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Futuristic By Blade and Gun Characters

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Farseer to the Warsong Clan
Da Rules: If I like your post, you're in. If I don't, I'll probly shoot you a message about why within 24 hours. If you have any questions or would like to consult me as part of the process, hit me in the Discord or DMs. Feel free to bbcode your app up, but also know that I don't care either way.




Appearance: Images or description are fine.

Martial Order: Knight, Forge Lord, or Valkyrie?

Religious Affiliations, if any:

Chivalric Virtue: This should be considered your character's highest virtue, though not the only one. Pick your own, or for inspiration: Valor, Temperance, Justice, Charity, Hope, Loyalty, Selflessness, Honesty, Wisdom, Perseverance, Humility, Generosity, Kindness, Accountability

Personality (Whatever format you like, just give me some meaningful info):

Biography (Impress me with your writing skills here.):

Skills: Generally its assumed your character is fully competent in combat, so don't bother mentioning it here unless they're supposed to be of a somewhat mythical tier. Besides that, things like being musically talented, a poet, medical expertise, certain areas of knowledge, Forge Lord expertise, etc.

Power Armor: See Lore for Power Armor Systems and History. You get 3 systems and 1 History, or 4 systems if your character is a Forge Lord. Also describe any heraldry, trophies, decorations, etc., here (Things like Tyrannid skulls, tabards, banners, captured enemy insignias or flags, battle scars, holy symbols, creature pelts, medals, iconography, sigils, tokens, etc.)

Weaponry: View the Weaponry section in lore. Unless your character is of extremely high status, its unlikely they're wielding a power weapon. Most Knights carry an ion weapon of some sort and some combination of a primary and secondary melee durasteel/chain weapon.

Squire/Forge Initiate/Valkyrie Initiate: (Not all Knights have Squires, but the practice is developing as more of the nobility have children coming of age to serve. The practice involves taking on responsibility for the training and character development of your charge, as well as accepting responsibility for their life which has been entrusted to you. As such, squires aren't commonly expected to participate in highly dangerous battles, but are often attendants on quests and have been known to participate in battles wearing less powerful suits of armor built by the Forge Lords which offer them more protection than a standard infantrymen. If you have such a follower, make a quick profile for them in a spoiler here - Name, age, relationship to you if any (say, son of a lord you're friendly with), equipment, maybe a little personal info. No need to get too in-depth here, as they are a purely secondary character.)
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Name: Arthur Pendragon

Age: 34

Homeworld: Earth

Appearance: Arthur has been treated with First Empire technology which has slowed his ageing.

Martial Order: King of the Core Commonwealth.

Religious Affiliations, if any: Solari, sympathetic to White Fay

Chivalric Virtue: Selflessness

Personality: Arthur is dedicated wholly to championing the cause of the Core Commonwealth and its beleaguered people. To that end, he's lived a life of war and command, culminating in the creation of the Order of the Round Table to serve his royal will. He is valorous, dedicated to his people, and a generous ruler interested in the security and prosperity of his subjects. He holds his subordinate lords and knights to an incredibly high standard to challenge them to be better, even where he himself is lacking. He loves Valerie Le Guin to the very core of his being, but both him and his wife know that his duty to his nation comes first. Publicly, Arthur is an inspiring and magnificent king, though he privately struggles with the immense burden of his troubled rule.

Biography: Arthur Pendragon was born 34 years ago in a subterranean tunnel city known to its occupants as Tintagel. There, he grew up in constant fear of the death-dealing Adherents and rogue knights of the surface world. When he came of age at 13, he began to train alongside his foster-brother Kay to serve in Tintagel's small defense force. Years later, while combing the ruins of the world above, he made his encounter with destiny; beneath the ruins of a tower so high it scraped the very skies, he discovered a bunker who's doors bore the seal of the legendary First Empire. All the men-at-arms of Tintagel strained to open it, but only Arthur, the lowliest of the lot, proved capable of opening it (though this was, in fact, due to a circumstance of DNA and not an indicator of worth, though this remains unknown to all). Within, a damaged suit of First Empire power armor and a sword lay dormant, both only activated when donned by the as of yet uncrowned king.

Wielding the unmatched might of the relic armor and the sword he dubbed Excalibur, Arthur set forth on a crusade against the many foes who beset his people. Over the course of a few years of pitched warfare, he declared dominion over Londinium, having slain its rival lords Colgrim and Baldulf as well as the Adherent Warmonger and Tyrannid Carnifex which plagued its ruins. As more and more knights rallied to his cause, Arthur found himself leading an army of the hopeful and, more regrettably, the opportunistic. Civil wars plagued the early years of his rule as he expanded outward, rallying courageous and just lords to his cause or putting the dastardly to the sword. Having all but settled dominion over the Earth, Arthur turned his armies to the skies.

Years of war on Earth turned to a decade and a half of war in space, raging across Luna, Mars, and Venus. At the garden world's capital he met the Valkyrie Valerie Le Guin, and their love has been a tale of unmatched passion across the Core Commonwealth. Their marriage, proof of the alliance of Earth and Venus, also brought the Knights of Mars under Arthur's banner. Having unified his kingdom, Arthur has spent the last several years attempting to hold it together against external and internal pressures, dispatching his Knights on quests and missions to provide salvation to his beleaguered people. One such quest, the hunt for the Grail, ended with the replacement of Arthur's first power armor suit - now, clad in an opulent suit of undamaged First Empire technology, he is nearly invincible.

Skills: Legendary Warrior, Strategist, Orator and Politician

Power Armor: Arthur wears the Grail, a First Empire power armor suit in pristine condition, recovered by the three Grail Knights Galahad, Percival, and B0R5 the Younger. It has fully enabled sub-systems, including a jump pack, an AI core slot to house M3RL1N, an entirely unique force field projector, and is festooned with trophies including the shattered crowns of petty tyrants, the jawbones of Tyrannids, and several Solari icons.

-Excalibur, a First Empire Power Sword
-The Cutting-Spear, a First Empire Power Lance
-Bulwark, a First Empire Power Shield
-Illuminator, a First Empire Ion Pistol
Name: Nathan the Red

Age: 29

Homeworld: Mars

Appearance: 2m tall, light brown skin, dark red hair, brown-red eyes

Martial Order: Forge Lords

Religious affiliations: Machine Spirit

Discovered this on his own fairly fast, due to his armor. Now he worships the machine spirits in secret

Chivalric Virtue: Honesty

The enemy does not deserve the truth, only the truth of what is to come: Death

Despises lying politicians


Nathan always questions everyone and everything. Having seen too many people die due to leaders not revealing the truth, he makes sure to always voice his doubts loud and clear. He doesn't care if he gets mocked for it and relationships take a long time to develop with him. But once you have his trust, he is absolutely loyal and nothing but the utmost treachery can make him turn on you.


Nathan was born and raised on Mars northern hemisphere, in a small town in the red desert. He was taught the most basic of combat skills, as no villager had great experience. When Morgan attacked Mars, the village elders assured everyone, that they are safe in the desert. However, they were not safe. One night, robotic soldiers attacked and destroyed the village, leaving no survivors. Except for Nathan, who fled into the desert.

In the desert, Nathan found, after a few days of intense struggle to survive, a cave. He went into it, for shelter before the heat and safety against the robots. However, this was no mere cave, it was a ruined bunker, buried for a long time under the sand. In it Nathan found an energy crossbow and his power armor, both damaged, but functional. Nathan donned the armor, and with it new strength.

After he found the armor, he fled towards the mountains. Resting and restocking his supplies in other destroyed villages, and encountering a few robots, which he blasted to bits, he finally reached the mountains. Once there, he joined one of the enclaves and began voicing complaints about their leadership. Sure enough, his complaints saved lifes more than once. Nathan, not being content with just helping these villagers, began supporting the Slave Knights from outside. His armor protected him from the scanners of the robots, and with his superior targeting system, he ambushed a lot of Morgans troops from a distance, retreating, when they came too close.

Once L4N-C3L-0T sparked the revolution of the Slave Knights, Nathan joined them and became known as „Nathan the Red“. After Mars joined Arthur, Nathan wanted to know more about this misterious armor that saved his life. So he joined the Forge Lordes and learned as much as he could from them, eventually becoming a Forge Lord himself. He repaired his armor and installed the Auto-Senses system into his helmet.

Now fully trained and with repaired armor, Nathan is driven towards politics, to finally end the never ending lies and empty promises.

Skills: Forge Lord expertise, Ranged Combat Legend, Survivor

Power Armor:

Power armor systems (4):

1 Auto-senses

5 Enhanced ceramite plating

7 Nutrient reciclyng

10 Chameleoline paint

Power armor history: 3 (not rolled)

None shall escape my wrath

Red armor, the symbol of the Forge Lords painted proudly on it's chest. Various insignias displaying his rank as well as the image of a paricularly big and nasty robot are displayed on it.


- Durasteel-shield

- Chain-sword

- Energy-crossbow (main weapon)
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Sir Fionnán Culhaill
Name: Sir Fionnán Culhaill
Age: 36
Homeworld: Earth
Appearance: Without the armour Fionnán is a burly fellow with a shock of red hair and a large, bushy beard to match. His eyes are brown and fierce, and his teeth are immaculate.

Martial Order: Knights of the Table
Religious Affiliations: Druidic, which occasionally has overlaps with certain Solari teachings
Chivalric Virtue: Tenacity

Personality: Fiercely loyal to Arthur and his cause, he considers those who do nothing to help the Core Commonwealth or actively prey upon the king and his allies as traitors to humanity, honourless vultures waiting for scraps but too blind to see the teeth gnashing at their own feet. He isn’t too polite to keep quiet about it either, since he has a mouth on him and the Culhaill fiery temper. After emerging from beneath his home town he has also developed a great respect for nature in addition to his keen interest in history, and would do whatever he could to protect the regrowing natural world of Earth and preserve the legacies and histories of those who have perished or been forgotten.

Fionnán was born to Lord Aidan and Lady Eilis Culhaill in the subterranean shelters below Lisburn, Northern Ireland. The city above ground was an area of fairly high MoRGAn-LFA activity, the twisted AI having chosen a vast area to the north to build a production facility of some sorts. Excursions up to the ruined city were infrequent and bloody, with casualties almost a certainty on each venture.

The Culhaill’s taught their son of his ancestry and of the history of their country, and instilled in him a love of both that they all shared. He also inherited their fiery disposition, and frequently clashed with them in regards to what should be done to reclaim their land from the beasts above. Against the wishes of his parents he became a squire under Sir Lorcain, a friend of the family. He learned the knightly duties, how to maintain armour, how to fight. His parents, initially furious, eventually realised that convincing him to give up his squireship would be impossible, and, pushed by Sir Lorcain who saw great potential in the boy, taught him of their family’s chivalric code to uphold when he became a knight.

There were only a handful of Forge Lords in the shelters, and the number of knights dwindled year after year. What was once a formidable force slowly became scores, then dozens. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the inhabitants could no longer defend themselves against the horrific forces above, but Fionnán continued his squireship undaunted, eventually becoming a fine knight in his own right. Despite his achievements, it seemed he was destined to join the ranks of the dead that littered the surface.

However, scant years after he first put on his knightly power armour, something changed. Vast numbers of Morgan’s forces started heading east, out of the city and across the sea. Something was drawing them, and it wasn’t long until they received communication from Londinium explaining the rise of Arthur and his war on all that assailed humanity. Fionnán knew it was the perfect time to strike and retake the city, though his parents, and many others, were wary. Regardless, Fionnán roused as many remaining knights as he could for one great assault. Forces from the surrounding areas promised their support if they could hold the area until they arrived, and they received the same offer from some English nobility who had grown especially hateful of the production facility Morgan had established to the north.

So it was that Fionnán and the other knights stormed the city one morning, a great number of Morgan’s forces having departed several nights before. There was still a veritable army of Tyrannids, androids, and Adherents remaining in the streets, and thus the Bloody Battle of Lisburn began.

The Lisburn knights clawed what they could back street by street, fighting tooth and nail for every inch. Fionnán himself demonstrated a ferocity he hadn’t had the chance to unleash before, as did many of the younger knights, and slowly progress was made. However, each step cost them dearly - several knights lost limbs before being struck down completely, others were overwhelmed when rounding corners. They were retaking part of the city, it was true, but without the promised support it was only a matter of time before they would all fall. Regardless, hope and rage burning in their chests, they fought on.

The fight extended into the night, where the losses grew worse. Certain Tyrannids hunted better at night, and not all of the knights had night vision in their armour. But still they fought, still they held, even against the horrors that gnawed and grasped and tore at them from the dark. Sir Lorcain fell sometime that night, but Fionnán could not pause to mourn, no time could be spared if those that remained wanted to see the next day. So, with aching muscles and heavy breath, they fought on.

Dawn painted the streets red as the sun lit up the blood and gore from the knight’s assault. The Lisburn knights numbered only a scant few by now, Fionnán among them as they used what rubble and ruins they could to funnel the beasts and villains into their blades. There was no end to the tide of flesh and machine that crashed against their shields, and still the promised support had not arrived. He and his comrades were fighting on their last reserves of adrenaline and fury, taking down as many as they could with their now sluggish slices and blows. A knight fell, speared by some horrific talon that got around his defense. Another was dragged from the group by his foot and lost to the horde. The last few knights were picked off, one by one, until only Fionnán remained, backed into a trench of fallen buildings and the bodies of his allies and enemies. Even so, even knowing his end approached, he fought on.

In truth, Fionnán fought alone for just minutes, but the gargantuan effort that followed a day and night of battle stretched that into an eternity. Protected on his sides and backed against a wall of debris, he could focus solely on dispatching each creature that lashed at him from the front. His armour was punctured, burned, and damaged, his arms screamed for relief, and his legs felt like searing hot lead. His pistol had been destroyed, blood streaked from a hole in the arm of his suit, and his chest pulled painfully when he moved as a couple of his ribs had been broken. He was sure that each enemy that approached would be the one to finish him, but each time his blade found them before they could put him down, their own bodies in turn making it harder for the rest to claw at him.

He didn’t hear the reinforcements arrive, so loud was his own pulse in his ears. He didn’t see them either, so weary and battle-focused was he that he could not see beyond the next enemy at his deformed shield. It was only when a hand grasped his arm that he stopped swinging long enough to realise that there were men, knights in full armour, in front of him instead of Morgan’s forces. It took him a few more moments to come to his senses, surrounded by the promised support from both Ireland and England, before he tore his helmet off, released a tear-stained cry to the heavens, and collapsed into their arms.

The fight was dubbed the Bloody Battle of Lisburn mostly by the support who came and cleared out the remaining Morgan forces - when they arrived a good portion of the city was drenched in blood and gore, illuminated by the dawning sun. Fionnán himself was regarded with a mix of awe and fear by those knights who first found him, and they spread the story of how they found him, fighting alone against the hordes among the bodies of the slain.

After Lisburn was retaken, the subterranean dwellers moved up to claim it and defend it along with support from various knights from the reinforcements. To this day, Lisburn has stood independent and free from Morgan’s forces, though the fight to destroy the facility to the north continues. Fionnán, something of a local celebrity after his efforts, sought out Arthur to join his Knights of the Table and reclaim the solar system for humanity. He swore fealty to his new King and followed his war out into the solar system, going wherever he was sent or needed at Arthur’s behest.

Skills: Sir Fionnán’s prowess in battle mostly matches those of the other knights, but his stamina and lasting power is exceptional - he is not the most graceful, nor the most strategic, nor a great leader, but his sheer endurance has earned him something of a reputation. Some of the more fanciful stories about him say that he can fight for weeks on end, can outlast an android’s battery life through force of will alone, and that he never sleeps. All patently false, of course, and while Finn doesn’t go around spouting off about his accomplishments, he’s not about to correct them either. Otherwise, he has solid knowledge of Irish history and folklore, and is developing his knowledge of nature in an attempt to nurture the Earth back to health once the war is over. He is also a chronicler of ancestries and lineages, and takes the study of such things very seriously.

Power Armour: First forged for him by the Forge Lord Scáthach, Fionnán has named his armour Dubán after the mythical shield wielded by Cú Chulainn in Irish mythology. It is relatively plain in terms of decoration, though the Culhaill coat of arms is engraved on the left side of the chestplate along with hexagonal symbols painted on the right and back to represent the iconic stones of Giant’s Causeway. The armour is slightly worn and scratched in places, but otherwise well-maintained.
  • Enhanced Ceramite Plating (5): The suit’s chestplate is reinforced with additional plating, which can often mean the difference between life or death.
  • Bio-Monitor & Injectors (6): The suit can automatically administer combat drugs, antitoxins, and pain suppressants. The effect of pain and poisons are diminished, though not entirely cured, by automatic injections.
  • Nutrient Recycling (7): Filters in the armour capture and purify body waste and convert it into a nutrient solution that is intravenously injected. The user can go three days instead of one before testing against starvation.
  • Lone Survivor (16): At some point, the previous or current wearer of this suit was involved in a terrible battle which saw all their comrades slain. Perhaps they fought a way clear, were left for dead, or were merely favoured by fate, but they emerged alive that day when no others did. Strange systems not understood by the Forge Lords seem to add extra protection to the wearer’s vitals, turning what may be a lethal blow into a grievous injury instead, though this is in no way reliable.
  • A mighty durasteel shield also of Forge Lord Scáthach’s design, many-times repaired
  • A chain sword, roughly of hand-and-a-half or bastard sword length
  • An ion revolver
Squire/Forge Initiate/Valkyrie Initiate: None

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