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Realistic or Modern Broken Mirrors (Still Open)


I can't wait until Halloween~
The world is full of pressure, anxiety, rules, limits, expectations, pain, and darkness. All of these things come at us and sometimes they create demons inside that tear us apart a lot more then the world should ever see. And they don't see it, because we hide it behind masks, being the perfect image that everyone wants, as beautiful and prized as a great work of art, yet always left forgotten when it's no longer show and tell. It makes us distorted, having to always pretend and lock away our broken pieces.

We look in the mirror and see a twisted image of disappointment, worthlessness, and flaws. We are never good enough, whether we peer at the mirror to judge our beauty, our brains, or our success. Maybe all of it. It doesn't matter because what we see is never good enough. We always have to be better. Always.

This is the story of those broken people with broken mirrors. They strive in the world whether it be at school or at work, in serious relationships or fooling around, in anything, they strive. But all they see is failure.

They somehow meet others who are broken and they find that they can help each other. Maybe not fix them, maybe they can't glue all the pieces back together. But they can show each other the value in all the pieces, broken or still intact.

Jack parked his motorcycle by the sidewalk and swung his leg around to dismount. He pulled his helmet off and proceeded to lock it on his bike. He walked down the street and looked around at the shops lining it. His current topic was on women shopping and why because he had run out of original ideas for awhile.

He gazed a moment longer on the tattoo shop and the book shop though he knew he wouldn't find the woman he needed for his column in those businesses. Continuing on he stopped at a modern looking clothing store called Glitz and decided it'd be the first place he tried.


Lucy was walking to her college campus with her nose buried in a book, as usual. This time it was her favorite Austen novel, Mansfield Park. She could identify with how lonely and sad Fanny seemed.

Lucy was dressed in a long sleeved sweater that didn't seem much needed as it was just the beginning of fall but luckily it didn't warrant any questions. Her most recent cuts still stung as they rubbed against the material. She still felt self loathing for the scars she had inflicted on her body. She just couldn't help the worthlessness she felt.

That's why she read books. The hero archetypes always find their worth, except in 13 Reasons Why, he found the girl's worth instead but it was still a great book.

@Shimakage Thunder
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It has been a little over a month since Tracy almost died from Alcohol Poisoning. Two months ago, her Boyfriend of nine years broke up with her. All that was on her mind was...Why? What did she do wrong? She was happy, he was happy. Tracy was just really confused. She still is. She could still remember that separation, word for word, the time. All of the information that could possibly be there. Not to mention it was after a Date that she thought was really fun. Nine Years of Memories...All just thrown away in seconds.

"Tracy, we need to talk."

"Of course sweetheart, anything."

*She remembered holding hands with him, but then he yanked them away from her, leaving her confused*

"I don't think this is going to work out anymore."

"What do you mean? We've been together for nine years. How is it not going to work out now?"

"Let's just go our separate ways. Its just..."

"Just what? Babe, you know I love you, very much. Just tell me what's wrong and we can fix it."

*Tracy was on the verge of tears, but her boyfriend had a cold look on his face*

"Its nothing. I'm breaking up with you. I don't love you anymore..."

*Tears started streaming down Tracy's face, as she could hear glass shattering, because she had a broken heart*

"Well, if that's how it is, why did you wait till now!? I've been...I've been so happy since we met. I was happy to finally be in love, even though we were so young. But if this is how it is...I wish we broke up in High School."

*She would wipe her eyes with her arm*

"If you had...I wouldn't fallen in love with you this much. I wouldn't have been sad and jealous when you were flirting with other girls...And I wouldn't have to waste all that time with you AND SPEND IT ON SOMEHTING ELSE!"

*Her Boyfriend looked away*

"I'm sorry..."

"That's it...That's all you have to say? After stomping on my heart and crushing my dignity!?"

"I guess it is." *He shook his head* "Find someone else, love them. With all your heart. They'll be much more worth it than me."

*Tracy could only freeze and stand in shock as her now Ex-Boyfriend walked away*

She had slept in. Since the break-up, she had been sleeping...drinking and been very down in her mood. Nothing made her smile anymore. However, Tracy had been laying off on the Drinking since getting out of the Hospital. To help, she had been going to Therapy every Friday, but there hasn't been much improvement. Tracy questioned on whether or not if she'd be able to fall in love again. All those memories...Remembering them just wanted to make her cry. As she sat there in bed, her pet cat, Jackie, plopped himself right next her to her and started purring. "Hey Jackie...Sleep well?" she asked, petting her cat.

Jackie responded by meowing, which made her smile, but only briefly. Her pet Kitten jumped up onto the bed as well and brushed her head against her stomach. "Hey there Chloe. Is Jackie being nice to you?" She turned to the young kitten, stroking her.

The kitten responded with a fairly high pitched meow. "Awww, really? Jackie...You should be nicer to her." She gave Jackie a pouty face and he responded by meowing. "Awwww. C'mon, we all live in the same house. You gotta get used to it Jackie."

Jackie responded by standing up stretching and walking over to the kitten, licking her face and then jumping off the bed. Chloe was prompted to join him as they went over to their cat tree and just sat down after scratching around for a bit. Tracy sighed as she got out of bed, opening the door so that her cats can exit the room. Finally, she walked into another room, where her Tarantula, Sam, was. "I'll clean your cage when I get home."

There was only one cricket left. So today, that meant going to the pet store to buy some more Crickets and maybe a Rat...Not to mention there was a dead rat in the tank right now. Probably best to get rid of that before the day is over. Exiting the room, she looked at the Bulletin Board outside of her Office. Today seemed to be her day off. All she could use right now was a nice drive. What car to use today...? Today, she figured that she'd take her Lykan Hypersport out for a ride. Its been a long time since she has done that, so she wanted to do that. Not to mention its been a year since she has. Getting dressed, she quickly did her make-up before grabbing her Sunglasses. It didn't take her long to exit the Garage in the Hypersport. Setting her Purse on the Passenger seat, she quickly exited her Neighborhood. After a few minutes, she got a Red Stoplight and just hit the breaks. She just rolled down the window and waited.


Mac drove around in her truck trying to decided on where she wanted to go, she decided to go to get something to eat then got to the store and see if there was any new brushes, for her makeup kit. She finally found a place to park and stepped out of the grey f150 and headed towards a little coffee place.

She looked at her phone and noticed that her dad had sent her a lot of text messages, he was worried about her driving the new truck. And with her driving record it was
definitely no surprise. She ordered her regular large coffee with 3 cream and 2 sugars, She sat down at one of the tables and started looking through her emails and noticed that a store she liked got some new stuff in, she got up and walked over and quickly called her dad, it went to voicemail so she left him a message as she entered the store, Hey dad it's me, I may be a little late getting home, I'm getting some new clothes from Glitz so i'll let you know when I get back to the truck
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Jack had set his sights on nobody quite yet. He had three options so far but none of them seemed enticing. He was looking around under the pretense of buying for a girlfriend. Which he personally found funny since he rarely dated.

Just then another woman walked in. She was attractive and pretty young looking. He decided that she might be the most likely to answer his questions though he planned on talking to her after she found a spot to look at clothes. He didn't want ti come off too strong.


Vash got out of his beetle and started walking towards his work. He didn't want the employees seeing him coming since the new guy apparently started trouble. He seemed pretty relaxed though. He was looking around and thinking about how he would deal with the situation. Though he was glad he got to skip class for this.

Mac made her way through the different racks, figuring out what she already had and what would be a good addition to her always extending closet. She played her music loud enough so she could hear it but not too loud, she didn't like having headphones on at all really. She started singing along with the lyrics, she really could care less what people thought, and hey at least she sounded good.
With nothing better to do and since it was her day off, Tracy had thought about getting a few new books to read. Since sinking into depression, she had invested into a Library in hopes that gaining knowledge or even reading novels would help her cope with her depression. Regardless, she still missed her ex-Boyfriend. Just the other night, she saw him at the Nightclub she worked at...With a new girlfriend. She nearly got fired because she tried to start a fight with the new girlfriend. Luckily, her bosses were lenient and just gave her the following day off so she doesn't lose her temper like that a second time. Today, Tracy thought about getting some new True Crime Novels. She really enjoyed reading about Organized Crime, particularly about Al Capone or Lucky Luciano, even Carlo Gambino, or the Five Families of New York. She was always intrigued by them...The Glamourous Lifestyles they had, the money they made, the violence they left in their wake...All of it was just...Amazing.

After a couple of minutes of driving, the young woman parked next to a Beetle, which paled in comparison to her own car. As she opened her car door, she tried her best not to hit the neighboring car as she did so, as her Car Door didn't open the same way as most cars did.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/w-motors-lykan-hypersport_100433693_l.jpg.8611b34b9d7ef78ac4353515593609ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/w-motors-lykan-hypersport_100433693_l.jpg.8611b34b9d7ef78ac4353515593609ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jack smiled slightly as he heard the girl sing. It was nice. He loved music a lot and so he hoped that he could use it as a back up topic in case she didn't want to answer his questions. He tapped her on the shoulder and smiled in a friendly manner. He then thought about how that might startle her. But it was too late.

@Shimakage Thunder [/color]
As soon as she closed her Car Door and locked, the young woman looked around before entering the book store, even grabbing a basket to set her purse in. Running her hand through her hair, Tracy noticed a young man glancing at her car, then at her. She dismissed it because she didn't really care about Love, Sex or any of the sort right now. She then made her way towards the True Crime section of the store to see what kind of selection it had for her.


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