: Peace through Power!"


With that Markus had relayed his orders and his officers went to work. Soon he set out with his armored forces. cyborg soldiers, and combat engineers. Meanwhile the rest of the officers began the second military operation, as well as deciding who would lead them. Although they would still need approval of Mark to set out.



The main military force with Markus leading them are on their way to reinforce their allies currently under siege by GDI forces.

Free Actions:

The bases spy network has been ordered to infiltrate GDI communications (crit fail).

A contingent of engineers will be sent to assist the Arctic Dreadfleet Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Action 1:

The surrounding area will be scavenged for anything useful. Everything else will be sold and other forces around are either destroyed or join NOD.

Action 2:

Using 2 units of Tiberium the researchers have been ordered to improve the efficiency for their resources and their usage.

(Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage)

Faction: NOD
Battalion Name: Tiberiums Chosen
Battalion Location: South America
Character Name: Cyborg Markus Smitikus

Character stats:

Intelligence: 2
Command: -1
Strategy: 1
Bureaucracy: 0

Faction Stats/Resources:

MP: (Military Power) 1
CP: (Credit Power) 0
EP: (Energy Power) 3 Usage: 5/5
TP: (Tiberium Power) 2 (-2)

Additional unit points: +500
Scrap: 0

Specialty: Mechs/Engineers


Cybermen - An upgraded Cybernetic technique. These are modified with Heavy Armor and build in Lasers

Six Shooter - A Light Mech that is quick and fires a steady stream of Laser pellet blasts at the enemy

Medusa - A Four Legged Mech that has two Lasers and a charged EMP blast. (EMP Cooldown: 4 combat rounds)

Tunneler Engineer - Engineers that can burrow through the earth with a single person drill. They can capture enemy buildings or repair your own and capture empty vehicles

Red Destroyer - A massive two legged Mech that towers over any Avatar. It fires multiple Heavy Lasers, Rocket Launchers and a singular Tri Missile blast. (One unit per mission)


The Strength of Kane - All Mech Units have an additional DR (Damage Reduction) of 1

Repair Drones - All Mechs come with repair drones that can help them more greatly survive battle.


Mech Factory - Gives a +1 to all Mech related rolls

Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage

Statue of Kane - All units in base gain an additional +1 to rolls and health

Communication hub - Gain an additional 500 points for purchase of units during battle.

Spy Network - Can roll an additional Hacking attempt for Hacking into player and npc Faction comms

Base defenses:

2 AA Turrets
1 Obelisk of Light

Special Units, Research, Other:

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Having received more communications to assist with things elsewhere in the world, the only one that seemed plausible or able to be benefitted from in their current position was the defecting NOD scientists in Australia, although they likely wouldn't be able to aid with much military assistance at all, they could at least provide a chance to move elsewhere to some and opportunity for a new location of science to spend their time. Although it would likely prove risky and that they'd just have to look to moving them for their safety and for Outcull's own benefit, no other comms or missions could be assisted with at their state considering they didn't have anywhere near any resources to even perform their initial plans. Having been unable to build the Hadron Collider for the wealth they lacked, they were ended up forced into acquiring a supposed renowned scientist in order to help things go better in the long run.

"Spend the time looking for ways to fix stock and resources, and maybe make the place more secure if it's possible. Going to check for scientists in Australia is rather more of an interest than anything" Vlhnnl spoke, wanting said workers to get on the problems that held over them, hoping that someone could come up with workarounds so they could manage a method to staying safe with all the war going on in the world. Since there wasn't much at all they could do in their position, they'd just have to wait to see if an opportunity popped up or if they'd have to spend longer biding their time without the funds or military to keep themselves save or progress their own matters.

Mission: 2B
Action 1: Research ways to get more Military, Credit, Energy and Tiberium power.
Research Center- Gain a +1 to rolls for research.
Science Marches On- When another player succeeds at research, roll a d10. On a 9+, you gain it too
- World renowned scientist

Action 2: Look for vehicles to repair, collect or harvest in the local area.
Mining Op-37 B

Action 1: Spare parts wanted- repair and construct additional harvester vehicles.
4 CP Spent

The Miners attempt to use the scrap to build themselves more Harvester Vehicles. Unfortunately due to mismanagement, most of the parts were misplaced. However, one really GREAT Harvester managed to be constructed.

Harvester Hero
Its all Green- Will always bring back maximum Tiberium, even in low regions of Tiberium
Sneaky Beaky- Even when strealth units are discovered, this unit remains stealthed.

Action 2:
Keep on keeping on- harvest Tiberium crystals. Gatherers go out with the Nod Harvesters.
Vehicle Factory- All vehicles gain a +1 to all rolls.
Tiberium Refinery- Gain an additional +1 TP every turn. When used with Harvesters vehicles, this also generates +1 CP every turn.
Tiberium Collectors- Your Faction is ESPECIALLY good at collecting tiberium. Double all Tiberium gains.

Gain 22 Tiberium from harvesting.

Scene: Assist the Scrappers in Civilian Mission 2-A. (( To be Resolved on Discord))
The Librarian's Guard

Wenert huffed as he climbed the steps towards the library that had been, and still was whenever he could find a free moment, his place of solace since he had come to Switzerland. The time since the destruction of the Philadelphia had not been as hard for the elderly man as it had been for many. He was, after all, within a fortified city, surrounded by a small but dedicated force that helped to protect him and the others who did their best to run it. And yet, the Swiss man had never been more worn down in his life. Between settling logistics as well as attempting to keep his citizens calm, he was rapidly beginning to feel his age more than he had in years.

As he crested the stairs at last, he took a moment to close his eyes and rest, leaning heavily on the old wooden cane that had never been far from him since an incident in his 30s. As the man recovered he heard a polite and small cough, causing him to open his eyes and incline his head to the young woman who had been following him.

"Herr Hafner, are you well?" Kira, his assistant, asked politely. Her posture betrayed no sense of doubt in his strength, stood a moderate distance back and with her hands full of paperwork. "It has been a hard few days and I know you are working much harder than most."

"I am fine Kira, I simply need to rest for a moment," He smiled at her, breathe evening out slowly. Once he was once more settled, he stepped forwards and pushed the doors to his former workplace open and entered it for the first time since the Philadelphia. As soon as he entered, he took a deep breath, the scent of old books flooding his nose and causing him to relax.

Signor Haffner! È così bello vederti!" The Italian came from the front desk, the young man standing there smiling at the duo as they entered. Waving them forwards he extended a hand to shake the elders. "È passato troppo tempo!"

"Sì, Elio. Ho cercato di trovare il tempo per venire, ma è stato occupato." Wenert responded just as easily as if the man had been speaking English, the words flowing smoothly as he returned the others handshake. "I am afraid I must ask that you speak in English though my friend, I'm afraid that Kira only speaks it and German thus far."

"N'oubliez pas que j'apprends aussi le français, Monsieur Haffner." The woman smiled, a hint of amusement crossing her face for a moment.
"I will do my best signore, I make no promise to mia ability with it of course," Elio's accent was thick, far more than either of the other two's own German ones, yet still understandable. "You are here to relax?"

"I am not unfortunately Elio, I came to ensure you received this," Wenert tipped his head to his companion, the woman stepping forward and placing her papers in front of the Italian man. "Research conducted by the Damocles Fleet, I want you to file this information away and ensure it survives. We have people all around the world trying to gather more of course, I want every bit of it to be preserved so that we may make use of it."

"I will do it Signore Haffner, I know that I am of little use elsewhere for now," The younger man smiled as he took the paperwork, scanning it for a moment. "Is this the only copy? Or shall I make some so that you may deliver to other important people?"

"We have others my friend, I simply wished to ensure you received yours properly," Wenert sighed and shook his head. "But now we must be off, there is always more work to be done. Stay safe my friend, I fear that the worse is yet to come after all."​


Deployment - Deploy the Defiant Battalion to Australia in order to aid the Civilians there (Mission 2C) (2 MP Devoted)

Free Action - Research of the Damocles Air Fleet taken (Improved Drones, increasing Tiberium gain by +3 Per turn)

Action 1 - Attempt to establish trade routes with other settlements within Blue zones, Dedicating 2 CP to the project.

Action 2 - Dedicate 1 CP to the construction of improved walls, attempting to make them safer than the current concrete.

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The Scrappers

In my entire life doing this, I have never watched this many people die. The worst part of it was the smell. The chemical fire that NOD used coupled with the stench of burning hair made something that wouldn't go away no matter how many times I washed. My nose, face, hands, hair - everything. It's all raw and bloody now because I keep trying to get that smell out.

I feel nothing but shame and hatred because on that day I ran away instead of dying with my brothers and sisters on the battlefield. I tell myself at night that it was because we couldn't lose the mech. That the mech’s value somehow justified me running like a dog. I wonder if I stayed, if it would have made any bit of difference.

On the first day when I came back, I slid out of the mech with a pale face and a filthy ash covering everything. I remember walking into the building where Sasha does all of his announcements. He already knew what happened, I could see it on his face. He had this awful look in his eye. I know he's seen tragedy, and I know he's had to tell mothers that their children are dead. But something about seeing this normally jolly man so barren made my gut feel even worse.

I couldn't even look him in the eye when I told him. And when the words came from my lips all he did was sigh and pour a glass of vodka for both of us. When I drink it, it mixed with the ash that was in my mouth and I'm fairly certain that I drank some of my fallen brothers. I was so numb to everything that happened at that point that it didn't even make me wetch.

Surprisingly, the first night sleeping was actually easy. All of the adrenaline that I was going through finally gave way to this awful tiredness. The next few nights were the worst though. I kept imagining my friends crawling through the muck, their skin crisping in the air from the chemical fire.

It all became so much. The days blended into weeks. Weeks of being unable to sleep, unable to eat, and unable to think about anything but what happened. I just wanted it all to stop.

I should probably tell everyone reading this that before I was a mech pilot, I was a heroin addict. I'm not proud of what I did during that time of my life, and if it weren't for Sasha giving me a chance with the scrappers, I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. Being in a mech made me feel normal again. It gave me a purpose. It gave me friends. But now? All of those friends are ashes feeding the trees in Canada. And I ran away instead of dying with them.

By the 5th week I wanted it. It took me some doing, but I found some. And when the needle first slipped into my veins I felt the screams and pain all finally go away. I remember slowly nodding off while watching the blue sky. Everything felt so serene. It was like when I was a kids sliding scissors through wrapping paper during Christmas time. It was that smooth, silky feeling that I'd honestly needed.

Honestly? If it weren't for what happened yesterday I'd probably still be doing heroin, and I probably wouldn't be contemplating suicide.

It all took place in my shop, and it was a beautiful night with fireflies flickering in the distance. I was tying off on the outstretched palm of my mech.I remember an old woman walking into my shop and fumbling around muttering for me. When she saw me on the palm of my mech she yelled at me to get down.

I slid off my mech and dusted myself off. I asked her what she wanted. And she told me that she was the mom of one of the people that died at the battle in Canada. I didn't really know what to say, she seemed distraught. And honestly I just wanted to get high.

Then she started crying. It was a cry that I've never heard in my entire life. It was a cry of a mother losing her son. In between her sobs she blamed me, she said that if I hadn't ran away I could have saved the battle. She gestured at my giant mech and said that this could have stomped all of the enemies. She called me a coward and said I should have died instead of them.

Eventually she left. And I just stood there feeling emptier than I ever had before.

I figured I'd write this because of all the people I let down, Sasha is the only one that is still alive. I want him and his brass to know that I still believe in the cause, and I still love our people. I just don't know if I can keep going. I don't know if I can endure another loss like that. I don't know if I'm even fit to be doing this in the first place.

My only request is if you find my body and know that I worked up the courage to do it, you find some other poor kid to train up. Maybe she can make better use of
my mech than I ever could.

Turn Events
+ 2 scrap from Junkyard
+ 2 CP from lumberyard

2 scrap
2 CP
+1 to all military rolls
+1 MP

1. Spend 2 CP to hire some accountants to up our bureaucracy
2. Spy on the upcoming NOD mission to better defeat them in battle

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The Neo Druids
Amirjah smiles, hearing the report from her people that she sent out. "Very good. Bring back what you can, a d see if the red zones have any new friends for us." She says, beginning her report for Dimitri. So far, so good. She hopes things continue to go in this direction. For now, she's going to work on their continued safety.

Search around the mission site for any new unit types
Work on building proper defensive structures for the camp.​
Czechoslovak Legion

Action 1:

After discovering the situation across Europe, Karel Janoušek has decided that it is time for him to intervene. He has decided to send an expeditionary force into France to contain the NOD presence there.
He will send out the I, IV, V and X Centuaries alongside the III and II Auxiliary cohorts to assist them.

A small series of structures including an Obelisk of Nod and some power Plants were discovered along with a small contingent of Nod troops in a small town in France.

(Being resolved on Discord)

Action 2:

He has also decided that, given the ease of which GDI positions fell across the fronts, that Prague's defences are inadequate. As such he has decided to put his new civilian engineers to work alongside his military ones to devise a new defensive system and construct new fortifications around the city.

The Civilian engineers work many long and hard nights, coming up with some ideas to bring better defenses to the city. They bring them forth. CHOOSE ONE OPTION:
- Fill the City with Hedgehogs (Large Anti Vehicle Metal structures) to prevent enemy vehicle travel.
- Fortify a Wall around the City with light anti infantry weapons powered by the city power grid
- Surround the city with a large moat and trenches


The main military force with Markus leading them are on their way to reinforce their allies currently under siege by GDI forces.

(Resolved on Discord)

Free Actions:

The bases spy network has been ordered to infiltrate GDI communications (crit fail).

A contingent of engineers will be sent to assist the Arctic Dreadfleet Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Action 1:

The surrounding area will be scavenged for anything useful. Everything else will be sold and other forces around are either destroyed or join NOD.

There wasn't as much in the surrounding area to be scavenged as the Chosen would have liked. However, there was one thing that drastically stood out. They managed to uncover the wreckage of CABAL's Core Defender which was believed to be the basis for the Nod Avatar.

The remaining scrap was sold for 2 CP and 1 TB respectively.

Action 2:

Using 2 units of Tiberium the researchers have been ordered to improve the efficiency for their resources and their usage.

(Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage)

The Research was a HUGE success. Through various bits of experimentation, they uncovered a way to get MORE out of Their resources.

- All current resource count are doubled
- All Tiberium Resources count as double when used
- Gain Triple Current CP Count.

Mission: 2B (TO be Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Research ways to get more Military, Credit, Energy and Tiberium power.
Research Center- Gain a +1 to rolls for research.

A revolutionary new method for increasing power in one way or another. There were a few avenues of research that could be chosen. PICK ONE:

- Increase MP by 1
- Gain 2 CP
- Increase EP by 1

Action 2: Look for vehicles to repair, collect or harvest in the local area.

You discover the remains of a Mammoth Mark II from the previous war. It will require 6 CP or 10 Scrap to get up and running again.
The Librarian's Guard

Deployment - Deploy the Defiant Battalion to Australia in order to aid the Civilians there (Mission 2C) (2 MP Devoted) (Resolved on Discord)

Free Action - Research of the Damocles Air Fleet taken (Improved Drones, increasing Tiberium gain by +3 Per turn)

Action 1 - Attempt to establish trade routes with other settlements within Blue zones, Dedicating 2 CP to the project.

Most settlements within the Blue Zones are currently wary of trading with those outside their own borders. One of the friendlier places manages to pick up as a delight though. Gain +1 CP every turn.

Action 2 - Dedicate 1 CP to the construction of improved walls, attempting to make them safer than the current concrete.

The walls needed to be better, they needed to be stronger. If there was anything these wars had shown them, it was a great need for defense.

The civil engineers came up with 3 options. CHOOSE ONE:

- Upgrade the Walls to a Plastine Iron Composite
- Reinforce the walls with Durosteel
- Add additional layers of Concrete, but place built in anti infantry westing by plug-in them directly into the Coty power grid.
The Scrappers

1. Spend 2 CP to hire some accountants to up our bureaucracy

With the spending of 2 CP, The Scrappers manage to hire a Weasly little man named Randall who at first glance seemed shifty, but at second glance, was EXTREMELY good at his job. +1 Bureaucracy.

2. Spy on the upcoming NOD mission to better defeat them in battle

Spying on NOD was not as easy a task as they would have liked. But it was easy enough that it would manage to give their forces an advantage in the upcoming battle. CHOOSE ONE:

- Gain a +2 to all Scrapper rolls for this battle.
- Force the Nod units to roll at -2 for this battle
- Gain an additional 500 points for this battle
Solice of the choir
Well things had gone... poorly to say the least in irland sinclar tapping the last video feed of the cyborg with a small huff. "As usual GDI wins through simple overwhelming firepower.. such is there oppressive thumb upon all.." he'd say with a sigh. "We must make our cyborg more efficient.. we can hardly field enough compared to what GDI can.. most concerning" he'd add consensus would humm with a nod. "yes yes I'll see what I can do already designed a more... advanced model theh might prove useful later.. still your right we can hardly field enough to win anymore lets see if we can't remedy it"

resources CPMPTPEP

Central Core- Can take an additional action every turn

Cyborg Factory- All Cyborg troops gain +1 to all rolls

war factory- All Ground Vehicles gain +1 to rolls.

Construction Crane- Generate 1 CP a turn. When you construct a building, gain another Base Defense structure.

Stealth Generator- Your base and all units in itis completely Stealthed unless they attack

tiberium generator +1 EP
tiberium refinery +1 Tp

shredder turret- provides defenses

laser turret- Provides defensesx2
We Are The Future- If a Battle is lost, do not lose MP. Can still lose MP in other ways.

Given Name- Have a Higher Chance of Earning Hero Units

construct- properganda Centre 2 Cp
reserch- efficient cyborg manufacturing 3tp
Use 2 EP to make a properganda footage of the irland battle to make GDI look like the bad guys and get extra support.
The Neo Druids

Search around the mission site for any new unit types

The Neo Druids search around the wreckage and while they don't seem to find any animals, they are able to put together some vehicles as well as armor for some of their friends.


- Cannon Launcher- HUGE Cannons worn by a Slithering Tort. They cause as much damage as Tank Fire.
- Mecha Bear- Tank Armor covered Grizzscorp.
- Net Tank- A rebuilt and modified Scorpion Tank capable of firing a high tensile Net.

Work on building proper defensive structures for the camp.

Construction was a success. You can choose 2 from this list:

- Heavy Walls
- Tiberium Pits
- Tiberium Trees
- Crystal Walls
- Animal Lure
Titan Corporation

Internal Memorandom Delta-2-Triton

Security forces are to be more strongly developed with our recent acquisition of Project Ichor and its staff. The facility must be kept secure and operational to pursue this dangerous work. It is unfortunate we cannot house the facility at HQ, but all data points to a volatility issue that we must observe. The board also prefer we maintain an increased security level to maintain some amount of spin control on information in case something does happen. We can easily blame any mishap upon NOD extremists setting off a tiberium explosive or other similar device.

Standing orders are to advance the budget for Project Ichor and aggressively expand its security protocols and installations. Espionage is just as bad as direct action, if not worse considering the value of this proprietary data. The Cancellation Clause has been activated for all Project Ichor staff. Should they be found engaging in covert actions against the company, they are to be detained for interrogation and termination.

Titan Security Solutions - Fighting for a New Tomorrow

1. Commence research on Project Ichor.
2. Expand security facilities around Project Ichor
Scene: Mission 2B - NOD Scientist Extraction
Solice of the choir

construct- properganda Centre 2 Cp

The Propaganda center was a success. It'll help the Choir preach their Propaganda right into the hearts and minds of the people. Gain a +2 bonus to all Propaganda rolls.

reserch- efficient cyborg manufacturing 3tp

The Research into efficient Cyborg manufacturing was an unmitigated disaster.

In the process of trying to make Cyborgs cheaper, they accidently caused them to be MORE EXPENSIVE.


Use 2 EP to make a properganda footage of the irland battle to make GDI look like the bad guys and get extra support.

Starting with the Nod News Networks, but also ending up on unaligned television networks, video is aired of GDI infighting in Ireland.

It shows GDI Mechanized forces from the Royal Mechanized Regiment first attacking a GDI Naval fleet and then rushing into the Ireland GDI base and demolishing it.

GDI is denying all allegations of GDI infighting, denouncing it as a NOD trick.

BELIEVERS join up in Droves. ALL NOD Players gain a fighting force of 3d5 NOD Militia in every battle.
Titan Corporation

1. Commence research on Project Ichor.

Project Ichor runs into several contingent issues. Luckily, nothing explosive was in danger of occurring.

However, in order to proceed, they'll need some blood samples from a variety of FORGOTTEN, a Sample of Blue Tiberium, and A Nod Focusing Crystal.

Once these things are acquired, progress can proceed at a rapid pace.

2. Expand security facilities around Project Ichor

Expansion of the actual facility for Project Ichor goes extremely well. The scientists are in better comfort as well as having more labs for the continued Project.

Project Ichor no longer suffers the effects of rolling a 1

Scene: Mission 2B - NOD Scientist Extraction


Gain 10 Nod Scientists
Ray Billings
Nod Mechanical engineer
Mechanical Science- Reroll all failed rolls on any mechanical science
I Can Fix It- Can automatically repair any one destroyed vehicle if it is brought to him
(Mission briefings will be posted in Faction specific channels. Attempt to hack to find out enemy missions)


NOD forces are in full retreat in the Eastern Seaboard of the United States Blue Zone as GDI reclaims several major military bases lost or threatened in the initial attack.

The Nod Ireland Front has completely collapsed due to a Brillant GDI Commander's push.

France is under almost complete Nod Control as drugs and Nod Propaganda run rampant.

While Nod is in full retreat in the UNITED STATES BLUE ZONES, they seem to be STRENGTHENING their positions in Yellow Zones.

Across the view screens of rooms across all of the GDI facilities of the British Isles, the face of Field Marshal Carwyn Jones was shown proudly talking to his troops.

“We have successfully driven Nod from Ireland in what will surely go down as one of the greatest military victories the world has ever seen. This was not done to the plans of the higher ups, it wasn't down to the inability of our enemies, it was as a result of your determination, your sacrifice and your courage to defend your fellow man from the evil menace that plagues the world.”

The pride on the face of Carwyn for his men was clear for all to see. His words were true, his men had done him and the whole of GDI proud.

“Yet even in victory we must take time to mourn the losses of our brothers and sisters who gave their lives to our victory. Their bravery will never be forgotten as their names are forever etched into the Wall of Heroes. We must use their memory and sacrifice as a reminder of why we stand against the red threat, why it matters that the world doesn't fall to the corrupt ideology that they spread.”

Carwyn paused as he addressed his troops, taking a moment to remember the fallen. He then continued with a renewed and determined vigour.

“The enemy is not yet defeated, nor should we think they are. They still live and breathe and in due course I expect an ego driven response that'll turn the British Isles into a meat grinder, yet I know that each of us would willingly give our lives to ensure that not even a single blade of grass becomes red territory. We will stand, we will fight and we will win.”




Research GDI Force Integration Tactics: Having integrated the Irish wing of GDI into the Royal Mechanised, develop tactics to allow efficient integration of the Irish units into the Royal Mechanised forces.

Expert Mechanized Research Facility - When researching upgrades for your Mechanized Forces, roll twice and keep the higher roll. Should the roll fail, Something will still be produced.


Research Obelisk: Using the recovered Obelisk Tower, create a mounted Obelisk for all Mechs to significantly increase damage output.

Expert Mechanized Research Facility - When researching upgrades for your Mechanized Forces, roll twice and keep the higher roll. Should the roll fail, Something will still be produced.

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Battalion Name: La Mula Muti

Battalion Location: Morocco, Africa

Character Name: Babalu

Character Stats:
Intelligence: -1
Command: 1
Strategy: 0
Bureaucracy: 2

Faction Stats:
MP (Military Power): 2
CP (Credit Power): 13(+3)
EP (Energy Power): 12 (+11)
TP (Tiberium Power): 5

Speciality: Tiberium Drugs


Nod Chemical Warriors
Wearing Light Armor and wielding rifles armed with chemical darts. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AGAIBST INFANTRY, BUT NON EFFECTIVE AGAINST ARMOR.

Nod Rover
Lightly armored Nod vehicle capable of high speeds.

Infused Rocket Trooper
Nod Rocket troopers that have been infused with tiberium drugs for improved strength, accuracy and endurance

Salvaged Nod Flame Tongue
Nod Subterranean Flame Tank from Tib War 2

Infused Heavy Commando
Heavily armored Nod Commando Infused with Tiberium drugs to improve their strength and endurance. Armed with Dual Heavy Repeating Lasers, and C4. (Can only have 1 on the field)


Legacy of The Crate
During Battle, can summon a Heavy Crate Mech (Junk Titan).

No Pain, No Gain
All foot troops gain an extra health


Construction Yard
Drug Factory
Statue of Boon

Construction Yard
2 Nod Power Plants
Drug Factory
Hand of Nod
2 Laser Turrets

Construction Yard
2 Nod Power Plants
Drug Factory
Hand of Nod
2 Laser Turrets

France Hub
Construction Yard
3 Nod Power Plants
Hand of Nod
Drug Factory
Repair Bay
2 Obelisks of Light
1 AA Quad

20 Credits
15 Tiberium
30 Scrap


Mysterious Medical Mutant Base
7 Forgotten Prisoners
3 France Front Tokens.
2 Medical facility tokens


Turn 3

Naraji moved with an air of purpose through the dimly lit corridors of the Moroccan fortress, her presence commanding attention, her every step precise and deliberate. Clad in a sharp, tailored uniform adorned with the insignia of Nod, she was the embodiment of elegance and discipline, a stark contrast to the chaos that often surrounded her.

The role of an intelligence officer within NOD was multifaceted, demanding a keen mind and an unwavering focus. Naraji was responsible for gathering and analyzing information, managing covert operations, and coordinating strategic initiatives. Her duties extended to overseeing communications, deciphering enemy plans, and ensuring that every move made by La Mula Muti was backed by reliable intelligence. It was a role that required constant vigilance and an ability to anticipate the enemy's next move.

In the war room, a large table was strewn with maps, documents, and holographic projections. The atmosphere was thick with the urgency of impending actions, the scent of incense mingling with the faint metallic tang of Tiberium. Despite the high-tech nature of their operations, much of the equipment was outdated and worn, a testament to Babalu's single-minded focus on his drug empire at the expense of maintaining his base. Ancient comms terminals crackled with static, and the once-advanced holo-projectors flickered inconsistently.

Naraji’s eyes flicked over the various reports and communications, her mind working at a rapid pace to piece together the intricate puzzle of war. Despite the shabbiness of her tools, she performed her duties with precision.

Babalu’s directives had set a whirlwind of activity into motion. Drugs were being funnelled into France and French Canada, exploiting the rising tide of Nod sentiment in these regions. Meanwhile, a final push was being planned on the French front, aimed at tipping the balance and bringing the country fully under Nod control. At the same time, shipments of scrap and salvaged materials from the front lines were arriving, destined to be transformed into formidable new weapons of war—tools that would further Nod's dominance.

Naraji leaned over a comms terminal, her fingers dancing over the controls as she dispatched orders and coordinated efforts. Her voice was calm and authoritative, each instruction clear and concise, even as the terminal sputtered and whined under her touch. "Deploy NOD Rovers to provide immediate support to the convoy en route to the new staging grounds," she instructed, her eyes scanning the tactical display, which intermittently lost signal. "Ensure that all communication channels are secure and encrypted. We cannot afford any leaks at this stage."

A subordinate approached, handing her a data pad with the latest intelligence reports. Naraji reviewed the information swiftly, her sharp mind absorbing every detail. "The GDI presence is increasing along the Eastern border," the subordinate reported. "Unsubstantiated reports of a military strike by GDI personnel."

Naraji nodded coolly despite the woman's addled state, her mind already formulating a response. She had worked for La Mula Muti long enough to recognise the effects of their drugs. Slack shoulders, heavy footed in her gait, her subordinate had taken Blue State. Sadly this was no surprise for the members of the support staff. Long hours, heavy workloads and improvised multi-tasking for many of them was certainly strainful. "Increase surveillance and deploy additional scouts to monitor their movements. We need real-time updates on their positions and intentions."

As she continued to manage the myriad tasks at hand, a message flashed across one of the screens, indicating the arrival of the shipment from the front to the French Hub. The scrap and salvaged materials were being offloaded, ready to be repurposed into the next generation of Nod war machines. Naraji turned her attention to the logistics officer. "Ensure the materials are taken directly to the fabrication units. Prioritize the assembly of the new weapons. We need them operational as soon as possible."

In the midst of the controlled chaos, Naraji's mind remained razor-sharp, though a current of tension ran beneath her composed exterior. She respected Babalu's position and the chain of command but his obsession with the drug trade often left the military and intelligence aspects of their operations in a state of neglect. She knew that his one-track mind could be a liability, and it fell upon her to compensate for his shortcomings.

With a final glance at the tactical display, Naraji took a deep breath, centering herself amidst the storm of activity. She knew that the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but with her unwavering focus and the strength of Nod behind her, she was confident that victory was within reach. Despite her private reservations about Babalu’s priorities, she remained steadfast in her duty, determined to see their shared vision of Nod supremacy realized.



Build new units (10 Scrap, 3 Credits, 1 Tiberium spent) (Factory, Repair Bay used)

Revisit Mysterious Medical Mutant Base (Medical facility token spent)
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((To be resolved on Discord))


Research GDI Force Integration Tactics: Having integrated the Irish wing of GDI into the Royal Mechanised, develop tactics to allow efficient integration of the Irish units into the Royal Mechanised forces.

Expert Mechanized Research Facility - When researching upgrades for your Mechanized Forces, roll twice and keep the higher roll. Should the roll fail, Something will still be produced.

Through hard work, perservence and lots and lots of good old GDI research and inguinity, they manage to integrate the Ireland Attack Firce into the royal mechanized army.

The Irish Forces do not benefit from Mech Bonuses, but are fully integrated into the command structure.

Gain access to the following units:

GDI Regulars- 50
GDI Grenadiers- 75
Humvee- 100
Medium Tanks- 125

Fiadh Kelley
Medium Tank Commander
Tanks R Us- All tanks under her command have an extra 1 Armor
Ramming Speed- As a full round action, she can crash the tank she is in and survive. But only when she rams


Research Obelisk: Using the recovered Obelisk Tower, create a mounted Obelisk for all Mechs to significantly increase damage output.

Expert Mechanized Research Facility - When researching upgrades for your Mechanized Forces, roll twice and keep the higher roll. Should the roll fail, Something will still be produced.

The Research into the recovered Obelisk Tower goes extremely well. At least as well as trying to reverse engineer the mad science that is Nod Technology.

It takes time to decipher. The bad news, it would require a MUCH larger and more intricate power source which will substantially increase the cost of your mechs.

Or, your engineers can create a new mech unit that can wield the Obelisk's power.

As a third alternative, your engineers can build a singular HEAVY UNIT to roam the battlefield.

- Substantially increase the cost of your units to give them all obelisks.
- Gain a new unit type that uses the Obelisks
- Gain a Hero unit Mech that wields the Obelisk
Solice of the choir
Central Core-

Cyborg Factory- All Cyborg troops gain +1 to all rolls

war factory- All Ground Vehicles gain +1 to rolls.

Construction Crane- Generate 1 CP a turn. When you construct a building, gain another Base Defense structure.

Stealth Generator- Your base and all units in itis completely Stealthed unless they attack

tiberium generator +1 EP
tiberium refinery +1 Tp

Propaganda centre: +2 on properganda rolls

shredder turret- provides defences

laser turret- Provides defensesx2

Obalisk of light- provides heavy defence

We Are The Future- If a Battle is lost, do not lose MP. Can still lose MP in other ways.

Given Name- Have a Higher Chance of Earning Hero Units

ALL NOD Players gain a fighting force of 3d5 NOD Militia in every battle.

failed streamlining: all cyborg units cost +25 additional points
upgraded targeting system: +1 chance to hit for auto-tanks

Research: Spends 1TP attempting to correct the overcost caused by the previous research
Construct: spend 1 CP to attempt the construction of an underground server farm in hopes to make some more credits via crypto (yes NOD NFT time lol)

mission: 3-C


Mark was quite displeased. The defense of the NOD base was an utter failure and failure was not tolerated much in the Brotherhood. His grumpy glare silenced his subordinates in the conference room as none dared to speak out against him in fear of retaliation.

"Sigh. The mission was a failure. I underestimated the strength of the GDI forces. I hope you all have some good news for me, rrright?"

The other leaders under him gulped heavily. None really wanted to report, even though they had positive news. They had no idea what might happen if Mark decided to punish someone but nobody was eager to find out. Eventually the science officer spoke up.

"Ehem. Happy to report that we made progress in our research. We have learned how to more efficiently use Tiberium for all purposes. We have effectively doubled what we can use. This is due to a breakthrough in-"

"That is enough, thank you...Send a copy of it to Kane, he will hopefully reward us for it. Could certainly help after my blunder..."
Markus' expression softened a bit.
"What happened to the expedition we sent out?"

One military officer gained enough courage to speak up after seeing their Commander relax.

"We could not provide the aid to other NOD forces as we hoped and instead searched the area for usable resources. Thanks to that our Credits and Tiberium supplies have been slightly restocked. More importantly, we managed to recover the destroyed Core Defender, which was used by KABAL during the Firestorm Crisis."

"Now that is interesting. I take it that we can restore it and that if we did, we won't lose control of it to some random AI?"

"Positive, Commander. The command center of the unit was totally destroyed and some engineers suggested that we replace it with a cockpit instead. As for the restoration, we would need to spend a considerable amount of effort and resources on it."

"Very good. Store the parts safely and repair what we can. We won't begin reconstruction until we have sufficient funds available. Let the engineers send me some of their proposals what we can do with it."

And engineer spoke up this time.

"We already have a few plans, such as mass production of a scaled down model or restoring it to its original functionality."

"Scaled down version is denied, we already have the Avatar for that. Instead I want it upgraded, to become an elite unit that can devastate the battlefield and strike fear in our enemies. Understood?"

"Gulp. Yes, sir."

The engineer seemed a bit dejected but the prospect of a superunit sparked a fervor in the other present officers.

After Mark laid out his plans for the research and expansion going forward, he addressed all of them.

"Good work everyone. You have brought glory to the Brotherhood and by extension, Kane. Keep it up. As soon as these projects are on their way I want you to assemble our forces, an opportunity will come soon to unleash them properly. Dismissed."



South America will be united under NOD. All parts of the red and yellow zones will be cleansed of the filth that is GDI. Everyone who is not with us, is against us!

Free action: Send a copy of the Tiberium research to Kane

Free action: Begin initial repairs on the Core Defender

Free action: Hack failed twice

Action 1:

Research ways to make the Mechs cheaper (-1 TP).

(Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage)
(Mech Factory - Gives a +1 to all Mech related rolls)
(Research: All Tiberium Resources count as double when used)

Action 2:

Establish a Tiberium refinery outpost nearby to supply the base with Tiberium (and maybe some Credits). The cyborgs should have no trouble with the side effects of Tiberium exposure and there are a lot of Tiberium fields in the yellow zone and the nearby red zone (-2 CP, -2 EP).

Faction: NOD
Battalion Name: Tiberiums Chosen
Battalion Location: South America
Character Name: Cyborg Markus Smitikus

Character stats:

Intelligence: 2
Command: -1
Strategy: 1
Bureaucracy: 0

Faction Stats/Resources:

MP: (Military Power) 1
CP: (Credit Power) 2 (-2)
EP: (Energy Power) 3 (-2) Usage: 5 (+2)/8
TP: (Tiberium Power) 1 (-1)

Additional unit points: +500
Scrap: 0

Specialty: Mechs/Engineers


Cybermen - An upgraded Cybernetic technique. These are modified with Heavy Armor and build in Lasers

Six Shooter - A Light Mech that is quick and fires a steady stream of Laser pellet blasts at the enemy

Medusa - A Four Legged Mech that has two Lasers and a charged EMP blast. (EMP Cooldown: 4 combat rounds)

Tunneler Engineer - Engineers that can burrow through the earth with a single person drill. They can capture enemy buildings or repair your own and capture empty vehicles

Red Destroyer - A massive two legged Mech that towers over any Avatar. It fires multiple Heavy Lasers, Rocket Launchers and a singular Tri Missile blast. (One unit per mission)


The Strength of Kane - All Mech Units have an additional DR (Damage Reduction) of 1

Repair Drones - All Mechs come with repair drones that can help them more greatly survive battle.


Mech Factory - Gives a +1 to all Mech related rolls

Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage

Statue of Kane - All units in base gain an additional +1 to rolls and health

Communication hub - Gain an additional 500 points for purchase of units during battle.

Spy Network - Can roll an additional Hacking attempt for Hacking into player and npc Faction comms

Base defenses:

2 AA Turrets
1 Obelisk of Light

Research: All Tiberium Resources count as double when used

CABAL Core Defender (wreckage)

"Kane is displeased" Token

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Titan Corporation
Titan Logo.jpg

Turn 3
Titan Stockholders Meeting Notes
Alfred Cronos Speaking

As many of you know, there have been recent concerns about the security of regions under the protection of the Titan Corporation. This is understandable as we all can see the world continuing its downward spiral into chaos. I applaud the GDI in their efforts to stabilize what regions they can after the tragic loss of the Philadelphia. Even now, Titan Funerary Functions is providing ongoing services to countless plan holders that are being identified as having passed during that unfortunate event. There are cries for Titan to do more, but that is always the cry, is it not?

Titan continues to be at the forefront of civil services and security solutions. Our phamaceuticals even now help to try to stave off the effects of Tiberium infection in a great many, saving them from the ignominy of become yet another mutant Forgotten. As of recently, our market research teams have discovered as new field of investment and profit to only continue to cement Titan as a leader in global solutions.


Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, Titan is going deeper than ever into the infonet and telecommunications. Already I have green-lit the construction of our new Daedalus facility right here in Munich. This facility will be the heart of a great endeavor to expand our reach into every home. Every batlefield. Every computer on this planet. The flow of information is a limitless commodity and protecting our consumers is paramount to ensuring Titan's destiny as the single most powerful and important corporation on the planet. Daedalus will give us the means to fend off the harassment of NOD hackers, Forgotten dataminers and even GDI surveillance protocols. Just as the Titans of myth shaped the world itself, so shall we shape this one and make it better.

Internal Memorandum
Project Icarus - Funding Approved

Security compromise attempt confirmed.
Targeting commenced.
Project Icarus set to go live upon completion of Daedalus Facility.

1: Build Daedalus Cyberwarfare Facility in Munich HQ
2: Launch Project Icarus upon completion of Daedalus Facility

Mission 3-A: Forgotten Hospital Hostages

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