Bulvarr Bearclaw


Three Thousand Club

Name: Bulvarr Bearclaw

Universe: The Elder Scrolls

Race: Nord

Gender: Male


Bulvarr is a stubborn man and loves to face challenges. He hates people who flee from a fight or when people send others to do it for them. An adventurous one, but has no trouble to do what he has to do to defend his home, Skyrim. Even going to far to desert from the Imperial Legion. He is not one to back down from a fight so fast, which earned him some scars and some dangerous situations. He does try to keep to agreements that are made, but doesn't mind to break them if they are for him morally wrong, like the treaty between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion which banned the worship of Talos.


Bulvarr was originally from Skyrim, he participated during the Great War against the Aldemari Dominion. After the war, he was still on duty at Cyrodille. However, when he heard about the Civil War in his country, he asked to transfered to Skyrim, only to be refused. After a long time of planning he deserted and traveled on his own to Skyrim, but making a long journey to the other side of Skyrim in order to avoid border guards. However, he was caught at the border and transported for execution with the Stormcloaks. Before he was executed, the town of Helgen was attacked by a dragon. Bulvarr managed to escape with help of Ralof. He went with Ralof to Riverwood, then went to Whiterun to warn the Jarl about the dragon. After warning the Jarl, Bulvarr was sent to Bleak Falls Barrow to find an ancient dragonstone. Bulvarr took the dragonstone and found a strange power there, but unaware of it. After bringing the dragonstone to Whiterun, Bulvarr helped the Whiterun guards to kill a dragon that attacked a watchtower nearby. After killing the dragon, he found out about his hidden powers and went back to Whiterun. Here he was granted the title of Thane and went to the Greybeard to learn about the Voice. His final trial was to retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. However, it wasn't there, in stead a letter leading to Riverwood. He took the horn and brought it to the Greybeards. After he returned to Riverwood to talk. He went with the owner of the Giant Inn to a dragon burial to stop the resurrection of a dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon was resurrected, but they managed to kill it. After, Bulvarr had to infiltrate the Dominion's Embassy in Skyrim. Here found out that one of the Blades was still alive and Bulvarr went to Riften to find this man. After finding the Blade member, the three went to Skyhaven Temple to find Alduin's Wall. Later he learned from the three heroes who fought Alduin how to defeat Alduin. Bulvarr slayed Alduin with help of the three heroes.

Several months later, Bulvarr received a message from someone who claimed to be part of the 'Dawnguard', a group of vampire hunters that was rebuilding its ranks against an increased amount of vampire attacks across Skyrim. Bulvarr agreed to join and traveled to Fort Dawnguard. After receiving his mission, he heads out to Dimhollow Crypt where he finds a vampire named Serana who is in possession of an Elder Scroll. Bulvarr and Serana travel to Serana's home, when inside they were greeted by Serana's father, Lord Harkun. Harkun offers as reward to become one of them, but Bulvarr refused and Harkun banishes him from Castle Volkihar. Bulvarr returns to Fort Dawnguard to report his findings. After a debate, he starts to search for a few potential recruits for the Dawnguard and bring them to Fort Dawnguard.

When Bulvarr returns, Isran, the leader of the Dawnguard, asks Bulvarr to come to him. To his surprise, he found Serana in Fort Dawnguard. Serana came to warn them about her father's plans. And after quite a debate, he and Serana went on search to find a Moth Priest to be able to read an Elder Scroll. After days of searching, they finally found a clue and found the carriage of the priest. Unfortunately, the vampires were faster and took the priest to a cave. Bulvarr found the priest and cleared the cave with Serana and brought the priest to Fort Dawnguard. The priest reads the Elder Scroll Serana had and saw a vision of Ariel's Bow.

Bulvarr's next objective is to find three Elders Scrolls, one that he already had to fight Alduin and one other from Serana. Bulvarr needed one more scroll. Serana did know who might had the scroll, but she didn't know where. Her mother had most likely the scroll, but she was gone. After searching for clues near Castle Volkihar, they find a way to Serana's mother and after helping her and beating a dragon called Durnevhiir, they get the Scroll and are ready for the next step. When they return they find out that the priest that had helped them, had become blind by reading the Elder Scroll. However, he did give Bulvarr instruction how to read an Elder Scroll without suffering the same blindness as the priest. After doing the Ritual of the Ancestor Moth, Bulvarr reads the Elder Scrolls and locates the location of Ariel's Bow. Bulvarr travels with Serana to the location of the bow.

When arriving, Bulvarr meets one of the last living snow elves. After some talking, the elf agrees to help Bulvarr finding the bow. On the condition that Bulvarr helps him killing his brother, who the elf believed to be corrupted by the falmer. Falmer are creatures that were once snow elves, but at some way turned into Falmers. After finding his way through the Inner Sanctum and the Forgotten Vale, they finally arrive at their destination were they fight and kill the snow elf's brother, who turned out to be a vampire. Bulvarr retrieves the Bow and goes back to Fort Dawnguard. It was time for the final attack. Bulvarr joins the Dawnguard force to attack Castle Volkihar and succesfully kills Harkun.

Bulvarr's actions weren't unnoticed and several people of a cult confronted and attacked him at the village of Riverwood, but they were easily cut down by Bulvarr and the Riverwood guards. After finding where the cultists came from, Bulvarr traveled to Solstheim alone. Bulvarr tries to investigate as soon as he can about the cultists and who attacked him. He finds a shrine which is being 'rebuild' by different people, from Raven Rock guards to Skaals and even outlaw. However, there was one Skaal not in some kind of trance, a woman called Frea. Bulvarr and Frea enters the temple of Miraak and finds at the end a Black Book. When reading it, Bulvarr came into Mora's realm, Apocrypha, where he met the man who had sent cultists after him. The First Dragonborn, Miraak. Unfortunately, Miraak attack Bulvarr before he could do anything. After a talk with Miraak, Bulvarr is send back to the Temple of Miraak after which he tried to find a way to stop Miraak. After cutting him off from his workforce, Bulvarr finds his way back and confronts Miraak. After a heated battle, Miraak is defeated. But to Bulvarr's disappointment, he did not kill Miraak. Miraak was killed by Mora for betraying the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Secrets.


Bulvarr is the Last Dragonborn, and has the power of the Thu'um under his control.

The Shouts (Thu'ums) he knows are:

Animal Allegiance 

Aura Whisper

Battle Furry 

Become Ethereal 

Bend Will  ( for the sake of not being OP, I will limit this power to NPCs only. If there will be no NPCs, then you can completely ignore this one)

Call Dragon

Call of Valor

Clear Skies



Dragon Aspect


Elemantary Fury

Frost Breath

Fire Breath

Ice Form

Kyne's Peace

Storm Call

Summon Durnevhiin

Throw Voice

Unrelenting Force

Whirlwind Sprin

Bulvarr also knows some basics of healing magic, though he rarely uses it.

He is well experienced in one-handed weapons in combination with a shield.

He is also good at ranged combat with a bow.


As for weapons, Bulvarr uses a steel sword and a banded iron shield. He also carries Ariel's Bow with steel arrows and sunhallowed elven arrows. This bow is deadly against the undead (in-game doing tripple damage to undead).


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