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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Burning Flags


A Disposable Teen
All characters will be accepted. If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could give a brief description of your character, either here or in your opening post. You don't have to decide whether you are a revolutionary or a supporter of the Party in the very beginning, that can come later. Just enjoy yourself.
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Name: Phoenix Moore

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: He is way too obsessed with danger and adventure. He's fairly irresponsible, never taking full responsibility for anything he does that could get him in trouble (and, more often than not, he's doing something that could get him in trouble). He's a troublemaker. He has major anger issues. He's a compulsive liar, and he recognizes this, but refuses to admit it. Even though he has a lot of flaws, he is very nice to people he considers his friends (although, that won't stop him from lying to them).

History: He was born when his mother was 18 years old, and his parents split up when he was only 2 years old. He had a fairly normal childhood, going back and forth between living with his mother and father. When he was 13 years old, a few of his friends got into drugs, and persuaded him into trying them as well. He told himself he'd 'just try them', but ended up addicted to more than one type of drug. He's been arrested 3 times, the first being when he was 15 years old, and stabbed one of his friends in the back (quite literally). A lot of authoritative figures strongly dislike him, and he knows it.

Skills: He's good at singing (but he won't admit it), lying (as previously mentioned), and has an Eidetic Memory (which means he can commit sounds, pictures and words to memory after only viewing/hearing them for a few seconds).

Social Status: He's pretty well known around his city, being the troublemaker, but he doesn't like popularity, and he certainly doesn't want any.

((@BlueOctober - Sorry that took so long, I was busy doing other things.))
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