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Brothers (1x1) [Telios & DreadfulDragon]

"We have been burning things!!!!!" Shouted Vastril towards his fathe. Smiling profusely at him to try and divert the tension that is floating in the air. He looks towards Mir and pats his back. "I also have been trying to teach him how to fly" Vastril said with great pride in his voice.
"You should be more careful with yor fire breathing. Let's get back before your mom freaks out." The black dragon smiled and started to fly back to their home. "So how did Mir do?"
"Mir flapped his wings and.... That was about all the happened before I had to catch him" said Vastril to his father the black dragon. Vastril puffs out a breath, releasing a wisp of a fireball at a flower singeing it to the ground. "I feel he is just too small to fly. He might just be like one of the delicious tasting birds that can't fly." He shrugs his shoulders and looks back at Mir "I just don't know why he can't fly yet, I mean I flew at 30"
Mir sighed heavily and stayed quiet on Vastril's back. "Give him a chance. I didn't fly until I was around 120." Alfien, the black dragon answered.
"Fine fine I shall but once I teach him how to fly at least somewhat I am departing" Vastril said with the utmost content in his voice
"Let's hope your mom agree about the departure. I have no objections... but she might need a little encouragement." Alfien smiled, flying back to the cave they lived in.

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